Friday, March 30, 2012

Congressman Rangel Back in Hospital

Even though it is the second time in a month that Congressman Charlie Rangel has been hospitalized, his campaign says that "all is well", and Rangel is not running to be a place holder for some one else. Politicker N.Y. has an interesting story on the events about Congressman Rangel's hospital stays that can be found here . The story has reports from several Rangel campaign people that say Rangel is running, and will serve out his full term.
We can only wait and see if that is true or if one of Rangel's challengers are elected instead.


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Senator Rivera Votes NO, Speaks to Missed Opportunities in the Budget

 Doesn’t Tackle Health Exchange, Transportation Funding and Funding for Tenants Protection Unit


  Senator Gustavo Rivera (D,-Bronx) voted today on 7 of 11 budget bills, voting NO on S. 6254D (Capital Funds), S.6250D (State Operations) and S.6256D (Health and Mental Hygiene). Prior to today, the State Senate had voted on 4 of the 11 budget bills, all of which Senator Rivera supported on the floor of the Senate.

Senator Rivera speaks on S.5254D (Capital Funds bill):

Senator Rivera speaks on S.6253E (Aid to Localities bill):

“Today the legislature missed several opportunities to improve the lives of working families by not creating a New York State Health Insurance Exchange, not allocating dedicated funding for the new Tenants Protection Unit within the Department of Housing and Community Renewal and by failing to fund the MTA Capital Plan at the levels necessary to avoid a fare hike next year,” said Senator Rivera. “I voted in support of the Aid to Localities budget bill, which included the restoration of funding for Neighborhood Preservation Program that supports organizations like the West Bronx Housing Resource Center and Fordham Bedford Housing.  I was also pleased that the Aid to Localities budget bill took several important steps forward to increase funding for our community colleges, for domestic violence programs and for the creation of the Office of New Americans, which will work to engage legal permanent residents and increase access to English Language education services and citizenship services.”

“I also want to credit the students, families, teachers and education advocates who came to Albany to express their outrage that $250 million would be allocated to competitive grants, instead of to the neediest schools in our state. Thanks in large part to their advocacy, only $50 million was finally allocated to competitive grants, while $200 million went to state aid.”

State Senate Democrats proposed a total of 7 amendments to the budget, all of which Senator Rivera supports. However, each time an amendment was introduced, Senate Republicans refused to allow the amendments to come to a vote. The amendments included votes on whether to include the following bills in the State Budget:

·         Funding for a Study on the Seismic Impact of Hydrofracking
·         Inclusion of the New York State DREAM Act
·         Increasing CUNY Foundation Aid
·         Creation of a Small Business Revolving Loan Fund
·         Creation of the New York State Health Insurance Exchange
·         Providing Medicaid relief for localities
·         Creation of Senior STAR Property tax Rebate for senior homeowners.

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  On Wednesday, March 28, 2012, the Council passed the Prevailing Wage Bill, co-sponsored by Council Member Oliver Koppell, that would require building owners to pay building service employees the “prevailing wage”, at least the same amount that government contractors pay their workers, in facilities that the city subsidizes or where the city leases space.   Among the categories of building services workers covered by the legislation are building cleaners, porters, janitors, gardeners, firemen, elevator operators, security guards,  door persons and  window cleaners.     
  Every year, the New York City Comptroller determines the prevailing wage schedule for building service employees, which is in the broad range of $20 an hour, but  varies based on the size, age and condition of the building/project in which the employee works and the building service employee’s tenure. The Comptroller is also responsible for monitoring compliance with provisions of the law.

  “The building service employees provide necessary services to hundreds of city subsidized properties and projects throughout the city.  For many of these workers this bill means higher wages that will make a huge difference for their families and help level the playing field between wealthier New Yorkers and those struggling to get into the middle class,” Koppell said.
  The Mayor plans to veto the bill but it appears that the Council has more than enough votes to override the veto.


  Also on Wednesday, March 29, 2012, the Council approved a bill, co-sponsored by Council Member Oliver Koppell, Chair of the Committee on Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Alcoholism, Drug Abuse and Disability Services, requiring that the existing Livery Passenger Bill of Rights, which is posted in every livery vehicle, include the right  that disabled individuals are entitled to price and service levels equivalent to those provided to non-disabled passengers, including being able to request a wheelchair accessible vehicle.
  Presently, the Bill of Rights enumerates twelve rights that a passenger has, including having a courteous driver, clean car and not having to tip for poor service.  However, there is no specification of the service that disabled people are entitled to under rules promulgated by the Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC). This bill would require that the currently existing Livery Passenger Bill of Rights be augmented to include a provision notifying disabled passengers of their rights.
  “I am pleased that this bill will enable disabled individual to be aware of their rights and be in a better position to obtain the service to which they are entitled,” Koppell said.


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What You Should Know by Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz

What Have New York State Senior Citizens Done to Governor Andrew Cuomo?

What does Governor Andrew Cuomo have against the Senior Citizens of New York State?
You should know that last year he refused to extend the Millionaires Tax, but apparently thought that it was appropriate to slash approximately $58 million from EPIC, the State program that provides prescription drug insurance coverage for eligible Seniors. The impact of this cut, and the partial restoration of $22 million, forced many seniors to be socked with a co-pay of 25% of the cost of their prescription drugs!

Apparently, Governor Cuomo was not satisfied with last year’s proposal to cut services to Senior Citizens.  This year the Governor recommended a $48 million dollar cut to EPIC. The Senate Republicans, yes, you read that correctly, the Senate Republicans proposed to completely restore this cut in their one-house budget resolution, but were prevented by our own Democratic Legislators in the Assembly for including the full restoration in the final budget.  

You should know that the Democratic Assembly, refused to include a single dollar in restoring EPIC.  I cannot figure out for the life of me why the Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo and the Democrat Sheldon Silver who controls the Assembly have allowed the Senate Republicans to look like the heroes and the protectors of Senior Citizens in the fight for EPIC.

So, where are we now? Final budget negotiations have restored $30 million to EPIC. This restoration will mean that the maximum co-pay for EPIC will be $20. Sounds great, doesn’t it?  Not so fast! After all, it is important that you should know that the Seniors of New York State will have to wait until January 1, 2013 to be able to benefit from this so-called victory.  In other words, no Senior Citizen should get sick between now and January 2013.

I was not surprised when I read the following statement issued by AARP: “The average EPIC enrollee is a 78-year-old widow who takes four prescriptions. Since the devastating EPIC cut took effect on January 1st  of this year, we have been hearing very troubling stories of seniors leaving the pharmacy counter without their medications because EPIC no longer provided co-pay assistance”. You should know that these are the consequences of the cuts proposed by Governor Cuomo and voted for by the State Legislature.

Now we all have to ask: “What is this 78 year-old widow supposed to do between now and January 1, 2013?” Hope and pray that she doesn’t get any sicker and find that she needs a fifth or sixth prescription?

 AARP and Statewide Senior Action Council, two of the major advocacy organizations for Seniors in New York State, are hailing this as a “win” and as a “victory” for Seniors. What win? What victory?
The Statewide Senior Action Council, another group that advocates for Senior Citizen’s rights, in its testimony during this year’s budget conference committee, stated that: “The cuts to the EPIC program which were enacted last year have taken full effect on January 1, 2012 and are a shock to many older persons.  They are having a devastating impact on those with low incomes…” Some state legislators have told us they didn’t realize that what they voted for in the budget would lead to the devastating cuts in EPIC.”

Did I understand that correctly? Some legislators didn’t know that their votes would lead to such devastating cuts? What a travesty!

Well, there is no mistaking now what a vote in favor of this budget will do. It is true that co-pays will be limited to no more than $20 for each prescription but not until January, 2013!

Until then, what are the seniors in my district and throughout the State supposed to do?  You should know and remember that elderly New Yorkers don’t only live in the South Bronx.  They live all over New York State: in Senator Roy McDonald’s District; in Senator Jim Alesi’s District; in Senator Mark Grisanti’s District; and even in Senator Stephen Saland’s District.

What are all these seniors supposed to do when their Senators, including the Black and Hispanic Senators are voting proudly and praising Governor Andrew Cuomo for a budget that hurts them the most?

I am Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.

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Baseball in The Bronx UPDATE

Baseball In The Bronx!
Dear Friends, Colleagues and Neighbors,

yankee logo

FREE triple play passes are now available for the BASEBALL IN THE BRONX
exhibition at the Bronx Museum 
                April 13 - May 13 FREE TRIPLE PLAY PASSES INCLUDE:
  •  Admission to the BASEBALL IN THE BRONX exhibit
  • Admission to any of the BASEBALL IN THE BRONX special events
  • Ride the BASEBALL IN THE BRONX trolley from the museum to the stadium during Opening Week
Get your Triple Play Pass today ONLY at the 161st Street BID
To reserve tickets for your family, school, club, team or other organization, please contact the BID at 

ADMISSION AND REFRESHMENTS ARE FREE, courtesy of the 161 st Street Business Improvement District with the generous support of SBS' Avenue NYC Program, The New York Yankees Foundation, The Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation, Bronx-Lebanon Hospital and Sparrow Construction.

For a Full List of the week-long events and lectures check out the link below:  

  •  Admission to the BASEBALL IN THE BRONX exhibit
  • Admission to any of the BASEBALL IN THE BRONX special events
  • Ride the BASEBALL IN THE BRONX trolley from the museum to the stadium during Opening Week
Get your Triple Play Pass today ONLY at the 161st Street BID
To reserve tickets for your family, school, club, team or other organization, please contact

Recently discovered photographs of Elston Howard, Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris and Frank Sinatra will be on display at the upcoming, "BASEBALL IN THE BRONX", at The Bronx Museum of the Arts beginning Opening Day, Friday, April 13.

These never-shown-before pictures capture the glory of the team and the 1950’s and 1960’s.

BASEBALL IN THE BRONX is co-produced by The 161st Street BID and The Bronx Museum.
The project is generously supported by The New York Yankees Foundation and The NYC Small Business Services, Avenue NYC program. Additional funding  provided by The Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center, The Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation and Sparrow Construction.


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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sen. Klein Encourages Constituents to Submit Their Suggestions for “Women of Distinction”

  State Senator Jeffrey D. Klein called on his constituents today to submit their suggestions for dedicated and distinguished community leaders for the New York Senate’s “Women of Distinction” program.

The submission deadline will be the close of business on April 5, 2012.   

The “Women of Distinction” program was created by the Senate in 1998 to recognize the historic contributions of New Yorkers in celebration of National Women’s History Month, observed each March. Senator Klein will join each of his colleagues in each placing forward one distinguished and accomplished woman from their respective districts.

Each honoree nominated travels up to Albany to spend time with Senator Klein and will be honored by a legislative resolution on the Senate Floor. A photograph and biography for each honoree will be displayed in a special public exhibit in the Legislative Office Building.  In the past, Senator Klein has honored distinguished women such as Virginia Gallagher of City Island in 2011, Eileen Frey of Eastchester in 2010, and Roseann Carotenuto of Throggs Neck in 2009.

“I’m pleased to yet again have the opportunity to place forward an accomplished respected leader from my district for Woman’s History Month”, said Senator Klein. “There are many women who are deserving of such a distinction and I look forward to reviewing the input of my constituents on this important matter.”

“I was extremely honored to be selected by Senator Klein for my service to the City Island community,” said Virginia Gallagher, a longstanding community advocate on City Island and administrator of Pilot Cove Manor Senior Citizen Housing. “Going to the Senate and reception afterwards was fabulous. It was a highlight to meet and speak with the Lieutenant Governor as well.”

“I was honored to be honored” said Eileen Frey, who administers a charity on behalf of her late son who was killed in the line of duty with the Eachester Police Department.  “The people in Albany and the ceremony were lovely.”

“It was an amazing experience” said Roseann Carotenuto, the superintendent of Bronx Catholic Schools for the New York Archdiocese “It was an honor given to me by Senator Klein built upon the hard work of not only myself but our students, teachers and administrators.”

Constituents of the 34th Senatorial District are encouraged to submit their suggestions to the Senator’s office by either calling (718) 822-2049 or preferably by sending a short submission to the Senator’s email at The deadline for all submissions is April 5th 2012.


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