Saturday, November 16, 2013

Senator Klein Graffiti Clean up in 45th Pct.

Jeffrey D. Klein

 State Senator Jeff Klein & 45th Pct. Commander Capt. James R. McGeown in their regular attire.

  However as you will see in the photos below both were dressed in jeans along with the Chairman & District Manager of Community Board 10, and many others volunteers who helped rid the 45th Pct. of some of its graffiti. 

  Gallons of paint, cans of graffiti remover, boxes of gloves, dozens of paint brushes and rollers, greeted the volunteers at the 45th Pct. when they met and Senator Klein addressed the problem . Klein said that as soon as graffiti is put up photos must be taken for evidence to ID the person who did it. The next step is to get rid of the graffiti, and go to the District Attorney for prosecution of the offender. Sen. Klein added that his court monitoring program then sits in on cases to let the judge know that the community wants more than just a slap on the wrist to the offender, they want that person off the streets in jail.

  Senator Klein presented citations to Mr. John Rebetto and Mr. Sidney Flores for their excellent work in helping to rid the community of graffiti. 


 Left - Senator Jeff Klein stresses the importance of wiping out graffiti as soon as it appears.
Right - Senator Klein, 45th Pct. Captain James R. McGeown with Mr. Flores and Mr. Rebetto.


Left - the paint and supplies that greeted the clean up volunteers - Right.


Left - Senator Klein mans the wall roller as he paints over some recent graffiti on an underpass of the Cross Bronx Expressway.
Right - CB 10 District Manager Kenneth Kearns puts the roller to the wall.


Left - CB 10 Chairman John Marano climbs up along the highway to paint over this graffiti.
Right - What the wall now looks like after being painted over.

Bronx LGBTQ Center Wants to Talk to Cardinal Spellman High School

  This comes from the New Bronx LGBTQ Center who are expressing their desire to engage in dialogue with Cardinal Spellman High School regarding its intention to have a speaker from an organization that advocates "treating" LGBTQ individuals to "cure" their "gay addiction" using principles of 12-step programs address the school.

  The new Bronx LGBTQ Center is deeply concerned after learning that Cardinal Spellman High School has invited Father Donald Timone to speak at its school about LGBTQ issues.
While we respect freedom of speech, we do not respect bullying and hate speech, especially when it negatively impacts the lives of at-risk teenagers. Fr. Timone's misinformed and unenlightened rhetoric adds to the toxic environment that drives so many LGBTQ youth to despair—and beyond.
"No educational institution should be so irresponsible as to invite someone whose entire approach to LGBTQ individuals is based on bad science. Exodus International, a Christian ministry that formerly advocated attempts to 'pray away the gay' (i.e. conversion therapy), recently disbanded after admitting that a person's sexual orientation cannot be changed and that reparative therapy is in fact harmful," Peter C. Frank, the Center's secretary stated.
Fr. Timone is affiliated with COURAGE, an organization that treats gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people as addicts curable by participation in a 12-step program, instead of accepting and respecting them as the loving individuals they are. Courage's "free speech" promotes self-loathing among LGBTQ individuals and encourages others to hate LGBTQ people simply for being who they are, thus putting them at a greater risk of being bullied.
We strongly condemn the notion that being LGBTQ can be "treated" with 12-step programs or by any other method. Mr. Frank added, "Cardinal Spellman High School should instead, like Pope Francis's recent statements, be sending a message of love, inclusion, and acceptance.”

We join with LGBTQ spiritual leaders in calling for dialogue with Fr. Timone and the Archdiocese of New York, as these types of belief systems lead to violence and homelessness.
Rev. Carmen Hernandez
We at the Bronx LGBTQ Center want all youth to know that you are fine just as you are. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, whether you're straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or questioning. We accept and celebrate you for who you are," Rev. Carmen Hernandez, a board member of the Center, said.
"The Bronx LGBTQ Center is a safe space for all who are struggling with issues of sexual orientation or gender identity. Our Youth Group meets at 4pm every Friday at Union Community Health Center, 260 East 188th Street, 5th Floor, the Bronx," Mr. Frank noted.

Bronx Democratic County Holiday Celebration

Chairman Carl E. Heastie,
Bronx Democratic County Committee
& Bronx Young Democrats
Cordially invite you to our
2013 BDCC 
Holiday Celebration
When: December 9th, 2013
Where: UFT Bronx Headquarters
2500 Halsey Street
Bronx, NY 10461
Time: 6:00PM – 9:00PM
PLEASE CALL 718 - 679 -9000 OR
The BDCC Holiday Party is a free event and open to Bronx Residents.

Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj Job Fair

Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj
Proudly Presents the For those looking for Employment, Networking Opportunities, or a Change of Career
This is the place for you!
Please join us for a Community Resource Fair!
Take your career into a new direction and unite ability with opportunity
Tuesday December 3, 2013
4:30pm - 8:30pm
Bronx House
990 Pelham Parkway South
Our Partners:
Companies participating will be looking for full - time, part - time, and internship positions.
Please attend in professional attire and bring at least 25 resumes with you.
For Sponsorship/Participation Information:
(718) 828 - 8228
For Additional Information:
(718) 409 - 0109
Open to all ages and experience levels.
2013 Job Fair

Friday, November 15, 2013


   At its Stated Meeting on Thursday, November 14, 2013, the Council approved a bill, co-sponsored by Council Member Oliver Koppell, to permanently change the name of “South Road,” between Merrick Boulevard and Remington Street in Queens, to Tuskegee Airmen Way and to amend the New York City Map accordingly.
The Tuskegee Airmen were African-American pilots who fought in World War 11 and were the first African-American military aviators in the United States Armed Forces.  In total, 996 pilots were trained at Tuskegee Army Air Field in Tuskegee, Alabama from 1941 to 1945 with approximately 445 men deployed overseas.
The Tuskegee Airmen, who were known as Red Tails because of the distinctive red paint predominately applied on the tail section of their aircrafts, had an impressive combat record. They were credited with 15,533 combat sorties and 1478 missions flown. 150 Tuskegee Airmen, including 66 pilots, lost their lives in accidents or combat, and 32 fell into captivity as prisoners of war. They received numerous awards and decorations for valor and performance, including the Congressional Gold Medal in 2007.
Koppell said, “Not only have the Tuskegee Airmen been recognized for their bravery, they have  also been recognized for helping spur the desegregation of the United States Military and their contributions during the Civil Rights movement.”
Surviving members still take part in educating and inspiring youth at the Queens Library Center in Jamaica and at York College.  In 2009, York College opened an exhibition consisting of photographs, a replica of the Congressional Gold medal, a replica of the P-51 Mustang with its distinctive “Red Tail” and a life-sized statue of a Tuskegee Airman.   
“I feel privileged to have as a constituent Dr. Roscoe C. Brown, a Tuskegee Airman and former President of Bronx Community College. He is someone of whom I have always been very proud and I am pleased that the Council has voted to acknowledge his service and that of his fellow airmen by naming a street in their honor,” Koppell said.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Obama Takes Hit For Poor Roll-Out of the Affordable Health Care Act

  In a press conference today President Obama admitted that he thought the Affordable Health Care Act would be rolled out with only minor glitches. The President said that a fix of having Americans continue with their current coverage, "even if the coverage does not meet the standards of the AHCA" for one year. He spoke for over one hour answering the many questions that were asked of him. 

  The President however opened the meeting by discussing the tragedy that had occurred in the Philippines, and what the United States was doing to help the people of the Philippines.

  It is believed that continued pressure from Democrats who were beginning to hear from their constitutes that their health care was being or had been cancelled due to the roll-out of Obama Care. Calls also were that it was very hard for people to get thru so they could enroll for the new Affordable Health Care. One new problem with this new fix is how are Insurance companies going to undo cancellations that were already done?

  Here is a link to a story in the Washington Post with the full transcript of the news conference by President Obama.



Bronx Chamber Logo 
President & CEO of the Bronx Chamber of Commerce
Lenny Caro, Ph.D
to be honored by
on Thursday, November 21st
at the Marina del Rey

With any questions, please contact


  Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. released the final report of his Community Board District Office Management Taskforce, outlining various ways that the borough’s 12 Community Boards can work together to improve service delivery for the residents of the Bronx.

“Our community boards are often the first line of defense when it comes to our neighborhoods, be it concerns over new development, quality of life and the many other issues that the 1.4 million residents of this borough care about, and are focused on every day,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. “This report outlines some new ideas that can make our borough’s community boards, which already play a major role in the lives of the people of the Bronx, even more relevant.”

"Like the City and Borough we are comprised of the role, image, and function of the Community Boards has changed and evolved over time.  Our charge from the Borough President has been to analyze the constantly evolving roll of the Community Boards and provide our recommendations to adapt this crucial element of our city governance to accurately reflect a modern dynamic,” said Jose Rodriguez, District Manager of Bronx Community Board #4 and chairman of the task force.  “As such, it is the assessment of this Task Force that the aforementioned recommendations take the most effective and cost efficient approach in ensuring the stability and function of the Community Boards while increasing services and the manner in which they are delivered.  The recommendations highlighted provide a multi-disciplined approach including policy, social service, and technology.  It is the belief of this Task Force that this multi-pronged approach is vital to promote the continued growth and success of our city and Borough."

The full report features a number of recommendations regarding Bronx Community Boards and service delivery on a variety of topics, including land use, improved service delivery, board member training and improved social media use, in order to better inform both board members and the community at large.

The full report can be read at:
Under the New York City Charter, Community Boards have specific responsibilities relating to the delivery of municipal services, the city budget, land use and zoning.   The Taskforce will examine how the delivery of city services has changed over the last 10 years and make recommendations on how Community Boards can leverage these developments to improve oversight, execution and equity.

The duties of board member include participating in recommendations regarding city budget priorities that affect the social, economic, health and safety needs of the community.  Members also advise government agencies and elected officials on matters relating to the welfare of the district and its residents.