Saturday, December 5, 2015

100 PERCENT Saturday December 5th


By Robert press

Games Going on in the 78th A.D.

     Before I get into the 78th A.D. race next year, there will be a special election to replace outgoing 17th Councilwoman Maria Del Carmen Arroyo. This special election will probably take place on the same day as the federal election primary day for President and Congress if there are to be any Presidential or Congressional primaries. In this special election there are going to be at least six if not seven candidates which may include the current Community Board Two District Manager Rafael Salamanca Jr. While Mr. Salamanca said to me two days ago that he has not committed to running I told him of previous Community Board District Managers who began to run for office. I reminded him of the success of a former District Manager who is in his third and last term in the City Council, but I also reminded him that there are many other former District Managers who never were elected to anything. One elected official has already told me that he is supporting Mr. Salamanca for the council seat, and I reminded that elected official that he has not endorsed a winner since 2009. I will have more on this special election in upcoming columns. 
     Speaking of upcoming columns, as of December 16th you will be able to read this column and its sister column the Riverdale Report in the new 'Bronx County News'. The Bronx County News will be a brand new newspaper that will be circulated in Riverdale, Norwood, Bedford Park, Morris Park, Soundview, and many other areas. I am pleased to be a part of the 'Bronx County News', and if you liked my columns and special coverage of other events you will like the Bronx County News which will have several unique sections. 
     The Committee of 100 Democrats will be hosting their First Annual Holiday Banquet on Tuesday December 15th at Willie's Steak House located at 1832 Westchester Avenue beginning at 6 PM and running through 11 PM. To reserve your seat or for more information you can call the Committee of 100 Democrats Executive Director Mr. John Perez at 347-338-4950. This event will be held 'In Honor and Memory' of Dominick Fusco Esq. the founder of the Committee of 100 Democrats.
     As for the 78th Assembly District there seems to be a game of which Rivera will be running. Assemblyman Jose Rivera is the current assemblyman, but it seemed that he was trying to pass on the assembly seat to his daughter Naomi Rivera the former Assemblywoman from the 80th Assembly District who had been redistricted into the 78th A.D. It seems that Naomi Rivera attended Bronx Democratic County functions with her father such as the county dinner and county barbecue, but in order to keep Naomi Rivera from running another female candidate came forward who was a member of Community Board 7 with stronger ties to the community that Ms. Rivera. 
     What was Jose to do? I have been told that he is pressuring his son and former City Councilman Joel Rivera to run for the 78th Assembly seat. During the last redistricting it seems that not only was daughter Naomi, but also son Joel (who at the time were both residing at 601 Pelham Parkway North) were redistricted from the 80th A.D. into the 78th A.D. Maybe Jose knew that his daughter would loose her assembly seat as she did to the current Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj. 
    My advice to Joel Rivera would be not to run, as we saw how your Chief of Staff Mr. Alvarez did in his race to succeed you. It appeared in the twelve years as not only a councilman, but as the council Majority Leader there was nothing to show for all those years. There are also many other things that would come out in a heated election that you would be embroiled in. Enjoy yourself as you are now, and stay out of politics as was your thought when you went into your career in Real Estate. Jose, let your children enjoy themselves, as you see what is going on in Albany now. All your old friends are either retired, getting out of or going to jail. The one who was once called 'Sterling Silver' is now 'Tarnished Silver'. Enjoy your retirement Jose, and Happy Chanukah/Merry Christmas to all. Check this blog for the listings of Menorah and Christmas tree lightings including the Bronx Menorah lighting on Tuesday afternoon December 8th or the Bronx Christmas tree lighting on Thursday night December 10th at the Bronx County building on the Grand Concourse and East 161st Street. 
     If you have any political information that you want to share or have checked out, any comments about this column, or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on this blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.


This event will take place at Willie's Steak House beginning at 6 PM and running until 11 PM. For more information, and to reserve your seat you can call the Executive Director Mr. John Perez at 347-338-4950.

District Office of Council Member Ritchie Torres on Friday, December 11th, 12PM-2PM

On Friday, December 11 from 12PM – 2PM, Walgreens will be giving flu shots at our district office, located at 573 East Fordham Road (on Hoffman Street between East Fordham Road and East 191st Street). The only item required is an insurance card. This event is in partnership with Walgreens and Montefiore.

An appointment is not required. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Luisa Benedetto at (718) 842-8100.

World's Largest Menorah and a concert by Pey Dalid


The strength of Brooklyn's diversity is especially evident during the holiday season. From Bay Ridge to Brooklyn Heights, and Canarsie to Crown Heights, a colorful cornucopia of all our cultures is represented everywhere you look, with festive displays of wreaths, Christmas trees, Kwanzaa kinaras, Chanukah menorahs, and beautifully illuminated homes, which light our spirits and put a warm glow in our hearts.
Join me at Grand Army Plaza this Sunday, December 6th at 5:00 PM for the lighting of theWorld's Largest Menorah and a concert by Pey Dalid. This is a terrific way to kick off the festival of Chanukah, and to learn more about the culture of our Jewish residents.  For more information, click here.
Join me the following day, Monday, December 7th at 5:00 PM, as we light Brooklyn's Official Menorah at the corner of Montague and Court streets, followed by a holiday reception at Brooklyn Borough Hall featuring children's musical entertainer, Bobby Doowah.  For more information, click here.
During this holiday season, please take time to explore the colorful displays of holiday spirit throughout Brooklyn. You will find that while we are many faiths and cultures here in the Borough of Kings, our appreciation of the different holidays we celebrate points to the true spirit of One Brooklyn.

Save the dates for these upcoming events, which I am proud to support, at and around Brooklyn Borough Hall; please contact our office for additional information:

Friday, December 4, 2015

NMDC Holiday Party next Friday

Dear Friend,

Join me next Friday as we celebrate the holiday season 
at the Northern Manhattan Democrats for Change's annual 
Holiday Party.

When / Cuando: Friday / ViernesDecember 11th at 7pm
Where / Donde: American Legion, 3035 Corlear Avenue (btw 230th & 231st st)


Adriano Espaillat

Bronx Borough President's Annual Christmas Tree Lighting


The Bronx Chamber Holiday Party and Toy Drive

Holiday Party and Toy Drive 
Monday, December 14, 2015
5:30 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. 

Dear Members and Friends:
Take advantage of the Early Reservation
Discount for paid reservations before December 7, 2015 to attend the Holiday Party and Toy Drive.
Use the attached form to make your reservations today!
Significant reservation discounts are available exclusively for members!
The Bronx Chamber of Commerce
Holiday Party and Toy Drive

Monday, December 14, 2015
5:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Tosca Marquee
4034 East Tremont Ave. Bronx, NY
Companies are welcome to make it their Office Holiday Party at this excellent venue which includes 4 hours: Buffet, Wine, Beer, Entertainment, Dancing and Cash Bar.
Sponsorship opportunities are available including logo display and exhibit table.
Call Marquez Payne for availability and more information.
Please bring new unwrapped toys for the Toy Drive. The toys will go to organizations that assist abused and neglected children. The Chamber Staff will distribute the toys before Holidays. Contributions are welcome to purchase additional toys. Gift cards are also welcome.
I look forward to seeing you at the Holiday Party & Toy Drive!
Nunzio Del Greco
President and CEO
Bronx Chamber of Commerce
"The Network for Business Success"
1200 Waters Place, Suite 106
Bronx, NY 10461

For More Information Please Email:

Menorah Lightings with Senator Jeff Klein and Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj on Monday, December 7th

Menorah Lightings
with Senator Jeff Klein 
and Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj

Monday, December 7th

3:30 P.M. - Bronx House
990 Pelham Parkway South, Bronx, NY

4:30 P.M. - Einstein Hospital
Corner of Morris Park Ave. & Eastchester Rd.,

5:30 P.M. - Pelham Parkway at White Plains Road,

For more information, please contact 
Senator Klein's office at (718) 822-2049