Monday, July 27, 2015

25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act - Looking Back, and Forward


   Sunday July 26th marked the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act; historic legislation that gives individuals with disabilities certain legal rights and protections, while sending a message to all Americans that disabilities rights are civil rights.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities similar to those provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion. It also assures equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities and access to businesses, employment, transportation, state and local government programs,  services, and telecommunications. Through the establishment of a clear and comprehensive national mandate for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with disabilities, millions of  lives have been and continue to be affected every day.
The road to this point was not easy but 25 years later we remain more committed than ever to championing the protections under the ADA and improving the lives of people with disabilities in New York State. As the former Chair of the Senate Committee on Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, and current Chair of the Senate Committee on Social Services, I work with advocates, constituents and my colleagues in the legislature on initiatives to advance the health, independence, and quality of life for people with disabilities.
To increase employment and independence, we passed the ABLE Act; legislation that provides people with disabilities and their families the ability to create a tax-exempt savings account that can be used for maintaining health, independence and quality of life. We also passed Inspire New York; legislation that creates a tax credit to incentivize employers to hire individuals with a developmental disability that are unemployed or a current employee of a sheltered workshop.  
We continue our work to decrease the stigma associated with disabilities and mental health by creating the Mental Health Public Awareness Tax Check Off, which allows taxpayers the ability to make a tax-free donation that will fund mental health public awareness campaigns across the state to help end the stigma associated with mental illness and encourage those in need of help to seek treatment. Legislation was also passed in New York State that requires the removal of the word handicapped from new or replaced state signage, as well as update and eliminate the stigma of the old the Accessibility Logo.
 It is truly amazing how far we have come, but there is still imperative work that needs to be done to improve the lives of people with disabilities. As we celebrate this important anniversary, please join me in re-affirming your commitment to the ADA by signing the national pledge here.
                       CIT Training Funding

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David Carlucci
New York State Senator

38th Senate District


   Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. is praising new job numbers from the New York State Department of Labor, which show another drop in the borough’s unemployment rate and a significant increase in the county’s labor participation rate.

“We are creating more jobs in The Bronx, and more and more Bronxites are finding work,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. “We still have work to do, but the work we are doing is have a real effect on the economic outlook of The Bronx.”

Newly released statistics from the New York State Department of Labor show The Bronx unemployment rate at 7.8% for June 2015, down from 9.7% in June 2014 and down from a peak of 13.9% in January 2010. In addition, these numbers indicate that roughly 20,500 more Bronx residents are employed now than in June 2014, and that the overall Bronx labor force grew by roughly 10,000 individuals over the same time period. 

The Department of Labor’s complete release can be found at

Since Borough President Diaz took office in 2009, The Bronx has seen more than $7 billion in total development, which has led to the creation of over 15,000 new jobs. In addition, a new partnership announced by Governor Andrew Cuomo announced in August between the New York State Department of Labor and the Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation, as part of the “NY Works,” program is placing Bronx residents in these jobs, helping to ensure that new development here benefits everyone, especially Bronxites.

Editor's Note: Kudos to BP Diaz once again. 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Van Nest Family Day

This was what it was all about, Family Fun as Assemblymen Mark Gjonaj and Luis Sepulveda  who jointly represent the Van Nest area came out to help celebrate Van Nest Family Day.

There were free hot dogs, snacks, bottles of water, and even the Balloon Lady who made pretty animals out of balloons. 

Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda brought his darling son, who just wanted to eat the snack bag rather than get a kiss from daddy.

As usual Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj had his bag of whistles that he was giving a whistle to all the children, and even some Adults.

Pictured here are Ms. Bernadette Ferrara President of the Van Nest Neighborhood Alliance, with Executive board members Virginia Toreli, and John Messenger who stand around the two assembly members who represent their community. On a sad note I saw that the once thriving Catholic School that is on the corner of White Plains Road and Van Nest Avenue has closed and is to become PS 311 of the New York City School System. Everyone was unhappy when St. Dominick's church and school was closed by the Archdiocese, but there are hopes now that PS 311 will occupy the building.

52nd PCT Community Council - National Night Out


  Statement by Cira Angeles, Spokesperson of the 
Livery Base Owners Association, about the Uber Agreement:

"We want to congratulate the Mayor, the City Council and the many elected officials who have worked with the Livery industry over the years for the consensus they've reached as we take a closer look at our industry and create a comprehensive approach in dealing with for-hire vehicles.  For over 40 years, the men and women in our industry - operating over 27,000 vehicles and performing 350,000 trips per day - have worked hard to create an economic engine in communities throughout this city. We believe the Mayor and the City Council have recognized these facts.

Our industry has witnessed an unbelievable transformation over the last five years.  The boro taxi, the changes in regulations to for hire vehicles, the price of yellow medallions, Vision Zero and the introduction of Uber and Lyft are all part of this rapid transformation.  We are looking forward to taking a deep dive into the issues, focusing on what matters and then making the changes that will allow ALL of the parts of our industry to continue to grow in our great city."

STATEMENT FROM BP DIAZ RE: Renaming of the Morrisania Post Office for Herman Badillo

  “Herman Badillo was not only my predecessor and a legend in government and civic life, he was my mentor and friend. I was proud to have proposed the renaming of the Morrisania Post Office in honor of Herman Badillo’s Congressional service, and I am even prouder today that President Obama has seen fit to sign this legislation into law.

“I am especially grateful to our United State Senators, Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, as well as our borough’s Congressional delegation—Jose Serrano, Charles Rangel, Joseph Crowley and Eliot Engel—for their considerable support of this legislation. I look forward to celebrating the renaming of this historic building for an icon of service, Herman Badillo, in the near future,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.


  There was Dominican Pride and lots of beautiful Princesses on hand for the Abrazo Dominicano last night at Maestro's Cafe. The event started off slow as people were held outdoors for over an hour as it seemed to be a miscommunication as Senator Ruben Diaz Sr.'s staff were late in arriving. Once everything was set up the room soon filled to capacity, and everyone enjoyed the party. 

On hand were Team Crespo 2015 (the new name for the old Team Diaz) with Assemblyman, and Bronx Democratic County Leader Marcos Crespo the Master of Ceremonies this year. L - R are Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda, Assemblyman Marcos Crespo, Congressman Jose Serrano, State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr., and New member to Team Crespo Assemblyman Victor Pichardo. 

Yolanda Cruz belted out the United States National Anthem. 

Julio Allendi sang the National Anthem of the Dominican Republic.

The Honorees seated in front of the elected officials included Sra. Cira Angeles, Sra. Estela Vazquez, Hon. Roberto Rodriguez, and Lic. Rosa Ayala. 

In traditional Team Diaz now Team Crespo style, Maestro Caterers Chief Carvers Gjena and Edmond await the crowd as they ready to carve the succulent roasted pigs.