Monday, July 6, 2015

Will Mayor Bill de Blasio face a 2017 Democratic Primary

  The talk on The Daily News 'Daily Politics' Blog is of a war between the mayor and governor Sparks talk of Primaries  The Story starts off saying that Mayor Bill de Blasio is up fro re-election in 2017. Since there has been a war of words of recent between the mayor and governor that several names are being floated as a possible Democratic primary challenger to Mayor de Blasio in 2017. Those names include City Controller Scott Stringer, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Brooklyn Congressman Hakeem Jeffries. 

   I have mentioned Controller Stringer as a possible candidate in 2017 for mayor, which would then mean that there could be a race to fill Stringer's Controller seat. I also have mentioned Bronx Borough President ruben Diaz Jr. as one of those who might run for City Comptroller should the current City Comptroller Scott Stringer run for mayor in 2017. 

  Getting back to the Daily News item, they say that it is unlikely that Governor Cuomo would get directly involved in backing a challenger to a sitting NYC Democratic Mayor, but there could be other ways for the governor to help a de Blasio challenger. Labor is likely to be behind the incumbent mayor, but there could be one or more major unions that would go with a challenger. 

   The Daily News ends by saying that there is also the possibility of a primary challenge to Governor Andrew Cuomo in 2018, but that a Cuomo aide dismissed talking about a primary that is three years away. You can read the entire Daily Politics article at the link at the start of this story.   

Silvercup Studios Expands in the Bronx

  Lights, Camera, Action in the Bronx!

Silvercup North to open next year

Silvercup Studios expanding with a new Bronx film and television production facility; $35M project brings hundreds of well-paying jobs

 To help meet the growing needs of New York’s booming film and television production industry, Silvercup Studios, the Northeast’s leading independent film and television production studio facility, announced plans today that it is expanding with a new studio complex to open at 295 Locust Avenue in the Port Morris section of the Bronx. The $35 million project will bring hundreds of well-paying jobs as well as millions of dollars in tax revenue to the borough. With the expansion to its third location, Silvercup Studios will operate more than 500,000 square feet of studio space citywide.

Silvercup will transform an existing modern warehouse into a 115,000-square-foot full service production facility.  Silvercup North will feature four production studios with 50-foot-high ceilings. The four studios to be built at 295 Locust Avenue will have the highest ceilings of any film/TV production studio in New York City and can easily accommodate two-story sets. A full complement of shops, offices and other support space essential to support film and television production will be provided on-site.

The project will bring an estimated 80 to 100 construction jobs. The new studio space and the film and television productions that will occupy them will create an estimated 400 well-paying production-industry jobs, in addition to injecting money in the local community for materials, and other goods and services to support the productions. 

“The film and television industries have historically offered good jobs with pathways to success for New Yorkers, and the expansion of this thriving industry will be hugely meaningful for Bronxites,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Every year the production industry injects over $7.1 billion to our local economy and creates over 130,000 jobs in New York City, and thanks to Silvercup’s new studio, the Bronx will now receive its piece of this pie.”

“My office has been working to expand the film industry in The Bronx for several years, and we are thrilled to welcome Silvercup Studios to the mainland and their new home in Port Morris,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. “This expansion will not only bring new jobs and economic development to our borough, it will also help us continue to rebrand our borough and showcase the transformative development we have seen over the past decade. The Bronx and Silvercup Studios will be great partners, and I look forward to working with them on this expansion, and to make this project work for all Bronxites.”

“The film and television industry is a key component of New York State’s economic development strategy that injects billions of dollars into the economy and creates thousands of industry jobs for New Yorkers,” said Empire State Development President, CEO & Commissioner Howard Zemsky. “New York has become the premiere destination for filming, and Silvercup Studios’ expansion to the Bronx further supports the industry’s staggering growth as this iconic production studio continues to attract more films and televisions shows to the Empire State.”

“Silvercup’s expansion to the Bronx is indicative of the thriving creative industry that the City of New York has created and supported throughout the five boroughs,” said Commissioner Cynthia López, Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment. “This new facility in the Bronx will not only increase stage options for the production industry, but it will also bring new jobs and business opportunities to the borough. We want the entertainment industry to experience everything the Bronx has to offer, and we applaud Silvercup on this new endeavor.”

With its iconic sign visible from the East River, Silvercup Studios has been home to famed television productions including HBO's Sex and the City and The Sopranos30 Rock, Gossip Girl, dozens of major motion pictures includingWhen Harry Met Sally and The Devil Wears Prada, and hundreds of commercials. Current productions at Silvercup’s Queens facilities include GirlsElementary, Madam Secretary, Mister RobotThe Mysteries of Laura, and Person of Interest.Silvercup North is slated to be completed by June 2016.

“For more than 30 years, Silvercup Studios has been an integral part of New York’s film and television production industry, which has never been more active than it is today,” said Silvercup CEO Alan Suna. “The Bronx is undergoing a tremendous revitalization right now. We’re excited to expand our studios here as the industry continues to grow and to bring with it high quality production jobs and the resulting benefits from having this production work remain in New York.”

Silvercup North will benefit from proximity to the Bruckner Expressway, the Major Deegan Expressway, the RFK Bridge and the number 6 subway line providing easy access to Manhattan, Queens, Westchester and Long Island. In addition, the building’s location offers access to a large skilled labor pool.

Free Fitness Class - by Seton Falls Park Coalition

Seton Falls Park Coalition


2nd Fitness in the Park


Saturday July 11, 2015

Seton Falls Park Stars & Stripes Playground 

(Behind MS 142) Entrance on Crawford 

& Palmer Avenues Bronx

9:45 am Registration

Get active more often on Saturday 

mornings in our Beautiful Park. 


Bridget     347-692-5417

Renee       917-544-8859

Suzette     646-363-3550


Sunday, July 5, 2015

New Development at 640 West 238th Street

Demolition of a one family house at 640 West 238th Street took place. West 238th Street in front of 649 West 238th Street has an island in the middle of the street that divides the road into east and west roadways. These roadways are very narrow as you will see in the photos below, and that the demolition vehicles had to go on to the island to maneuver in such a tight area, and the resulting damage to the island.

Above -Demolition truck is blocking West 238th Street in front of a one story house that has been torn down to make way for a 27 unit (or larger) building.
Below - Demolition truck has very little room to maneuver in front of 640 West 238th Street. 

Above - What the corner of the Island in the middle of West 238th Street looks like after the demolition of the one family house at 640 West 238th Street. 
Below - A head on photo of just how little room there is to maneuver large demolition or even building equipment in front of 640 West 238th Street. Note that only one panel truck can be parked on the sidewalk in front of 640 West 238th Street.

Above - You can see that this truck is right next to the homes to the east of 640 West 238th Street in the tiny lot that was a one family home.
Below - You can see the very same truck and driver, and now see how little room is on the other side to the west which is adjacent to the Bonnie House Coop where a one story building once stood..

One last photo to show how small the lot is at 640 West 238th Street, and the problems with the size of the lot.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

STATEMENT FROM BP DIAZ RE: NBC’s Firing of Donald Trump

RE: NBC’s Firing of Donald Trump

"NBC's actions today should send a strong message to Donald Trump that hateful, divisive rhetoric will not be tolerated, and that such rhetoric has real consequences,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Editor's Note:
We agree 100 Percent with BP Diaz on the matter. 
If Presidential Candidate Donald Trump is looking for publicity he has gotten it, however it is the wrong type of publicity that a candidate running for office wants. We suggest that Candidate Trump speak to his consultants on how to learn how to keep his mouth shut.

A Message From George Pataki to Donald Trump

This came to us by way of Pataki for President, Inc.


132 East 43rd Street #614
New York, NY 10017

July 1, 2015

Governor Jeb Bush 
Ben Carson
Governor Chris Christie
Senator Ted Cruz
Carly Fiorina
Senator Lindsey Graham 
Governor Mike Huckabee
Governor Bobby Jindal
Governor John Kasich
Senator Rand Paul
Governor Rick Perry 
Senator Marco Rubio
Senator Rick Santorum
Governor Scott Walker

CC: Donald Trump

Dear Fellow Republican candidates for president, 
“And some, I assume, are good people.”
The last week of news coverage over the language used by Donald Trump to describe Mexicans has left me and a lot of other sensible people wondering what century we are living in.
One hundred years ago, when Irish immigrants were coming to America, my grandmother among them, they were too often characterized as "drunks."   A few years later it was the Italian immigrants, my grandfather among them, who were called "mobsters" or worse, "dagos." This type of divisive rhetoric is just wrong.  It was wrong 100 years ago and it’s wrong today.  
Yet here we are in 2015 and a leading candidate for the GOP nomination for president is calling Mexicans criminals, rapists and drug dealers.  This is unacceptable.

I understand we must secure our border and stop illegal immigration.  But I also understand that it’s not some Mexicans who are good people, it is the vast majority of Mexicans, who came here to work, succeed and live the American Dream.
My fellow Republicans like to talk about how we have to appeal to the Latino vote if we are going to win back the White House.  They speak some Spanish, boast about "telling it like it is," or counsel to not be afraid to lose the primary to win the general – yet so far have been silent when it comes to denouncing these sad and divisive remarks.
The next President of the United States will represent all Americans.  We won’t win by dividing Americans against one another and we certainly can’t govern effectively doing so. We must secure the border, save American jobs, and have a leader in the White House world leaders can respect.
But we also must have a leader in the White House all Americans can respect, not just some.
As Donald Trump doubles down, I’m asking you to join me in standing up.  Stand up for our party, for the ideals that made America great, and stand for the basic decency and integrity entitled to every American, no matter their heritage or nationality.

Join me.  Stand up now.  Denounce his comments today. 



Governor George Pataki

Paid for by Pataki for President, Inc.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Former State Senate Leader Malcolm Smith And Former Queens GOP Leader Vincent Tabone Sentenced In White Plains Federal Court RE - 2013 New York City Mayor’s Race

  Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that former New York State Senate leader MALCOLM SMITH was sentenced today to seven years in prison for bribing New York City Republican Party leaders, including Queens County Republican Party Vice Chairman VINCENT TABONE, as part of a scheme to allow SMITH, a Democrat, to run as a Republican candidate for New York City Mayor in 2013 and for his role in obtaining New York State funding for a real estate project in Spring Valley, New York, in exchange for cash bribes paid on his behalf to the New York City Republican Party officials.  TABONE was sentenced to 42 months in prison for receiving bribes and witness tampering.  Both were convicted after a three-and-a-half week jury trial before U.S. District Judge Kenneth M. Karas, who imposed today’s sentences.
Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said: “Bribes and kickbacks should never play a role in the selection of candidates for public office.  By attempting to buy and sell a spot on New York City’s Mayoral ballot, Malcolm Smith and Vincent Tabone corrupted one of the most fundamental tenets of the democratic process, that candidates cannot bribe their way onto a ballot.  Today’s sentences make clear that the cost of violating the public trust in this way will be measured in years in a federal prison.”
According to the Complaint and the Indictment filed in federal court and the evidence presented at trial:
The Bribery and Extortion Schemes
SMITH was first elected to the New York State Senate in November 2000, and represented a district within Queens, New York.  He was chairman of the Independent Democratic Conference of the State Senate and, among other positions, has served as the State Senate’s minority leader, majority leader, and acting lieutenant governor.  From about November 2012, through April 2, 2013, SMITH agreed with former New York City councilman Daniel Halloran, who was convicted in a separate trial, and an undercover FBI agent posing as a wealthy real estate developer (the “UC”), and a cooperating witness (“CW”) to bribe New York City Republican Party county leaders, including TABONE, in exchange for their authorization for SMITH to appear as a Republican candidate for New York City Mayor in 2013, even though SMITH is a registered Democrat.
SMITH participated in two overlapping criminal schemes that involved the payment of bribes to obtain official action.  First, SMITH, a registered Democrat, authorized the payment of $110,000 in cash bribes to be paid to leaders of the New York City Republican Party, including TABONE, so that they would allow SMITH to run for mayor on the Republican Party’s ballot line.  Second, SMITH agreed to use his influence to help steer at least $500,000 in New York State transportation funding to a real estate project the UC and CW had proposed to develop in Spring Valley, New York, in exchange for the UC and CW paying bribes on SMITH’s behalf to the New York City Republican Party Chairs.
In furtherance of the scheme, SMITH authorized the UC and the CW to meet TABONE, the Executive Vice Chairman of the Queens County Republican Party, Joseph Savino, the Chairman of the Bronx County Republican Party, and other party leaders.  During a meeting with the UC, TABONE accepted a $25,000 cash bribe in a dimly lit SUV parked in front of a Manhattan restaurant and agreed to accept another $25,000 after his committee authorized SMITH to compete in the Republican primary. Savino similarly accepted a $15,000 cash bribe and agreed to accept another $15,000 after he voted to authorize SMITH to compete for the Republican ballot line.  In return for his efforts in negotiating the bribes, Daniel Halloran accepted $15,500 as a down payment on a “broker’s” fee of at least $75,000 and expected to be appointed First Deputy Mayor if Smith was elected mayor.
Witness Tampering
Shortly before the start of a previously scheduled trial, the Government sought permission from the Court to take the deposition of Philip Ragusa, the former Chairman of the Queens County Republican Party. Ragusa, who was gravely ill at the time, was expected to testify favorably to the Government.  Over TABONE’s objections, the Court ordered the deposition to take place.  TABONE unexpectedly appeared at Ragusa’s home an hour before the scheduled start of the deposition and attempted to pressure Ragusa not to testify against him.
*            *           *
SMITH, 58, of Queens, was also sentenced to two years of supervised release.  TABONE, 48, of Queens, was sentenced to one year supervised release and ordered to forfeit $25,000.  SMITH was ordered to surrender to the Bureau of Prisons on September 21, 2015.  TABONE was ordered to surrender October 1, 2015.
Mr. Bharara praised the outstanding investigative work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Rockland County District Attorney’s Office.
This case is being handled by the Office’s White Plains Division and Public Corruption Unit.  Assistant United States Attorneys Douglas B. Bloom, Justin Anderson and Perry Carbone are in charge of the prosecution.