Wednesday, October 19, 2016


New York City earns 116 out of 100 points with bonus points for trans inclusive workplace policies and additional City services for LGBT communities, including LGBT youth, elderly and homeless, those with HIV/AIDS, and transgender individuals

New York City is 1 of 11 cities to receive a true perfect score and its fifth year in a row receiving a top 100 score

    New York City received a true perfect score, 116 out of 100 points, this week for LGBT inclusivity by the Human Rights Campaign. The group issued its 5th annual Municipal Equality Index (MEI), which examines the laws, policies, and services of municipalities and rates them on the basis of their inclusivity of LGBT people who live and work there. New York City has received 100 points every year, as a result of a combination of standard and bonus points, since the index was first published in 2012. This year, New York City is 1 of 11 cities to receive a true perfect score, earning 100 standard points and an additional 16 bonus points.

“New York City prides itself on being an inclusive city for all, regardless of who they love or how they identify,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Over the last few years, my Administration has worked hard to ensure that every New Yorker is safe and respected and that they receive the benefits and services they need to live full and dignified lives. We are honored to receive this perfect score and are committed to continuing the fight for equality for every community across this great city.”

"New York City is the birthplace of the LGBT rights movement and has long been a haven for those who have sought a more welcoming place to live, love and work," said First Lady Chirlane McCray, co-Chair of the Commission on Gender Equity. "I am proud of this honor, which reflects the tremendous progress that has been made. But we will continue to strive for more equitable workplaces, housing, and healthcare until every LGBT New Yorker is fully included in our city. And we will keep fighting until every LGBT New Yorker can live with authenticity and without fear of violence, economic consequences or judgment."

“From equal access to bathrooms for transgender New Yorkers to anti-bullying programs in our schools, New York City is truly an inclusive city for LGBT communities,” said Commissioner and Chair of the NYC Commission on Human Rights, Carmelyn P. Malalis. “At the NYC Commission on Human Rights, we fight every day to ensure that LGBT New Yorkers can be themselves, free from discrimination and hate. While we welcome this perfect score, we know that more needs to be done to ensure that every New Yorker receives the same opportunities and respect as everyone else.”

“Inclusion and diversity are what make New York City great, and they’re what make New York City’s workforce great. All municipal employees, regardless of sex, gender or sexual orientation, should be treated equally and empowered to succeed. The Commission on Gender Equity applauds the leadership of dozens of City offices and agencies that pride themselves on welcoming, inclusive workplaces,” saidAzadeh Khalili, Executive Director of the Commission on Gender Equity. 

In addition to the 100 standard points awarded based on a city’s LGBT inclusive laws and policies, the Municipal Equality Index provides up to 20 bonus points. According to the Human Rights Campaign, bonus points are awarded for essential programs, protections, or benefits that are not attainable or very difficult to attain for some cities; therefore, cities with the item are rewarded, but cities without it are not penalized. Bonus points are also awarded to cities that offer an inclusive workplace to LGBT employees and targeted services for vulnerable LGBT populations. 

This year, in addition to a perfect 100 score for LGBT employment benefits, non-discrimination policies for City employees, including a strong non-discrimination ordinance for city contracting, trans inclusive health care, and LGBT leadership, the Human Rights Campaign awarded the City 16 bonus points in a number of different categories, including:

·           2 out of 2 bonus points for trans inclusive workplace policies.
·           12 out of 12 bonus points for enforcement the NYC Human Rights Law, one of the strongest in the nation, as well as providing additional City services to LGBT youth, homeless and elderly, HIV/AIDS population, and transgender individuals.
·           2 out of 2 bonus points for having openly LGBT and elected leaders.
·           New York City was not eligible to receive the remaining 4 bonus points for “City Tests Limits of Restrictive State Law” since New York State does not have a restrictive LGBT law.

New York City has long lead the nation in the fight for and advancement of LGBT rights, a fight that continued this year. Since the Human Rights Campaign issued the 2015 Municipal Equality Index:

·           New York City became the first city to launch a citywide media campaign, including public transportation ads and digital videos, to reaffirm trans and gender non-conforming individuals’ right to use single sex facilities in June 2016.
·           Mayor de Blasio signed an Executive Order requiring all agencies to post the new policy on transgender restroom access and train all frontline and supervisory staff on the policy and trans inclusion.
·           Mayor de Blasio banned all non-essential City travel to the states of Indiana, North Carolina and Mississippi to stand in support of LGBTQ communities facing discrimination at the hands of local elected officials in March 2016.
·           The NYC Commission on Human Rights and the LGBT Center launched a Citywide Trans 101 Workshop to educate City agencies, individuals, employers, housing providers and businesses on the cultural competencies of working with transgender communities.
·           NYC Commission on Human Rights implemented new legal enforcement guidance on discrimination on the basis of gender identity and expression, making it one of the most protective and comprehensive in the nation in December 2015. The guidelines spell out that trans and gender non-conforming individuals have the right to equal access to public facilities, regardless of gender identity or expression, under the law.
·           The Department of Education created the position of liaison for LGBTQ students in January 2016.
·           The Mayor’s Community Affairs Unit in conjunction with other agencies, hosted the Transgender Economic Empowerment Forum to inform trans and gender non-conforming New Yorkers of their rights and resources in the workplace in November 2015.

The 2016 Municipal Equality Index rates a total of 506 cities from every state in the nation, which is an increase of more than 98 cities rated from 2015. See New York City’s 2016 scorecard here.

"New York City receiving a perfect score on HRC's Municipal Equality Index highlights our commitment to supporting the rights of all New Yorkers," said Council Member James Vacca. "With pockets of hostility percolating up throughout the country, New York City remains a bastion of openness and inclusivity. I'm proud that our city continues to set the standard of what it means to support the LGBT community."

Sunday, October 16, 2016

News From Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman

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A.G. Awards $12.6 Million in Local Grants to Help Communities Combat Zombie Homes

This week Attorney General Schneiderman awarded $12.6 million in grants to 76 New York cities, towns and villages to address the problem of vacant “zombie” homes that invite crime and reduce property values. The Attorney General’s Zombie Remediation and Prevention Initiative has already helped dozens of communities remediate these homes statewide. This new funding will give municipalities the resources they need to track and remediate these homes, while ensuring that bank-owned properties are maintained in accordance with NY law. 

Enforcing State Diversity Laws in Major Rochester Construction Project

The Attorney General reached settlements with five Rochester construction firms that lied about meeting state diversity requirements in order to win contracts on the $1.2 billion Rochester Schools Modernization Program – the largest public project in the city’s history. State and local law require contractors to meet certain diversity standards to level the playing field for women and minority owned businesses that have been historically shut out of government contracts. Due to their false claims of hiring minority and women-owned subcontractors, the firms will pay a total of $825,000 in fines.

Have a question, comment, or complaint? Click here. You can also learn more about the various initiatives of the Attorney General's office by visiting our website You can also call our General Hotline: 800-771-7755

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Grace Belkin Way Dedication

  Grace Belkin was the District Manager of Community Board 8 from 1977 to 2006. Ms Belkin had to retire as district manager due to health problems, but in her last years as district manager working only part-time she did the work most full time DM's were doing. In June of 2013 Grace Belkin passed away. Community Board 8 has a policy of waiting for two years after a person has died before starting the process of naming a street after them. A date is then chosen by the family for the dedication and the community is invited to share in the street renaming. Over 100 people including family members, current and past local elected officials, current and former Community Board 8 members, and many who were friends or acquaintances of Grace Belkin. 

Above - Councilman Andrew Cohen speaks about the process of having a street renamed for someone, as he was the driving force in getting the City Council and mayor to sign legislation to rename the corner of West 246th Street and Henry Hudson Parkway West Grace Belkin Way. 
Below - Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz tells of working with CB 8 District Manager Grace Belkin on many many occasions, and tells that she knew just about where every garbage can, fire hydrant, fire call box, and other city instruments as well as each and every city agency. In the background you can see the street sign is covered up as this photo was taken before the sign Grace Belkin Way was revealed. 

Above - Son David Belkin thanks everyone who came for the street renaming and those who spoke about his mother. sitting is Mr. Ruppert Belkin who was married Grace Belkin and who still lives in Briar Oaks the building across the street from where the street sign 'Grace Belkin Way' now sits.
Below - The crowd gets ready for the cover to be pulled off of Grace Belkin Way.

Above - Councilman Cohen helps pull the cover off the new street sign.
Below - Grace Belkin Way at the corner of West 246th Street and Henry Hudson Parkway West. 

Afterward, a photo for remembrance of the Belkin family, elected officials, and community board members. 

Friday, October 14, 2016

Statement from Councilman Ulrich on Mayor de Blasio's Latest Backroom Deal

  "Instead of fulfilling his pledge to end the use of hotels to shelter people who have fallen on hard times, Mayor de Blasio quietly signed a deal to use Playland Motel in Rockaway Beach as a homeless facility. I am outraged. My constituents - and all New Yorkers - deserve better. 
"Mayor de Blasio's so-called progressive agenda has caused the homeless population to skyrocket.The time has come for this administration to put forth real and meaningful solutions that will actually help people find permanent housing and rebuild their lives. The Playland Motel is not the right answer."

Council Member Cohen Sounds Alarm on New List of 100 Worst Landlords in NYC

City’s Worst Landlord Owns Van Cortlandt Village Building
“I am very distressed to read the newest list of 100 Worst Landlords in NYC, released today by Public Advocate Letitia James.  I am even more concerned to learn that the worst NYC landlord identified in the report, Harry D. Silverstein, operates a building in my council district, 3971 Gouverneur Avenue in Van Cortlandt Village. The building has more than 280 open violations filed with Housing Preservation and Development, and 4 with Department of Buildings.  These include numerous complaints of unrepaired plumbing, as well as unsafe conditions such as defective smoke and CO2 alarms and missing window guards.”
“This type of irresponsible management of residential buildings is despicable and intolerable.  My district is home to a total of 9 buildings owned by 6 individuals on this infamous list.  I demand that Silverstein and the other building owners who made the list immediately fix their buildings, or sell them to someone who will.   We cannot look the other way, and tolerate the continued existence of unsafe and inhumane housing units in our neighborhoods.”
“My staff hears tenant concerns from throughout the district on a regular basis, and we attempt to reach out to landlords where possible, to get the concerns resolved.  When that does not resolve the issues, we encourage tenants to organize themselves, and seek legal representation.  I invite residents of 3971 Gouverneur Ave. and other buildings with unresolved HPD complaints, to visit my district office at 277 West 231st Street, or call 718.549.7300 to report concerns about their housing conditions.”


  Mayor Bill de Blasio today called for significant amendments to Section 50-a of the New York State Civil Rights Law to make disciplinary information about police officers and other uniformed personnel covered under this section of the law subject to disclosure.

Civil Rights Law Section 50-a, in existence since 1976, treats as confidential all personnel records of law enforcement and other uniformed personnel that are used to evaluate performance toward continued employment or promotion. Under this section of law, personnel records of law enforcement and other uniformed personnel may only be disclosed pursuant to a court order or with the express written consent of the employee to whom the records pertain. Several appellate court decisions have held that personnel records, including summaries of disciplinary actions taken against law enforcement and other uniformed personnel, cannot be disclosed because of the confidentiality protections under Civil Rights Law Section 50-a.

The de Blasio Administration, just like every administration that has preceded it, is constrained to follow State law and binding appellate court rulings, and to apply the law evenly in all circumstances regardless of who the covered employees are. However, the Administration strongly believes that the public interest in transparency and accountability for those in positions of public trust is not well-served by the law as it currently exists and, therefore, it will seek amendments to Civil Rights Law Section 50-a in the upcoming 2017 state legislative session.

“This Administration is committed to bringing greater transparency to the disciplinary records of law enforcement and other uniformed personnel. The public interest is disserved by State Civil Rights Law Section 50-a in its current, flawed form," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. "Today we are announcing a set of guiding principles that must shape the necessary amendments required to legally disclose the disciplinary records of law enforcement and other uniformed personnel. Without significant changes to this statute, the City remains barred from providing New Yorkers with the transparency we deserve. We hope advocates for greater transparency will join us in the effort to reform this State law.”

“I believe in transparency. I also believe that making information about disciplinary proceedings public will help us build trust with the community,” said NYPD Commissioner James P. O’Neill. “It is my hope we can work with the State legislature and the Governor on the proposed 50-a amendment.”

Zachary W. Carter, Corporation Counsel, said, “This legislative proposal provides a legal framework for keeping the public informed about the disciplinary process for police officers, particularly concerning their encounters with civilians. To the extent that current law does not permit transparency into the disciplinary process, it should be changed.”

Maya Wiley, Chair of the Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB), said, “Now more than ever, we must aggressively build stronger police and community relationships. To get there, the public needs to know that police officers are accountable for their actions. Building trust in our system of Civilian oversight of police complaints requires demonstrating that action is taken when complaints have been substantiated. This proposal is critical at a time when our nation is witnessing too many disturbing videos of police involved shootings and targeting of police officers simply because they wear the badge.”

Working closely with partners in state government, labor leaders and unions, clergy, advocacy groups and other key stakeholders, the Administration will craft proposed legislative language to accomplish the transparency and fairness to which the public is entitled. The legislation should:

  • Remove confidentiality protections currently applicable to disciplinary records, including all cases prosecuted by the New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) in the trial room, thereby subjecting the full public record of the disciplinary proceeding and the results of such disciplinary proceeding to public disclosure. This would include final factual findings and disposition of any disciplinary measures imposed (or not imposed). 

  • In a litigation context, maintain current law restrictions on the use of covered personnel records in litigation which require a finding that records being disclosed are relevant to the specific case, but also adds that the judge must find that the records’ probative value outweigh the prejudicial harm of admitting them.

  • Continue to allow permitted access for other governmental agencies, such as district attorneys and corporation counsels, in furtherance of a governmental function

If enacted, the legislation would result in the following items to be posted on the NYPD website pertaining to each case disposed of:

  • Officer’s Name
  • Charges Made
  • Transcript and Exhibits of the Departmental Hearing
  • Summary of the Decision of the Trial Judge
  • Final Determination by the Police Commissioner

These cases would be posted online and no FOIL action would be required to access the above information. The cases posted would include both NYPD-initiated and CCRB prosecuted cases.

Bronx Chamber of Commerce and OATH invite you to join us for "How to Respond to Summonses & Notices of Violations"

The Bronx Chamber of Commerce and OATH (NYC Office of Administrative Trials & Hearings) invite you to attend How to Respond to Summonses & Notices of Violation, a free small business forum, Oct. 26, Hutch Metro Conference Center, 4-6pm.

This event is geared to help small businesses navigate the OATH court system and provide them with a fair and impartial hearing if they require one. It will also allow you and small businesses to ask city agencies one-on-one questions regarding enforcement or other related questions in the Q&A session immediately following in the Hutch Metro CafĂ© at 5:00 pm.

Information or to RSVP (by Friday, October 21, 2016):