Sunday, January 18, 2015

State of the State Budget Address

  Just some of the items to be discussed in the State of the State Address by Governor Andrew Cuomo will be the proposal to increase the state minimum wage to $10.50 an hour. There would also be a provision for the minimum wage in New York City to be $11.50 an hour at the same time, but would not allow the city to change the minimum wage without state approval as is currently done. 
  There will be mention opf giving small businesses a tax break. The current 6.5 percent rate would be lowered over a three year period down to 2.5 percent. This would cost the state 32 million dollars in tax revenue, and be the lowest tax rate for small businesses since the tax was imposed on small businesses in 1917. 

  As for his planned trip to Cuba, Governor Cuomo replied the following at a press conference. "I want to be one of the first to open trade with the Island of Cuba. New York has much to offer the people of Cuba." 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Official Statement From Community Board 9 Re: District Manager

  This is the official statement from Community Board 9 as to the removal of the District manager Mr. Francisco M. Gonzalez at the Thursday January 15th board meeting.

  "On Thursday January 15, 2015, Community Board #9's general board voted to remove our district manger, Francisco Gonzalez, effective immediately. We wish Mr. Gonzalez well in his future endeavors and thank him for his past service." 

Friday, January 16, 2015


Councilman Andy King and the 47th Precinct 


  In order to open the line of communications between youth and law enforcement, the Bronx Youth Empowerment Program (YEP), in partnership with NYC Council Member Andy King and NYPD’s 47th Precinct, will host a “Connections” forum on Wednesday, January 21, 4 p.m. at Evander Childs High School Campus, Blackbox Theater Room, 800 East Gun Hill Rd., Bronx.

“There was a time when community residents knew the officer who walked the beat in their neighborhood and that officer knew the various families and youth in the community by their first names. The purpose of the Bronx YEP Connections program is to get back to that familiarity and close the communications gap in order to create a friendlier ‘connection’ between the NYPD and our youth,” explained Council Member King.

In addition, the forum is an opportunity for youth to learn what to do if they are stopped by a police officer and it also gives youth a chance to ask questions of their local NYPD officers.

Students from all District 12 schools have been invited to attend the forum, but it is open to any youth between the ages of 13 & 21.

“We want them to know that the officers’ job is to protect and serve our community and not be the adversary,” explained Council Member King.

“Why I am Visiting Israel”

by Ruben Diaz Jr., Bronx Borough President

The people of the United States have stood strong with the people of Israel from the day that country was founded in 1947. As the only democracy in the Middle East, and as our key ally in the fight against terrorism, Israel holds a special place in the hearts and minds of Americans. This is especially true in New York City, which has shared a unique and significant relationship with the Jewish people and the state of Israel for decades.

Tomorrow, I will travel to Israel with the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, leading a delegation of our city’s growing Latino population. This group, which includes business, civic and non-profit leaders, will spend a week discovering what Israel has to offer, learning about why Israel’s continued strength is so important, and exploring the growing relationship between the people of the Promised Land and Latinos across the world.

This is of critical importance, given not only the continued vitality of the Jewish population at home, but the longstanding history of Jewish acceptance in countries like the Dominican Republic and growing Jewish population in places like Argentina, Brazil and Panama, as well. On this trip, I will lead a discussion about the future of Jewish/Latino relations, both here and abroad, and take the first steps toward cementing a lifetime bond between these two communities.

I have been to Israel before. I have seen, firsthand, the attacks the Israeli people face every single day. But the people of Israel persevere. Now, more than ever, their example deserves our praise and our support.

The horror of the attacks on the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo and the kosher supermarket—and the subsequent exodus of Jews from Paris—show us just how critical our support of Israel is right now. As Martin Niemöller wrote, reflecting on the Nazi atrocities of World War II, “First they came for the Jews…”

Following these acts of terror, the Paris Grand Synagogue closed for the first time on Shabbos since World War II. The meaning behind such imagery cannot be understated. Israel is one of our strongest allies. Israelis and all Jews must know that our Latino community, and in fact the American people, are on their side during these troublesome times. As we saw world leaders standing arm-in-arm in solidarity following these attacks, we too stand arm-in-arm with Israel and the world’s Jewish population.
Does a borough president have an interest in promoting Israel?  Of course.  At one point more Jews lived in The Bronx than in Israel, and our Jewish community remains vibrant and strong. Across the entire city, Jews and Latinos are already working hand-in-hand on the issues that unite us, be it economic development, housing, education and more.

Israel has produced and continues to work on some of the most amazing technological and scientific advancements the world has ever seen.  Israel is a partner in our security, and what keeps their country secure helps keep our borough and our city secure. Israel is worthy of not only our respect, but our support.

As we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. next week, we must also remember his message that we are all God’s children, including the people of Israel. "Peace for Israel means security, and we must stand with all our might to protect its right to exist, its territorial integrity,” said Dr. King. “Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality."  

Both the nation of Israel and Jews everywhere around the world are under perpetual attack. Their peace today, as Dr. King so eloquently put it, requires our commitment to their continued security. I will work to join the Latino and Jewish communities together in new bonds of strength, and I will help create new friendships during difficult times.

Israelis do not let terrorism and hate keep them down. Neither do Americans, and neither do I.

Community Board 9 Fires District Manager

  Last night in a vote to relive its district manager Francisco Gonzalez of his job at Community Board 9 the results were 17 in favor, 2 against, and 2 abstentions. 

  The NYC Conflict of Board fined Mr. Gonzalez for using the community board office and  its resources in the fall of 2013 for his own personal business. In December of 2013 there was a vote to relive Mr. Gonzalez of his position that failed by 2 votes. 

  There was no immediate comment by CB 9 chair William Rivera. 

  CB 9 will now begin the process of looking for a new district manager. This come at the same time that Community Board 8 begins its process to hire a new district manager who is leaving as of the end of today for a job with the New York Empire Development Corporation. 

  Check back for updates, and check my column in the Bronx News or Parkchester News.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj to host Interfaith Peace Rally & Candle Light Vigil

Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj

Invites you to join an

Interfaith Community 

Peace Rally

& Candle Light Vigil

In light of recent terrorist attacks in Paris, we must unite and stand 

up against extremist intolerance anywhere in the world. We have to

come together in peace. Elected officials, Religious Figures and 

Community Leaders ask for your attendance as we commemorate 

those lost in senseless attacks and pray for a peaceful future for all.

Friday, January 16, 2015

3:30pm – 5:30pm

Pelham Parkway South 

at Wallace Avenue

For More Information: (718) 409-0109

FW: FY 2016 Borough President's Budget Hearing

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz 


Invites you to attend and speak at:

The Bronx Borough Board 

Public Hearing on the 

Mayor's Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2016

& the capital and service needs of the Borough

Thursday, February 5, 2015

10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

10th  Floor Conference Room

198 East 161st Street, Bronx NY 10451

Subway: 4, B, D to 161st Street/Yankee Stadium Station

Bus: BX1, BX2 or BX6 to East 161st  Street - Grand  Concourse 

 BX32 to East 161st Street - Morris Avenue

Metro-North: Stations 

Melrose (Harlem) or 153rd Street-Yankees (Hudson) lines.

This hearing will give an opportunity to Bronx and Citywide non-profits, colleges, hospitals, schools, neighborhood organizations and any other parties to speak out on the Mayor's proposed budget and the capital and service needs of our neighborhoods.