Wednesday, June 24, 2020


As complaints skyrocket, NYPD, FDNY Fire Marshals and Sheriff's Office take action to disrupt fireworks supply chain

  Mayor Bill de Blasio established a multi-agency task force to crack down on illegal fireworks sales. The task force will target suppliers, distributors and possessors of large quantities of illegal fireworks by conducting investigations and sting operations within and outside of New York City to disrupt supply chains. The FDNY will also launch a public safety campaign, including public service announcements and social media, to illustrate the dangers of illegal fireworks.

The task force will consist of 10 officers from NYPD Intelligence Bureau, 12 FDNY Fire Marshals and 20 members of the Sheriff’s Bureau of Criminal Investigation.

“Illegal fireworks are both dangerous and a public nuisance” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “We’re cracking down on this activity at the source to ensure the safety of all New Yorkers and the ability of our neighbors to get some sleep.”
“For any number of reasons the use of illegal firework has skyrocketed this year and that has damaged the quality of life in our neighborhoods. The NYPD will continue to work closely with our city partners to address this dangerous issue,” said Police Commissioner Dermot Shea.

“Fireworks are illegal in New York City for a reason: they are extremely dangerous and can cause fires and serious injuries,” said Fire Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro. “Our Fire Marshals will work closely with their fellow law enforcement agencies to address this growing problem that is impacting New Yorkers in communities across our city.”

“Illegal fireworks pose a significant danger to New York families, and the Sheriff’s Office will use its investigative tools in the areas of contraband interdiction in conjunction with our law enforcement agency partners to vigorously suppress the sale and distribution of illegal fireworks,” said Sheriff Joseph Fucito.


  Mayor de Blasio and Macy’s announced a fireworks plan in celebration of the 4th of July that will reach every borough for the first time ever. From June 29th to July 1st and on July 4th, a series of fireworks displays will launch from various land and water-based locations across New York City.
“These past few months have been some of the most difficult in our city’s history, and New Yorkers are looking for a break. This 4th of July Celebration with Macy’s will give all New Yorkers a safe and exciting way to enjoy the holiday together, even when we are apart,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

“New York City is our hometown. Macy’s believes in giving back to the communities where we live and work, and this year, we are taking our Fireworks show on a trip across the city. In reimagining this year’s show, the idea of bringing elements to many parts of our hometown resonated with our team and partners in the City of New York,” said Susan Tercero, Eecutive Producer Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks. “These five-minute surprise displays will showcase Macy’s signature pyrotechnic design and scale, while encouraging spectators to continue following safety and social distancing measures. The multiple location spectacle will culminate with a full-scale television presentation of Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks, capturing the spirit of the city for all New Yorkers and the nation to enjoy, choreographed to a rousing score, and featuring the nation’s best musical performances.”

These smaller, unannounced displays will allow New Yorkers to celebrate all week long. Each show is brief and will be over before residents can gather at the source. With heights reaching up to 1,000 feet from some firing locations, staying close to home and following social distancing guidelines is the best way to enjoy the show.

New Yorkers and spectators across the country will have a front-row view to the displays by tuning to NBC’s national broadcast of Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks Spectacular (8-10p.m. ET/PT, 7-9 p.m. CT/MT, check local listings). The Nation's most popular Independence Day special will include performances from some of America’s top musical acts and a presentation of the full Macy’s Fireworks show captured throughout the week, including a live grand finale.

For more information on the 44th Annual Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks, please visit

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

What Is Michael Beltzer Doing to This Ritchie Torres Poster

Here we have a Ritchie Torres poster and Michael Beltzer wearing a Samelys Lopez t-shirt. Now what is Mr. Beltzer doing?

Look no more Ritchie Torres poster.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Congressman Adriano Espaillat Finally Comes Clean With His Endorsement of Ydanis Rodriguez

Congressmember Adriano Espaillat Will Join NY-15 Congressional Candidate Ydanis Rodriguez Urging New Yorkers To Vote Tomorrow June, 23rd

  Today, Monday, June 22nd, NY-15 Congressional Candidate Ydanis Rodriguez will be joined by Congressmember Adriano Espaillat as they hold a press conference calling on all registered voters to participate on Tuesday's primary elections. Black, Latino, and Asian communities now make up the majority of the demographic composition in the City of New York. As such, our goal is to ensure that those communities who have been historically disenfranchised cast their ballots on Tuesday, June 23rd and finally have the representation they deserve on all levels of government. 

We hope that Congressman Espaillat will admit that Upper Manhattan City Councilman was put up by him to steal votes away from Ruben Diaz, which goes back to their days in the New York State Senate. Ask upper Manhattan councilman Rodriguez why he is running in a South Bronx congressional race.  

Who: Congressional Candidate Ydanis Rodriguez, Congressmember Adriano Espaillat

Where: Fordham Road and Grand Concourse

When: Today, Monday, June 22nd; 5:15PM

NY Primary Day 2020: Who Will Win?

Primary day 2020 will go down in election history as this was a totally new way of campaigning. The petition process was cut down, and the number of signatures required to get on the ballot was lowered. Little did anyone know what was going to happen next. For almost the entire primary season there was little if any campaigning due to the pandemic that hit New York and the country. Little known challengers had the chips stacked against them as they could not get their message out, as this Pandemic has given well known incumbents an extra advantage. 

Here is how I think Primary 2020 will turn out.

14th Congressional District -
The very well known AOC is the incumbent. Unlike two years ago as the challenger she took full advantage of debating the incumbent, this year as the incumbent she did not want to give either of her opponents any publicity. She did not want to attend the Parkchester Times debate this year which was the only live face to face debate of the primary season. while finally pressured into attending AOC made some demands which included that only ten people be in the room which would include the candidates, moderator, and several camera people only, with no reporters inside the room.
The results of this race will probably not be known until all the paper ballots are counted. While AOC faces three opponents. Michelle Caruso-Cabrera is the main opponent, and it is unclear who the third woman in the race Badrun Khan will take votes from. In the Bronx it should be AOC, because Khan's support comes from the Parkchester area where AOC lives. Caruso-Cabrera should win the Bronx, but the battlefield will be in the larger Queens part of the district. The fourth candidate Sam Sloan got no attention and should not get more than a handful of votes.  Too close to call.

15th Congressional District - 
Current City Councilman Ruben Diaz should win with about thirty percent of the vote. Just who will come in second and by what percentage is a little harder to guess as the Michael Blake campaign has no where near the resources that the Ritchie Torres campaign has. Those two should finish  behind Diaz, but by how much and who comes in second is questionable. No other candidate in this race should break the 10 percent mark.The next tier of candidates should be Chivona Newsome, Melissa Mark-Viverito, Thomas Ramos, Samelys Lopez, and Ydanis Rodriguez (in no special order). Bringing up the rear should be Julio Pabon, Mark Escoffery-Bey, Michelle Tapper, and Frangeli Basora.    

16th Congressional District -
With four challengers still on the ballot Current Congressman Eliot Engel should be able to win as his opponent's main cause for change was Engel's gaf on Fordham Road. Jamaal Bowman should come in second, but by how much? Former police officer Sammy Ravelo should follow, with Christopher Fink next followed by Andom Ghebreghiorgis who will still be on the ballot even though he has officially withdrawn and is supporting Bowman. State Senator Alessandra Biaggi may be putting her neck on the chopping block as she first endorsed Engel, but then when AOC endorsed Bowman Biaggi withdrew her support of Engel to go with Bowman also, at the time of the gaf by Engel. It should be noted that Engel beat Senator Biaggi's grandfather Mario Biaggi in the 1988 election, and word is that she wants that congressional seat. With Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz having a soft primary that should help Engel win the voter rich Riverdale area of the district where the Dinowitz name is solid. 

32nd State Senate District - 
Current State Senator Luis Sepulveda won the seat with the help of Former State Senator Ruben Diaz. This year Diaz has renounced his support of Sepulveda calling it a mistake, and is supporting former Army sergeant and current 87th A.D. District Leader John Perez for the 32nd State Senate seat. Sepulveda has his own worries as his brother sent a report to the state senate. In the report his brother says State Senator Luis Sepulveda is a Child Molester, Drug User, Drug Dealer, and comes from a Mafia style family as was reported by Zack Fink of NY1 television. There is a third candidate Pamela Stewart-Martinez. John Perez is confident of a victory as he says Sepulveda's troubles keep mounting as Sepulveda ran with Michael Blake, and is now where the money is with Ritchie Torres. With the support of Ruben Diaz, John Perez should be able to beat this one term incumbent. 

79th Assembly District - 
Current Assemblyman Michael Blake is running for congress leaving a vacant seat. Blake is supporting candidate Chantel Jackson, Businessman George Alvarez is running with 15th congressional candidate Ruben Diaz and 32nd State Senate candidate John Perez, Current Female District Leader Cynthia Cox is running with the support of the Bronx Democratic County organization. Former Assemblyman Eric Stevenson who was removed from office and sent to jail is also in the top tier here. Candidates Dion Powell and Elvis Santana round out the pack. This race again is too close to call as it should be the absentee ballots that determine this race.

One minor race for District Leaders in the 80th A.D. is the last interesting race. Here current Male district Leader John Zaccaro Jr. is facing the former Male District Marcos Sierra This is an East Bronx race, and Zaccaro Jr. is the chief of staff for South Bronx Councilman Rafael Salamanca. There is talk Zaccaro Jr. already has his sights set on higher office. The current female District Leader is not running for re-election and this race is between West side Jean Hill, and East Side Irene Estrada. It should be noted that the East Side of the district makes up almost 80 percent of the district. Male District Leader too close to call, but Female District Leader should be Irene Estrada who is running with Marcos Sierra.

One last item should be noted. Governor Cuomo ordered the Board of Elections to send an application for an absentee ballot no questions asked with a return envelope enclosed to everyone. As of June 8th there were almost 500,000 requests for absentee ballots. Only about 65percent citywide have been issued. In the Bronx only 42 percent have been issued. 62,675 absentee ballots request , and 26,159 have been issued to Bronx residents.

The photo is from 2017, and George Alvarez is on Ruben Diaz's right (our Left), while current State Senator Luis Sepulveda is on the other side. Ruben Diaz has renounced his support of Luis Sepulveda calling it a mistake, and is supporting the current 87th A.D. District Leader John Perez to replace Luis as the state senator from the 32nd State Senate District.

Statements Of U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman On Announcement By Attorney General Barr

Friday, June 19, 2020

“I learned in a press release from the Attorney General tonight that I was ‘stepping down’ as United States Attorney.  I have not resigned, and have no intention of resigning, my position, to which I was appointed by the Judges of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.  I will step down when a presidentially appointed nominee is confirmed by the Senate.  Until then, our investigations will move forward without delay or interruption.  I cherish every day that I work with the men and women of this Office to pursue justice without fear or favor – and intend to ensure that this Office’s important cases continue unimpeded.”

Saturday, June 20, 2020

“In light of Attorney General Barr’s decision to respect the normal operation of law and have Deputy U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss become Acting U.S. Attorney, I will be leaving the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, effective immediately.  It has been the honor of a lifetime to serve as this District’s U.S. Attorney and a custodian of its proud legacy, but I could leave the District in no better hands than Audrey’s.  She is the smartest, most principled, and effective lawyer with whom I have ever had the privilege of working.  And I know that under her leadership, this Office’s unparalleled AUSAs, investigators, paralegals, and staff will continue to safeguard the Southern District’s enduring tradition of integrity and independence.”

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State’s Progress During COVID-19 Pandemic

New York City to Enter Phase Two on Monday; Mid-Hudson Region on Track to Enter Phase Three on Tuesday 

Less than 1 Percent of Yesterday's COVID-19 Tests were Positive 

15 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

Confirms 664 Additional Coronavirus Cases in New York State - Bringing Statewide Total to 387,936; New Cases in 35 Counties

  Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. New York City will enter Phase Two of reopening on Monday, June 22, and the Mid-Hudson region remains on track to enter Phase Three on Tuesday, June 23. The number of new cases, percentage of tests that were positive and many other helpful data points are always available at

"The COVID-19 pandemic isn't over, and as we reopen New York safely and incrementally, the state government will continue to provide timely information so that New Yorkers can make educated decisions for themselves and their families," Governor Cuomo said. "Yesterday, less than 1 percent of COVID-19 tests conducted in the state were positive, which means we continue to be on the right path toward defeating the virus."

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Hospitalizations: 1,142
  • Deaths: 15
  • ICU Hospitalizations: 332

Of the 67,526 tests conducted in New York State yesterday, 664, or .98 percent, were positive.The Governor also confirmed 664 additional cases of novel coronavirus, bringing the statewide total to 387,936 confirmed cases in New York State. Of the 387,936 total individuals who tested positive for the virus, 

AG James: NYPD Commissioner Shea Will Testify on Monday in Ongoing Investigation into Interactions Between Police and the Public

  New York Attorney General Letitia James announced that New York City Police Department (NYPD) Commissioner Dermot Shea will testify in her office’s ongoing investigation into recent interactions between the NYPD and the public. Following two days of public hearings that heard testimony from 100 witnesses, NYPD Commissioner Shea will testify on Monday, June 22 at 11:00 AM. The public will be able to listen to that testimony live by visiting: 

“The public deserves answers, and I am glad the NYPD has agreed to testify as part of our investigation,” said Attorney General James. “We heard hours of troubling testimony from brave New Yorkers about their interactions with the NYPD over the past few weeks, but our investigation would be incomplete without getting answers directly from the NYPD. True accountability and justice will only come when the truth is laid bare for all to hear.”  
The hearing, which began on June 17, sheds light on how police in New York have handled protests addressing police misconduct. Attorney General James presided over the hearing, and was joined by former United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch and founding Director of NYU Policing Project Barry Friedman, who serve as special advisors in the Office of the Attorney General’s (OAG) investigation into interactions between the police and the general public.  
Members of the public, elected officials, legal groups, and community organizations submitted oral and written testimony to the OAG. In total, there were more than 300 submitted pieces of testimony and 17 hours of oral testimony. There were 52 speakers on the first day of the hearing, including 20 members of the public, 17 government officials, and 15 community organizations. The second day of the hearing saw 48 speakers, with 44 members of the public, two government officials, a community organization, and a law enforcement organization.   
All written testimony, videos, and transcriptions of the oral testimony that was given on June 17 and 18 will be made available at: 
The OAG is charged with conducting an independent investigation into the NYPD’s actions throughout the recent protests and the policies and systemic realities that inform these actions. The OAG has received hundreds of submissions to the complaints email address and online portal. The OAG is reviewing those submissions, reviewing camera phone footage, interviewing witnesses, and reviewing relevant documents that have been provided by the NYPD at the OAG’s request.