Thursday, April 9, 2020

MAYOR DE BLASIO ON COVID-19 - April 9, 2020

  Mayor Bill de Blasio: Yesterday I talked to you about some of the first signs we were seeing of some progress of some change. And, I want to go deeper into what it means, what we know, what we don't know at this point, but also how we are going to prepare for the weeks and months ahead. Because the fact that we've seen some initial change, we shouldn't overrate it, we should not count our chickens before they're hatched. But it does remind us that if we do everything we need to do as new Yorkers we can hasten the day when a bigger change happens, when we can go even farther. What this all is saying to me, the more our team researches the situation, the more we learn from experience, the more we really understand this horrible disease through actually dealing with it here at the front line, the front line of this entire nation, what we're seeing as how much the people matter, how much the future will be determined by all of you, by the people of New York City.

What you're doing so far is absolutely on target. It's very, very tough to do social distancing. It's very tough to stay home and practice shelter in place. No one thought it would be easy. I can certainly say, I think for all of us, it's even harder than we imagined. So, for everyone who's frustrated, for everyone who's already feeling, you know, cooped up and like, it's hard to imagine doing this for a long period of time. For a lot of people, actually, one of the things I hear constantly from people is they feel bored. They feel held back from doing the things they love. Obviously, we all feel deeply disconnected from loved ones that we would normally travel to see, particularly at the holiday season. So, there's a deep feeling in this city of the frustration with dealing with all of the changes we've had to go through. And I remind everyone, it's only been in a matter of weeks that we've had to make these massive adjustments.

So, for anyone out there who feels frustrated, who feels confused or angry that all this had to happen, I share that, we all feel it. But we also know that you've been finding a way, in an incredibly noble, consistent manner. The people of this city have answered the call. You are practicing social distancing. Is it perfect? No, of course not. We're the most densely populated city in the United States of America. We've the worst spaced place in the world to try and achieve social distancing, but people are actually doing it. You know, if you wanted social distancing to be perfect, there are places where people don't live so close together. Maybe that's where it could be perfect. But you know what, it may not be perfect, but New Yorkers are doing it in an amazing way. People really are going out of their way, and you see it all the time, to find new and creative ways to live with the reality of social distancing.

Our police officers and all of the public servants who are enforcing this law are doing an outstanding job. Again, is it perfect? No. Are there problems? Yes. And everyone sees the problem. I remind you, please do everyone a favor. If you see a store that's overcrowded or you see a line that's close together, not distanced each person six feet apart. If you see anything where social distancing is not being practiced, call 311 right away and NYPD or other agencies will come there quickly and make things right. But the fact is the NYPD, the FDNY, the Buildings Department, the Sheriff's Office, the Parks Department, they've all been out there doing enforcement and what they're finding time and time again is a very high level of compliance with the rules of social distancing. And they’re finding that, yeah, sometimes people need to be reminded, particularly younger people, that's not a shock. Teenagers having to be reminded to follow the rules, for all of us who are parents, that's something we're very, very used to. That's something we did or do every single day in dealing with teenagers. I certainly did and Chirlane did when we were bringing up our children. So, it's not a surprise that all the adults in the lives of our young people have to remind them constantly to follow the rules. And that our enforcement officers go out and see people of any age, they're going to have to remind them, particularly younger people.

But what we're finding is when the police show up or any of the other agencies, the reminder is working, the warning is working. We're not in a situation where we have to give a huge number of fines, but we do need people to call 311 the second you see it. Anyone who is frustrated, angry, or they see a lack of social distancing, or they see people crowding. You know what? Don't be angry. Just pick up the phone. Now you can still be angry, but the most important is don't be angry and hold it into yourself. Act on it. If you really believe it's a problem, and you don't make that call, then I have to say, I guess you don't think it's that much of a problem. So seriously, all it takes is a call to 311 and then help will be sent immediately. This is a highest priority for the NYPD and all the enforcement agencies to get this right.

I say that to a point. Generally speaking, people have actually been following these rules. Folks have been staying home. They understand you go out, you do just what you need to do your, you get food, you get medicine, get a little exercise, get back. People have been doing that. I've been in many places in this city, and you feel like it's a ghost town. People have been following the rules and that's why we're starting to see some improvement and we are far from out of the woods. But we're seeing something because you did that, you earned that. And I want people to think about it this way. We, all of us, 8.6 million of us have to earn our way out of this horrible situation. Do we deserve what we've gotten? Of course not. No one ever heard of this disease six months ago, didn't even exist. And yet it's visited upon us in a way that's the worst in our nation, one of the worst experiences in the world. But that, when I say we need to earn our way out of it, it's not because we did anything wrong, it's actually because you're doing everything right.

New Yorkers are answering the call, but we need to understand, we have to save ourselves here. There's clearly a lot more our federal government could be doing and I'm going to talk about that, particularly when it comes to testing. But we have to fight back this virus and we have the power to do it in many, many ways. And if we do it the way we're capable of as New Yorkers, the toughest, strongest, most resilient people in this nation, we actually can push this virus back. We actually can overcome this phase we're in. And I'm going to show you what that means. I'm going to lay it out today and we actually can get to a point where we start the pathway back to normalcy and it will not be easy. It won't be like a nice straight line. I want to warn you right now. It's not like we're going to, you know, each week it's going to get a specific easy, clear milestone and it's all going to go perfectly and cleanly. It's not going to be like that if we're not careful, if we're not strong, if we're not disciplined. In fact, this is a disease that can reassert, resurge. You should be very worried about resurgence. We all are. The last thing we can afford is to let down our guard and let this disease back in the door even more and then see the numbers spike up. The pain, the illness, the death spike up even worse because we let down our guard. So when I say earn, I'm using the phrase to make a point. You didn't deserve this, but we're in it. As New Yorkers like to say it is what it is.

But we can fight our way out, and we have been, and we have proof of it. The fact that we saw some improvement in the dynamics with hospitalization, we saw some improvement with the number of ventilators that we had to use versus the number we expected to use. That says that shelter in place and social distancing are working. And now, it's not, let's, you know, let down our guard and take it easy. No, it's the other way around. It's let's double down, let's intensify. Let's take these new standards, these new approaches we've all learned together and really tighten them up and make them as strong as they possibly can, because that's the way out of this. All of us together and everyone has to be a part of it and everyone has to help each other get better. We're one team as New Yorkers, we are one team. Think about that for a moment. 8.6 million people, we all are depending on each other now. So, if someone in your family, someone in your life, or someone on the street isn't doing what's right, you got to help them, you got to remind them. And if there's some people that are trying to figure out how to do it even better, help them too. Because the rules are out there, the standards are out there. We have to help people, literally each person do it better. Think of it this way, every time you practice shelter in place and social distancing the right way, you're literally reducing the chance of transmission to another person. If 8.6 million people do that in unison, the whole trajectory changes. Are we going to be perfect? No. But we can do amazing things together if we feel that we're all in this together and we surely are. And that's a spirit New Yorkers have shown many, many times in times of crisis. And I know, I have total faith in the people of this city that we can overcome this by helping each other to be the best we can be in fighting this disease. So, we need to win our way to the next phase. And I'm going to talk to you today about where we are now and then what it would look like to go forward.

Now, obviously we have a long way to go. Long battle. I've said from day one, this is going to be a long battle, it’s going to be a tough battle. So, the first thing I'm going tell you is to not expect instant gratification or expect something easy. I don't think you do, but I'm just going to make it plain. We still have widespread transmission, clearly. We still are seeing horrible, painful realities for so many New York families. We've got a long way to go. I don't see anything getting easier in the month of April. I think it's going to be a long, tough April. I said for a long time, get ready for a long tough May. Now, if we continue to make progress as we've seen, at least a beginning of, May might be easier than what I originally feared it would be. And I want it to be easier for all of us. But I think the way to think about this is, April and May are when we have to win this phase, we have to push back this disease. We have to open that door to the next phase where things get better. We have to fight for it. And what we're going to do, all of us, particularly our health care leadership, is constantly give you updates. More and more specific updates so you can see the progress yourself. So you can see the fruits of your labor, what you have done to help bring about the change. But the one thing I guarantee you is we will not jump the gun. Unless we have sustained hard evidence that things are getting better, we will not relax any of the Tufts standards, the restrictions in place now. So I want us all to get to that next phase together. But it's going to be based on the facts and those facts are going to be very public.

But we can say, now that we have had a chance to see what a little progress looks like, we can say that it's time to start planning for the next phase very overtly, to talk about it, to give you a sense of what it looks like, and to make sure that we all understand together, everyone, what the common objectives are. The more I think New Yorkers understand the game plan, the better off we'll be. Look, we all understood the beginning of this crisis, no one on earth understood the coronavirus fully, and there was no roadmap. There was no playbook just sitting around for every city, and state, and country to use. But now for the first time, as we've learned more, as we experienced more, we're starting to be able to put together a game plan for the future. So, while we're in this phase, the toughest phase, is the time to plan for the next phase when things start to get better, and to lay out the goals very clearly for everyone to understand.

So first, number one, we cannot allow a resurgence. This would be the single most powerful goal. Whatever you do, don't let it get even worse. And we've already talked about, we know what we have to do to nail this down and not let it spread even further. We have to be tough and disciplined.

Second, our health care system. Protecting it, protecting it is paramount. So much effort in this last month and more went into providing the support, the personnel, the supplies, the equipment, really beefing up our healthcare system for the onslaught that we've seen in these last weeks. And our healthcare system is strong. It's holding our healthcare workers, our doctors, our nurses, everyone that works in our hospitals, they've gone through hell, but they've held the line. They've saved a lot of lives. We’ve got to keep the health care system strong, the one thing we cannot afford is for it to buckle. We can't afford to have a single day where a patient is brought in, his life could be saved and there's not a doctor or a nurse or a ventilator or what they need, so far, we've held that line we got to keep holding that line. And then we've got to keep ensuring that we do everything we can to help people practice shelter in place, practice social distancing and get the support they need. And one of the things we talked about yesterday, and we'll talk obviously about the clear evidence of the disparities that are showing up with this disease and I've been existent for healthcare for way too long in this country and in this City. We've got to help people who need more information, more support, whether it means doing it by phone or whether it means doing it in person, whatever it means. We've got to help people who are struggling the most with this disease and find a way to communicate more information to them, get them more support, get them the ability to talk to healthcare professionals more frequently, more in depth, whatever it takes.

Now, that piece of the puzzle, helping the most vulnerable is something that again, has been hard in an atmosphere where we're all supposed to be practicing social distancing and shelter in place. And we felt very strongly that our health care professionals, of course had to be first and foremost devoted to our hospitals, which for a period of time it looked dangerously close to being overwhelmed. I'm hoping, I'm praying that we can continue to hold line in the hospitals and free up more healthcare personnel for that frontline outreach, whether it be in person or by phone or whatever way it is to help the most vulnerable, I think we can.

And the other thing is to understand as a common objective that the restrictions, the ground rules, the guidelines that we're all living by, they can be adjusted when there's real evidence, but that evidence goes down, hopefully, meaning better progress, more proof that we can start to open up more or bluntly if we don't do it right or if this horrible, ferocious virus hits us in some new way. Unfortunately, restrictions might have to go up, meaning if things really get worse, we might have to tighten up further. It's not what I envisioned today, it's not what any of us want, but the truth is the truth. You should not, and I don't think anyone out there listening or watching wants to be told, you know, pretty lies you want to hear the truth. And the fact is, if we do things right and we get the help we need, especially including more testing from the federal government, we could make some real steady progress, not perfect, not always linear and beautiful progress, but still steady. If we don't do things right or if we get thrown a curve ball, we might actually have to tighten the restrictions further, no one wants that. But we have to be honest to that is a real possibility and what we'll tell you what's going on is the facts laying out to you the exact indicators. So you'll know, you'll see, you'll literally be able to judge all of us, not only the leaders of this City, your leaders, but all of us, all New Yorkers, we're going to be a judge together, whether we're getting it right or wrong, or whether our strategies are working or not because the numbers will be out there for everyone to see. So, it's going to be participatory, it's going to be everyone in it together, we do it right and we never have to get to worse restrictions, tougher restrictions. If things don't cut our way or if we're not tight, then tighter restrictions are an option, an option I hope we never have to use. So, let's be clear about the things that are in place now and the fact that clearly we see initial progress from them and that they are all necessary. And I don't think there's a lot of people doubting that right now but if there is anyone doubting that, let me make it straight for you, make it clear that all of these restrictions were necessary and continue to be necessary. So just to remind us all, we restricted large gatherings, restricted visits to hospitals and nursing homes, obviously all of this, a combined effort between the City and the State. Closed bars and restaurants, closed non-essential businesses, called for face coverings in public, six-foot separation, social distancing, closed things like schools and daycares, limited outdoor recreation, and of course most importantly instituted shelter in place. Now these things happen at different times in different ways according to the information we had, the evidence, we had our coordination with the State, but all of them have proven necessary and all of them will be with us, certainly in my view through April and I think for much of May. Now, it's not all or nothing in the future, it's not like you take this menu and say, okay, none of it can ever move. No, if we do things right, if we make progress, some of these pieces can start to be changed and relaxed, but again, it could go up or down depending on how well we do. So, let's talk about the phases and I've had really extensive conversations with our healthcare team and I want to thank all of them— all of them have been great. Our Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services, Dr. Raul Perea-Henze, the team of course at Department of Health, Dr. Oxiris Barbot and our Deputy Commissioner, Dr. Demetre Daskalakis and all of their staff, Health and Hospitals, Dr. Mitchell Katz and his great team. We've had some great help in recent weeks from the Senior Advisor we brought in to advise us on the COVID-19 strategy who is an internationally recognized expert, Dr. Jay Varma, who's with us here today. Many, many people and I'm not even mentioning a lot of others who have contributed, but the constant conversations over the last few days have allowed us to want to really go into depth about these three phases of the epidemic and to help people understand it more clearly want all New Yorkers to be a part of this and to feel again invested in the solutions and the actions we have to take.

So, let's recap where we are now, again, in the first phase that we're experiencing widespread transmission. What it means you're seeing constantly new cases regularly just consistently and we're at a point because of community spread where we can't trace the origins of individual cases to their initial source. We do need in this phase the strong guidelines and restrictions and we have to ration testing, we have to prioritize testing because we have a very limited supply of testing. Where is it going? Again, testing is being focused first and foremost on saving the lives of people who are already in danger of losing their lives. Folks in the hospital in danger or people who it's quite clear are already experiencing disease in a direct dangerous way and the healthcare professionals need that testing to know what's going on. Job one, job two, our healthcare workers testing to protect them, to know who should be at those hospitals and who shouldn't to keep them in the game, all those who can be. We desperately need our healthcare workers, we've obviously lost a certain number of them temporarily to disease and— it's such a tragic, painful truth we've lost some permanently and we know it's so painful that some of these heroes are gone forever, because they sacrificed for all of us. We have to make sure they have the testing they need period, high, high priority to make sure our healthcare workers have the testing they need so they can do what they're doing to save everyone else. And then our first responders who were depending on deeply in this to save lives in so many ways, including all the ways they do that have nothing to do with COVID-19 to be the backbone of getting people to the hospitals when they need and to enforce these rules that are keeping this disease from spreading.

Those are where the priorities are, in this phase where we don't have a lot of testing and we have to think about the most basic things that we can do to make sure healthcare is— there and help is there for those who need it most. As the testing supply increases, we're looking at additional strategies that could be used with the testing here now even in this phase, but we're going to need more testing if we're going to use testing in any other strategic ways or pinpointed ways. We've got to have a bigger supply this has been— the underlying challenge from day one and we've never had a satisfactory answer from the federal government, not one single day since this began, have I felt that the federal government has proven to us they are doing everything to get us the testing we need. Because if they had done it, we would be in an entirely different situation and bluntly, I'm not going to let bygones be bygones to say the least, but I can tell you we still need them to produce in a way they have not done, because if we could get widespread testing, it would start to change the entire— strategy and allow us to do so much more. So, how do we get to the next phase? How do we get to a phase where there's low-level transmission and our lives start to get better, and obviously many, many lives are saved. Continuing to practice the social distancing, the shelter in place is the pathway to the next phase. So when I say earn it, I want people to hear this in a good positive way, we all keep doing what we're doing we actually can work our way to that next phase where things get better and our lives take a step towards normalcy and we're not talking necessarily a huge period of time. This is something, again, I don't think it happens in April, I think if we really work hard, we have a chance of seeing change in May or June so that hard work and everyone in the government has to lead the way and we have to support it in every way possible and force it in every way possible, but we need 8.6 million teammates to do it. That's what gets us to low-level transmission, what does it look like? In low-level transmission, again, I would love to believe this is something you could see later in May or going into June. You're seeing, yes, you're seeing some new cases and you're seeing them regularly, but there's a very profound difference. You can actually trace them again, what we were able to do in the very beginning of this crisis, remember when we used to talk about a individual case and then we'd say, Oh, we're talking to the family of that person or who they worked with and we traced them, we found out these people are okay there, they tested negative. We knew exactly how to trace the map of people that they came in contact with we actually could go back in that direction, which would be a very good thing. So with low-level transmission, you're actually able to use those disease detectives again, because there's few enough cases that you can trace the whole universe of anyone who may have been exposed and get them whatever help they need. In that scenario, with low-level transmission, you can do some relaxing of the restrictions. Not all, not all at once, but you can start to make life a little more normal and people have to be smart about it, not overdue but if we're patient, if we're measured, we can actually sustain that low-level transmission phase and work our way towards the next even better phase. To do this we would need a more substantial amount of testing, if we tried to do a low-level transmission strategy with just the testing we had now, we would constantly run up against the problem of lack of testing capacity. So we need some greater capacity, it's not clear how and when that happens, it's not clear if there'll be enough technological advances or if somewhere on the international market we can get the right kind of tests. It's not clear at all if the federal government will really have the—breakthrough of that they need to, that they'll focus their energies on getting testing to all the places they need it. I think the federal government is still the single most important piece of this equation and when it comes to testing, so we would need more testing and we don't have it yet. But since that phase is not likely until May or June, there's time and now we're going to work very hard to get that testing one way or another, we're searched the whole world to find it, whatever will get the job done. And then they'll next phase is the one we all want to get to, and that phase where there's no transmission to speak of— is when we actually can get back to normal. And always being vigilant, always guarding against the resurgence, always realizing we're up against a very ferocious and clever enemy in the coronavirus. But there is a phase and we can actually describe it now, where you have the ability to see very few new cases so much so that you can basically say it's a no transmission dynamic. To get to that phase you need a lot more testing, that phase requires testing whenever needed, however needed, again, we would need that federal help to get there. In a no transmission phase, what it basically means is there's very, very few cases and essentially the cases that do emerge come from outside the City, not from within the City. So, someone travels or comes here and that's how someone contracts it, but again, rare and traceable that kind of phase means we're out of the social distancing business if we really work hard, we get to the point where we don't have to practice the same kind of restrictions that again, is months away but it is something we can at least envision. And in that phase, you do a lot of testing, you test anyone who might potentially have been exposed, even if they're not showing symptoms, you test anyone who has any kind of symptoms that might relate to the coronavirus. It's a very aggressive testing approach and it is very, very much focused on a lot of information and a lot of support for anyone who needs it. That's a phase we could get to, but it's going to take a lot of work.

So, let's go back on this whole idea of how we go from here to there, to that no transmission phase we all want to get to as soon as possible. So, this graphic is on purpose showing you that it is not a beautiful straight line. In truth, we've talked to all of our health experts and I mentioned Dr. Jay Varma, who's worked all around the world fighting the Coronavirus and other infectious diseases and he's brought back lessons from a lot of different countries and what they've seen and what is one of the most important lessons is it doesn't go in a straight, perfect line. In fact, there's always the danger that people start to relax a little bit and you see the disease start to come back and then you have to fight it back. Our job is to try and make it as straight a line as possible; to stay focused, stay disciplined, practice whatever the standards are at that time and practice them really well and enforce them. And that's where all of us - I keep saying that this is participatory - everyone's in it, but the government, this is piece where the government 100 percent has to always create the right kind of enforcement. And that's my job and the job of all my colleagues, but we need you always. Again, if you see it, call 3-1-1. We used to talk about in the fight against terror; if you see something, say something. Well for right now the enemy is a disease; the terrorist is a disease and if you see something, call it in immediately. Crowding helps this disease to grow and where people are not social distancing, the disease grows. We need you to call 3-1-1. Just call. Don't even think about, just call, report it and help will come right away. That is something I'm guaranteeing and if there's any place where it doesn't come, I will deal with that agency or that official who didn't get the help where we needed it. So, I need the report so I can protect you. So, resurgence, I've addressed, this is a real thing, this is a danger always, this is why we have to look at this and feel it. I'm asking people to not just think about it, but to feel it. We get too loose, we loosen our grip, we get overconfident - this is what can happen. You think things are going good and then suddenly it's back with a vengeance. That does not have to happen, but God forbid it ever did happen, then restrictions go back on and in fact, restrictions may get to a higher place than we've ever seen them before. That to me is incentive to all of us. None of us are enjoying the restrictions we have right now. Lord knows we don't even want tighter restrictions. Let's get out of this phase and get to the better phase. Get up, but let's hold it. Let's stay firm with it and never let that resurgence happen.

Now, let me talk to you about the way we will be giving you the information going forward so that you will be able to watch in real time along with everyone here at City Hall, everyone in the Health Department, Health + Hospitals, Emergency Management, all the people leading this effort to fight the coronavirus, you'll be seeing the same data they see in real time and this will start on Monday. And the goal here is that everyone together, all New Yorkers can watch the movement of this data and have a common goal, a common standard. When all of the data, all of the lines move in the same direction for a sustained period of time, that's when we can start talking about changing some of the rules and making life a little easier. So the goals will be clear and the three indicators are these; we're going to show you every day the number of people admitted to hospitals for suspected COVID-19 conditions. We will also show you, second, the number of people admitted to the ICUs for suspected COVID-19 conditions and then we will show you the percentage of people throughout the city who tested positive - the specific positive tests for COVID-19 throughout the city. Now, what do we need to start to discuss moving to the next phase, that better phase and to start to discuss any change, any relaxing of restrictions; we need to see all three of those indicators move in unison in the same direction. We cannot see two of them get better and one of them get worse. That doesn't work. All three have to move together down; all three have to move in a better direction together. They have to do that for at least 10 days to two weeks -sustained, consistent. If it's one day gets good and the next day goes bad, that doesn't count. We need to see a clean, clear pattern that sustains itself for several weeks to then say it's time to even discuss some of the positive changes we'd all like to experience. So you will be watching in real time and I think it will be inspirational to all of us to realize we're all in this together. We all have agency here, we all have power here, we all have the ability to make a change. You're going to see in real time if it's working for all of us or not working or what we have to do next to drive that down- drive all three of those numbers down.

Okay, what do we need as a city? What do we need as a people to get to where we want to go? That promised land, low level transmission;  that's where we want to go and want to go there as soon as we can and it's not going to be easy - long battle - we're going to be at it for a while, but we need to get to that place - all of us - and we need to sustain that. What do we need? Testing, testing, testing; number one, we need a whole lot of testing. We need the federal government to step up. We need them to do it quickly. You can't just snap your fingers, they have to work on it now so that we get more and more and more of it and we get it when we need it. We already have been suffering since January, a number of us on January 24th pleaded with the federal government to get testing in New York City in substantial numbers immediately so we could do tests here. From that day to today, there's never been a single day where our federal government has provided the amount of testing we need. That has to change if we're going to beat this disease not only in New York City, but everywhere else in the country.

Second, we're going to need to take a lot of people power. A lot of staff, a lot of human beings are going to do the outreach; talking to people constantly, primarily by phone of course and text, constantly keeping in touch with people as we get into those better phases where we want to stay in touch with anyone and everyone who either has the disease, might have the disease, needs to be quarantined or isolated. Lot of communication, a lot of follow-up, making sure people have what they need, making sure we're finding out what's going on, making sure people know how to handle things or if they need additional medical advice or care. A lot of staffing, which we will provide. We're also going to need to use information technology to constantly communicate with people in a very advanced way, constantly tracking what they're experiencing - what they need - using IT as a tool where everyone will be able to log-on and say what's going on and what they need and it will allow us to keep so much more information and get so much more information out to people. We're going to need more options for quarantine and isolation. So, we've been building out hotel capacity to create temporary hospitals. If we get to those better phases, particularly to the best phase, to the one we want to get to - low level transmission.  That in the end to low-level transmission, again to no transmission I should say, that requires being able to have a lot of capacity for people, for example, say someone needs to be away from their family, from their family because they have the disease or they're symptomatic -we need to isolate. We're going to be doing that on a really big scale; someone needs to be quarantined, we'll do that on a big scale. So were going to have to build that out. Hopefully we'll need less of those rooms for hospitals, but we will need a lot of those rooms for isolation and quarantine. Either way, we have a lot of hotel rooms at our capacity and we will do what it takes to have them available.

And then finally, what we don't control, but we're trying to support with all the efforts of our health team and we're praying that the national and international medical community advances on the front of treatments and vaccines. These are two areas where there could be real progress. I think most of the professionals I've talked to, say the vaccine is probably at least a year away, if not more, but treatments, there's been some interesting efforts going on, research going on, trials going on, maybe that changes the picture and that is happening in large measure in the city of New York. So we are a part of that effort and hopefully that will help to change the whole situation for everyone for the better.

So, we understand what it’s going to take and we understand we're going to need a lot of tools to get there. Some we can create ourselves, some we're going to need help from the outside, especially the federal government. So, the testing capacity that underlies all of this – solve that problem and you can solve a lot of other problems. The ability to isolate people when they need to be isolated; that's something we have more control over and we can build out that capacity. The ability to trace and quarantine folks who need that - that's something that this city does well - our Department of Health and Disease Detectives do well, when they can get to a point where they can actually have a number of cases that they could reach, not an overwhelming number like we have now. But we have a lot of that capacity and we can build more and continuing to do the right kind of social distancing when we need it. We've already proven that, people in New York City have proven they can meet that standard. We just have to show we can hold it. So, we can get to a better place - that's the bottom line - we can get to a better place. We have the ability in so many ways, yes, we need help, but we can do it. People are already showing that we can win – were going to have to do a lot more to get there and we're going to update constantly. Me and my team will update you constantly so you’ll [inaudible] see exactly how we're doing and all the questions, all the concerns that New Yorkers have, you'll be able to ask those questions against all the facts before your very eyes.

As I conclude, then we'll turn to questions from the media. I want to just say, you know, we've talked so much and rightfully so about our health care workers and so many New Yorkers have poured out your hearts to our health care workers and they feel it. I've talked to so many of them; they feel your love and your appreciation. Please keep showing it all the time. Let's sustain them, let's support them, but so many individuals and organizations are stepping up to help our health care workers. I don't think I've ever seen in, in all the years of public service in the city, I have never seen more love, more support, more appreciation for our healthcare workers than at this moment. You know, they, they've been through it after Sandy, they were saving lives after 9/11, and this every day - you know - dealing with the toughest situations. But I think for a long time we sort of took for granted, we had these amazing doctors and nurses and hospital workers and they really haven't been given the thanks that they deserve for a long, long time. Finally, this horrible, horrible crisis is at least bringing out into the open just how amazing they are. So, thank you to everyone who is supporting them. Even the smallest act of appreciation and generosity towards our healthcare workers really helps and they feel it. And there's been some big acts of generosity, I want to thank Goldman Sachs, which already had been very, very helpful - made a major donation to our public schools - now have given a half million dollar grant to Health + Hospitals for staff and supplies, staffing and supplies - that's very much appreciated. And I want to thank a very civically engaged couple, Mark Gallogly and Lise Strickler, I’ve known Mark a long time – he's done a lot for the city. Well they've given a very generous gift to our healthcare workers to make sure that they get food and care packages to make their days a little bit easier while they're fighting this fight. So, thanks to that great couple and so many other people who are stepping-up. We're going to keep celebrating that piece of the love and generosity of New Yorkers for our health care workers.

Okay, so I think I've said it and said it again; you have the power. It doesn't always feel that way in this fight, it really doesn't, and for a lot of times I think we felt confused, pain, powerless, but in fact, you have the power in so many ways to fight this disease back. Our job is to build up a strategy, get the resources in place, get the enforcement in place, do all the things to support you. Of course, get you the healthcare you need when you need it. Everything we're going to do from this point on is to protect you, to protect the people who do protect you - our healthcare workers, our first responders - to enforce these rules, to get you the things that allow you to get through this crisis and for so many people, that means the basics like food, make sure you have shelter protected from eviction. All the things we have to do to protect New Yorkers and also to empower you with information, with support to get through this crisis. We can do it. I wanted you to see those phases ahead, I wanted you to feel those next phases. I wanted you to see where we could go and I know we can get there together. 

Amid Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, Governor Cuomo Launches Multi-Platform, Multi-Language Education and Awareness Campaign to Reach All New Yorkers Across the State in All Zip Codes and Communities

Outreach to Wider Audience Will Emphasize State's Core Message to New Yorkers to Stay Home
Governor Launches Instagram Campaign, #IStayHomeFor, with Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez to Reach the Widest Audience Possible
Builds on Ongoing State Efforts to Reach All Communities in New York with the Life-Saving Stay Home Message

  Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today launched a multi-platform, multi-language education and awareness campaign to reach all New Yorkers across the state in all zip codes including hard-to-reach communities. The campaign will emphasize the state's core message to stay home and will expand outreach and awareness of this critical mandate to new and wider audiences. The Governor launched the Instagram campaign, #IStayHomeFor, with Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez to help reach the widest audience possible with the state's life-saving stay home message.

"This virus is truly vicious, and we all have an obligation to do what we can to protect each other and to protect the most vulnerable," Governor Cuomo said. "We will only be effective if social distancing is enforced and maintained. That's why we are using every tool at our disposable to reach everyone, everywhere in every way -- particularly communities we don't normally reach -- to reinforce the message to stay home and stop the spread, if not for ourselves, for the vulnerable people we love around us."

This builds on the state's ongoing efforts to reach all communities across the state with the message to stay home, including:

  • "Go Paper" Campaign: In recognition of the fact that not all New Yorkers are on social media, the state has created the "Go Paper" campaign, which partners with delivery services including FreshDirect to print flyers - which encourage people to abide by social distancing protocols, wash their hands and stay home -- and attach them to local deliveries. Starting this week, FreshDirect will include the flyers in 100,000 deliveries a week. The state is reaching out to local businesses and asking them to include the flyer with all deliveries. The flyer is available in English and Spanish here.
  • Nightly Newsletter: Launched on March 17th, this nightly email newsletter provides 190,000 subscribers with reliable facts and updates on New York State's response to coronavirus. Individuals can subscribe to receive the newsletter here.
  • Leveraging Radio DJs: New York State is working with DJs at the state's most popular radio stations in key communities to raise awareness about the facts regarding the spread of coronavirus and to share key crucial social distancing messages to their listener audiences.
  • LinkedIn: To engage with business-oriented thought-leaders, the Governor's team uses LinkedIn to highlight messages on sourcing personal protective equipment, the impact of the private sector during the pandemic and the importance of mental health.
  • NY Hub on the Ad Council's PSA Portal: NYS has partnered with the Ad Council to create a NYS specific hub highlighting our Stay Home, Save Lives messaging in English and Spanish. Assets include :30 and :60 second TV spots and pre-roll, radio spots, social media posts, online banners and OOH signs and billboards. Assets can be downloaded here.
  • New York State Department of Health Preparedness Messaging:  To ensure New York's diverse and multi-lingual communities are receiving critical information to prevent the spread of COVID-19, The Department produced a series of public service announcements featuring Health Commissioner, Dr. Howard Zucker. Those ads are currently airing in English on broadcast, cable and streaming video services with subtitles in Spanish, Chinese and Korean.  Public service announcements are also airing on streaming and broadcast radio, and print ads have been developed in multiple languages for placement in ethnic newspapers. DOH is also engaging in a digital advertising campaign targeted to reach all communities.
  • Highway Signs and Billboards: Individuals driving on the road are reminded of the Governor's important "Stay Home, Save Lives" by digital signage on major roadways.
  • Graphics Campaign - Save a Life-Put a Life in Danger: Data shows that social distancing is working. To reinforce social distancing practices, this graphic campaign features a side by side comparison of crowded versus empty New York spaces.
  • Nextdoor: The Governor has launched a messaging program on the Nextdoor app to keep New Yorkers updated on important Coronavirus news including the extension of New York on PAUSE and social distancing practices.

Snapchat: New York State is working with Snap Inc. on filters that New Yorkers can use on Snapchat to spread the critical stay home message on its platform, which reaches 75 percent of all 13-34 year olds in the US. The filters will be launched this week and targeted specifically in New York. Governor Cuomo also recently launched his own Snapchat account — nygov — as a strategic way to reach young people across the state and provide critical updates.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Speaker Johnson, Finance Chair Dromm and Capital Budget Subcommittee Chair Gibson Outline Steps to Protect and Strengthen the City’s Social Safety Net Amid COVID-19 in Council’s Budget Response

  Council Speaker Corey Johnson, Council Finance Committee Chair Daniel Dromm, Capital Budget Subcommittee Chair Vanessa Gibson and the City Council released today the Council’s response to the Mayor’s Fiscal 2021 Preliminary Budget. The Preliminary Budget was released in January – three months ago when the city was a drastically different place. The impact of COVID-19 on our economy has been much like the effect of the virus itself – sudden and with a quick decline.

As a result, the Preliminary Financial Plan no longer seems an appropriate starting point for the assessment of where the City’s budget should end up by the end of the fiscal year. The priorities of our government and our budget clearly have shifted drastically.
Therefore, the response to the Preliminary Budget that the Council offers this year contains our estimation of the components of the baseline budget that are essential and must be preserved even in the face of impending budget cuts. We recognize that revenues are decreasing because of severely reduced business activity, deferred tax collections, and a sharp drop in tourism. And we understand that a substantial amount of resources will be needed to combat the spread of coronavirus and to protect the health and safety of our people and the heroic essential workers. However, as we make the tough decisions about where to find savings and efficiencies, it is imperative that the basic social safety net programs remain untouched, and in some cases expanded with additional investments.
While this response by its nature focuses on the City’s budget, it is crucial that our City and State leadership continue to press the federal government for additional stimulus and recovery funding. The City’s ability to stabilize its economy, help the tens of thousands of newly unemployed or underemployed workers, provide loans to small businesses, and pay for the public health response to the virus hinges on federal assistance. 
As the City begins to recover from this crisis, we look forward to partnering with the Administration to discuss how funding will need to shift to restart the economy, revive youth programming, including the Summer Youth Employment Program, and address the continuing repercussions of the rise in unemployment.
The Council’s budget response includes recommendations to protect and increase support in seven key areas. Please read the response by following this link.
Highlights are:
Maintaining Public Health
The Council urges the Administration to continue to prioritize and maintain services that focus on the prevention and identification of infectious diseases; provide needed mental health supports; address health disparities in New York City’s communities of color that cause an excess burden of ill health and premature mortality, including obesity, diabetes, and maternal mortality; support the full range of health services; and conduct surveillance of environmental-related diseases. This crisis – and the disparities in communities that appear to be most impacted by this pandemic – has taught us that we must prioritize public health for the good of all of our City.
Addressing Food Insecurity
The Council calls on the Administration to invest at least $25 million in food pantries, expand all City feeding programs, and increase food allowances for all emergency housing programs. With the drop in employment, thousands more New Yorkers are food insecure.
Protecting the Senior Population
New York City is home to about 1.2 million New Yorkers over the age of 60, and before the coronavirus pandemic, many relied on the city for support. Amid this crisis, the Council calls on the Administration to ensure that every older adult who requests a meal receives one and to adequately fund the enhanced need for senior services.
Keeping New Yorkers Housed
The Council urges the Administration to fund a robust rental voucher program, move families out of shelters into vacant units, invest in homeless street solutions, and expand anti-eviction services, and preserve NYCHA’s affordable housing stock. At the start of this pandemic, New York City was in the midst of an affordable housing and homelessness crisis. The pandemic is likely to lead to even further housing instability in our city. We must continue to try and tackle this problem. The Council has always maintained that the key is investing in long-term solutions, like supportive and permanent housing. This is more than just being compassionate – it is also more financially prudent. The average daily cost for a single adult is $124 in a shelter, with an average length stay for that same adult at around one year and two months. That means it costs the city $51,300 to house one individual during an average shelter stay. For roughly the same cost, a rental voucher could house someone for a year and five months.
Supporting Human Services Providers
The Council urges the Administration to continue to support human services providers by ensuring that workers feel protected, safe, and properly compensated; that contracts reflect the increased costs associated with COVID-19; and that agencies allow flexibility in contract scope and services.
Protecting Tenants and Small Property Owners
The Council calls on the Administration to support a rent relief and deferral program for adversely impacted families and implement tax deferral programs for struggling homeowners and small property owners. Until the pandemic is under control, many New Yorkers will not be able to meet their financial obligations. This is why we need we need to take several steps, including supporting a rent deferral and relief program for adversely impacted renters that lasts the duration of the crisis; calling on large property owners to step up like they did in the 1970s and prepay their entire Fiscal 2021 property tax bill on July 1 to provide the City with cash flow to be able to offer assistance programs to those who were harder hit. We should fund interest forgiveness and tax deferral to low- and moderate-income homeowners, small commercial owners, hotels, and rental building owners who provide rental relief to tenants.
Supporting Small Business
It is critical small businesses survive the COVID-19 crisis until activity is back to normal. To weather the storm, the Council urges the Administration to implement measures to stabilize the small business community. Businesses have certain bills that need to be paid whether or not they are operating, such as rent, utilities, loan payments, insurance costs, and taxes. Getting cash to small businesses during this crucial period is essential and the Administration should continue targeted tax and municipal deferrals and expand the NYC Small Business Continuity Loan Program to reach more businesses and provide larger loans.

“The upcoming budget negotiations will involve many tough choices, but it is clear that there are certain basic items that should remain protected, including investments in public health and the social safety net.  This is a crisis unlike any we have ever seen, but I believe in New York City. We have faced tough challenges before, and have come back stronger every time. These strategic investments outlined in this response will help us get back on our feet,” said Council Speaker Corey Johnson.
“The City must deliver for the thousands of New Yorkers who rely on our social safety net in this time of great need. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented an unprecedented challenge to our city and to the budgeting process. There is a lot of uncertainty but one thing is clear: services that keep New Yorkers housed, fed, healthy and open for business should remain strong. Because the need for many of these services will only grow in the coming months, New York City needs to prioritize them to the fullest extent possible so that no one falls through the cracks. I stand with Speaker Johnson and Capital Budget Subcommittee Chair Gibson in urging the administration to devise a budget that will lift New York City’s most vulnerable up and move the city forward,” said Council Finance Chair Daniel Dromm
“Our communities are struggling as a result of COVID-19 and the projections are that the situation is going to get worse. The number of residents applying for unemployment benefits and public assistance skyrocketed over the past few weeks and that number could increase as businesses continue to close. Millions of New Yorkers rely on social safety net programs and city services for financial relief and substantial cuts to these programs will have an adverse effect on families across all five boroughs. I implore Mayor de Blasio and the administration as we look for ways to reduce costs, to ensure that we keep economic protections in place for low income New Yorkers and other vulnerable populations. Together with Speaker Corey Johnson, my colleagues in the Council, and the Administration, I look forward to achieving a fiscally responsible budget that recognizes our current climate, but also protects and values important programs that New Yorkers are dependent on,” said Capital Budget Subcommittee Chair Vanessa Gibson.

Attorney General James Urges Action to Protect Communities of Color from COVID-19

  New York Attorney General Letitia James issued the following statement in response to data released today that shows that the majority of fatalities from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in New York City have been people of color:

“The COVID-19 data released today reveals that the virus has had a disproportionate impact on communities of color. To say it is disturbing would be an understatement. Public health crises like this both reveal and exacerbate the depths of inequality in our society. I thank Governor Cuomo for his efforts to address these devastating disparities, but we must all continue to do more. We must expand treatment, rapid testing, and tracking with a sharp eye toward marginalized communities. We must also continue to increase hospital capacity, resources for safety net hospitals, and expand language access to ensure those communities hit hardest have the information they desperately need. Lastly, more is needed to protect our essential workers, many of whom are people of color. That means providing and requiring protective equipment for public transportation workers; grocery store, delivery, and warehouse workers; home health aides, nursing home workers, and others. It is imperative that we also think long term about tackling inequality head on and ensuring that universal healthcare access is a right, not a privilege. This is call to action. Let's heed it."
The preliminary data released today shows that of the fatalities in New York City, 34 percent of the people were Hispanic and 28 percent were black. Hispanics make up 29 percent of the city's total population and black people make up 22 percent. By comparison, white people make up 32 percent of the population and account for 27 percent of the fatalities.

Comptroller Stringer and Assemblymember Epstein Call on City to Protect Seniors in Section 202 Housing Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Stringer and Epstein propose treating Section 202 housing, which provides subsidized housing and services to some 25,000 low income seniors in NYC, the same as nursing homes and other citywide facilities that support older New Yorkers at increased risk of contracting COVID-19
Letter urges HPD and DOHMH to conduct an immediate needs assessment of every Section 202 building and issue guidance on protocols around infections, quarantines, cleaning, food and health care
  New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer and New York State Assemblymember Harvey Epstein sent a letter to New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) Commissioner Louise Carroll and New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot outlining the urgent need to protect older New Yorkers living in federal Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Section 202 buildings, which are dedicated to providing low-income senior citizens with affordable housing and the services they need to live independently, amid the COVID-19 pandemic. While the letter makes clear that the federal government should bear primary responsibility for protecting seniors living in HUD-subsidized Section 202 housing, it also expresses a lack of confidence in the federal government’s capacity to act quickly. Therefore, given the urgency of the COVID-19 situation and the high risk seniors face of contracting the virus, the letter urges the City to apply the same level of scrutiny and care to Section 202 developments as nursing homes or other facilities that house older New Yorkers.
There are more than 25,000 seniors living in Section 202 housing who are 62 years of age or older, and almost 7,000 of them are 85 years of age or older. Considering the high risk of contracting the virus among this vulnerable population, Comptroller Stringer and Assemblymember Epstein recommended the City move immediately to assess the needs of every Section 202 building and offer resources to protect its senior residents including issuing clear guidance on staff and resident infections, quarantine protocols, visitor restrictions, cleaning and service requirements, and food and health care needs.
“Older New Yorkers are among the most vulnerable amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and we must do everything we can to protect their health and reduce their risk of exposure,” said Comptroller Stringer. “There’s absolutely no reason for the disparity in care and services between seniors living in Section 202 homes and seniors in nursing homes and other similar facilities.  If we fail to act quickly, these older New Yorkers will become dangerously susceptible to the threat of this horrible disease. COVID-19 is causing too much pain to turn our backs on thousands of our parents and grandparents during this time of need.  Assemblymember Epstein and I urge the City to take care of them with the same tools, services, and resources that other older adults receive. It’s not just the moral thing to do — it’s what’s best for public health and to relieve pressure on our strained health care system. There’s no time to waste.”
“Failures by the federal government in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic has left cities and states to quickly take charge to protect the most vulnerable populations from infection. In order to prevent the worsening of this crisis in New York, I’m proud to join with Comptroller Stringer in calling on the City to immediately adopt a commonsense approach to safeguarding the senior residents of Section 202 housing. Action now could make all the difference for the 25,000 New Yorkers at high-risk of contracting COVID-19,” said Assemblymember Epstein.
The letter notes that by preemptively identifying high-risk communities including seniors living in Section 202 buildings and providing preventative care, more lives will be saved amid the pandemic and a lower volume of patients will be entering our health care system for treatment for the disease.
Comptroller Stringer and Assembly member Epstein outlined the following recommendations for the City to urgently address the needs of older New Yorkers in Section 202 buildings:
  • Conduct an immediate needs assessment of every Section 202 building citywide
  • Offer tools and resources to help building managers protect senior residents
  • Clear guidance on handling staff and resident COVID-19 infections
  • Quarantine protocols
  • Appropriate restrictions on visitor access
  • Cleaning and service requirements
  • Plans for providing food and health care during the pandemic
  • Assess need for increasing supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) for staff
  • Provide additional training for those in contact with residents
  • Offer access to dedicated medical professionals
To read Comptroller Stringer and Assembly member Epstein’s letter to HPD and DOHMH, click here.


  Mayor Bill de Blasio: Well, good morning, everybody. So, yesterday I told you that we were starting to see something very important. We were starting to see some change in the right direction. And I want to really talk this through for a few minutes and I want to make it very real, and very personal to all of you, because this is one of those things where understanding what it means, what it doesn't mean, is really, really important. Understanding that when we see progress, we do need to talk about it, because it tells us something, and it's something I think New Yorkers should be proud of, because it's really about what you have done. It's really about the fact that New Yorkers listened to the guidance from the health care leadership telling you to socially distance, telling you to shelter in place. People really listened, and they really did what was needed even though it was very tough.

But let's talk about what you have achieved, because I think the real heroes here are everyday New Yorkers who had to change their lives. All of you had to do something very, very different in very little time. You know, a month ago this city was in a very different reality and a month ago feels like, you know, a year ago now. I think a lot of us are having that kind of feeling that so much has happened so quickly. There's really nothing I can think of in our lives that has had this kind of reality where we've gone through just massive, massive changes in so little time, with, it seems like, every day there's something very, very different, very new. Sometimes, you know, hour by hour we saw huge changes. This is hard for all of us to make sense of. We're human beings. That's asking a lot of us to constantly adjust to such a difficult circumstance. And we as New Yorkers, we are warm people, we are emotional people, we love our family gatherings, we love our gatherings with our friends, we love to go to restaurants and nightclubs. We're probably the most social people in the whole country. We're used to being close together, and for these last weeks that hasn't been possible, and that's really hurt.

You know, the fear about the disease, the anxiety, the pain we're seeing around us, every New Yorker knows someone who has the coronavirus. So many of us know people who have passed away. That's what's in the front of our minds, and that's what we are every day fighting together. But at the same time, we all feel a sense of loss that we had a life that we in so many ways loved in this city. And it's been so strange and so different in the last few weeks. But I want people to know, the reason I say the heroes are every-day New Yorkers, is because when asked to do something incredibly difficult, when asked to make these massive changes, New Yorkers went and did it. Amazing levels of follow through, compliance with these instructions no matter how hard it was. And it's something everyone should be proud of, because even though we’ve got a long way to go, this is still going to be a very long battle, what we've seen these last few days really proves that social distancing, shelter in place, these are ideas that make a huge difference. And they only make a huge difference when people do them the right way, and New Yorkers are doing that in so many ways. So, this gives me hope, more hope than ever that we can get through this really tough moment and come out together, save a lot of lives and get on to recovery at some point.

But now here's the point I want to make about not drawing too many conclusions, because, again, there's a danger in that. We're proving every day that these smart strategies can save lives, can protect people. But we know from some other parts of the world that he started to see a little bit of progress, took their foot off the gas, let down their guard, and guess what? This awful ferocious disease started to reassert itself. And that's something we have to guard against. We have to beat it back, not open the door again too early for it to resurge and hurt so many people. So, what I'm telling you today is something has started to move. We're going to let you know day by day if we see that that positive pattern is sustained or not, because there's no guarantees. Clearly tells us something about what has been working, but it doesn't tell us when this is going to be over. It tells us we got to actually double down. I'd stick to the strategies that are working, and that is frustrating. I'm trying to tell you the truth based on all the information we have, but it's frustrating because we all want to get back to normal. We all want to go see our family, our friends, you know the weather's getting nice. Everyone would love to go out, be in the park, you know, eat outdoors at a restaurant. There's all sorts of wonderful things in this city, outdoor concerts, all the things that we look forward to as it gets warmer, but we're not there yet and we can't get our hopes [inaudible] up the wrong way. We have to keep vigilant, disciplined, strong, resilient. This is what New Yorkers have done, and this is what we've done in other crises too, and we need to keep doing it.

So, the point about doubling down is the strategies working, stick to it. Even as it gets warmer, you start to feel that pull like you want to go do some of the things you used to do, stick to the plan, stick to the strategy. Over time we'll be able to give you more a sense of how long this will be. I've always said, expect a tough April and a tough May. I'm still saying that. But what we'll do is with every piece of new information we'll update you, give you a sense of what it means. But in the meantime, see the progress as an affirmation that you have done the right thing, and if you keep doing it, it's going to help us through this.

Why are we telling you there's some progress? Well, this is about the facts. First of all, the ventilator use. We've talked so much about ventilators. They are lifesaving. This is the way you ensure that someone, God forbid, they're in distress, this disease is a close to taking their life, and a ventilator can save their life, help them keep breathing, help the doctors and nurses see them through. The question until very, very recently, just a few days ago is would we have enough? And that was based on the fact that we saw some very clear patterns in the use of ventilators. And in the last few days we've actually seen fewer ventilators needed than were projected. And that's very, very important. We expected a really deep intensification of this struggle. We expected the number of ventilators to keep being needed to be more and more going into this week. We've seen actually much fewer needed than we expected. Now, to be clear, we still need more, meaning that they're still each day more people who need them, but much less than expected. That's a good sign. The hospitalizations have stabilized. For a long time, that just kept going up and up. We're now seeing some leveling off. Again, based on only a few days, but something good on that front too. That's telling us something positive. And I want to be clear, we know that means we're not out of the woods. It's too early, it’s to preliminary, but we'll keep telling you each day what the evidence is saying. So far, so good, but a long way to go.

Now, the ventilators. So, I want to just recap to you what was going on as recently as Sunday. I said then we, based on all the estimates we could put together, we talked to all the hospitals and looked at every pattern, all the facts that at that point are about 4,000 New Yorkers who needed to be intubated, who needed the ventilator to keep alive. And as recently as Sunday, we expected the number of new ventilators we were going to need each day to be 200 to 300 maybe even more. But what's happened in the last couple of days is that number has come down, and it looks like that number is more like a hundred or even less in terms of the number of ventilators we'll need new each day. That's a striking difference. It's very early. It's very preliminary. But that is a striking difference. We thought we would need many more ventilators to come in this week just to get through the week. As recently as Sunday, I told you that we needed 1,000 to 1,500. A few days earlier I told you we needed something more like 2,500 to 3000. That's how different things have been day to day. We thought we'd need a huge number of ventilators just to keep the hospital system running, just to save the lives that could be saved. That number went down, and it's gone down again. Still a long way to go, but that is striking.

Now, constantly over these last few weeks, we have appealed to the federal government, the state government to help us with ventilators. I want to be thankful and I want to be clear that our call for help has been heard time and time again. So, we got constantly shipment after shipment, including most recently 500 more ventilators from the state of New York. This now means we have a total of almost 5,500 ventilators available throughout our New York City hospitals of all kinds. We have a small emergency reserve of 135 that we're holding in case something has to be quickly moved to a place where the need is greatest. What it means for the first time in a while, is I can say with assurance that we will get through this week in terms of ventilators. We actually have enough to get through this week, free and clear. We are not going to say that we can accurately predict next week yet, it’s still too early this week to say that. But the fact that we have confidence we can get through this week is definitely a good sign.

Now, there's some other things to report, and some of them are hopeful, and then some of them are very, very tough, and raise very important questions about what's really going on. But one that's good is when it comes to our public servants, our first responders, the people who we depend on to keep us safe. So many of them we know were out sick because of symptoms of coronavirus or because they had a confirmed case, the coronavirus. And that has been something that caused tremendous worry we were worried for them. They're our heroes, we wanted to make sure they came through okay; their families came through okay. But we also saw fewer and fewer of our first responders available on any given day and people got very worried about what that would mean. I want to thank the NYPD and the FDNY for holding the line throughout this crisis, always coming up with another way to address all the challenges out there to make sure that the men and women we relied on were ready, always bringing in new first responders. Of course, the amazing effort to bring in paramedics and EMT is from other parts of the country we're so thankful for that. But here now we're seeing something good start to happen because I've said all along, one thing that's true about our first responders is primarily they are younger and obviously very healthy people. And that meant that they could go through this disease quickly thank God in the vast majority of cases, and I'm not for a moment for getting, we have lost some of our first responders. Their families are grieving, but thank God for the vast majority they've come through quickly and they've come through well.

So, the NYPD now reports that they have 276 officers who had tested positive, who have now returned to duty. The FDNY reports that 1,310 EMT, paramedics and firefighters who either tested positive or were exposed to a patient who had tested positive or were suspected of having been infected. 1,310 of our first responders at the FDNY have returned to duty and that's so moving and that's so important for all of us, so we're very grateful. But I told you there's also some things we're learning that really should cause real concern and facts that now are clear and we want to make it very clear to people this city that as facts become clear, we're going to put them out. We're always going to make sure that we believe the information is accurate, but once it's factual, once it's clear, we're putting it out.

So, one of the things that's been discussed in recent days is what do we know about who is being afflicted by this disease? Who are we losing? What does it tell us? Are there some larger realities that we need to look at here? The answer is yes, there are. Here is a disease that has hurt people, hurt families in every corner of our City, let's be clear, every community, every ZIP code has been hurt by this disease, families are grieving right now across every part of the five boroughs. But we also now have information that points out that there are clear inequalities, clear disparities in how this disease is affecting the people of our City. The truth is that in so many ways the negative effects of coronavirus, the pain it's causing, the death that's causing tracks with other profound health care disparities that we have seen for years and decades in this City. So many people have struggled to get the health care they need, who didn't have the money to afford the health care they deserve. So many people have lived with chronic health care conditions throughout their life, so often associated with challenges like poverty. We're seeing folks who have struggled before really being hit particularly hard by the coronavirus. Look, that's a blatant inequality and we don't accept it, meaning we have to fight in new ways we have to come up with new strategies to address what is now a documented disparity. As you're going to see, again, every community feeling this pain, some communities feeling it disproportionately, we're going to help everyone. And the strategies we have in place are meant of course to save the lives of New Yorkers across the board, every part of our City. But we're going to double down on the strategies that reach people who are the most vulnerable now because we're seeing these very troubling facts.

So, here's what the information from our Health Department shows us and this is preliminary information, but it is based on specific records meaning, and this is a tough thing to say, but I want to make sure people understand the facts. This is based on a death certificates, this is based on the work of our medical examiner's office and our Department of Health confirming that someone has died of a COVID-19 related illness and that their specific background is documented. So, what we've learned is that the deaths, because of COVID-19 in the City, first and foremost have affected the Hispanic community with 34 percent of the deaths. That community is about 29 percent of all New Yorkers in terms of population, but 34 percent of the deaths. And, again, this is preliminary information that we'll keep adding to. It's hard to talk about this stuff like statistics, this means human beings, this means families but we have to look in the face, these disparities that we're learning about. So, the Hispanic community, 34 percent; the black community, 28 percent of the deaths compared to about 22 percent of the overall population; the white community, 27 percent of the deaths compared to about 32 percent of the overall population; the Asian community, 7 percent of the deaths compared to about 14 percent of the overall population. This is painful to talk about, but we have to be honest about it, there's a lot more information that will keep coming out as we have information, excuse me, we can verify. We will keep making it public, but it already tells us something we need to know and it tells us that we need to act.

So, now I want to talk about the plan that we will put in place immediately to address this information we now have about disparities. First, the first and most important element of the plan is to focus on our public hospitals in particular and some other hospitals, some of our independent hospitals certainly as well. But first and foremost, our public hospitals because this is about the most essential concept of ensuring that everyone gets health care regardless of their background, regardless of their ZIP code, regardless of their income. That has been the entire idea of our extraordinary public hospital system from the very beginning we have the biggest, best public hospital system in America. It was always built on that New York belief in fairness and equality. We need to double down on that now, we need to ensure that our public hospitals get absolutely everything they need because we know that so many New Yorkers who are in the most vulnerable communities in the most danger. Where do they turn to? They turn to our public hospitals the most obvious example has been Elmhurst Hospital in Queens. We've all seen what's played out there and the doctors and nurses, all the health care workers have been the most amazing heroes because whatever was thrown at them at Elmhurst, they held, they kept that hospital going, they handled an extraordinary number of cases, they kept saving lives. The public hospitals are the greatest guarantee we have that there will be fairness and equality in saving lives. And that's the single most important thing because we know the blunt truth is we know a huge percentage of New Yorkers, no matter what strategy is put in place, this disease is here, it's going to reach a huge percentage of us, most likely over half and even more. So, people are going to have to confront this disease, it's painful, it's awful that's the truth, but that's the truth. But when they need urgent health care, when they need to have the best doctors and nurses there to save their lives, for so many people that means going to their local public hospital. And we must ensure that that hospital has all the personnel it needs, all the ventilators it needs, all the PPEs, everything that's been the core of the strategy. And we got to go even deeper into that strategy because that's where you literally save the lives that can be saved.

The second is, we're going to do a major campaign to educate people, to give them more and more detailed information on how to address this crisis. There'll be a multimillion-dollar ad campaign, a traditional media digital campaign focused on communities of color, focused on communities where English is not the first language. In fact, these ads will be in 14 different languages with a deep effort to get to folks who have gotten some of the word obviously, but not all the information we want them to have so that we can further protect them. We're going to keep investing in this kind of effort to make sure we get much deeper into communities, including immigrant communities with real valuable information about how to navigate this extraordinary challenge. Third, you know, the media efforts everything we're trying to do to educate people every day are crucial, but they certainly will not be enough and now comes a part that's going to be very challenging because the nature of this crisis, but we have to do a grassroots outreach again. This is something we're going to develop over the next few days, we're going to have to work closely with community based clinics where there are health care workers who have a deep sense of their own communities who speak the language in every sense of their own community, who have the relationships and the trust. We're going to have to find a way to get health care workers out into communities to educate people, to answer their questions, to help them address their immediate challenges, but in a way that's safe for those health care workers. We are absolutely, as you heard earlier, sticking by shelter and place a social distancing. But we need to find a way to get health care workers in a safe, smart, strategic way out into communities for direct communication with people in greatest need. So, we'll have more on that plan in the coming days, clearly those health care workers will need to have proper protection and that has to be absolutely secured for this plan to work, which is why we will continue all our efforts to bring in a huge amount of additional supplies to the City’s PPEs to protect all our health care workers and first responders and everyone who needs them.

Fourth point is to deepen our efforts that have started, but I think they can go a lot farther. When you call 3-1-1 for example, there are many times when you're patched through to a Health + Hospitals clinician, a doctor or a nurse or another health care worker who can answer questions and determine - for example - why people call wondering if because of how they're feeling if they need testing. That's been something that people have been able to get through 3-1-1, but we need to deepen that and make it more possible for people to call just to talk through their situation more, to get more advice. And not just because they're wondering whether they need a test, but to actually have a dialogue with the health care workers – again in multiple languages – about what they're feeling, what's going on, maybe it is not someone even just calling about their own condition; maybe it's someone calling about their grandma, their grandpa, maybe it’s someone calling about their mom or their child. We need to create more of an opportunity for every-day New Yorkers who many of whom don't have a doctor that's their everyday doctor - to get someone on the phone right away; a trained professional who can talk through the details and give them guidance. That has to be much more available and that's what we're going to do.

Now, to ensure that we protect that first key part of this plan, are public hospitals. We just need more help, particularly when it comes to personnel. The frontline health care workers have gone through hell, but they've held the line. They've been heroes in every way. Some of them have gotten sick themselves and been out and we look forward to them coming back healthy - we're praying for them, we're hoping for them and for their families. But in the meantime, the many, many health care workers who are continuing to fight this fight, they have really borne the brunt and they're tired and they need relief and they need support, which is why I've repeatedly asked for military medical personnel and it's been a plea I've made to Washington repeatedly. We've seen some progress; we have almost 300 who have come in now out in our public hospitals. These are doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, highly trained people, highly effective medical personnel, many of them with a kind of military experience that makes them very, very ready to handle the toughest situations. Almost 300 of them now, deployed out in our Health + Hospitals public hospitals. The Navy has sent health care professionals to Elmhurst, Bellevue, Woodhall, and Kings County hospitals. The Air Force has sent health care professionals to Lincoln, Jacoby, and Queens Hospital. I'm very grateful that our armed forces have come forward to help our public hospitals, but we will need more help and we need it quickly.

Now, let me talk to you about building out even more health care capacity for people who need it. And this is another area where there's some real progress and we got to make sure we keep building. We're still working always, always from the worst-case scenario to make sure that whatever happens with this disease, New York City is ready. So, one of the crucial things, again, is adding additional beds to relieve some of the pressure on our core hospitals. Last week, about eight days ago, I was at the Billy Jean King Tennis Center in Queens. When you looked at it then it was a bunch of tennis courts – indoor tennis courts. Now, right now, it is being converted into a hospital facility. We'll start receiving patients this week. We will convert 20 beds in the new facility to ICU care and the total number originally was going to be 350 beds, will now be 470 beds. So, this is a case of continuing to go faster, add more to make sure we can serve people in need exactly when they need it.

On the Personal Protective Equipment, a lot of us didn't really use the phrase PPE before a few weeks ago, and now it's something we talk about all the time. We've gotten a lot more in to protect our first responders; to protect our health care workers. And yesterday we made a delivery out to the hospitals of this city; over 3 million surgical masks, over 2 million surgical gloves almost 1.2 million N95 masks, over 100,000 pairs of eyewear – protective eyewear – 61,000 surgical gowns. It's very important that this material has come in and gone instantly out to the places that need it. And we're working hard every day to make sure each and every hospital gets what they need, distributes it effectively, constantly gets resupplied when they need it. But we have one urgent need and that is these surgical gowns. I was at the Brooklyn Navy Yard yesterday talking about an amazing homegrown effort to produce them here in our city. A really heroic effort by companies in the Navy Yard and the folks who work there to protect all of our heroes. They're creating a lot of surgical gowns, but this is an area where we need a huge new supply. So. we have asked the federal government for over 9 million surgical gowns to get us through April and into May. We are hopeful that we'll start to get deliveries from that request quickly. We need them even to get through this week. We need more and we're going to have fallback options in place to make sure we can protect people this week.

So, the final thing I want to do is talk about some of the people who are stepping up. And even amidst the challenges we see nonstop everyday New Yorkers helping each other, people feeding our health care workers, our first responders, businesses stepping up - amazing efforts. I want to keep talking about them because it's something people should be really proud of and it's something that's helping to sustain us. And one that's very special I want to talk about today because it's from a foundation that was born out of our city's darkest hour and it’s a foundation that [inaudible] means so much to us all, the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. Born out of 9/11, symbolic of the strength and resiliency of our city, Tunnel to Towers has done so much for so many people - always there for our first responders and their families. Now stepping up again, we've just heard of a $3 million pledge by Tunnel to Towers to help our health care workers and I'm so appreciative of yet another heroic action by that amazing foundation.

Also, crucially, Senator Schumer has unveiled something important, the COVID-19 Hero's Fund and this is an idea that would give the essential workers additional pay up to $25,000 and would give a one-time $15,000 payment to health care workers, home care workers, first responders. This is an idea that needs to be made real to help those who are suffering the most. I keep reminding people - the federal government - we did see some progress in that last stimulus bill -we need a lot more. Spoke to Senator Schumer this morning about the next stimulus bill. I know he is proposing to his credit, I know Speaker Pelosi is leading the way as well, that in the next stimulus there be money for our hospitals, there be money for food banks, money to support small businesses, not big corporations, small everyday businesses, and money to help localities and States that have borne the brunt; obviously that means all of us here in New York and New Jersey, especially. Crucially, Senator Schumer, Speaker Pelosi are focused on ensuring that all the cities and States that have lost not only lives, but they've lost so much of the resources to save more lives and protect people and recover, that those resources would be restored through a fourth stimulus bill, hopefully as early as this month. So, I want to thank Senator Schumer and Speaker Pelosi for their leadership. Now we need to get the Congress to come back and pass that bill, so we can still fight this battle and win this battle and then start on the road to recovery.

Look, I'll finish just affirming the point that we all need hope - we all need hope. And when we see good news, when we see something that's working, we need to talk about it, we need to feel good, and we need to especially feel good that everyday New Yorkers built this progress with their hard work, with their sacrifice. Every one of you, when you're hearing today that we see some progress, you should feel that was because of you because it was. At the same time, recognize we're not out of the woods. There'll be a long time before we're out of the woods. We've got a strategy that is working, let's go deeper into it. Let's double down so we can get through this together. I am confident, really confident, always felt in my heart that New Yorkers would rise to this occasion and you have, you have it in a remarkable way - let's finish the job. It's not going to be days, it's going to be weeks and months, but let's finish the job.


Legislation circulating among the New York State Assembly from Dinowitz proposed to temporarily expand eligibility for absentee ballots due to public health crisis.

  On Wednesday morning, Governor Cuomo announced in his daily COVID-19 briefing that all New Yorkers would be able to apply for an absentee ballot for the June 23 primary and special elections. The still-pending Executive Order is expected to codify the third and final component of legislation circulated by Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, which called for expanding absentee ballot eligibility to include registered voters who are “unable or averse to appear personally at polling places due to imminent, impending or urgent disease outbreak, including but not limited to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).”

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz issued the following statement in response to the Governor’s announcement: “I am very pleased to hear that Governor Cuomo has agreed to expand absentee ballot eligibility to all New Yorkers during this pandemic. We saw on Tuesday night in Wisconsin the exact opposite of what good public health policy dictates, and we will need all the time we can get to make sure local Boards of Election are prepared to handle what I expect to be a huge volume of new absentee ballot applications. I have not seen the final language of the relevant Executive Order, but I expect that it will be very consistent with the language my legislation used in order to remain consistent with our New York State Constitution. As June 23 rapidly approaches, I hope that local Boards of Election quickly start to prepare and makes clear what they need to successfully operate all primary and special elections for Congress, the New York State Legislature, political party positions, and any special elections. Nobody should be denied participation in our electoral process due to fear about personal or public health as a result of the coronavirus.”


Is this the same Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz who has constituents in his district complaining about not receiving mail for almost two weeks now due to a shortage of USPS workers due to COVID-19?