Monday, January 9, 2012


   City Comptroller John C. Liu requested that Time Warner Cable reimburse its customers for the continued blackout of Madison Square Garden-owned channels and called for a quick resolution of the dispute affecting 1.3 million City residents.

“As this dispute continues, 1.3 million City residents are left without the programming they paid for.  The least they could get is a break on their cable bill.

“Unfortunately, this type of disruption is becoming a regular occurrence.  These companies must resolve their dispute immediately. Both Time Warner Cable and Madison Square Garden receive significant financial benefits as a direct result of doing business in New York City.

“We will also work with New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman in his efforts to bring the sides together.”


The letter calling for reimbursement was sent to Time Warner Cable today:

January 9, 2012

Glenn A. Britt
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Time Warner Cable Inc.
60 Columbus Circle, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10023

Dear Mr. Britt:
I am writing to follow up on the discussion that representatives of Time Warner Cable had with my staff last week.  As a member of the NYC Franchise Concession and Review Committee (FCRC), I am concerned that only months after a new television franchise agreement was authorized between the City of New York and Time Warner Cable, which allowed Time Warner Cable access to over one million New York City customers, these customers have been forced to experience a blackout which prevents ardent fans from watching Knicks, Rangers, and Islanders games.

To compensate viewers for this missed programming, I urge Time Warner Cable to immediately issue a $5.95 monthly rebate - the value of the “Time Warner Cable Sports Pass,” which Time Warner recently provided to the 1.3 million New York City customers affected by the ongoing
dispute with MSG Networks.  Customers are understandably frustrated that they are forced to pay for channels they do not receive, particularly when many customers do not have access to another cable television provider.

My office is encouraged by the reports that Time Warner Cable and MSG Networks will be meeting at the request of the New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.  It is in everyone’s best interest that this dispute be resolved quickly.  In the meantime, in recognition of
the benefits Time Warner Cable has reaped under its cable franchise agreement and for the service standards it owes its New York subscribers, I ask that you immediately compensate customers for the missed programming in connection with this unfortunate dispute.


Sen. Klein, IDC, Introduce Legislation to Crack Down on Cyberbullying

Following months of consultation with prosecutors, advocates and students, Senator Jeffrey D. Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) and his fellow members of the Independent Democratic Conference introduced legislation to crack down on cyberbullying in New York State.
The bill (S.6132) updates New York's stalking and harassment laws to cover electronic bullying. Additionally, it allows for criminal prosecution of particular cyberbullying incidents under New York's hate crime statutes.
The introduction of this legislation comes in the wake of numerous bullying-related teen tragedies, most recently the death of a Staten Island teenager whose family members said took her own life amid constant cyberbullying attacks.
Tragically, we're seeing modern technology used as a weapon and our laws have not kept pace with that technology,” said Senator Klein. “This legislation will give prosecutors the tools they need to treat cyberbullying as the crime it is and also send a message that this type of reckless and potentially deadly behavior will not be tolerated.”
The legislation would:
  • Update the crime of Third Degree Stalking to include bullying of a youth by electronic communications.
  • Add electronic communications to the means of which to commit the crime of Aggravated Harassment.
  • Modernize the crime of First Degree Criminal Impersonation to include electronic communications.
Third Degree Stalking and Aggravated Harassment are both currently Class A misdemeanors punishable by up to a year in jail. The crimes are eligible to be elevated to felonies if they violate New York's hate crime statutes. First Degree Criminal Impersonation is currently a Class E Felony punishable by up to 4 years in prison.
This is a new world where bullying, once confined to the school yard, now follows its victims wherever the Internet goes,” said Senator Diane Savino (D-Staten Island/ Brooklyn). “Before there is another tragedy, we need to treat cyberbullying as the crime that it is.”
The legislation will be carried in the New York State Assembly by Assemblyman William Scarborough (D-Jamaica).
The National Crime Prevention Council reports that 43 % of all teens in the U.S. have been subjected to cyberbullying. That number jumps to 53% for LBGT youth. 
At present time there is no New York State specific data. In an effort to change that, the IDC has launched the New York Cyberbully Census. The anonymous survey, which can be found at, is expected to help provide a comprehensive picture of the problem of cyberbullying in New York State and build support for cyberbullying legislation. Results of the survey will be released in the coming months. 
"We cannot allow our children to become victims by those that wish to use harmful and cowardly acts of cyberbullying," said Senator Carlucci. "Harassment in any form cannot be tolerated here in New York State, period. This legislation will finally update New York's laws so that we can protect otherwise future victims and punish those that commit these soon-to-be criminal acts."
"Society changes with each advance in technology, and our laws need to keep up,” said Senator David Valesky, (D-Oneida). “Unfortunately, as a result, cyberbullying has become a serious problem, and we need a new law to combat it

Saturday, January 7, 2012


  The auditorium at PS 5 on Jackson Ave. was filled to capacity, and there were still hundreds of children and their parents waiting outside for Senator Ruben Diaz's 3 Kings Celebration. Up to one thousand children received tickets that enabled them to get a free toy for the 3 Kings celebration. Assemblyman Marcos Crespo co-hosted the event with Senator Diaz. Also on hand were, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., 84th A.D. Male District Leader Isreal Martinez, and members of the Patrolman's Benevolent Association led by its president Pat Lynch, as well as the kids. 

  While telling the story of the 3 Kings and why PS 5 is chosen, Senator Diaz said "It was right here in PS 5 where Little Ruben Diaz Jr. went to school".  We could see a touch of emotion from the BP as his father told the story. Check out the pictures below of the celebration, and notice all the toys that were on stage once the curtain was opened after the speeches and stories. Click on the picture to enlarge it.

It was standing room only in the auditorium of PS 5.

Starting from the left is Senator Diaz, 84th A.D. District Leader Isreal Martinez ,  BP Ruben Diaz Jr., Assemblyman Marcos Crespo, and PBA President Pat Lynch.

  Finally here is Senator Diaz and Assemblyman Crespo with Santa Claus and the 3 Kings. You can see some of the toys that were handed out behind them.


Friday, January 6, 2012

It's Official: NY State Senate To Add 63rd Seat

  Here is the link To a story by Celeste Katz of the Daily News on just how and why senate Republicans are going to increase the number of state senators from 62 to 63. 

  One must read the letter of explanation to see why the borough of the Bronx has only two full state senate district (the 32nd and 33rd Senators Diaz and G. Rivera), while the other State Senators Klein, Espillat, Serrano, and Hassel-Thompson, cover parts of the Bronx and either Manhattan or Westchester County as was the case back in 1894.  In 1894 the area of the Bronx was split by the Bronx River, with one side considered to go with Manhattan and the othe to go with Westchester. 

The letter makes for some interesting reading, and maybe the Bronx in 2012 can be seen as an entire county and not parts of Manhattan or Westchester County.  


Independent Democratic Conference Releases 2012 Legislative Agenda


NEW YORK, NY - The Independent Democratic Conference  released its 2012 legislative agenda Thursday aimed at strengthening New York's economy, improving the lives of New York residents, and preserving New York's progressive tradition.

The agenda was released on the anniversary of the IDC's formation and after a successful year that saw many of the conference's 2011 priorities made into law.

"We put progress over partisanship last year and because of it, New York shined," said Senator Jeffrey D. Klein, (D-Bronx/ Westchester.)
"The Independent Democratic Conference is committed to keeping this momentum going by focusing our 2012 agenda on issues that matter most to New Yorkers. By working to improve the lives of all New Yorkers, we continue to move this state forward."

The IDC's 2012 agenda includes:

- Cutting Red Tape, Allowing Small Business to Thrive & Helping our Economy Grow

- Improving Upon the Toughest Anti-Foreclosure Laws in the Country

- Identifying Government Waste and Creating Government Efficiency

- Standing Up for Our Most Vulnerable Populations

- Delivering Mandate Relief for Local School Districts and Municipalities:

- Protecting Reproductive Rights in New York

- Strengthening New York's Agricultural Economy

- Combating the Rise of Prescription Drug Abuse

The full agenda is enclosed.

We're looking to help those who need it most. We want to help small businesses , local governments, and schools  lower costs and lower taxes. In short: We want to help New York," said
Senator David Carlucci, (D-Rockland/ Orange). "We accomplished a lot last year, but there's more work to do."

In its inaugural year, the Independent Democratic Conference, Senators Klein, Carlucci, Diane Savino, (D-Staten Island/ Brooklyn), and David J. Valesky, (D-Oneida), passed 68 bills, 32 of which became law and issued 21 legislative reports detailing how to save more than $1 billion, reform Albany, and improve the lives of New Yorkers.
Additionally, IDC legislative priorities, including the implementation of a property tax cap, marriage equality, ethics and MTA tax reform, were made law.

"This is year two of the Empire State restoration project," Senator Savino said. "As we work to rebuild our economy, we must also make sure that our rights remain protected and our most vulnerable don't fall through the cracks."

"The only way we can move forward is by building upon our strengths," Senator Valesky said. "With this agenda to help our farms, our small business owners and our residents, the IDC is focusing on what makes this state great and what we believe is needed to keep New York on the right track."

Congratulatory Letter to Archbishop Timothy Dolan

Archbishop Timothy Dolan
Archdiocese of New York
1011 First Avenue
New York, New York 10022

Dear Archbishop Dolan:

On this Feast of the Three Kings, I join with New Yorkers to celebrate the news that you have been selected to serve as a Cardinal in the Catholic Church.

I heard you say in a television interview that you are “honored and humbled” by this inspired choice of Pope Benedict XVI and as one who considers you a friend, I would like you to know that New York is blessed by this choice.

In the great spirit of interfaith unity, I look forward to your years of leadership in New York and I will continue to keep you in my prayers.

May the Lord continue to bless you as you continue to serve His people.


Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz
32nd District

Petition Distribution (January 11) and Petition Clinic/Obama Campaign Kick-off (January 14)

Here is one we received from the Ben Franklin Club about the beginning of the election season we like to call "Duck Season.  Watch as candidates Duck Debates, Duck Questions, and even Duck out of the race as one Republican Presidential candidate has done this past week.


This will be a busy political year. Our efforts will focus on Congress, Assembly, State Senate and local party offices (district leaders, state committee, judicial delegates, and county committee), all of whom will be elected in this year’s primary election.  While the primary date has not yet been set, it is expected to be in June rather than September.  That means petitioning for our endorsed candidates will start in early March.   

We would like you to join us in this important effort. Of course, the Club is also supporting the re-election of President Barack Obama.  On this Wednesday, January 11, we will make petitions available for the President and Delegates to the National Convention. The following Saturday, January 14, we will hold a petition clinic and then formally kick off our participation in the 2012 Obama presidential campaign.

The petitioning later this year is done wholly within our assembly district, unlike the petitioning for President.  It is a challenge because in order to qualify our grassroots county committee candidates, we have to collect signatures in each of about a hundred election districts. You may be most familiar with that petitioning -- a critical task in which your participation has always been essential.

The Club will be open on Wednesday, January 11, at which time petitions and the names and addresses of your fellow Democrats in your building or neighborhood will be available.  The following Saturday before the Obama campaign kickoff we are holding a petition clinic for first-time petitioners, those who want to sharpen their skills, and experienced hands who wish to share their experience. Here are the dates and times of these January campaign events:

  • PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ELECTION PETITION DISTRIBUTION Wednesday, January 11 from 11am–1 pm and 7 pm–8:30 pm

  • PETITION CLINIC  - Saturday, January 14 from 11 am–12 pm  

  • OBAMA CAMPAIGN KICK-OFF - Saturday, January 14 at 1 pm

Please come by and be part of the action.

Jeffrey Dinowitz, Assemblyman
Bruce Feld, District Leader
Randi Martos, District Leader


Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Bad Start for the New Year 

From Senator Ruben Diaz Sr.

  New York State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz released the following statement in response to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s 2012 State of the State Address:

Although I may be the lone voice crying in the wilderness, I need to publicly and ardently disagree with New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo and his plans to call for an amendment to the State Constitution to legalize casino gambling.  I also need to express my strong opposition to his proposal in his State of the State Address to build a DNA databank of samples taken from criminal defendants in New York State.

Like the rest of us, Governor Cuomo must know that by legalizing casino gambling, gambling addiction will increase and more and more families and children will suffer. Rent will not get paid.  Food will not be on the table.  In a State where poverty levels have increased, gambling revenues will not draw from expendable income but from families’ necessities.  Instead of helping the many New Yorkers who already suffer from gambling addiction, this amendment will only continue to destroy their worlds and further exploit vulnerable and poor New Yorkers and their families.

Governor Cuomo has already legalized gay marriage.  Now he wants to legalize casino gambling.  What’s next – legalizing prostitution and marijuana and drugs – all in good “faith” to make money to raise tax revenues for the State?

In regard to Governor Cuomo’s hopes to build the DNA database, he must be aware of the racial injustice that exists within New York’s prison system.  It is unsettling how on one hand, the Governor says that he opposes harsh fingerprinting requirements for families who need food stamps, and on the other hand, he wants to expand the DNA databank samples of criminal defendants.  The racial imbalance targeted by both of these rules is clear, and the disregard of civil liberties and privacy protection laws and the implications it gives to the authorities is also clear.

To some, Governor Cuomo may seem to be unstoppable, but I do not see him as our economic savior.  I see him as quite the opposite.