Monday, June 23, 2014

For Now, I Will Defer to Viverito

By Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az 
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York 

  For Now, I Will Defer to Viverito 

You should know that a lot has happened since the morning of Thursday, June 19, 2014, when I sent out a press release titled: "Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az, NY Hispanic Clergy Organization, and Members of the Community Are Disgusted by Recent Firings at El Diario la Prensa."  For example, on Thursday afternoon, I was happy to see that the NY Guild at El Diaro posted the following tweet: 

NYGuild at El Diario @eldiarionyguild 
@revrubendiaz we look forward to working together to hold @eldiariony accountable for their racism and degradation of quality journalism 
6/19/14, 1:32pm 

On Thursday, I was very happy to receive a phone call from Ms. Nastaran Mohit from the Newspaper Guild of New York, asking to meet.  This was good news, especially since Assemblyman JosĂ© Rivera and I were planning to hold a mass demonstration outside of El Diario la Prensa's executive offices on June 26th.   

You should know that except for Angelo Falcon, the President of the National Institute for Latino Policy, I was one of the first one to come out publicly to oppose offensive remarks by the new owners of El Diario la Prensa after they called the largest and oldest Spanish-language newspaper n New York City and it's readership "ghetto."  I was also the first one to take a position against the unexpected and unjust firing of many seasoned journalists at El Diario la Prensa – and I was quite willing to offer my help to a union representative. 

Ms. Nastaran Mohit thanked me for my support and requested that we meet during the next day to see how we could work together to demand justice for El Diario la Prensa's fired journalists and their readership.  On Friday, June 20th, she contacted me to reschedule since an emergency meeting had been called by the CEO of El Diaro's parent company, Francisco Seghezzo. Even though we agreed to meet on Friday evening, I not heard back from Ms. Nastaran Mohit. 

Since Friday, I did hear from several people - including my dear friend and former El Diario la Prensa columnist, Gerson Borrero - that some leaders in New York's Hispanic community - in particular the New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito - do not want me involved in this fight. 

Gerson Borrero @GersonBorrero 
Source says @MMViverito to get involved in @eldiario dispute. She doesn't want @revrubendiaz involved even though he took lead in issue 
6/21/14, 12:53pm 
You should know that in my capacity as a minister and as an elected official, I have always been there to fight for the rice and beans for the families in my community. My record shows that I am on the front lines fighting for housing, for senior citizens, for education for our children, for the poor and needy, for respect for our community, and so on.  Apparently, my unwavering positions to protect all human life and oppose abortion, and to support traditional marriage and oppose gay marriage are the reasons that New York Council Speaker Mark-Viverito does not want me involved. 

My dear reader, I don't want anyone to think for a moment that I am turning my back on our community who have been insulted by racist statements about Puerto Ricans and Dominicans by the new owners at El Diario la Prensa, nor that I am turning my back on the workers who were unjustly fired by El Diario la Prensa.  Instead of rejecting what might seem to be her censorship of me, I am going to defer to the wishes of the Speaker Mark-Viverito and this time, I am going to step out of the ring.  I will pull back and cancel any planned protest outside of the offices of El Diario la Prensa.  I will cease and desist any efforts to involve myself in this public arena, and I will completely defer to Council Speaker Mark-Viverito to handle this matter. 

You should know that since one of Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito's senior advisors is Erica Gonzalez, El Diaro la Prensa's former Executive Editor, I am confident that the Speaker will have all pertinent information accessible to her and be able to handle everything since her advisor knows all parties involved. 

Ladies and gentlemen, I will step aside and believe that with the intervention of New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and her troops, El Diario la Prensa's workers will be protected, and our community will receive the apology from the new owner that we all deserve.  But if I feel that the community and the workers are not being protected, and if we receive no apology, rest assured: I'll be back. 

This is Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Senator Klein introducesf New York City Speed Limit Bill

Senate version of New York City speed-limit bill creates community input process

State Senate Co-Leader Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) on Monday introduced a Senate version of the New York City speed limit bill, which would allow the city’s Department of Transportation to uniformly reduce the speed limit to 25 miles per hour on all roadways where no signs are posted. The bill received broad support from local community boards.

Klein’s bill (S.7892) calls for community boards to offer advisory opinions to the city’s Department of Transportation in cases where the agency proposes a speed limit change in excess of five miles per hour.

“I believe in Mayor de Blasio’s Vision Zero plan as a comprehensive approach to ensuring our streets are safe. This legislation supports his life-saving vision and is aimed at reducing the high number of traffic related injuries and deaths each year. Our community boards are on the front lines of local concerns each and everyday and know their streets best, which is why they deserve to have a voice in this process,” said state Senator Klein.

Statistics show that lowering the speed limit to 25 miles per hour dramatically reduces the chance of fatality to 1 in 10 if a pedestrian is struck by a car. It also increases a motorist’s ability to stop and avoid a tragic collision. Earlier this year, Senator Klein delivered an additional 120 speed cameras to New York City’s school zones, also in line with the Mayor’s Vision Zero plan, to keep children and their families safe.

The Klein sponsored bill would allow the city’s Department of Transportation to unilaterally reduce the speed limit to 25 miles per hour on roadways where the speed limit is currently 30 miles per hour and is similar to the Assembly version of the bill (A.9731), with the exception of the community board input amendment.

 Editors Note: We applaud Senator Klein on this legislation, and other legislation Senator Klein has sponsored to make the streets safer for pedestrians. It is a well known fact however that unless there are enough real police officers to deter and catch offenders the situation will not get better. That is what we have seen over the past years when attrition took police officers off traffic duty and placed them elsewhere in the system to replace retiring personal, and to shrink the police force to its current level. 
We agree with the city council that 'more' police officers are needed on the streets and on the roads. 



By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
District 32 Bronx County, New York

  You should know that during these last days of the New York State 2014 Senate Session, some very interesting things are happening.

By this time of the year, when the session is about to end, it is traditional to see all the deal makers and shakers going from one place to another trying to get their projects and pieces of legislation passed before everyone goes back home for the rest of the year.

You should know that the number one topic here in Albany is about Senators Jeff Klein, Diane Savino, David Carlucci, David Valesky and Tony Avella, members of the Democratic breakaway faction making a political arrangement with the Republicans to maintain control of the State Senate.

After the face-saving arrangement between New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo and the Working Families Party and after all the promises and full of air commitment, and talks of both the Governor and the leader of the Working Families Party to bring the members of the Democratic Party back to become one in order for the Democrats to get control of the Senate. Now, the people are becoming aware that everything was a show for the media and a way for the Governor to get the party endorsement and the Working Families Party to assure their 50,000 votes on Election Day in order to keep being an official political party in New York State.

You should know that now the Governor is making and giving all kinds of excuses and reasons why he is not doing what he had promised and the Working Families Party is…well doing what they do best.

Meanwhile, Senator Jeff Klein is facing a primary by ex-New York State Comptroller Oliver Koppell and Senator Tony Avella is facing a primary by ex-New York City Comptroller John Liu.

The other day, Tony Avella was seen in the hallways of the Legislative Office Building taking some lessons from the members of the Bricklayers Local #1 on how to lay out bricks.  It seems that Senator Avella was trying to learn a new skill and become an expert in bricklaying, just in case!

A day before, The New York Post reported that the Independent Democratic Conference led by Senator Jeff Klein and the Regular Democratic Conference presided by Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins were involved in a dialogue to see how they could join together and do away with the Republicans.

The problem with the article is that it reported that in order for that to happen the “kingmakers” have to agree on making sure that the opponents of Jeff Klein and Tony Avella and every other person who is trying to oppose any member of Klein’s group will have to “cease and desist” and practically drop out of sight, out of view, and out of the primary.

You should know that after this report came out everyone started to panic, some worry that their power and control, e.g. Committee Chairs, good offices, staff and “lulus,” could soon be gone. Others, like Senators Timothy Kennedy and Gustavo Rivera started to ask: “What about us?” Rumor has it that they may be thrown to the wolves.

It is important for you to know that both Tim Kennedy and Gustavo Rivera and even Andrea Stewart-Cousins, have their opponents raising money, collecting petitions and telling everyone who wants to listen that they are in it to stay and that there is no way for them to “cease and desist” with their challenges.  So it will be very interesting to see who at the end will be faced with a primary and who will be the sacrificial lamb.

You should know that in the end, the bottom line is that all these kinds of negotiations are illegal under the law, they are quid pro quo, they are immoral, they are unethical and  people could get into big trouble if all these rumors are true.  Only the future will tell us.

I am State Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az, and this is what you should know. 

Wave Hill Events Jul 4–Jul 11

  There is a kind of glow that settles over the gardens when we are open till sunset on summer Wednesdays—music, yoga, garden walks, picnic supper!—and the holiday Friday just reinforces the slow and easy feel of the summer garden experience. 

Each week, Wave Hill educators share some of their favorite nature stories. These stories––classics and more––will come to life through interactive readings, sing-alongs and puppets. Programs are held outdoors in good weather; in inclement weather we will meet in Wave Hill House. There are giants in these hills –– leafy giants with bark and roots.  This week, sit awhile in the spreading shade of one of Wave Hill’s beautiful trees and discover tales of these gentle giants. Our books this week are A Tree is Nice by Janice May Udry, We Planted a Tree by Diane Muldrow and Have You Seen Trees? By Joanne Oppenheim. Ideal for children ages 3 to 6 with their adult companions. Free with admission to the grounds.

Wave Hill is open.

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights this special holiday Friday. Free with admission to the grounds.

Visiting artist Jan Mun shows us different kinds of mushrooms and explains how they can help the environment. Join in a group project to make an outdoor, mushroom fairy-ring and, as a special treat, get your own mushroom starter kit to watch your mushrooms grow at home. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.

Tai Chi sessions resume July 12.

Discover the fascinating history of Wave Hill’s architecture and landscape on a walk with a Wave Hill Garden Guide. Hear about the people who once called Wave Hill home, among them Mark Twain, Bashford Dean and Arturo Toscanini. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon. Illustrious Residents event.

Join a curatorial fellow for a tour of three current exhibitions. In the main gallery, Gregory Crewdson’s Fireflies series is being shown for the first time in its entirety. Crewdson’s photographs capture the fleeting light of these nocturnal creatures. Experience the natural landscape from the comfort of a domestic interior in Marek and Kristyna Milde’s Sunroom Project, an installation of planters shaped as couches and chairs. In the Sun Porch space, listen to With Hidden Noise, a traveling exhibition featuring evocative sounds, some recognizable from traditional instruments and field recordings, and others masked through electronic processes. Tours take place Tuesdays and Saturdays at 2PM. Free with admission to the grounds.

Visiting artist Jan Mun shows us different kinds of mushrooms and explains how they can help the environment. Join in a group project to make an outdoor, mushroom fairy-ring and, as a special treat, get your own mushroom starter kit to watch your mushrooms grow at home. Free with admission to the grounds.

Hatha Yoga sessions resume July 13.

Meditation sessions resume July 13.

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free with admission to the grounds.

Closed to the public

Join a curatorial assistant for a tour of Gregory Crewdson’s Fireflies series is being shown for the first time in its entirety. Crewdson’s photographs capture the fleeting light of these nocturnal creatures. Tours take place Tuesdays and Saturdays at 2PM. Free, and admission to the grounds is free all day.

Designed for mothers, fathers or caregivers and babies eight weeks old to crawling, this yoga class brings families together for a gentle exercise session in a beautiful garden setting. Stretch, breathe and bond with your child while meeting other parents Led by certified instructors from Yoga for Bliss. Mats provided. $25/$15 Wave Hill member. Advance registration online at receives a $2 discount. Online registration closes at 8AM on the day of the session. Cancellations must be made by 3PM the Tuesday before; after that, refunds will not be made. Drop-ins accommodated as space allows. Participants must present their Member’s ID card or a printed program registration form at the front gate.

Experience summer at its best—an expansive landscape of rolling lawns and gorgeous formal gardens, fresh river breezes, plein-air performances by local musicians, yoga, guided walks and cutting-edge art in Glyndor Gallery. Order dinner from Wave Hill exclusive caterer Great Performances, and you have the makings of a superb summer evening. Gardens open until 8:30PM. Wave Hill House, Perkins Visitor Center, Glyndor Gallery, The CafĂ© and The Shop at Wave Hill open until 7:30PM. Check for the schedule for Sunset Wednesdays free shuttle service to and from Metro-North and the #1 subway. $2 additional admission starting at 4PM on Sunset Wednesdays; no guest passes or reciprocal admission accepted.

Find refuge from city life with a blissful yoga class! Reduce your stress levels and increase energy by working with your body and breath. This sunset session is led by Yoga for Bliss instructor Joanne Salomone. All levels welcome. Sessions are held outdoors, indoors in inclement weather. Call 718.549.3200 x245 by 4PM on the day of the class for program updates. Session fee: $25/$15 Wave Hill Member. Advance registration online at receives a $2 discount. Online registration closes at 8AM on the day of the session. Cancellations must be made by 3PM the Tuesday before; after that, refunds will not be made. A limited number of mats are available onsite, please bring your own mat. Drop-ins will be accommodated as space permits. Participants must present their Member’s ID card or a printed program registration form at the front gate.

Join a Wave Hill Garden Guide for a mini tour of one of Wave Hill’s magnificent gardens. Tours vary by week―come back on another evening for a glimpse of a different garden area! Free with admission to the grounds.

A high point of each Sunset Wednesday includes a live performance on the grassy expanse of the Great Lawn, overlooking the majestic Palisades. Tonight’s performers are singer songwriter Jann Klose and his trio. Klose has fashioned a career offering his own tunes and covers of such great artists as Pete Seeger, Tim Buckley, Paul McCartney and Louis Armstrong. His recent CD, “Mosaic,” was so successful it was on first round ballots for the 2014 GRAMMY Awards. The Washington Post commented on his “soaring voice” that “wins over the listener.”  Profiled on WNBC and interviewed on Entertainment Tonight Online, Jann’s Sunset Wednesdays collaborators are upright bass player Sam Weber and drummer Rob Mitzner.  Free with admission to the grounds.

Each week, Wave Hill educators share some of their favorite nature stories. These stories––classics and more––will come to life through interactive readings, sing-alongs and puppets. Programs are held outdoors in good weather; in inclement weather we will meet in Wave Hill House. Every seed holds a promise of new growth.  Join us this week for stories, movement and song as you send out roots, stretch out leaves, and hear all about how seeds grow.  Our books this week are Big Yellow Sunflower by Frances Barry, The Empty Pot by Demi, The Curious Garden by Peter Brown and My Garden by Kevin Henkes. Ideal for children ages 3 to 6 with their adult companions. Free with admission to the grounds.

A 28-acre public garden and cultural center overlooking the Hudson River  and Palisades, Wave Hill’s mission is to celebrate the artistry and legacy of its gardens and landscape, to preserve its magnificent views, and to explore human connections to the natural world through programs in horticulture, education and the arts.

HOURS  Open all year, Tuesday through Sunday and many major holidays: 9AM—4:30PM. Closes 5:30PM, March 15October 31.  
ADMISSION  $8 adults, $4 students and seniors 65+, $2 children 6—18. Free Saturday mornings until noon. Free all day on Tuesdays in July. Free to Wave Hill Members and children under 6.

PROGRAM FEES  Programs are free with admission to the grounds unless otherwise noted.

Visitors to Wave Hill can take advantage of Metro-North’s one-day getaway offer. Purchase a discount round-trip rail far and discount admission to the gardens. More at

DIRECTIONS – Getting here is easy! Located only 30 minutes from midtown Manhattan, Wave Hill’s free shuttle van transports you to and from our front gate and Metro-North’s Riverdale station, as well as the 242nd Street stop on the #1 subway line. Limited onsite parking is available for $8 per vehicle. Free offsite parking is available nearby with continuous, complimentary shuttle service to and from the offsite lot and our front gate. Complete directions and shuttle bus schedule at

Information at 718.549.3200. On the web at

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Health Department to Apply Aerial Treatment to Minimize the Risk of West Nile Virus

This came in from Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj.

Message from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
June 17, 2014
Health Department to Apply Non-Chemical Aerial Treatment to Reduce the Number of Mosquitoes and Minimize the Risk of West Nile Virus

In an attempt to control mosquitoes, the Health Department will be applying larvicide by helicopter to marsh and other non-residential areas of Staten Island, the Bronx and Queens on Wednesday, June 18, Thursday, June 19, and Friday, June 20, between the hours of 6 a.m. and 7 p.m., weather permitting. In the event of poor weather, application will be delayed until Thursday, June 19, Friday, June 20, and Monday, June 23 during the same hours. Click below for the complete listing of areas and application times.

West Nile Virus Spray Schedule 
Notify NYC

If you would to be notified by phone, text, or e-mail when spraying may take place in your neighborhood sign up for Notify NYC today. Notify NYC provides subscribers with real-time information about emergencies and events throughout the five boroughs. You may specify the ZIP codes that interest you most. Register free by calling 311, or clicking the link below.

Sign up today

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Mistrial Declared in Malcolm Smith Corruption Trial

  A mistrial has been declared by White Plains U.S. District Judge Kenneth M. Karas when several jurors said that they could not extend their service into mid July or even further. That was the time it would have taken Smith's lawyers to interpret and digest the 9,000 conversations in Yiddish and/or English which was recently given to the defense team. 

  A new trial date has been set for Smith on January 5, 2015, which is also the new trial date for accused Queens Republican Leader Vincent Tabone whose case was also declared a mistrial.

  Now Senator Smith will get his wish so he can campaign without having to be on trial. Smith is just indicted awaiting trial.

Croton Filter Project - June 24, 2014 CFMC Meeting

  The Croton Facility Monitoring Committee will meet on Tuesday, June 24 at 7:00pm at the DEP office, 3660 Jerome Avenue, Bronx 10467.

   An agenda will be listed here as soon as one is released.

Council Members and advocates urge administration to increase number of NYCHA apartments allocated to homeless families

  Today, members of the New York City Council sent a letter to the de Blasio administration to increase the number of public housing apartments allocated to homeless families to at least 2,500 units each year.

The letter comes after NYCHA proposed an allocation of only 750 public housing apartments each year to homeless families.  This is far less than the City allocated under previous mayors, and despite the fact that the number of homeless families and children is far higher now than under previous administrations. Close to 53,000 New Yorkers are in the shelter system, including 23,000 children, numbers that are up for previous years.

Council Member Stephen Levin, Chair of the General Welfare Committee, said, “The seriousness of the homelessness crisis needs to be matched with a serious commitment to providing housing for vulnerable families. Homelessness is at an all-time high in New York City, yet NYCHA has proposed allocating far fewer units for homeless families than were set aside in previous administrations.  It is crucial that the number of NYCHA apartments allocated to homeless families is increased this year and in the coming years.”

“The City can and should do more to leverage its expansive stock of public housing as a long-term solution to homelessness,” said Council Member Ritchie Torres, Chair of the Committee on Public Housing. “Expanding the homeless priority for vacant NYCHA apartments will better ensure that our most vulnerable families have access to the safety and stability of a decent home. “

“Mayor de Blasio’s administration inherited a City which is facing an affordable housing crisis that has pushed a record number of families into a homeless shelter system that is increasingly bursting at the seams,” Council Member Vanessa L. Gibson said. “New York’s burgeoning number of homeless families need, want and deserve access to affordable housing and it’s critical for NYCHA to commit more of its existing housing resources to this critical need.”   

“Housing in New York City is a challenge for several populations, more specifically families, young adults aging out of foster care and veterans,” said Council Member Laurie A. Cumbo. “We must allocate more resources to aid these individuals in their transition from temporary to permanent housing.”

“We cannot allow the amount of NYCHA apartments allocated to homeless families to decrease while homelessness continues to increase,” said Council Member Daniel Dromm. “We call on the de Blasio administration to dedicate 2,500 NYCHA units each year for homeless families. Families need a stable home outside of the sometimes volatile shelter system where they can build their lives.”

“Finding permanent housing for homeless New Yorkers is already a scarcity, and if NYCHA only allocates 750 public housing apartments per year to homeless families, then the number of families sleeping each our city’s shelters will significantly rise. I am proud to stand with my colleagues, Council Member Stephen Levin and Ritchie Torres, to urge the administration to increase the number of public housing apartments allocated to homeless families. With a collaborative effort between the Mayor, City Council Members, and NYCHA, we will soon be able to ensure that the neediest families in New York have a permanent roof over their head,” said Council Member Jumaane D. Williams.

Dear Mayor de Blasio,

While we are encouraged by your administration’s significant and early efforts to address New York’s historic homelessness crisis, we write to express our concerns that the City’s plan does not allocate nearly the sufficient number of public housing apartments to help homeless families and children obtain permanent housing.

As you know, previous New York City mayors successfully used federal housing programs to address the problem of family homelessness. Mayors Koch, Dinkins, Giuliani – and even Bloomberg in his first term – made priority referrals of tens of thousands of homeless families to New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) public housing apartments, along with federal Section 8 housing vouchers.

This successful approach was the cornerstone of New York City’s efforts to ensure needy homeless children and families could secure stable, permanent housing and saved taxpayers millions of dollars each year that would otherwise have been spent on the costly shelter system.

Unfortunately, nearly a decade ago Mayor Bloomberg eliminated priority referrals of homeless families to NYCHA public housing and housing vouchers – effectively denying the neediest NYC access to federal housing aid – and your administration inherited the resulting unprecedented crisis.

This much is clear: A problem this big requires big solutions.  Reducing the record number of homeless families with children in New York City will require a significant commitment of permanent housing resources, and in particular public housing apartments.

For that reason we are extremely disappointed by NYCHA’s current proposal to allocate only 750 public housing apartments each year to homeless families.  This is far less than the City allocated under previous mayors, despite the fact that the number of homeless families and children is far higher now than under previous administrations. The current proposal represents less than 15% of NYCHA vacancies.  And it comes at a time when the housing authority, continuing a Giuliani-era policy, actually prioritizes thousands of public housing apartments for households with no demonstrated housing needs – including hundreds of families whose annual incomes exceed $40,000.

We believe the City of New York can and must do more to help the neediest families and children with our federal housing resources.  We urge you and your administration to increase the number of public housing apartments allocated to homeless families to at least 2,500 units each year.  In addition, in light of the fact that approximately 30% of homeless families are working, we urge you to prioritize this population in NYCHA’s working family priority list. Only with such a commitment can we begin to stem the rise of family homelessness, and finally begin to reduce the number of families sleeping each night in our shelter system.

In addition, we understand the financial constraints faced by NYCHA.  We are committed to working with NYCHA and the City to ensure the cost of needed support services for families leaving the shelter system and entering NYCHA are not borne by NYCHA alone.

We look forward to working with you and your administration towards our shared goal of ending homelessness in New York City.


Stephen Levin, Ritchie Torres, Corey Johnson, Helen Rosenthal, Mark Levine, Ydanis Rodriguez, Vanessa Gibson, Annabel Palma, Costa Constantinides, Daniel Dromm, Donovan Richards, Antonio Reynoso, Laurie Cumbo, Carlos Menchaca, Brad Lander, Inez Barron, and Jumaane D. Williams