Wednesday, October 7, 2020




We are putting this comment before the content of the mayor's daily press conference, because the mayor unlike when these press conferences were in person where he called on twenty or more reporters, that is not the case of these virtual press conferences. only eight reporters get to ask questions. 

There is a host to which you have to identify yourself and your media outlet. It appears that the host selects just who gets to ask questions of the mayor. Of those eight reporters selected the majority ask softball questions to the mayor day after day. Only one or two reporters other than the mayor's favorite get selected by the moderator to ask questions. That was why I have always omitted the questions and answers by the mayor. I want to ask a question to the mayor about the Bronx, but Mayor de Blasio has decided he does not care about the Bronx, which was said while New York Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie was standing next to the mayor when he visited the Bronx last year. After six years in office Mayor de Blasio said "It is time that we stopped dumping on the Bronx". Speaker Heastie did not blink when that statement came out, and thanked the mayor for coming to the Bronx. The event was the announcement of a new YMCA for the Eastchester Garden section of the Bronx in January 2019, which was previously announced in August of 2018, and August of 2016. The photo is from the August 2018 announcement.

The mayor's press conference October 7, 2020,

Mayor Bill de Blasio: Good morning, everybody. Look, we have a couple of tough weeks ahead – two, three, four weeks that are going to be really tough in this city as we fight back against a new threat. And we’ve got a lot of material to cover today, but I want to start with the most important point – we all have to work together. We are all in this together. This city was the epicenter of this crisis in the United States of America. We fought back together. People stood shoulder to shoulder. You think about our health care heroes, you think about our first responders, they served everyone, they came from every part of the city. Everyone worked together to overcome this. So, now, we're going into a tough stretch. We have a new challenge. It is a challenge we can and will overcome. But I guarantee you, there will be people who try to divide us in this moment of challenge. There will be people who try to create disunity when, in fact, we need unity. Don't let them do it. What we need now is voices of all communities to come together and say, this is all of us – one New York City, fighting this fight together for the good of all. Let's support each other. Let's work with each other. Let's listen to each other and overcome this challenge.
So, look, the next few weeks are going to be critical. We have the opportunity here to keep this outbreak small, to address it, to stop it, to turn it around. It's up to all of us. And that's why on Sunday, I proposed a very rigorous plan to address the outbreaks we were seeing in certain parts of Brooklyn and Queens. I put it out there publicly, because we needed immediate action. The State of New York took that plan, they used it as a basis for their decisions. They made some important modifications, which we'll talk about today. But the bottom line is that concept that I put forward, that we need to address this rigorously and quickly, and the faster we address it all together, the faster we can stop this problem and get back on the right track, that is the basis of what we are working on now. Now, it will not be easy. I'm not here to tell you – when I say two weeks, three weeks, four weeks, I'm not here to tell you it'll be easy. It will take hard work and discipline. And, certainly, there will be sacrifice. And I feel for anyone in the communities affected whose livelihood is going to be put on hold – that's a huge problem. And I do feel tremendous empathy for the small business owners whose businesses will be shut for a period of time. I feel empathy for all the parents who want their kids in school. But, again, let's realize, if we act quickly and decisively, we can overcome this for all of us, for the whole city. And what are we being governed by? The facts, the science, the data tell us what's happening, and we act on it. That is the one thing that has worked in this country and all around the world. So, we to stop this outbreak dead in its tracks for the good of all New York City. And, remember, we need to do it to save lives. The farther the coronavirus spreads again, the more vulnerable people will be reached. We cannot let that happen.
Now, I understand that there are people who disagree with this plan. And it is a democracy and we appreciate there's always going to be disagreements. But it's crucial that those who disagree still respect the fact that the State and City have made a decision for the health and safety of all. People have and will protest, and we understand that there is a place for peaceful protest, but the NYPD will not tolerate people doing harm to others. There'll be no tolerance for assaults, for damage to property, for setting fires – anything like that is unacceptable. And when the NYPD makes clear to anybody that they need to act in a way that's appropriate, given the challenge we're facing, you must adhere to the instructions of the NYPD. If you don't, as in every other situation in this city, there will be consequences. The NYPD will give people warnings, will make the ground rules clear, but people have to follow those ground rules, or else, again, consequences come next.
Now, for us to overcome this, we're going to have to do some things we haven't done before. So, we are dealing now with a new approach – the zones that the State has put forward. And this is based on the information that our Health Department derived, which, originally, we proposed in the form of ZIP codes. The State has come up with a new model, and I’ll go over that now, and we're going to act quickly to implement this with the State. Now, again, this was based on the facts that developed over many days, the data. And what the State has put forward is cluster areas, color-coded. Southern Brooklyn is one; two, in Queens – one in the Forest Hills-Rego Park area, another in Far Rockaway area – designations red, orange, and yellow. We'll go over this. I know the Governor will be speaking to it in more detail later as well. I want to note that the State maps do not include two areas that we remain concerned about – Crown Heights and Williamsburg, in Brooklyn. So, our Health Department continues to monitor those situations very closely. We have seen, unfortunately, the aggressive spread of COVID in those neighborhoods. We're going to keep working in those areas with the community, with all of our tools to make sure that we keep the situation contained in those parts of the city. And we're going to continue to discuss Crown Heights and Williamsburg with the State to make sure that we're taking every precaution to stop the spread of COVID in Brooklyn and Queens.
Now, the red zones – the idea of the red zones, these are the areas with the biggest problem. And it is crucial in those areas that non-essential businesses be closed. This is very much like what we experienced back in March, April, the worst of this, when we had to reduce the level of activity greatly. In that case, it was the whole city. In this case, it's in particular areas. The closures will continue for a minimum of 14 days. And this is the concept the State has put forward. What I originally proposed was a 14-day way out of a specific designation, or a 28-day. The State is starting with a 14-day measure and a reevaluation after 14-days. And the State has made very clear they're adding additional penalties for individuals that do not adhere to these new requirements and the City and State together will be enforcing those penalties. So, for example, on mass gatherings, the fines for mass gatherings in violation of State rules will be up to $15,000 a day. The fines for not wearing face coverings or not maintaining social distancing can be as high as $1,000 a day. So, these are additional tools. Again, no one wants to see anyone fined if it can be avoided, but it is a very serious situation and people need to adhere to the new rules. The faster we address this challenge, the shorter the shutdown will be. And we’ve got to keep that in mind – for everyone who feels that the shutdown will be harmful or difficult for their life, remember, we can overcome this quickly if we work together. This can only be a matter of weeks. And then, we have to continue to learn from this experience to practice the social distancing, wear the face masks, do all of the things that will ensure this never happens again in New York City.
Okay. Now, back on the topic of the red pause zone. So, red, defined as an area with three percent positivity over a seven-day average, and the geographic boundary depends on the density of cases. So, in the red zone, all schools would be closed. In this case, they already are – all public and non-public schools. As of tomorrow morning, Thursday morning, all non-essential businesses in the red zones will be closed as well. Mass gatherings will be prohibited. Restaurants will revert to a takeout-only status and houses of worship will be allowed to have 25 percent maximum occupancy and a maximum of 10 people inside. That's the red zone. Now, the orange zone is being treated as a warning. If red means a pause, a full pause, orange zone under the State rules will be a warning zone. And it basically comprises about a five-block radius around the red zone. As of Thursday morning, schools in the orange zone will be closed as well. So, again, as of tomorrow morning, schools that fall within those orange zones, both public and non-public, will be closed. In addition, high-risk businesses, including gyms, will be closed. Gatherings in the orange zone must be 10 people or less, whether they're indoor or outdoor. Restaurants will be for outdoor dining only in the orange – excuse me – in the orange zone, maximum four people at a table. Houses of worship will be allowed to be at 33 percent capacity with a maximum of 25 people inside. Finally, the yellow zone is a cautionary zone. It means an area of where we're seeing a challenge, but, thank God, not as deep a challenge as other areas where we hope to be able to turn it around with the cooperation and involvement of the people of those communities. We see more cases, but we believe with the right approach we can stop the yellow zones from turning into orange or red zones. The schools in the yellow zones will remain open – public and non-public will remain open in the yellow zones, but will be subject to mandatory weekly COVID testing. All businesses remain open, but we urge caution and we ask business owners to be very scrupulous about people wearing masks in their businesses, practicing social distancing, not letting too many people into the business, if there's a line, socially distancing the line – all the things we learned back in the spring. Gatherings in yellow zone must be 25 people maximum, whether indoor or outdoor. Indoor and outdoor dining permitted, maximum four people at a table. And houses of worship will be allowed to have up to 50 percent capacity in the yellow zones. Now, people obviously want to get as much detail as possible. We're getting information constantly from the State, updating it. We'll get it out to the people. We're going to create an online tool to let people know by typing in their address exactly what zone they're in – we’ll announce when that is up. We're going to be doing an outreach effort, education effort, full force of the City government will be out there in communities affected. We want people to know – obviously, a particular focus on the red zones and then the orange zones – what's going on. We immediately will have 1,200 personnel on the ground today in addition to the State enforcement teams. We'll keep increasing that number as needed. We are bringing in canvassers as part of the Test and Trace Corps. to go out and provide information to communities and focus on business corridors. Department of Transportation is reaching out to all the participants in Open Restaurants in the red and orange zones to update them. Small Business Services and the Nightlife Office will be reaching local chambers of commerce, community groups, business improvement districts to update them. The NYPD and Department of Transportation will put up electronic signage to announce the new restrictions at key intersections in the affected areas. Also, New York City office of management – emergency management, excuse me, we'll be taking action, doing robocalls to all households in the red and orange zones, regarding the restrictions, and, of course, where to get tested. We're going to keep reminding people how important it is to get tested so we get a real look at what's happening and hopefully start to see the turnaround in these communities. So, robocalls to all affected households, robocalls to affect the businesses, and houses of worship. We'll be sending out text updates to everyone signed up for NotifyNYC and anyone who wants those updates should sign up for regular information. And this will take a lot of education and outreach, but also a lot of enforcement. We'll be working closely with the State. We’ll increase the number of inspectors because of the number of areas we need to reach. Obviously, the Police Department will be playing crucial role here. And all of the closures have to be addressed, the gatherings have to be addressed, masks wearing – we'll be working on all these fronts. But, obviously, given that we have now for weeks been warning of this potential, we hope and believe the vast majority of residents of these communities will join us in addressing the problem, will follow these rules, as people have all over New York City and will help us overcome this challenge quickly.
Now, we're concentrating testing in these areas. We've performed over 10,000-plus tests in the last week in these zones. And we'll be expanding testing capacity in the red and orange zones – so important that people get tested. I want to emphasize we have to get the maximum number of people tested in the red and orange zones. It is free. I'm going to keep saying that – it is free. It is safe. It is quick. There are locations all over. This is one of the ways that we speed ourselves out of this challenge, is to make sure we're getting a clear look at what's happening. The more people get tested, the better. So, please, in these areas and throughout New York City, please get tested. Go to for locations, or call 212-COVID-19, and you'll get locations. There are locations all over the city, 200-plus locations, specialized testing going on in the key communities, always free, always quick, easy. You will get results quickly and we can help move all of us forward with this testing.
Let me go over today's indicators. And this, again, is now for the whole City of New York. Number one, daily number of people admitted to New York City hospitals for suspected COVID-19, the threshold is 200 patients – today's report, 79 patients with a positivity rate confirmed at 23.7 percent. Number two, new reported cases on a seven-day average, the threshold is 550 cases – today's report is 512. Number three, of people testing positive citywide for COVID-19, threshold five percent – today's report is 1.39 percent citywide. And the seven-day rolling average citywide, today's report is 1.74 percent. So, again, many, many parts of the city continued to do well, but we all have to work together to keep it that way.
(Here are the eight reporter who were selected to ask questions of the mayor today, notice two or more questions are asked to use up the time allotted for questions and answers from the mayor.) 

With that, let's turn to our colleagues in the media and please let me know the name and outlet of each journalist.
Moderator: Good morning all. We'll now begin our Q-and-A. As a reminder, we're joined today by Dr. Katz, Dr. Chokshi and Senior Advisor Dr. Jay Varma. The first question today goes to Andrew Siff from NBC.
Question: [Inaudible]
Mayor: Andrew, Andrew? We're not hearing you well. I don't know if you can – Andrew, can you hear me? You're coming in really cut up. Can you hear me?
Question: Can you hear me?
Moderator: Can you start over with the question please?
Question:  Yeah, good morning to you as well. To what degree are you aware of all the protests that took place in Borough Park and other communities last night and regardless of the protests themselves, what do you say to members and leaders of the Orthodox community who believe that these lines are unfairly singling their communities out, that this isn't about a general spread it's about their communities specifically?
Mayor: I'll take them in the reverse order. This is about protecting everyone's lives, Andrew. This is about all New Yorkers, and when you look at the communities in Brooklyn and Queens, it's lots of different kinds of people. Remember, we're talking about two of the most diverse places on earth, Brooklyn and Queens. So, within these areas are many kinds of people and we want to protect everyone. This is based on data and science. I'll let Dr. Chokshi talk about that in a moment. But on the other question, I'm aware of the protest that occurred. I spoke to Commissioner Shea and his team this morning. Again, very clear that we are dealing with a health emergency. The State has laid down very clear rules. Everyone must follow those rules. The NYPD will be enforcing those rules. We want to be respectful, but I want to be very clear when the NYPD issues an instruction, as with any other situation in the city or any other protest, if the NYPD issues and instruction, people must follow the instruction. If they don't follow the instruction, then they are liable for whatever consequences occur. Go ahead, Dr. Chokshi about why these specific areas.
Commissioner Dave Chokshi, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Well, as we've said over the last few weeks and months, we will go to where the data takes us with respect to where we're worried about spread of the coronavirus. It's why we went to Tremont in the Bronx in July. That's why we went to Sunset Park in August, and it's why we've been communicating about the areas of concern across Brooklyn and Queens that we have over the last few days and weeks. We are concerned as you know based on two major indicators that we follow. The first is when we see a rapid increase in cases in a particular area, and then the second is the percentage of tests coming back positive, and those are the things that we look at on a day-to-day basis, quantitatively matching it up with the areas where we're concerned.
Mayor: Go ahead, Andrew.
Question: With the maps themselves, are they going to be finalized today? Will they be searchable by address? One of the things we're hearing from people is you might have a street where a business on one side of the street has to close, and on the other side of the street, doesn't have to close. There's a lot of confusion out there about whether people are in red, orange or yellow. So, how soon will people be able to punch in an address to determine exactly which zone they land in?
Mayor: Yeah, we're working on that right now with the State to get it a hundred percent clear. What the Health Department here originally proposed was zip codes, because even though it was not perfect, it was still a clear methodology. The State has come up with a different approach. We're working with the State to get very clear the exact boundaries, and then put that online and make it searchable by address. Again, enforcement will start tomorrow. When we send out agencies to do enforcement, we're going to alert business owners. If they are in one of the zones that requires closure or modification, we'll alert them, and we'll obviously give them the chance to immediately act on it. If a business owner refuses, they would be liable for penalties. But I think what everyone wants to do here is comply with these rules to make sure that everyone is safe, and I think the vast, vast majority of business owners throughout this crisis have complied with rules once they understood them. So, we'll get that information out as we get clarity from the State and then in the enforcement effort, there'll be a huge education effort to let people know which zone they're in and obviously give them an immediate chance to abide by the rules. We don't want to penalize it unless we have to. What we'll penalize is where people openly attempt to defy rules.
Moderator: The next is Emma Fitzsimmons from the New York Times.
Mayor: Emma?
Question: Hi, good morning, Mayor.
Mayor: Hey, how are you?
Question: I'm good. Thanks for taking my question. Can you talk about the Governor's restrictions on houses of worship? Are they necessary, do you think they hold up in court?
Mayor: Yeah, I do think both – I think they are necessary and they do hold up in court. They're based on facts, data that's been looked at very carefully. We warned people well over a week ago that we were entering into a dangerous situation. We need to do this for the good of everyone.
Now, I want to emphasize, Emma, in the spring leaders in all communities, all faiths and I commented many times on this – really admirable efforts by faith leaders across the spectrum telling their own congregants how important it was to stay home, turning to other types of approaches for worship and really respecting the fact that this was about the health and safety of the communities they represent. I expect we'll see that again, that the vast majority of leaders will want to be part of the solution for the health and safety of their own communities. So, we know that we've got to get out of this and we've got to get out of it quickly. No one wants to see a full resurgence, a second wave in New York City. If we get a second wave, then a lot more will be shut down for a lot longer. No one wants to see that. So, I think the Governor's plan is the right one and we will work with the State to enforce it. Go ahead, Emma.
Question: Thanks, and a non-COVID question really quickly. Can you talk about the announcement today regarding rezoning SoHo? I've already gotten an email thing that the plan would create super-luxury housing in out of scale high rises. So, there's already some criticism brewing. Can you talk about why the rezonings is important to you and about some of that criticism?
Mayor: Well, as I've said over the last few weeks, the rezonings that we will emphasize the ones sponsored by the City of New York. There's 15 months left in this administration. There's important work to do in terms of development that actually produces for communities and for the good of all, not just for a few developers. So, again, a private application is one thing, but a publicly sponsored rezoning is a different one. We're moving forward with Governor's Island. That is going to be crucial to the future of the city, as what we hope will be the global focus, the global headquarters for addressing climate change. We're moving ahead with the Gowanus area in Brooklyn, an area where we can produce a lot of affordable housing and protect jobs. In SoHo NoHo, you're talking about an area that has very little affordable housing. We have an opportunity here to create affordable housing, to bring to an area that has been upper income, a greater mix of New Yorkers, and to create more balance, which is something I believe in fundamentally. We have an opportunity to help ensure that there will be jobs in the community in terms of retail, which is an area that has really been struggling throughout New York City, and we need clear rules to help retail stores survive. So, this is a rezoning that's been proposed to really create substantial community benefit, and there's a lot of support on the ground for the idea that there needs to be affordable housing in every community, including those that are upper income. They also need to have affordable housing in those communities, and that's what this will achieve.
Moderator: The next is Shant from the Daily News.
Question: Yeah, good morning, Mr. Mayor. I know you said that assaults will not be tolerated while people are protesting the new restrictions. I wanted to ask about a specific incident reported last night in which a photographer was said to have been beaten unconscious by a crowd. Are you aware of that specific incident? And yeah, just any additional thoughts on preventing the situation from spiraling out of control?
Mayor: Yeah, Shant, I am aware of the incident. I spoke to the Police Commissioner about it earlier today. Look, just – assault is not going to be accepted. Assault on anyone ever, and I want to make very clear to everyone, even folks who disagree with these new rules to get us out of this crisis: respect the laws, respect the specific instructions of the NYPD and if anyone doesn't there will be consequences. So, if anyone commits an act of assault, of course there'll be consequences for those who are found to have perpetrated that act. But I think what people have to understand here is this is a very, very sensitive moment for the future of all of New York City. If we right now respect these new rules and quickly work together, we can overcome this problem in a matter of weeks, and then communities can go back to where we were just weeks ago, which was actually very good compared to what we experienced in the spring and was the beginning of our restart. We want to keep that restart going, but we need everyone to be a part of it, and that's what I'm going to keep reminding people of. Go ahead, Shant.
Question: Yeah, thanks for that. Switching gears a bit. I wanted to follow up on some remarks and being on the Brian Lehrer show last week. I recall you said regarding faulty ballots that were sent to Brooklyn, you said the vendor who sent those ballots out should be investigated. Can you say if this is the City is pursuing an investigation itself and/or has your administration requested state or federal authorities to launch an investigation?
Mayor: I will get the latest, Shant, for on what might be undertaken. This area where I have to check with the Law Department on what the follow-up has been and whether this is an area that's appropriate for Department of Investigation to look at the city level or whether it requires state action, because it's regulated – the Board of Elections is regulated by the State, not the City, but we will get you an update on that today.
Moderator: The next is Rich Lamb from WCBS 880.
Question: Hi there, Mr. Mayor and everybody on the call. Mr. Mayor, so crowds are burning masks in the street. It seems like a clear message and a possible threat to public health. Now are you, I know that you have said there'll be consequences, but are you prepared to hand out tickets here? Are you prepared to make arrests? This seems like a very serious thing.
Mayor: Yeah, I appreciate the question, Rich. Clearly again we have to get everyone to understand the seriousness of these new rules. So, we're going to be enforcing across the board. If a business is open where it should not be, there'll be told to close immediately. If there is resistance, the business will be shut down and there'll be penalties. If people refuse to wear masks, there'll be penalties. Across the board, this is what we're going to have to do. We understand the frustrations that people are feeling because no one wants to see us have to go back towards the restrictions that we had in the spring, but unfortunately they are necessary and they're necessary here, in Brooklyn and Queens, and as you saw yesterday, they're necessary in other parts of the state as well. We have to stop this problem from growing. We have to stop a resurgence of this disease. We've seen – right now in Europe is unfortunately the most painful example of how they let their guard down, and now they're seeing full blown, resurgence, full second wave in a lot of European countries. We can't let that happen here. So, we will enforce and I would urge everyone to understand is follow these rules for your own good, for your family's good, for your community's good. Go ahead. Rich.
Question: Okay, Mr. Mayor. So the, the Mayor's new system – the Governor's new color coded system, red, orange, and yellow seems extraordinarily confusing and sort of adds an element of confusion, it would appear to try to enforce this stuff, and I'm just wondering whether you think the Governor is usurping your authority as Mayor? I mean, do you think he secretly wants to be Mayor of New York City?
Mayor: This moment in history, Rich, I wouldn't urge anyone to want to be Mayor of New York City. It is a very, very challenging moment, but I'll tell you something again I have absolute faith in the people of New York City that we're going to overcome this. We overcame something much tougher in the spring and we're going to overcome this as well, but we have to work together. We have to ignore those voices of division. We have to really unify here to get this done. The Governor under the law has a right to make these decisions, I said at Sunday, we proposed a plan of action. That plan was the basis of what the State decided, not only for here, but for other parts of the state as well. I think it's important that the State acted and I'm glad the State acted. The – I thought that the ZIP codes were clearer, they weren't perfect, we admitted it, but they were clearer, but we're going to work with this specific model. And you know, we'll get out there and we'll explain to people the color coding, we'll get out there and explain the map. We're working on the final details with the State. But the bottom line is they have a right to decide. They decided, that's what matters, and we're going to go out there and work with the State to implement it.
Moderator: The next is Matt Chayes from News Day.
Question: Hey, good morning, Mr. Mayor, how are you?
Mayor: Good, Matt. How you doing?
Question: I'm doing all right. I have two questions. The first is can you detail your plan if you have one to check whether houses of worship in the zones aren't secretly being attended in defiance of the rules?
Mayor: Well, Matt, obviously these are new rules now, we're going to go out there, make sure everyone understands them and then go and enforce. You will remember, Matt, back in the spring, again, we had an outstanding cooperation in all faith communities, and you'll remember there was a point where the vast majority of houses of worship in fact had fully shut down. We're not even talking about, you know, small groups, we're talking about people had shut down entirely across the board, and then there were a few houses of worship in different faiths, but very few, that tried to open up and do services anyway, no matter how bad the situation was in the city, they tried to defy the rules. We sent out enforcement to those has a worship to shut them down. So we have history of doing this across different faiths, but it was rare because the vast majority of faith leaders understood that they needed to follow the rules, and I expect that again. I think you'll see overwhelmingly adherence to these rules. Go ahead.
Question: On a different topic, you said this morning a couple minutes ago that there would be consequences for arson assault, battery, et cetera. Why were there no arrests last night? And do you think the NYPD made the right call in not arresting people who were burning things, attacking people, et cetera?
Mayor: Yeah. Again first of all, the NYPD in every situation works with the specific reality of specific facts. Clearly when the NYPD sees something that they believe is worthy of a summons or arrest they proceed to do so, and that will be the reality going forward. I haven't spoken to the Commissioner about every detail of what happened last night, but I did speak to him about the approach that will happen going forward, and it's quite clear if large numbers of people are gathering, there will be a large police response, there will be ample information, education. People will be told very clearly how they need to comport themselves. NYPD will give clear instructions, and if people don't follow those instructions, there will be consequences.
Moderator: The next is Julia Marsh from The Post.
Question: Good morning, Mr. Mayor, hope you're well. Just following up on that, I mean, you know, again, you've said that there's no tolerance for setting fires or harm to others. There's video after video of fires in the streets, of a man being beaten unconscious for advocating wearing a mask, of that journalist getting harassed. I mean, what kind of message does it send about following the rules if there were no consequences last night and does this lack of action by the NYPD invite the Governor to take over enforcement?
Mayor: No, to the last question, Julia, of course not. NYPD is the finest, strongest police force in the United States of America. They can enforce on this situation. They've dealt with much, much tougher situations, I assure you. This is an emerging new reality. Obviously it's important to make adjustments to any new reality. The individual who's assaulted, if charges are pressed, there will be consequences for perpetrators once they're identified as in any other assault and certainly going forward, if anyone's assaulted, the perpetrators will be held accountable. If anyone sets a fire that will be grounds for consequences, you will see it very clearly. Go ahead.
Question: How is this an emerging new reality if you're supposed to be, have been wearing masks for months, and you're never supposed to set fires in the street? And I wonder if the Sheriff's Office is still taking the lead on these enforcement issues or is it the police now?
Mayor: We're going to be using all agencies because of the magnitude of the area we have to cover. Sheriff's Office, Office of Special Enforcement, other agencies did an outstanding job when we were dealing with pinpoint realities. We're now dealing with a large geography. Obviously there'll be involved, NYPD will be involved. What is different is new rules and people reacting to new rules. That is a new reality and we're going to address it very forthrightly. Commissioner is very clear that there will be consequences for anyone that does not follow NYPD instructions or anyone who breaks the law. It will be quite visible and clear.
Moderator: We have time for two more for today. The next is Yoav from The City.
Question: Hi, Mr. Mayor. I might not be that great to talk, but hopefully you can hear me.
Mayor: Yeah, no, we can hear you. Okay.
Question: Okay. I wanted to ask about the – you said last week that the – I'm sorry, you said last week that the NYPD wrongly arrested legal observers at the June 4th Bronx protest. I'm just wondering, when did you learn of those arrests? And I guess what have you done to get to the bottom of why it was allowed to happen –
Mayor: Yoav, what I've what I said was a broader point, that anytime there are legal observers, that they are clearly certified as legal observers, they should not be arrested unless they overtly break a law, obviously, but that the role of legal observers is really important. I said it as someone who has protested myself and the NYPD should not be arresting them simply because they're present at a demonstration. That was a broader point, in terms of the specific situation that's being looked at from back months ago in the Bronx, that is what we are looking at. The full investigation is being done independently by the Department of Investigation, working with the Law Department, the results of that investigation will be coming shortly. That's going to be what I will acknowledge as the most thorough evaluation of what happened, and then we'll act accordingly from that information on any changes we need to make. Go ahead, Yoav.
Question: Right. But, the right for legal observers to do their jobs, that's long established policy, not only that, they had specific approval from your office to defy the curfew. So –
Mayor: And the question I got was where would they be treated as essential workers? And I said, yes, they needed to be treated the same way they had a legitimate role to play.
Question: Right, I guess my point is it should have been totally obvious to the NYPD that there was no reason to arrest these people based on long precedent and a specific approval from the Mayor's Office. So my question is, why are you waiting for an investigation that's already taken four months? You can easily ask Commissioner Shea if you, if you were [inaudible] find out why this happened [inaudible].
Mayor: Yoav, I've spoken to this before. I'll just reiterate. What I made very clear at the time is that should not happen again, that legal observers, certified legal observers, must be respected during protest, period, and that that should not be deviated from, unless there's an exceptional situation. For example, God forbid, a legal observer committed a separate crime. I'm not going to deal with this piecemeal. I want the full facts on everything that happened and then we will determine the consequences and any changes that need to be made. But again, the policy, as I said at the time, and I reiterated the other day on WNYC, the policy has to be abundantly clear. Certified legal observers, have a right to be at protest. They should not be interfered with. They have a job to do, that job should be respected. Go ahead.
Moderator: Last question for today goes to Erin from Politico.
Question: Good morning, Mr. Mayor. The Governor said yesterday that he is going to require 400 city personnel to work for his task force to do this enforcement. I know you said the other day that you didn't think that approach was legal, at this point are you going to be providing those personnel? And, and if so, are they NYPD or who they going to be, and how is this approach going to work?
Mayor: They were NYPD yesterday. They’ll be NYPD today. There'll be NYPD tomorrow. What our personnel worked for the City of New York, but we'll work in cooperation with the State. We share common goals with the State. The State has put forward a plan. We're going to work with that plan. We're going to support that plan, but all our personnel work for the City of New York. It's clear as that. Go ahead, Erin.
Question: Alright, thank you. And then secondly, I mean, you said you expected the houses of worship to overwhelmingly follow these rules, but I mean, based on what we saw overnight, as well as many of the statements from, you know, leaders, elected leaders, religious leaders, and others, there seems to be some pretty open defiance of this plan. So, I mean, is there any basis for your belief that there will be compliance and is there a particular plan for, you know, enforcement of – I know you spoke to it with respect to protest, but what about with respect to houses of worship?
Mayor: Erin, I'm going by a couple of things. First of all, there's been a lot of communication over the last few weeks with community leaders and I want to very intensely separate leaders, faith leaders, of all different faiths from political leaders who sometimes have a political agenda. It's just an obvious reality. If you say to me over years in public service, do I see a difference between clergy and politicians? Of course, clergy tend to be very responsible. They think about the big picture. They think about the health and wellbeing of their congregants. We saw extraordinary, extraordinary agreement among the clergy of all faiths in the spring, working together to ensure that people were safe, even though it meant something that all of them did not like doing one bit, which meant closing their houses of worship. Here we're talking about houses of worship still open, but with restrictions. I have never seen a situation where a clergy did not work with local government to protect people's health and safety. I've seen plenty of situations where politicians and people with other agendas said what they wanted to say for their own needs. But I really want to say our faith leaders have distinguished themselves time and again, as being very responsible, very mindful and wanting to work with local and State authorities. I don't expect that to change here. Maybe there'll be a few, but overwhelmingly I expect a lot of agreement that we all have to work together to solve this problem.
And let me conclude on that point everyone, look again, this will be tough. It's really important for people to understand, we're going through a tough time now in certain parts of the city, we're all going to work together to overcome that challenge. We are not going to let it overtake New York City. We still have time and we certainly have the wherewithal to stop a second wave from hitting New York City, but everyone has to take it seriously. Everyone has to work together. Everyone has to be committed and disciplined, and if you hear voices of division, if you hear coronavirus denialists, if you hear people out for their own agenda and trying to hurt everyone else, stand up to them. We have to stay unified to overcome this challenge. So I have a lot of faith in the people of New York City. I have a lot of faith that the great majority, the vast majority of New Yorkers want to do this right. Why do I have that faith? Because time and time again New Yorkers have shown how much they actually care about each other, how much they'll stand up for each other, how much they'll do the right thing to protect New York City, and we're going to do it again. Thank you, everybody.


#OpenStreets Programs Launch on Willis Avenue. Third Avenue Business Improvement District in partnership with area small businesses and community based organizations, Rockwell Group, NYC DOT, and the Bronx Community Foundation, launch the Open Streets // Willis Avenue program to provide outdoor dining space for restaurants, provide free community programs for area residents and visitors, and to deter quality of life challenges that have rattled this street in the South Bronx.

In addition to closing the street 7 days a week from 10am-8pm, the Third Avenue Business Improvement District is funding:
  • Three additional full-time security personnel
  • Three additional Clean Street Team members
  • Sustainable socially distanced programs from Wednesdays through Saturdays
  • Public art and civic engagement
  • Socially distanced health and job fairs, complete with flu shot administration 



Proposed zoning initiative would update 50-year-old codes to promote housing equity and support business, arts, and culture

 Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced the SoHo/NoHo Neighborhood Plan will advance into the City’s public land use review process, a major milestone toward realizing a shared vision for an inclusive and vibrant SoHo and NoHo. The proposal would replace outdated, 50-year old zoning to offer greater flexibility for ground floor use by businesses and arts and cultural organizations, while incentivizing the creation of new permanently affordable homes. This proposal will open two neighborhoods with exceptional access to transit, schools, jobs, and other amenities to many more New Yorkers and advance the City’s goals of fair housing and equitable growth.
“New York City has changed a lot in the last fifty years, and SoHo and NoHo have changed with it. Thoughtful, progressive zoning changes will pave the way for the next fifty years of growth – while making two iconic neighborhoods more accessible than ever, and helping us rebuild a fairer and better city,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.
“The SoHo/NoHo rezoning is a critical step to promote fair housing and ensure that these two neighborhoods and New York City as a whole recover fairly and robustly,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development Vicki Been. “The pandemic and the movement for racial justice make clear that all neighborhoods must pull their weight to provide safe, affordable housing options. Updating the zoning in one of the city’s most iconic retail districts also will give arts and cultural organizations, retail, and other businesses more flexible options to recover, adapt, and succeed. I look forward to working through the land use process with Council Member Chin and all of our partners from these neighborhoods and throughout the city.”
“Today’s proposal to create a more inclusive and resilient SoHo and NoHo rests on the rigorous community engagement work that artists and residents, businesses, preservation groups and property owners participated in last year. That work is even more essential now as we seek to ensure that these iconic neighborhoods, and New York City as a whole, fully and fairly recover from the economic challenges wrought by COVID-19,” said Anita Laremont, Executive Director of the Department of City Planning.
The changes would cover an area generally bounded by Canal Street to the south, Houston Street and Astor Place to the north, Lafayette Street and the Bowery to the east, and Sixth Avenue and West Broadway to the west. The area is currently mapped with zoning districts found only in the SoHo and NoHo neighborhoods and which date to the early 1970s, when vacant manufacturing buildings were being repurposed by artists and others drawn to the neighborhoods’ versatile and affordable lofts.
The proposal would allow new homes to be created and require affordable housing in all new developments, allowing as many as 3,200 new homes to be created, with approximately 800 permanently affordable homes via Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH). Existing rent-regulated homes, many covered by the Loft Law, will remain protected. Rules designed in the 1970’s to recognize artist live-work space would be reimagined to reflect modern live-work modes.
This initiative also furthers the priorities developed in Where We Live NYC, the City’s ongoing fair housing planning process. Where We Live NYC calls for changes to ensure every neighborhood can contribute to the City’s affordable housing development goals – especially amenity-rich, high-income, disproportionately white areas like SoHo and NoHo.
Building on a foundational public engagement process that spanned six months and included over 40 meetings last year, the plan seeks to establish a new zoning district to address the community’s housing needs and economic challenges. The public engagement process was co-sponsored by the Department of City Planning, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer and City Council Member Margaret Chin. It resulted in the Envision SoHo/NoHo report.
The plan would also remove overly complex and obsolete regulations that burden local business owners and artisans. The area’s existing zoning prioritizes traditional manufacturing, which departed the neighborhoods long ago, and subjects active storefronts to lengthy and costly approval processes. These outdated and rigid regulations pose significant barriers to businesses and the contribute to high retail vacancies. The plan will provide the necessary zoning flexibility for economic recovery and adaptation for businesses, artists, and cultural organizations.
Inside the historic districts, contextual zoning will guide building form and scale in keeping with historic context. Outside of the historic districts, an appropriate building envelope will be established to maximize potential for housing and affordability while aligning with the area’s loft building form.
The notice of the scoping hearing, the first step to prepare for the public review process, will be released this Friday and the remote public scoping meeting will be held Nov 10. The formal certification into the public review process is anticipated in 2021. To stay up to date about further details about the proposal and next steps in the process, click here.

Governor Cuomo Announces New Cluster Action Initiative


Initiative Developed in Consultation with Leading National Public Health Experts—Dr. Noam Ross of EcoHealth Alliance, Dr. Michael Osterholm of the University of Minnesota and Former CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden 

New Initiative Maps Clusters by Density of Cases to Address COVID Hot Spots in Brooklyn, Queens, and Broome, Orange and Rockland Counties 

Fines for Sponsors of Mass Gatherings Increased to $15,000 

New Rules and Restrictions in Effect for Minimum of 14 Days 

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced a new cluster action initiative to address COVID-19 hot spots that have cropped up in Brooklyn, Queens, and Broome, Orange and Rockland Counties. Working with the top public health experts, New York State developed a science-based approach to attack these clusters and stop any further spread of the virus, including new rules and restrictions directly targeted to areas with the highest concentration of COVID cases and the surrounding communities. The new rules will be in effect for a minimum of 14 days.

The plan was developed in consultation with national public health experts including Dr. Noam Ross of EcoHealth Alliance, Dr. Michael Osterholm of the University of Minnesota and former CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden.

"A cluster is just that - it's a cluster of cases, a high density of cases, and it seeps and grows from that cluster almost in concentric circles. Drop a pebble into the pond, the pebble goes in, then there's one ring, two rings, three rings, and the rings continue across the pond. When you see the cluster, you have to stop it at that point," Governor Cuomo said. "Our strategy is to crush the cluster and stop the spread, and we're announcing a special initiative to do just that. Step one, you take the most dramatic action within the cluster itself where you have the highest density of cases. Understanding that the people in that cluster interface with the surrounding communities, take additional action in the communities surrounding the cluster. Then as a precautionary measure, take action in the communities that are outlying that area."

The initiative is composed of three steps:

  1. Take dramatic action within the cluster.
  2. Take action in the area surrounding the cluster to stop the spread.
  3. Take precautionary action in the outlying communities.

The initiative will currently apply to clusters in the following areas:

  • Broome County (One Area, Yellow) - Click Here for Map
  • Brooklyn (One Area, Red, Orange and Yellow) - Click Here for Map
  • Orange County (One Area, Red and Yellow) - Click Here for Map
  • Queens (Two Areas, Red, Orange and Yellow) - Click Here and Here for Maps
  • Rockland County (One Area, Red and Yellow) - Click Here for Map

The initiative will divide clusters and the areas around them into three categories with successively higher restrictions within each one:

Red Zone — Cluster Itself

  • Houses of Worship: 25 percent capacity, 10 people maximum
  • Mass Gatherings: Prohibited
  • Businesses: Only essential businesses open
  • Dining: Takeout only
  • Schools: Closed, remote only

Orange Zone — Warning Zone

  • Houses of Worship: 33 percent capacity, 25 people maximum
  • Mass Gatherings: 10 people maximum, indoor and outdoor
  • Businesses: Closing high-risk non-essential businesses, such as gyms and personal care
  • Dining: Outdoor dining only, 4 person maximum per table
  • Schools: Closed, remote only

Yellow Zone — Precautionary Zone

  • Houses of Worship: 50 percent capacity
  • Mass Gatherings: 25 people maximum, indoor and outdoor
  • Businesses: Open
  • Dining: Indoor and outdoor dining, 4 person maximum per table
  • Schools: Open with mandatory weekly testing of students and teachers/staff for in-person settings. The New York State Department of Health will establish a percentage of teachers and students/staff who need to be tested by Friday.

The enforcement of the zones will go into effect as soon as tomorrow and no later than Friday.

Governor Cuomo also announced that fines for the sponsors of mass gatherings in violation of state public health rules will be increased to $15,000. 

Physical Therapist Sentenced To 2 Years In Prison For Participating In $30 Million Scheme To Defraud Medicare And Medicaid


 Audrey Strauss, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that physical therapist HATEM BEHIRY was sentenced today by U.S. District Judge Lorna G. Schofield to 24 months in prison for his participation in a $30 million scheme to defraud Medicare and the New York State Medicaid Program (“Medicaid”).  Between 2007 and late 2012, on a regular basis, BEHIRY falsely pretended to provide physical therapy services to patients, and falsified medical records in a fraudulent scheme to bill Medicare and Medicaid for non-existent services.  BEHIRY and a co-defendant physician, Paul J. Mathieu, were convicted in May 2019, following a six-week trial, on charges of health care fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud, conspiracy to commit those offenses, and conspiracy to make false statements in connection with a federal health care program.

Acting U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “At a time when our medical system may be more important than ever, today’s sentence sends an unambiguous message that those who cheat Medicare and Medicaid will be held accountable.  Corrupt health care professionals who defraud Medicare and Medicaid betray their medical training, their professions, their patients, and the taxpayers.  These taxpayer-funded programs are designed to provide essential medical services to the elderly and the needy, not to enrich corrupt therapists and other fraudsters.”

According to the evidence presented at trial and other public documents:

Between 2007 and 2013, Aleksandr Burman – who is currently serving a 10-year prison term for his participation in this scheme – owned and operated six medical clinics in Brooklyn (the “Clinics”) that fraudulently billed Medicare and Medicaid approximately $30 million for medical services and supplies that were not provided, were provided without regard to medical necessity, or were otherwise fraudulently billed.  As part of this scheme, three medical doctors – Mathieu, Mustak Y. Vaid, and Ewald J. Antone, all of whom have been convicted and sentenced in this case – falsely posed as the owners of the Clinics.  The doctors did so by, among other things, signing various fraudulent documents that falsely represented to banks, Medicare, Medicaid, and others that they were the owners of the clinics. 

Mathieu, Vaid, and Antoine also came weekly to the clinics, where they signed stacks of false and fraudulent medical charts and billing documents for patients that they had not seen, and issued referrals for unnecessary testing, occupational therapy, and physical therapy.

BEHIRY participated in the scheme almost from its inception, in 2007, until late 2012. BEHIRY regularly signed medical records to be used in fraudulent billing, in which he falsely claimed to have provided physical therapy services that he did not in fact provide.  Generally, BEHIRY provided no physical therapy services at all to patients, engaging instead in brief pro forma conversations with the patients, and then completing paperwork that was used to bill Medicare and Medicaid for roughly an hour of physical therapy services.  Typically, patients were told that they had to remain in the clinic for nearly an hour – which they often did by simply watching television in a waiting room for much of that time, and sometimes receiving massages or making unsupervised use of exercise machines (activities that are not billable to Medicare or Medicaid as physical therapy).

In addition, BEHIRY oversaw a group of other physical therapists, whom he arranged to bring to the Clinics to bill fraudulently for physical therapy services that were not in fact provided.

All told, Medicare and Medicaid paid more than $5 million for purported physical therapy services billed under BEHIRY’s name.  As part of the scheme, more than $800,000 was transferred from the Clinics to BEHIRY’s own company.

BEHIRY is the eleventh defendant to be sentenced in this and Burman’s related case.  Mathieu, who was convicted at trial with BEHIRY, was sentenced on December 11, 2019, to four years in prison.  The other defendants, each of whom pled guilty, include:  Aleksandr Burman, who was sentenced in a related case on May 8, 2017, to 10 years in prison; Marina Burman, the former wife of Aleksandr Burman and the owner of a related medical supply company, sentenced on May 17, 2018, to three years in prison; Mustak Y. Vaid, a physician sentenced on August 1, 2018, to 18 months in prison; Ewald J. Antoine, a physician sentenced on August 21, 2018, to a year and a day in prison; Asher Oleg Kataev, a Burman business partner, sentenced on May 31, 2018, to three years in prison; Alla Tsirlin, a Clinic office manager, sentenced on June 5, 2018, to a year and a day in prison; and Edward Miselevich and Ivan Voychak, Burman partners who jointly ran a related ambulette company, sentenced on June 12 and July 19, 2018, to three years in prison each.

In addition to the prison term, BEHIRY, 52, of Brooklyn, New York, was sentenced to three years of supervised release.  Judge Schofield also ordered BEHIRY to pay restitution of $5,757,661 and forfeiture of $808.975.

Ms. Strauss praised the outstanding investigative work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General (“OMIG”).

Mayor de Blasio Update and COVIC-19 Numbers


Mayor Bill de Blasio: Good morning, everybody. We are at a crucial moment in this city, crucial moment in our fight against the coronavirus. Now for seven months, the city's waged a battle and I want to say to all of you, New Yorkers have been heroic in this struggle, fighting back against the coronavirus consistently. Now we have a challenge. We see a rise in cases in certain parts of our city, and we have to get ahead of this. We have to bring everything to bear we can. We’re going to have to be tough about it and that's why I put forward a plan to address the situation and yes, it involves tough restrictions, nothing we want to do, but the kind of thing we need to do and do quickly to get ahead of the problem, to keep this problem limited, to address it in a matter of weeks and not let it spread further.
So, look, we know so much more now than we did at the beginning of this struggle back in March and April when we had so little testing, when we had so much less knowledge about this disease, our fight was very, very difficult, and yet this city did fight back and get to a much better place. Now we have the advantage of much more knowledge, much more testing, and much more understanding amongst the people of the city of what they have to do and they've shown it time and time again. These realities should be great advantages as we fight back these specific problems in specific areas. But again, it will all come down to you, to everyday New Yorkers doing the right thing for yourselves, for your families, for your communities, by practicing the basic rules, basic vision that has worked for us over and over again, the wearing the mask, the social distancing, just doing the smart, basic things that have everyone does together, we turn the tide in our favor.
So let's give you a picture now of what's happening right now in this city. We have a new map that provides a sense of where the challenges are, where the hotspots are, and right now, again, we have nine ZIP codes where we have seen the positively level for the coronavirus above three percent for seven consecutive days. It remains nine ZIP codes. Then we have our watch list and that's tier two where we're watching areas that are in danger of entering that top tier of a particularly troubled ZIP codes. We have a new ZIP code we're adding to that watch list and that is 11206 South Williamsburg, that brings the watch list total to 13. So, again, we're staying stable with nine in the top category where we need the most action, the most restrictions, 13 that are being watched, and those 13 do not need to end up in that top category. They do not need to experience those deeper restrictions. So, you can see the number of days consecutive over three percent, thank God, not yet into that category, but we're warning people in those communities to really buckle down, to take all the right precautions, to take it seriously. You do not want to see these restrictions in your community. You can do something about it. You don't want to see small businesses closed in your neighborhood. You can do something about it. Right now, there is time to turn things around. That's why we're providing this information to the public in an urgent manner.
So, in terms of the nine ZIP codes I've proposed, I think the way forward, clear sharp restrictions applied quickly. Now obviously with our schools in the nine high risk ZIP codes, those schools, both public and non-public are closed as of this morning. This will be for several weeks, the faster we address the problem on the ground, the faster the community participates, the quicker we can get those schools open again, and as little as two weeks, hopefully no more than four weeks, but we all have a lot of work to do. Now, again, we chose to close the schools out of an abundance of caution, thankfully in our school system, including in the effective ZIP codes, tier one, tier two, we are not seeing any unusual problems, anything out of the ordinary in our schools, thank God. And we continue to do testing outside of schools and in schools, in those effective ZIP codes, testing teachers, staff, watching for problems. I'll give you example, just the last few days we've gotten 1,351 test results from 35 schools in those nine top ZIP codes and only two positive tests among the 1,351 results we've gotten so far.
So, get – excuse me – our educators, our staff school communities are doing a great job. They're doing the right thing. They're being smart about things. Folks understand the hand-wash and the hand sanitizer, the social distancing, the face mask. If sick, they're staying home, people are doing this the right way and it's proven by the testing we're seeing at our schools. So we're going to keep that testing going in the 13 ZIP codes on the watch list, constantly moving from school to school each day, to keep a clear picture on what's going on. Now, the plan related to the nines ZIP codes, obviously presented at the State. We had conversations yesterday morning. I spoke with the Governor and our teams have been talking throughout the day yesterday, constructive conversations, productive conversations that are going to continue into this morning, and we need obviously a clear decision in the course of today. So, we can move forward. The plan I've presented is the template to address this. The State is looking at that template. We understand is their ultimate decision. They can modify as they see fit, but the important thing is to come to a decision quickly so we can get going. We are prepared to implement as soon as tomorrow morning in those nine ZIP codes once we have the sign off from the state.
Now, in the meantime, again, what everyone can do, you're going to have this constant question, how long do these restrictions have to be in place? And I'm going to be talking to a lot of people in the community, I have been already, and my message is the same, you can keep it to a matter of weeks, but everyone has to participate. Everyone has to be part of the solution. If we all do this right, which we did before in much tougher circumstances, we contain this problem to a limited part of the city for a limited period of time, then we reopen in those places and keep moving forward. If we do it wrong, it keeps spreading into surrounding ZIP codes and that endangers the whole city. We cannot let that happen. So, everyone has to be part of the solution.
Now, today is a Tuesday and as always, we talk about testing on Tuesday, get tested Tuesday, look again, what works? Testing, testing, testing, we can say it so many times. You cannot say it enough times, because there's still a huge number of New Yorkers who've never been tested even once. It helps this whole city to get tested because it gives us a picture of what's going on and helps us understand where our challenges are and what to do about them. So again, if you have never been tested, please go get tested right away. If you haven't been tested a long time, please go get tested. It is fast. It's easy. We need New Yorkers, not just in those nine ZIP codes or those 13 on the watch list, but everywhere to get tested. The faster we get the truth, the faster we can act. Now, everybody we're expanding testing capacity throughout the city, constantly getting it where it's needed most, but remember we have over 200 sites all over the city. Everyone has a place near them. Always free, always quick. If you want to know where to go, just go online, for locations or call 2-1-2-COVID19, and again, all tests is free.
Now I mentioned the importance of testing at the schools. We've been doing the testing of staff and educators outside schools, and in schools. Starting later this week, we're going to be starting the systematic medical monitoring of schools all over the city. We'll be doing that for every school once a month for the duration of this crisis and it's a way that we get more information, get to watch carefully what's happening. Keep everyone safe. This begins in some schools this Friday, we want to make sure that everyone is participating, that means educators, staff. It means students, everyone. Now, obviously educators and staff are overwhelmingly, ready, willing, and able to get tested, but we need a sign off form. We need a consent form from parents to get a kid tested at their school. So families can now complete the consent form online. You go to your NYC school account and you get that at So just go to, your own account, enter in the information on the consent form that automatically makes sure the school knows that your child can be tested.
And look, to all the parents out there. I'm a parent. I want to say this to all of you. This is such a good and smart thing to do. The school community is working very closely with the Department of Health and the Test and Trace Team to make sure everyone is tested, tested quickly, safely, obviously for free. It's a great way to know what is going on in the school and keep everyone safe. You will get the results for your own child, this is a random sample in the sense of it's not every child every month, certain children some month, other children another month. But whenever there is a test of your child, you'll get those results quickly and that's important for your peace of mind. So, all families should participate and sign up on that consent form. The school will be reaching out to you about it as well. If you have any questions or concerns, and obviously we'll talk to people in whatever language they speak to help them understand how this works and to encourage them to sign that form.

All right, well, thank you, first of all, to Dr. Katie and all our colleagues at Health + Hospitals and everyone who's going to be part of the school testing program. That video really says it all. And look, parents, I want to say to you, as you can see, are very energetic, young volunteer there, had a cool hairstyle too, that he did not have a problem with that test because it's not the long instrument they used to use. It is the much shorter, simpler, just a quick rub around the inside of the nostril and it collects the sample really easily, really quickly. I've had this newer kind of test. It is much better, much simpler. That's what we'll be providing the kids and its as quick and easy as you just saw there.
Now let's talk since we're talking about kids, we're talking about schools, let's talk about what we need to do to make sure that kids continue to be educated during this pandemic. Now that we have our whole school system open, our buildings open, we have kids in classrooms, we have kids obviously in the blended approach where they're in class part of the week at home, working online for the rest of the week and other kids in all remote, but what does it require? It requires every child has the technology they need. Now in the spring there was an absolutely astounding effort to get technology in the hands of kids who needed it, an emergency effort that was really admirable, and I commend everyone at the DOE and all the partners in the private sector who helped make that possible, 350,000 iPads were distributed beginning of March, and it was one of the greatest efforts to address the digital divide in this city's history. Overall, the Department of Education has 950,000 remote learning devices available for students, some obviously are kept in schools, others are given to kids to take home. That supply has been extraordinary and has reached so much of our needs, but we still have additional need for 100,000 more iPads according to the surveys we've taken from parents and families. So, the additional 100,000 iPads are being procured, now they will be provided to students starting next month. Again, any student who still needs an iPad will get one, or if their iPad broke or there's any problem, we'll replace it. We need the remote learning, whether it's part of the week or all week for a child to work, we need them to make sure they get the technology they need, and we will.
Okay, let's go to our indicators now for the whole city. Indicator number one, daily number of people admitted to New York City hospitals for suspected COVID-19 threshold is 200 patients. Today's report is 70 with a confirmed positivity rate for COVID of 21.4 percent. Number two, new reported cases on a seven-day average, threshold is 550 cases, today's report 501 cases. And number three, percentage of people testing positive citywide for COVID-19 threshold is five percent, today’s report 1.90 percent, and the seven-day rolling average today is 1.65 percent.