Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Independent Investigators Find Governor Cuomo Sexually Harassed Multiple Women, Violated State and Federal Laws


Report by Independent Investigators Find NYS Governor Sexually Harassed Multiple Women From 2013 Through 2020 

Sexual Harassment Included Unwanted and Inappropriate Groping, Kissing, Hugging, and Comments That Accusers Called “Deeply Humiliating, Uncomfortable, Offensive, or Inappropriate” 

Executive Chamber “Rife with Fear and Intimidation,” Enabled “Harassment to Occur and Created a Hostile Work Environment”

 The independent investigators appointed by New York Attorney General Letitia James — led by Joon H. Kim and Anne L. Clark — today released their report into the multiple allegations of sexual harassment by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. After nearly five months, the investigators concluded that Governor Cuomo did sexually harass multiple women — including former and current state employees — by engaging in unwanted groping, kissing, and hugging, and making inappropriate comments. Further, the governor and his senior staff took actions to retaliate against at least one former employee for coming forward with her story. Finally, the Executive Chamber fostered a “toxic” workplace that enabled “harassment to occur and created a hostile work environment.” The investigators find that Governor Cuomo’s actions and those of the Executive Chamber violated multiple state and federal laws, as well as the Executive Chamber’s own written policies.

The investigation was conducted after, on March 1, 2021, the Executive Chamber made a referral, pursuant to New York Executive Law Section 63(8), for Attorney General James to select independent lawyers to investigate “allegations of and circumstances surrounding sexual harassment claims made against the governor.” Kim and Clark were chosen to lead the investigation on March 8, 2021.

“This is a sad day for New York because independent investigators have concluded that Governor Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women and, in doing so, broke the law,” said Attorney General James. “I am grateful to all the women who came forward to tell their stories in painstaking detail, enabling investigators to get to the truth. No man — no matter how powerful — can be allowed to harass women or violate our human rights laws, period.”

Starting in December 2020, multiple women came forward with allegations that Governor Cuomo sexually harassed them. Over the course of the investigation, the investigators interviewed 179 individuals. Those interviewed included complainants, current and former members of the Executive Chamber, State Troopers, additional state employees, and others who interacted regularly with the governor. More than 74,000 documents, emails, texts, and pictures were also reviewed as evidence during the investigation.

Backed up by corroborating evidence and credible witnesses, the investigators detail multiple current or former New York state employees or women outside state service who were the targets of harassing conduct on the part of the governor.

As part of the investigation, Governor Cuomo also sat with the interviewers and answered questions under oath. While the governor denied the most serious allegations, the investigators found that he did so by offering “blanket denials” or that he had a “lack of recollection as to specific incidents.” The investigators also found that the governor’s recollection “stood in stark contrast to the strength, specificity, and corroboration of the complainants’ recollections, as well as the reports of many other individuals who offered observations and experiences of the governor’s conduct.”   

Additionally, the investigators found that the Executive Chamber was “rife with fear and intimidation” that not only “enabled the above-described instances of harassment to occur,” but also “created a hostile work environment overall.” Further, Governor Cuomo, himself, and the Executive Chamber engaged in “retaliatory” behavior by “intend[ing] to discredit and disparage” a former employee that came forward with her story of harassment.

The investigation found that Governor Cuomo’s sexual harassment of multiple women and his and the Executive Chamber’s retaliation against a former employee for coming forward with her claims of sexual harassment violated multiple state and federal laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the New York State Human Rights Law, and 42 U.S. Code § 1983, in addition to the Executive Chamber’s own equal employment policies.

Jennifer Kennedy Park, Abena Mainoo, and Rahul Mukhi from the law firm Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP were all deputized — in addition to Joon H. Kim — as Special Deputies to the First Deputy Attorney General to conduct the investigation and issue this report. Yannick Grant from the law firm Vladeck, Raskin & Clark, P.C. was deputized — in addition to Anne L. Clark — as a Special Deputy to the First Deputy Attorney General to conduct the investigation and issue this report. A number of other attorneys from both Cleary Gottlieb and Vladeck were appointed as Special Assistants to the First Deputy Attorney General to assist with the investigation.

Appendix I

Appendix II

Appendix III

Monday, August 2, 2021

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress During COVID-19 Pandemic - AUGUST 2, 2021


29,127 Vaccine Doses Administered Over Last 24 Hours

4 COVID-19 Deaths Statewide Yesterday

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combatting COVID-19.

"The Delta variant spreads quickly and those who are vaccinated are less likely to catch it and less likely to be hospitalized if they do. We've seen this movie before, but this time we have the key to preventing another mutation - the vaccine," Governor Cuomo said. "Almost all new cases of COVID arising are the Delta variant. Don't wait until it's too late. Get your vaccination as soon as possible." 
Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Test Results Reported - 72,514 
  • Total Positive - 2,143 
  • Percent Positive - 2.96% 
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 2.53% 
  • Patient Hospitalization - 788 (+50) 
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 122 
  • Patients in ICU - 162 (+10) 
  • Patients in ICU with Intubation - 56 (+4) 
  • Total Discharges - 186,983 (+88) 
  • Deaths - 4 
  • Total Deaths - 43,093 
  • Total vaccine doses administered - 22,324,811 
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 24 hours - 29,127 
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 7 days - 269,165 
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose - 72.6% 
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series - 67.0%
  •  Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 75.5%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 68.7%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose - 60.8% 
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series - 55.8%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 63.2%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 57.2%

Team AOC - On the eviction moratorium:


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress

Over the last few days, a lot has happened regarding the federal eviction moratorium. 

To catch you up and lay out what’s going on, we put together this email explaining everything you need to know and how you can help: 

What is the eviction moratorium?

In September 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a freeze on evictions to prevent homelessness during the pandemic and combat the spread of COVID-19. 

The moratorium had been extended several times while state and local governments worked to distribute more than $45 billion in emergency funds that Congress appropriated to provide rental assistance for tenants and landlords.

The extended eviction ban was recently set to expire on June 30, but the Biden administration announced another extension through July 31 — a decision upheld by the Supreme Court.

Why wasn’t it extended again?

Last Thursday — the day before the House was set to adjourn — the Biden administration released a statement calling on Congress to extend the moratorium, suggesting that it only could be done through Congressional authorization this time. 

But instead of staying to vote or reconvening to pass an extension in time, some members of Congress chose to leave for seven weeks of vacation, and Congress adjourned without taking action by the deadline.

What is going on now?

There’s still an opportunity to act, and we’re not accepting excuses. Up to 11 million people are currently behind on rent and are now at risk of being evicted — even though billions in emergency assistance for tenants and landlords is still available.

Alexandria is joining Rep. Cori Bush and their colleagues in the House to urge Congress to do everything in its power to extend the moratorium. But they need your help to keep up the pressure:

Will you call your reps and urge them to take a stand and support extending the eviction moratorium? You can find the number and sample script here.

Call your reps now

Thank you for taking action today,

– Team AOC

Governor Cuomo: "We Have Seen This Movie Before"

New Yorkers are Encouraged to Get Their Vaccinations to Avoid Going Back to Life with Pandemic Restrictions

Governor Cuomo: "New Yorkers saw the movie. You saw the movie. You know how this turns out. You know what happens with the Delta Variant. You know what those facts mean. You know what's going to happen in the movie. Don't wait for what you know is going to happen." 

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today, at a press briefing, encouraged New Yorkers to avoid reliving the COVID movie that played out last year.

VIDEO of the Governor's remarks is available on YouTube here and in TV quality (h.264, mp4) format here.

AUDIO of the Governor's remarks is available here.

A rush transcript of the Governor's remarks are available below:

Last, last point. I'm with two of my daughters, they came up the other day. Twins, Cara and Mariah. We're going to watch a movie at night and I say you pick the movie, they pick the movie. We're watching the movie. During the course of the movie I selectively prophesize on what I think is going to happen. He's going to move too close to the window, he's going to get shot. Then he gets too close to the window - bang - he gets shot, he's too close to the window. Couple of minutes later. He's going to get in the car, he's going to turn on the car, the car blows up. Gets in the car, it blows up. 

After the movie, one of my daughters says to me, you know, that that was really amazing how you figured out what was going to happen in that movie? I let her sit with that for a couple of minutes. And then I had to tell her the truth, which is, I said, no, I saw the movie already. It wasn't brilliant analysis of the plot; I saw the movie. We have seen the COVID movie.  

We've seen this movie. I've seen this movie. Melissa has seen this movie every day through the briefings. Rick Cotton runs the airports among other things, one of the first people to get COVID because it was coming through the airports. He's seen the movie. Beth Garvey saw the movie. She had to write all the laws. Janno Lieber saw the movie at the MTA. We had to figure out how to disinfect subway cars because the first piece of bad information was surface transmission, remember that? So, we had to come up with all sorts of chemicals and PPE, and then he had an operate a system with no riders. Rob Mujica dealt with it every day in the financial chaos.  

New Yorkers saw the movie. You saw the movie. You know how this turns out. You know what happens with the Delta Variant. You know what those facts mean. You know what's going to happen in the movie. Don't wait for what you know is going to happen. We beat the damn thing by being smart the first time. Be smart again. "Well, the CDC. Well, this," New Yorkers did not make a decision the first time because of the CDC. It was because they got the facts. They're smart and they made a decision based on the facts.  

You have the facts. I'll give you the facts, but make the smart decision because you saw the movie. By the way, you've also seen the movie on homelessness. You've also seen the movie on crime out-of-control in New York City. I've seen that movie three times in my life. You know how the movie ends. Be smart. 



 Mayor Bill de Blasio today appointed Margaret Nelson as Acting Commissioner of NYC Parks. Nelson, currently Parks’ Deputy Commissioner for Urban Park Services and Public Programs, began her career at Parks in 2014.


“Our parks are New Yorkers backyards, and caring for them requires a leader with experience, vision and passion,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Margaret is a time-tested public servant who will be an integral part of our recovery.  I thank Mitchell for his 7 years of dedicated service to our parks and the people of New York City.” 


“Our recovery must be rooted in equity, and our parks are one of the cornerstones of that effort,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development Vicki Been. “I am thrilled to work with Margaret in her new role – she’s been a forceful and creative driver of our investments in equity over the past few years and her extensive experience with parks will allow a seamless transition in leadership.  I thank Mitchell Silver for his steadfast devotion to making our parks better, more welcoming, and much more equitable for all, and for making NYC Parks a great place to work and a model of efficient and effective service.”


“It is my honor and privilege to serve the City of New York. Thank you Mayor de Blasio for entrusting me to lead the gem that is NYC Parks,” said Acting Commissioner Margaret Nelson. “I would also like to offer a special thanks to outgoing Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver for his phenomenal leadership over the past 7-years. His culture of care and emphasis on health, happiness, and fun are all shared ideals I hope to bring to the table as I assume this new role. As the City continues to move toward recovery, we hope to keep our parks thriving, accessible, and equitable for all New Yorkers to enjoy.”


Nelson is a 7-year veteran of NYC Parks, most recently appointed Deputy Commissioner for Urban Park Services and Public Programs in May 2019 where she oversaw operations and staff from 36 citywide Recreation Centers, the Urban Park Rangers, and the Parks Enforcement Patrol units.  In addition to her most recent role, Acting Commissioner Nelson previously served as Commissioner Silver’s Chief of Staff. She was a key member of the executive management team responsible for establishing agency policies, guiding external and internal communications, and managing stakeholder relationships including non-profit partners and elected officials.


Since joining the agency in 2014, Acting Commissioner Nelson has been responsible for helping to implement the administration’s vision for equity in public spaces, planning and placemaking in parks, innovation and technology, and caring for parks. She spearheaded a number of inter-divisional funding initiatives including securing more than $80M for replacement fleet vehicles, and also helping establish a synthetic turf field maintenance and replacement model program.


Acting Commissioner Nelson earned her master’s degree in Public Administration from The Wagner School of Public Service at New York University and a bachelor’s degree from Duke University graduating Magna Cum Laude.



 Public Advocate Jumaane D. Williams released the below statement after neither Governor Andrew Cuomo nor Mayor Bill de Blasio implemented the CDC-recommended indoor mask requirements. He will also hold a virtual media availability this afternoon on the issue with Dr. Celine Gounder.

"City and state executives appear to have learned nothing in the last 17 months. The Governor, who claims and exerts power whenever he wants it, denies and defers that power in the face of difficult decisions. He passed the burden to localities, and the Mayor has dangerously dropped it. Our leaders are moving slowly while the Delta variant does anything but. Waiting to see if cases rise is equivalent to inviting them to do so. We need an indoor mask mandate now - we needed it a week ago before the CDC issued their directive. A prioritized push for increased vaccination and interim mask requirements are not mutually exclusive, they are cooperatively necessary.

"New York: Just because the Mayor and Governor have so far failed to adopt CDC guidance doesn't mean we should. To protect ourselves, our neighbors, our city, please mask up in indoor spaces - and if you have not yet, get vaccinated."



Free tickets now available for the “It’s Time for Hip Hop in NYC” concert series produced by New York City, the Universal Hip Hop Museum, and IDEKO


Free tickets and VIP tickets for purchase now available for “WE LOVE NYC: The Homecoming Concert” produced by New York City, Clive Davis, and Live Nation

 In celebration of New York City’s comeback, Mayor de Blasio today announced that tickets for all NYC Homecoming Week concerts to be held this August are now available at nyc.gov/HomecomingWeek.


Free tickets are now available for the “It’s Time for Hip Hop in NYC” concert series produced by New York City, the Universal Hip Hop Museum, and IDEKO. The free concerts, to be livestreamed by Behind The Rhyme, a channel on Twitch, will be held:

  • Monday, August 16th, 3:00 p.m. at Orchard Beach in The Bronx
  • Tuesday, August 17th, 4:00 p.m. at Midland Beach on Staten Island
  • Thursday, August 19th, 4:00 p.m. at Brooklyn Army Terminal in Brooklyn
  • Friday, August 20th, 4:00 at Forest Hills Stadium in Queens


Free tickets and VIP tickets for purchase are now available for “WE LOVE NYC: The Homecoming Concert” produced by New York City, Clive Davis, and Live Nation. This historic concert, presented by Citi® and Expedia® and to be aired exclusively on CNN, will be held on Saturday, August 21st at 5:00 p.m. at the Great Lawn in Central Park.


Additional free tickets for the “It’s Time for Hip Hop in NYC” concert series, along with free tickets and VIP tickets for purchase for “WE LOVE NYC: The Homecoming Concert” will be released on:

  • Tuesday, August 3 at 7 a.m. EDT
  • Wednesday, August 4 at 9 p.m. EDT
  • Thursday, August 5 at 7 a.m. EDT
  • Friday, August 6 at 10 a.m. EDT
  • Saturday, August 7 at 9 p.m. EDT


To enter a NYC Homecoming Week concert, all attendees who are age 12 or over must present proof of COVID-19 vaccination, except for persons who are unable to get vaccinated because of a disability, who will be provided reasonable accommodation. Unvaccinated minors under the age of 12 may accompany a vaccinated adult. Face coverings are required for unvaccinated minors under the age of 12 and who are over age two and medically able to tolerate a face-covering.


Proof of vaccination includes at least one dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccine, such as Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, or AstraZeneca/Oxford.


Attendees can present proof of vaccination by showing their:

  • CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Card;
  • A photo (digital or printout) of their CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card;
  • New York City COVID SAFE App; or
  • New York State Excelsior Pass. (Note: You do not have to be a New York State resident to obtain an Excelsior Pass, however, you must be fully vaccinated to use the pass. Examples: Second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, the single dose of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.)


An attendee who is not able to get vaccinated because of a disability will be required to:

  • Sign an attestation to that effect to enter the concert;
  • Present proof of a negative COVID PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test taken within 72 hours prior to the concert; and
  • If medically able to tolerate a face-covering, wear a mask for the entire duration of the concert.


All attestations are subject to verification and anyone found to have intentionally provided false information may be subject to a criminal misdemeanor violation that may result in penalties. 


No ticket refunds or exchanges will be issued, and tickets will not be honored if the attendee is unable to provide proper proof of vaccination at the time of the event or has not attested that they are unable to get vaccinated because of a disability.


A celebration of New York City’s resilience, NYC Homecoming Week will drive support for the mom-and-pop businesses and local organizations that define our neighborhoods and that kept the heart of our city beating throughout the COVID pandemic.


Held from August 14th through August 22nd, NYC Homecoming Week events will also include:

       Free film and TV screenings by Rooftop Films;

       Cultural activities and public art; and

       Iconic events including NYC Restaurant Week and Summer Streets.


Visit nyc.gov/HomecomingWeek for more information. View the NYC Homecoming Week Social Media Toolkit at: on.nyc.gov/HomecomingWeekToolkit.


Logistical media advisories will be released at a later date.


Media questions for “It’s Time for the Hip Hop in NYC” concert series can be addressed to itstimeforhiphopinnyc@covidrecovery.nyc.gov.


Media questions for “WE LOVE NYC: The Homecoming Concert” produced by New York City, Clive Davis and Live Nation can be addressed to WeLoveNYCConcertPR@dkcnews.com.

3rd Annual Yemini-American Parade in Morris Park


The 2019 Yemini-American Parade was a huge success, and people were looking for even more the next year, but due to COVID-19 the 2020 Yemini-American parade was a parade of cars with no one marching. 

With the city and country opening up for the July 4th celebration, it was decided to have the third Annual Yemini-American Parade across Rhinelander Avenue, as was done in 2019. The parade began at Mathews Avenue and went to White Plains Road, but this year it turned left at White Plains Road, going to Morris Park Avenue. At Morris Park Avenue the parade went to Hunt Avenue to finish up on Rhinelander Avenue in front of the Bronx Muslim Center. 

The parade was led by two NYPD horses and the NYPD marching band in a show of support for the Bronx Muslim community. Next came the elected officials led by Councilwoman, and future Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson, Congressman Ritchie Torres, Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark, State Senator Gustavo Rivera, Assemblywoman Nathalia Fernandez, Bronx Community Board 11 Chair Al D'Angelo, future City Councilwomen Amanda Frias and Marjorie Velazquez, other community leaders, along with hundreds of Yemini-American marchers happy to be there dressed in traditional Yemen attire.  

Two NYPD horses led the Third Annual Yemini-American parade, followed by the NYPD marching band in a show of support for the Bronx Yemini community.

The marchers stop for a moment as the Yemen flag is unveiled in front of them. (L - R) are Community Board 7 District Manager Ischia Bravo, Allerton Merchants Association President Gene De Francis, Congressman Ritchie Torres, CB 11 Chair Al D'Angelo, Ardmir Malziu Representing Councilman Mark Gjonaj, Bronx DA Darcel Clark, Future Bronx BP Councilwoman Vanessa Gibson, Assemblywoman Nathalia Fernandez, State Senator Gustavo Rivera is behind Councilwoman Gibson, as is future City Council members Amanda Frias and Marjorie Velazquez, also in the back is John Doyle of Jacobi Hospital.                       

The high point of the parade was when the marchers turned onto White Plains Road, where Yahay Obeid, a leader of the Yemini-American community in full Yemen attire stood for this photo.

A drone was taking pictures of the event. It is owned by Mr. Yahay Obeid. 

 After the parade members of the Yemini-American community gathered in the street to continue the very successful Third Annual Yemini-American event.