Wednesday, May 17, 2017


  The Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity – known until today as the Center for Economic Opportunity – today released its annual New York City Government Poverty Measure report, covering the years 2005-2015. The report shows a significant one-year decline in the near-poverty rate (the percentage living below 150% of New York City’s poverty threshold) from 45.1 percent in 2014 to 44.2 percent in 2015. This is the largest one-year decline since the NYC-specific poverty measure began tracking the rate, beginning with 2005 data, and the first statistically significant one-year drop since the Great Recession. Additionally, analysis by the Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity using 2013 census data also showed that NYC is on track to lift 281,000 New Yorkers out of poverty between the start of 2014 and the end of 2017 – five years ahead of the timeline laid out by OneNYC.

The report released today also demonstrated that the percentage of New Yorkers in actual poverty fell to 19.9% from 20.7% over the two-year 2013-2015 period, a statistically significant decline.  On a one-year basis, poverty fell from 20.6 in 2014.  Poverty is at its lowest level since the Great Recession. 

 “For the first time since the recession, we are seeing significant results showing fewer New Yorkers are living at or near the poverty line. It may sound small, but it is a really big deal,” said Mayor de Blasio. “Our analysis also shows that 281,000 New Yorkers will be lifted out of poverty or near-poverty by the end of this year. These are promising numbers, and we are going to continue implementing progressive policies that make New York City a fairer and more equitable place to live."

“This report is the first issued under its new name, and it brings good news: New York City is reducing poverty and broadening opportunity,” said Matthew Klein, Executive Director of the Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity (formerly the Center for Economic Opportunity).  “The City is focused and committed to building on these gains and achieving even greater progress.” 

"This administration's focus on equity is unwavering", said Mindy Tarlow, Director of the Mayor's Office of Operations. "NYC Opportunity has been, and will continue to be, a key partner in our ongoing efforts to reduce inequality and advance opportunity for struggling New Yorkers."

Many groups also saw significant declines in rates of at or near poverty from 2013-2015, including: Men, Women, childless families, single parents with children, including single mothers, children in one-parent families, citizens and naturalized citizens, working age adults, seniors, Non-Hispanic Whites, Non-Hispanic Blacks, and Hispanics, high school educated only, bachelor degree or higher, Brooklyn, Queens. 

The newly-designated Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity (NYC Opportunity) evolved from its origins in two separate but related mayoral units – the Center for Economic Opportunity and HHS-Connect. The Center was created a decade ago as one of the country’s first municipal innovation labs, and HHS-Connect was created to use data and technology to more holistically support clients of the City's health and human services.

Under Mayor de Blasio, NYC Opportunity uses evidence and innovation to reduce poverty and increase equity. It advances research, data and design in the City’s program and policy development, service delivery, and budget decisions. Its work includes analyzing existing anti-poverty approaches, developing new interventions, facilitating the sharing of data across City agencies, and rigorously assessing the impact of key initiatives. NYC Opportunity manages a discrete fund and works collaboratively with City agencies to design, test and oversee new programs and digital products.  Part of the Mayor’s Office of Operations, NYC Opportunity is active in supporting the de Blasio administration’s priority to make equity a core governing principle across all agencies.  

NYC Opportunity’s annual New York City Government (NYCgov) Poverty Measure provides a more accurate and comprehensive picture of poverty in New York City than the federal rate.  The higher threshold of the NYCgov measure considers the cost of living in New York City, as well as important sources of income and benefits, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit and SNAP, that are not included in the federal measure.

The Mayor announced the results at New York Public Library’s Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture today while discussing strategies for reducing poverty and inequality with Ford Foundation President Darren Walker.  A panel discussion afterwards focused on poverty and evidence at both the local and national level. The panel was comprised of key city leadership – Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives, Rich Buery, Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services, Herminia Palacio,  and Commissioner of the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development, Maria Torres-Springer – as well as two nationally-recognized experts, Gordon Berlin, President, MDRC, and Cecilia Muñoz, Vice President of Policy and Technology and Director of the National Network at the New America Foundation, and former Director, White House Domestic Policy Council 2012-2017.

Analysis from the Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity also showed:

The Mayor’s OneNYC goal of moving 800,000 New Yorkers out of poverty by 2025 is ahead of schedule:

  • Today.  Since 2013, an estimated 281,000 people will have moved out of poverty or near poverty by the end of 2017, about the population of the entire city of Newark.  This estimate is based on analysis conducted by NYC Opportunity during the development of One New York: The Plan for a Strong and Just City using 2013 Census data (the most recent then available) to assess the effects of various minimum wages.  

  • Going Forward.  We anticipate that 800,000 people will move out of poverty or near poverty by the end of 2020  --a full five years ahead of schedule - as the minimum wage rises to $15 and other anti-poverty initiatives take hold.  

New York City is creating good jobs:

  • The share of New Yorkers with jobs paying more than $50,000 a year rose to its highest level in a decade, up to over 48% of 18-64 year olds working full-time in 2015.

  • 124,000 more New Yorkers made more than $50,000 per year in 2015 as compared to 2013. 

  • After years of decline, median income rose 4.9% between 2013 ($53,803) and 2015 ($56,455). 

  • The poverty rate for NYC Workers (ages 16 to 64) declined 5.9% from 2013 to 2015.  This represents about 52,000 people.

Other recently released data shows more people are working:

  • Separately reported unemployment data shows that the NYC unemployment rate dropped to 4% in March, 2017, a record low for New York City.  That means 262,490 more New Yorkers are in workforce today than just three years ago – about as many people as the entire population of Jersey City.

Mott Haven H.E.ARTS Street Festival - Sat, May 20, 12-5 pm

Hundreds to Gather for Mott Haven Health, Education and Arts (H.E.ARTS) Street Festival
 Event to Spotlight Community Efforts to Transform Abandoned, City-Owned Building into Dynamic Home for More than a Dozen Local H.E.ARTS Organizations

This Saturday, from 12-5 pm, hundreds of South Bronx residents, artists, musicians, grassroots organizations and businesses will gather at 349 East 140th Street for a street festival featuring 10 foot murals created by local artists, vendors selling arts, crafts and other apparel, health and education demonstrations, children's activities, cooking lessons, and a packed musical and dance performance line-up, including traditional plena, UpBeat NYC Latin Jazz Big Band, Ballet Folklore Muuchxiimbal, Faculty Latin Jazz Band and UpBeat NYC/Corona Youth Music Project Orchestras.

The event will take place in the heart of Mott Haven, outside an abandoned, 28,000 square foot, city-owned building shuttered for nearly five years that was once home to the Lincoln Detox Center, which sits on a dead-end street adjacent to a large community park.
The festival will highlight local organizations’ efforts to urge the city to transfer the abandoned building to the local community land trust, the Mott Haven-Port Morris Community Land Stewards, which aims to acquire and renovate the building into an anchor of permanent affordability for more than a dozen local organizations focusing on health, education and arts.
The festival follows three community envisioning sessions, a recent community report back showing renderings of the re-envisioned space, and newly acquired financial support from the New York Foundation to undertake a full feasibility study of the project.

VIP Reception & NY Philharmonic Concert 6.13.17

Join us on the lawn of the Van Cortlandt House 
Museum for drinks and hors d'oeuvres before 
enjoying VIP seats at the New York Philharmonic 
Concert in the Park.

Tuesday June 13th, 2017
starting at 6:30pm

Tickets are $75 
or send check or money to: 
Friends of Van Cortlandt
80th Van Cortlandt Park South Ste. E1
Bronx, NY

BRONX WEEK 2017 - Bronx Business Luncheon

  Two of this year's ten Bronx Businesses honored at the Bronx Business Luncheon have come from Brooklyn to expand in the Bronx. Grady's Cold Brewed Iced Coffee, and Marley Spoon began operations in Brooklyn, but when business exploded and it was time to expand both came to the Bronx. 

 Ms. Marlene Cintron the President of the Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation said it best when she said 'Business is booming in the Bronx'. She spoke of taking over BOEDC when Ruben Diaz Jr. became Bronx Borough President, and said that it has been a wonderful eight years working under a business friendly BP. 117,000 new Bronx jobs have been created during BP Diaz 's administration, and  the unemployment rate went down almost ten percent to its lowest levels in decades. 

  Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. was then introduced by Ms. Cintron, and BP Diaz spoke briefly about how new businesses were coming to the Bronx. He mentioned some by name, but he would of had to speak for over an hour if he was to name them all. 

  The ten businesses honored were The Bronx Ale House, Bronx Design Group, Doyle-Hayloft Auctions, Grady's Cold Brew, Jetro, Marley Spoon, Mechanical Heating Supply Co., Sell-Mar Enterprises, Sicis North America, and Woops! Photos are below.

Left - BOEDC President Ms. Marlene Cintron.
Right - Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Above - BP Diaz talks with Developer Joe Farkis and his partner Todd Bassen who recently built the BJ's Riverdale Crossing mall, and are looking for space in the Bronx for another project.
Below - There were Community Board members like Mr. Anthony Perez of CB 7.

Above - Deputy BP Greene was on hand to celebrate the New Bronx.
Below - A group photo of the Honorees, BP, Deputy BP, BOEDC President Marlene Cintron, and other members of BOEDC.

News From State Senator Gustavo Rivera


New York State Senator Gustavo Rivera's Civics Class Inspires Students to Plan Albany Trip

  On Wednesday, May 17, 2017, a group of 60 high school students from the Academy for Language and Technology in the Bronx will take an exciting trip to Albany inspired by a community civics class taught by New York State Senator Gustavo Rivera earlier this year. In their eagerness to learn more about the role of their local government in their everyday lives, the students will join Senator Rivera at the New York State Legislature and tour important landmarks in Albany. 

During the trip, students will have the opportunity to spend one on one time with Senator Rivera, who will accompany them on a tour of the Legislative Office Building and of the State Capitol Building. The Senator has also invited the students to observe a legislative session of the New York State Senate. In addition, the students will visit two of Albany's most renowned landmarks, the New York State Museum and the Erastus Corning 2 Tower.
"Government is supposed to work for the people. I strongly believe that the more knowledgeable our community is about how government works, the more they are able to advocate effectively for the issues that are important to them and hold government and elected officials accountable," said State Senator Gustavo Rivera. "That is why I am incredibly excited and proud that these young Bronxites were inspired to visit our State's capital, and learn more about government and civic participation. It is my hope that this visit inspires other schools in the 33rd Senate District to visit Albany and become more involved in advocating for issues and policies they care about."
State Senator Gustavo Rivera's main objective when speaking to students about civic participation is to motivate them to become more knowledgeable and engaged in local government, which is precisely the initiative these students demonstrated in planning this trip.
"The motivation behind our trip to Albany was Senator Rivera's speech. He explained the ways the state government works and immediately it sparked our interest to learn more about Albany and the New York State Legislature," said Janna Castillo, student at the Academy for Language and Technology Academy.
"After Senator Rivera's civics class, we really wanted to see Albany with our own eyes. In addition, with the knowledge that Senator Rivera gave us, I think that most of my classmates, including me, are ready to enjoy this trip, which will be full of fun and knowledge," said Brandon Santana, student at the Academy for Language and Technology Academy.


"Another day, another disgraceful executive order put forth by the current administration in Washington D.C. The shameful expansion of the "Global Gag Order" will undoubtedly jeopardize the health and well-being of millions of women around the world, especially in developing countries. It will withhold critical and, in many cases, lifesaving funding from groups and programs that would provide them with information on abortion. In an effort to gain cheap political points, this administration's inhumane crusade to stifle women's reproductive rights will have a global health impact with real consequences for millions of vulnerable women and families across the world as they continue facing obstacles when it comes to their personal health decisions." 

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Assembly Member and DNC Vice Chair Michael Blake on the Sharing of Classified Information by President Trump to Russian Leaders

In response to the report of President Trump releasing classified information to Russian officials, New York State Assembly Member and DNC Vice Chair Michael Blake released the following statement:

If this is true, the revealing of classified information by President Trump to Russians is appalling and unconscionable on many levels.  The release of information endangers the lives of people, further erodes trust and weakens our intelligence capabilities Furthermore, it only helps corroborate the suspicion that he is in collusion with the Russian government.

It is arguably one of the greatest betrayals by a President, an administration, or a public servant of the American People of this generation and must be investigated and responded to forcefully.  Moreover, one must presume that multiple people were immediately aware of this release of information and chose their party over the country.  All persons associated with this action should be removed from their positions immediately as lives, trust and security are now at stake.  I commend the Washington Post for proving again that investigative journalism is necessary while I simultaneously pray for the safety of anyone who is in harm's way due to the release of this information.

Congress now has an obligation to the American people to create an independent commission to fully investigate the President and his campaign's ties to the Russian government. To do anything less would be a corrupt, and needless to say, partisan obstruction of justice. Every single Member of Congress and elected official should be asked directly, do they support an Independent Special Prosecutor to investigate ties between Trump, his associates, and Russia.  I adamantly support such an appointment and all those who don't should be held accountable.”

Bronx Week 2017 46th Annual Parade & Festival


  Mayor Bill de Blasio met this afternoon with United States Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. The Mayor thanked the Secretary for his help in securing federal funding for the local protection of the President’s residence and family. The Mayor outlined the threats tax and healthcare reform pose to New York City’s economy and budget. The Mayor and Secretary also discussed their shared commitment to finding solutions surrounding public and private infrastructure investment and in navigating the federal regulatory framework. The meeting lasted 35 minutes.