Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Former Employee Of Technology Company Charged With Stealing Confidential Data And Extorting Company For Ransom While Posing As Anonymous Attacker


 Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Michael J. Driscoll, Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of  Investigation (“FBI”), announced the arrest today of NICKOLAS SHARP for secretly stealing gigabytes of confidential files from a New York-based technology company where he was employed (“Company‑1”), and then, while purportedly working to remediate the security breach, extorting the company for nearly $2 million for the return of the files and the identification of a remaining purported vulnerability.  SHARP subsequently re-victimized his employer by causing the publication of misleading news articles about the company’s handling of the breach that he perpetrated, which were followed by a significant drop in the company’s share price associated with the loss of billions of dollars in its market capitalization.

SHARP was arrested earlier today in the District of Oregon and will be presented this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge John V. Acosta.  The case was assigned to U.S. District Judge Katherine Polk Failla.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “As alleged, Nickolas Sharp exploited his access as a trusted insider to steal gigabytes of confidential data from his employer, then, posing as an anonymous hacker, sent the company a nearly $2 million ransom demand.  As further alleged, after the FBI searched his home in connection with the theft, Sharp, now posing as an anonymous company whistle-blower, planted damaging news stories falsely claiming the theft had been by a hacker enabled by a vulnerability in the company’s computer systems.  Now the alleged theft and lies have been exposed, and Sharp is facing serious federal charges.”

FBI Assistant Director Michael J. Driscoll said: “We allege Mr. Sharp created a twisted plot to extort the company he worked for by using its technology and data against it. Not only did he allegedly break several federal laws, he orchestrated releasing information to media when his ransom demands weren't met. When confronted, he then lied to FBI agents. Mr. Sharp may have believed he was smart enough to pull off his plan, but a simple technical glitch ended his dreams of striking it rich.”

According to the Indictment unsealed today in Manhattan federal court[1]:

At all times relevant to the Indictment, Company-1 was a technology company headquartered in New York that manufactured and sold wireless communications products, and whose shares were traded on the New York Stock Exchange.  NICKOLAS SHARP, the defendant, was employed by Company-1 from in or about August 2018 up to and including on or about April 1, 2021.  SHARP was a senior developer who had access to credentials for Company-1’s Amazon Web Services (“AWS”) and GitHub Inc. (“GitHub”) servers.

In about December 2020, SHARP repeatedly misused his administrative access to download gigabytes of confidential data from his employer.  For the majority of this cybersecurity incident (the “Incident”), SHARP used a virtual private network service that he subscribed to from a company named Surfshark to mask his Internet Protocol (“IP”) address when he accessed Company-1’s AWS and GitHub infrastructure without authorization.  At one point during the exfiltration of Company-1 data, SHARP’s home IP address became unmasked following a temporary internet outage at SHARP’s home.

During the course of the Incident, SHARP caused damage to Company-1’s computer systems by altering log retention policies and other files, to conceal his unauthorized activity on the network.  In or about January 2021, while working on a team remediating the effects of the Incident, SHARP sent a ransom note to Company-1, posing as an anonymous attacker who claimed to have obtained unauthorized access to Company-1’s computer networks.  The ransom note sought 50 Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency – which was the equivalent of approximately $1.9 million, based on the prevailing exchange rate at the time – in exchange for the return of the stolen data and the identification of a purported “backdoor,” or vulnerability, to Company-1’s computer systems.  After Company-1 refused the demand, SHARP published a portion of the stolen files on a publicly accessible online platform.

On or about March 24, 2021, FBI agents executed a search warrant at SHARP’s residence in Portland, Oregon, and seized certain electronic devices belonging to SHARP.  During the execution of that search, SHARP made numerous false statements to FBI agents, including, among other things, in substance, that he was not the perpetrator of the Incident and that he had not used Surfshark VPN prior to the discovery of the Incident.  When confronted with records demonstrating that SHARP purchased the Surfshark VPN service in July 2020, approximately six months prior to the Incident, SHARP falsely stated, in part and substance, that someone else must have used his PayPal account to make the purchase.

Several days after the FBI executed the search warrant at SHARP’s residence, SHARP caused false news stories to be published about the Incident and Company-1’s response to the Incident and related disclosures.  In those stories, SHARP identified himself as an anonymous whistleblower within Company-1 who had worked on remediating the Incident.  In particular, SHARP falsely claimed that Company-1 had been hacked by an unidentified perpetrator who maliciously acquired root administrator access to Company-1’s AWS accounts.  In fact, as SHARP well knew, SHARP had taken Company-1’s data using credentials to which he had access in his role as Company‑1’s AWS cloud administrator, and SHARP had used that data in a failed attempt to extort Company-1 for millions of dollars.

Following the publication of these articles, between March 30, 2021, and March 31, 2021, Company-1’s stock price fell approximately 20%, losing over $4 billion in market capitalization.

SHARP, 36, of Portland, Oregon, is charged in four counts.  The first count charges him with transmitting a program to a protected computer that intentionally caused damage, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.  The second count charges transmission of an interstate threat, which carries a maximum sentence of two years in prison.  The third count charges wire fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.  The fourth count charges the making of false statements to the FBI, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison.  The maximum potential sentences are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.

Mr. Williams praised the extraordinary work of the FBI.

The charges contained in the Indictment are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Indictment, and the description of the Indictment set forth herein, constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.



Streets Plan to double down on Vision Zero and guide road redesigns over next five years

 Mayor Bill de Blasio, Council Speaker Corey Johnson and Department of Transportation (DOT) Commissioner Hank Gutman today released the New York City Streets Plan to guide the development of bus, bicycle, and pedestrian infrastructure over the next five years. This plan, which lays out ambitious goals and makes sweeping recommendations for future plans, will help New York City equitably deliver Vision Zero projects and ensure the safe, sustainable movement of people and goods. 

“Vision Zero has shown the nation how to reimagine our streets for buses, bikes, and pedestrians – not just private vehicles. This plan charts a path forward to build on that progress with innovative ideas from the lessons we’ve learned. It will make our streets safer than ever,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Thanks to the City Council’s important advocacy and DOT’s boundless energy and determination, New Yorkers have a thoughtful blueprint for the next era of street safety measures.”
“The piecemeal way we plan our streets held us back for far too long. New Yorkers paid the price every day stuck on slow buses or as pedestrians or cyclists on dangerous streets. I applaud DOT for all their work in making this new vision of a streets master plan a reality. This plan gives New Yorkers a concrete vision of how we will reshape the City over the next five years and work toward our goal of making this a safer and more equitable place to call home." said Council Speaker Corey Johnson.
“This plan provides us the framework we need to target the next generation of street redesigns. It represents a draft that will help us deliver faster commutes for bus riders; safe bike lanes for cyclists; and sidewalks and curbs that are better managed for the changing demands of city living,” said DOT Commissioner Hank Gutman. “We thank Mayor de Blasio, the City Council and Speaker Corey Johnson for their leadership, guidance and vision in the creation of this plan.” 
The de Blasio administration has built almost 70 miles of new bus lanes — nearly doubling the city’s network — and added another over 140 miles of protected bike lanes. This plan builds upon that work by identifying the next series of priority areas to redesign. DOT has created a new formula to determine where to prioritize improvements, identifying Priority Investment Areas that are based on equity, density, and previous levels of DOT investment. With a focus on equity, the DOT will ensure the Streets Plan benefits all New Yorkers fairly, bringing disadvantaged communities to the forefront of its planning process. This lens will help define areas of the city as priorities for improvements, along with previously established Vision Zero priority corridors.
The Streets Plan commits DOT to meeting the following benchmarks by Dec. 31, 2026:
  • 150 Miles of physically or camera-protected bus lanes
  • 4,750 Transit signal priority at intersections
  • 250 Miles of protected bike lanes
  • 2,500 Bus stop upgrades like benches, shelters, and real-time passenger information
  • 2,000 Redesigning signalized intersections
  • 2,500 Accessible pedestrian signals at intersections
  • Assess and amend commercial loading zones and truck routes
  • Develop parking policies to promote the master plan’s goals of safety, mass transit use, reduced vehicle emissions, and access for individuals with disabilities
  • Create and maintain one million square feet of pedestrian space.
Community engagement will guide all of DOT’s street redesign projects, including vehicle, pedestrian, cyclist, and bus infrastructure. Beginning in 2023, DOT will detail progress toward these goals in annual updates. Two public feedback sessions will be held virtually on Dec. 14 and Dec. 16.
Some of the recommendations and transformative proposals from the Streets Plan include:  
Innovating on the Movement of Goods: This plan, in conjunction with similar initiatives already underway at DOT, will reimagine how goods move to reduce our dependence on large, diesel trucks. We will look to better use the city’s waterways, rail, and smaller, greener alternatives. Equitable distribution of resources, street safety, and carbon footprint reduction will guide all efforts to build smarter freight management practices.
Traffic Safety & Vision Zero
Automated Enforcement: DOT will pursue New York State legislation to expand camera enforcement to include other dangerous driver behaviors, like blocking bike lanes, illegal turns, parking violations and even the presence of oversized trucks, among other illegal practices detailed in the report.
Greenways and High-Capacity Protected Bike Lanes: DOT will develop new greenways that are physically separated from vehicular traffic and can serve as cycling highways across the city. These new greenways will complement ongoing efforts like the DOT’s Bike Boulevard program, which has helped build streets prioritizing bicycle and pedestrian traffic.
New Cycling Connections: DOT will identify locations with significant demand for new cycling/pedestrian bridges that could provide safer, more direct routes (such as Newtown Creek, Coney Island Creek, Hunters Point/Roosevelt Island), and initiate concept design studies. DOT will also explore introducing more high-capacity bikeways on our major bridges, as was just implemented on the Brooklyn Bridge, and coordinate with MTA to add or improve pedestrian and cycling accommodation on MTA bridges.  
Curbside Management & Parking 
Prioritize parking efficiency: DOT plans to increase meter parking in some of the densest parts of the city, with different prices for certain vehicles, to free up space for deliveries and other curb uses.
Sustainability & Resilience
Mitigating Urban Highways: DOT will prioritize community planning to develop redesigns to the City’s highway system that are either underutilized or have negatively impacted the health of surrounding residents, similar to Sheridan Blvd. The DOT has already committed $2 million to study the negative impacts of the Cross-Bronx Expressway and possible improvements.

Governor Hochul, Senate Majority Leader Schumer and Congressman Nadler Issue Joint Statement on Today's Congressional Delegation Meeting


 "This afternoon, we met with members of the New York Congressional Delegation to discuss New York's ongoing efforts to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and protect New Yorkers - including preparing for the Omicron variant - while putting federal resources to work in our State.

"New Yorkers are already benefiting from pandemic relief programs, and soon federal infrastructure dollars - thanks to the recently passed Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act - which will deliver critical support for major projects and bolster our economic recovery. We will continue to work together to help New Yorkers who are still struggling from the economic impacts of the pandemic, create good-paying jobs, and build our economy back better." 

New York City Hispanic Chamber of Commerce - Our Honoree - 16th Annual Hispanic Business Award Banquet & Scholarship Ceremony


16th Annual Hispanic Business Award Banquet & Scholarship Ceremony

Wednesday, December 15th, 2021
Starting at 3:00PM
Our Honoree

Vanessa L. Gibson
Deputy Leader, Co-Chair of the New York City Council Women`s Caucus

Council Member Vanessa L. Gibson proudly represents the Bronx’s 16th Council District. As the West Bronx’s voice at City Hall, she passionately advocates for affordable housing, low income families, seniors, LGBTQ rights, gender equity, employment access, and meaningful opportunities for our youth.

During the 2014-2017 session, Gibson served as Chair of the Council’s Committee on Public Safety, and has the distinction of being both the first woman and first person of color to hold this role. As Chair, she had oversight of the operations and budget of NYPD, the Civilian Complaint Review Board, the District Attorneys and the Special Narcotics prosecutor, and Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice.

Gibson has been a leader in school safety reform, championed criminal justice reform legislation, and is a vocal proponent of anti-gun violence programs. Under her leadership, the Council was able to secure funds necessary to expand the NYPD’s headcount almost 1300 officers in FY16, and expand the DAs baselined budgetary allocation by over $21 million in FY17, with over half of the money going to the historically underfunded boroughs of the Bronx and Staten Island.

Attorney General James Seeks Emergency Relief to Protect Rights and Safety of Amazon Workers


AG James Seeks Court-Appointed Monitor to Implement COVID-19 Safety Precautions at Staten Island Facility, Reinstatement of Employee Fired for Raising Safety Concerns to Management  

  In continuing her efforts to protect workers during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a motion to seek a preliminary injunction to force Amazon to immediately address health and safety concerns at its warehouses that are threatening workers. The motion requests that the court appoint a monitor to oversee implementation of public health and safety measures at an Amazon facility on Staten Island that employs more than 5,000 workers and order the company to offer interim reinstatement to Christian Smalls, who was fired after he complained about deficiencies in Amazon’s COVID-19 safety practices at the beginning of the pandemic. Attorney General James took the legal action today in response to Amazon’s rollback of its already inadequate public health measures, even as a new variant threatens to cause higher rates of transmission, illness, and death.  

“Amazon and its leadership banked billions of dollars during the COVID-19 pandemic, and as the crisis rages on, the health and concerns of the workers continue to be ignored,” said Attorney General James. “Amazon must guarantee a work environment that promotes safety, transparency, and respect for its hardworking employees, not one that further endangers them. We are filing this motion today to stop Amazon from continuing its practice of valuing profits over the health and wellbeing of its workers.” 

In February 2021, Attorney General James commenced her lawsuit against Amazon over its failures to provide adequate health and safety measures for employees at the company’s New York facilities, as well as the company's retaliatory actions against multiple employees amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. In the amended complaint, Attorney General James asserted that Amazon violated New York state Labor Law by failing to take reasonable measures to protect workers from the spread of COVID-19 and by unlawfully firing and disciplining employees who objected to Amazon’s unsafe work conditions. In October 2021, Justice Nancy Bannon denied Amazon’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit brought by Attorney General James

Attorney General James opened an investigation into Amazon in March 2020 following numerous complaints about the lack of precautions taken to protect employees in Amazon facilities as New York was ravaged by COVID-19. The investigation was later broadened to examine whether Amazon unlawfully fired or disciplined employees who reported these safety concerns. At the time of these complaints, New York City was the epicenter of the pandemic in the United States, and Staten Island had the highest per capita rate of COVID-19 diagnoses in New York City.   

Attorney General James' investigation uncovered evidence showing that Amazon’s health and safety response violated state law by not providing reasonable and adequate protection to employees. Specifically, Amazon had inadequate cleaning and disinfection protocols and used productivity monitoring practices that failed to permit employees to take necessary precautions to protect themselves from the risk of COVID-19 infection, among other things. Additionally, Amazon implemented an inadequate COVID-19 tracing program that failed to consistently identify workers who came into close contact with employees who tested positive for COVID-19.  

The motion, filed today in New York County State Supreme Court, seeks the appointment of a monitor to oversee the implementation of key safety and health measures at the JFK8 fulfillment center, including: 

  • Requiring Amazon to modify productivity monitoring policies to permit time for cleaning, hygiene, and social distancing, and communicate this to employees;
  • Requiring Amazon to adopt policies for adequate cleaning and disinfection after infected workers have been present in the facility; and
  • Requiring Amazon to institute proper COVID-19 contact tracing protocols, including identifying and notifying close contacts.

The evidence gathered through Attorney General James' investigation demonstrates that Amazon unlawfully fired and disciplined workers who reported their concerns about the company's compliance with these health and safety mandates, including Christian Smalls. Smalls raised concerns about Amazon’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic to Amazon managers, made public complaints about Amazon’s practices through the media, and submitted complaints to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Amazon fired Smalls in March 2020 after he made these legally protected complaints. In today’s action, Attorney General James seeks a court order to have Christian Smalls reinstated to his prior position on an interim basis, pending the outcome of this litigation. 

CEO Of Purported Global Biomedical Company Charged With Stealing Over $1 Million Of Victim’s Money Through False Promises Of Investment Opportunities


 Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Ricky J. Patel, the Acting Special Agent-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the Department of Homeland Security (“HSI”), announced the unsealing of an Indictment charging NORMAN GRAY with wire fraud, in connection with a scheme to induce an individual (“Victim-1”) into wiring him funds through false promises that those funds would be put towards an equity stake in his purported global biomedical company (“Biomedical Company”) and certain purported  investment deals involving the sale of personal protective equipment (“PPE”).  GRAY was arrested this morning and will be presented before U.S. Magistrate Judge Debra Freeman later today.  The case is assigned to United States District Judge Lorna G. Schofield. 

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said:  “Norman Gray, CEO of a purported global biomedical company, allegedly induced his victim investor to entrust Gray with over $1.2 million by claiming the risk involved in their PPE investment deals was ‘virtually zero.’ But in reality, the deals are alleged to be fictitious, and any chance of actually earning a profit with Gray’s investments was virtually zero. We thank the HSI for their assistance in this investigation and charge.”

Acting HSI Special Agent-in-Charge Ricky J. Patel said:  "As alleged in the indictment, Norman Gray made fake promises and created a fictitious persona to dupe an investor for over a million dollars in real cash, but in the end, Gray’s dishonest imagination led him right into the hands of law enforcement. HSI Special Agents, in conjunction with our partners, will work tirelessly to prevent shameless activities perpetrated by fraudsters like Gray, who sell dreams of making big profits with little risk to unwitting investors.  What made these acts even more deplorable was that he allegedly created this scheme by falsely purporting that the investments were going to legitimate companies providing vital PPE to the public.”

As alleged in the Indictment:[1]

GRAY is the CEO of the Biomedical Company, which is headquartered and incorporated in Hamden, Connecticut.  In or about August 2020, GRAY induced Victim-1 to give him $250,000, supposedly as an equity investment in the Biomedical Company.  In reality, nearly all of the $250,000 was paid out to a company with no apparent affiliation with the Biomedical Company, and Victim-1 received no equity in the Biomedical Company. In the ensuing months, GRAY further solicited a total of approximately $1,200,000 from Victim-1, representing that he would invest those funds in deals involving the procurement of PPE for two major universities in the tristate area.  GRAY represented that the necessary contracts for those deals were in place and that the risk involved with those deals was “virtually zero.”  In reality, the necessary contracts did not exist, and GRAY caused substantially all of Victim-1’s funds to be spent on the Biomedical Company’s general operating expenses, as well as products and services having nothing to do with the Biomedical Company or the procurement of personal protective equipment, including, for example, the cash purchase of an approximately $50,000 luxury SUV. 

As part of his scheme to fraudulently solicit funds from Victim-1, and as a means of dispelling Victim-1’s concern that an investment with GRAY would require Victim-1 to forego the purchase of a home, GRAY offered Victim-1 a mortgage from the “Tranctus Group.” GRAY claimed that “Tranctus Group” was a boutique mortgage company of which he was the sole investor. GRAY directed Victim-1 to his supposed mortgage broker “Benjamin Mabry.”  In fact, “Benjamin Mabry” was a false persona invented by GRAY, and GRAY registered the internet domain associated with the “Tranctus Group” on the very same day that Victim-1 received a purported mortgage commitment letter from “Mabry.”  Ultimately, Victim-1 received no return on Victim-1’s investments, GRAY refused to return Victim-1’s money to Victim-1, and the purported “Tranctus Group” mortgage failed to materialize.    

GRAY, 66, of the Hamden, Connecticut area, is charged with one count of wire fraud, which carries a maximum potential prison sentence of 20 years. The maximum potential penalties are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only; any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.

Mr. Williams praised the outstanding investigative work of Special Agents of the United States Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security Investigations, New York City Police Department, New York City Sheriff's Office, Bronx District Attorney, Greenburgh Police Department, and HSI New Haven. 

The allegations contained in the Indictment are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Information and the description of the Information set forth below constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

32 Days and Counting

 Enjoy New Years Eve, but there's a real concern and that it appears the Omicron’s variant of COVID is coming. So far, no reported cases, no confirmed cases in the United States. What's that Doctor Chokshi a case of Omicron has been discovered in California, in San Francisco, it must be here now. Oops was my mike on, don't put it in the transcript. 

We have to get ready for Omicron and any other variant that also may come with it. Hopefully it won't get here until next year for Mayor Adams to worry about. We have to prepare for New Years Eve and the ball dropping in Times Square. Anyway everyone should be vaccinated to be safe. 



Overdose Prevention Center services offer safe, clean places where people who use drugs can access clinical care and other services


Health Department study: OPCs could save 130 lives a year

 Mayor Bill de Blasio and the Health Department announced that the first publicly recognized Overdose Prevention Center (OPC) services in the nation have commenced in New York City. OPCs are an extension of existing harm reduction services and will be co-located with previously established syringe service providers.  


These services will be coming online at a critical time. During 2020, over 2,000 individuals died of a drug overdose in New York City, the highest number since reporting began in 2000. The Centers for Disease Control projects that across the United States, more than 90,000 individuals died of a drug overdose during 2020, the worst year on record. 


“New York City has led the nation’s battle against COVID-19, and the fight to keep our community safe doesn’t stop there. After exhaustive study, we know the right path forward to protect the most vulnerable people in our city. And we will not hesitate to take it,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Overdose Prevention Centers are a safe and effective way to address the opioid crisis. I’m proud to show cities in this country that after decades of failure, a smarter approach is possible.” 


“Overdose Prevention Centers can turn the tide in the fight against the opioid crisis, and New York City is ready to lead the way,” said Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Melanie Hartzog. “We have lost too much to rely on the same playbook. It’s time to take bold action to help our most vulnerable neighbors and the communities they call home.” 


“The national overdose epidemic is a five-alarm fire in public health, and we have to tackle this crisis concurrently with our COVID fight,” said Health Commissioner Dr. Dave A. Chokshi. “Giving people a safe, supportive space will save lives and bring people in from the streets, improving life for everyone involved. Overdose prevention centers are a key part of broader harm reduction.” 


“Over decades harm reduction interventions in New York City have given people the tools they need to keep themselves and their communities safe,” said DOHMH Executive Deputy Commissioner Dr. Chinazo O. Cunningham. “This follows in the path of syringe services, which have played a major role in addressing the HIV epidemic. Overdose Prevention Center services will help disrupt an overdose epidemic that has taken too many New Yorkers.”   


“NYC has taken historic action against the mounting crisis of opioid deaths, with the opening of the nation’s first overdose prevention centers,” said Council Member Mark Levine, Chair of the City Council Health Committee. “This strategy is proven to save lives, and is desperately needed at a moment when fatalities are rising fast. I applaud the City as well as the providers who offer these lifesaving services for this bold approach to stopping this crisis.”


OPCs, also referred to as supervised consumption sites or facilities, are safe places where people who use drugs can receive medical care and be connected to treatment and social services. OPC services are proven to prevent overdose deaths, and are in use in jurisdictions around the world. There has never been an overdose death in any OPC. A Health Department feasibility study found that OPCs in New York City would save up to 130 lives a year.  


Additionally, OPCs are a benefit to their surrounding communities, reducing public drug use and syringe litter. Other places with OPCs have not seen an increase in crime, even over many years. 


OPCs will be in communities based on health need and depth of program experience. A host of City agencies will run joint operations focused on addressing street conditions across the City, and we will include an increased focus on the areas surrounding the OPCs as they open. 


Provisional data from the first quarter 2021 shows 596 deaths occurred in New York City between January and March of this year. This represents the greatest number of overdose deaths in a single quarter since reporting began in 2000. 


2020 Epi Data Brief highlights: 


    The rate of overdose death increased to 30.5 per 100,000 New York City residents in 2020, compared to 21.9 in 2019. 

    In 2020, opioids were involved in 85% of overdose deaths.

    For the fourth year in a row, fentanyl was the most common substance involved in overdose deaths, present in 77% of overdose deaths in 2020.

    Fentanyl was involved in 93% of heroin-involved overdoses, 81% of cocaine-involved overdoses, 80% of alcohol-involved overdoses, 77% of opioid analgesic-involved overdoses, and 66% of amphetamine-involved overdoses. 

    By race/ethnicity, Black New Yorkers had the highest rate of overdose death (38.2 per 100,000 residents), and the largest absolute increase in rate from 2019 to 2020 (+14.2 per 100,000).  

    From 2019 to 2020, rates of overdose death increased among White New Yorkers (24.3 to 32.7 per 100,000 residents) and Latino/a New Yorkers (27.1 to 33.6 per 100,000 residents). The rate of overdose remained the same among Asian/Pacific Islander New Yorkers (3.3 per 100,000 residents).

    Residents of the Bronx had the highest rate of overdose death in 2020 (48.0 per 100,000 residents) followed by residents of Staten Island (37.0 per 100,000 residents), Manhattan (25.2 per 100,000 residents), Brooklyn (21.1 per 100,000 residents), and Queens (19.9 per 100,000 residents). 

    In 2020, the rate of overdose death among South Bronx residents was 68.7 per 100,000 residents.

The City announced new investments earlier this year to address overdose in New York City, including: 

    Raising awareness of fentanyl and the increased risk of overdose via direct mail, TV, radio, social media, and print media campaign, focused on neighborhoods with the highest overdose rates. 

    Expanding distribution of fentanyl test strips, a proven harm reduction strategy, to people at high risk of overdose.

    Reducing harm by expanding syringe service programs (SSP) drop-in center, outreach, and syringe litter clean-up hours to include weekday nights and weekend days.

    Expanding access to treatment through same-day buprenorphine for people who are unstably housed in multiple settings. This includes SSP drop-in centers, Department of Homeless Services (DHS) shelters, and community-based organizations doing street outreach.

    Enhancing services provided by NYC Health + Hospitals to people who use drugs, through increasing system access and coordination in the emergency department, inpatient stabilization, outpatient clinics, and through close partnership with community organizations and sister agencies. 

“As the opioid crisis continues to ravage New York and the death toll rises, I am relieved and grateful New York City has taken the necessary step to open two Overdose Prevention Centers. These centers will be an effective tool in preventing overdose deaths, stopping the spread of disease, and providing a path to recovery. They will also help address the valid concerns that certain New Yorkers have regarding the increased presence of substance use on our streets and its impact on our communities. This is just a first step. I look forward to working with the Mayor to open overdose prevention centers in areas with the highest overdose deaths, including the Bronx, and with the Governor to authorize them throughout New York State,” said State Senator Gustavo Rivera, Chair of the New York Senate Health Committee