Tuesday, July 13, 2021



 Public Advocate Jumaane D. Williams released the following statement as the Legal Aid Society's lawsuit to stop the mass relocation of hotel residents to congregate shelters had its first hearing in federal court today. 

"I applaud and support the Legal Aid Society in their efforts to prevent the mass and immediate relocation of thousands of vulnerable New Yorkers from hotels to congregate shelters. Naturally, as we continue the recovery efforts from COVID-19, many of the emergency measures put in place will be rescinded - but in moving forward, we cannot return to the strategies and spaces of the past. 

"As variants still circulate and vaccination rates remain stubbornly stagnant, it's vital to ensure the health and safety of vulnerable New Yorkers - which hotel spaces are largely protecting and which congregate shelters largely cannot. In this moment, these would-be vacant hotel spaces are most crucial in their current capacity. The administration's commitment to uprooting and shuffling shelter residents around the city, including defending those practices in court, undercuts its stated commitment to progress on these issues.

"As part of a Renewed Deal for New York's recovery, every effort should be made to move vulnerable unhoused New Yorkers into permanent housing, rather than relying on stopgap short-term measures that conceal, rather than confront, the housing and homelessness crisis in our city."

Vice President Of Investment Firm Pleads Guilty To Running Multimillion-Dollar Ponzi Scheme


Naim Ismail Admits to Defrauding Subsidiaries of Afghanistan-Based Bank Through Investment and Loan Swindle

 Audrey Strauss, United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced the guilty plea today of NAIM ISMAIL relating to his participation in various investment schemes that defrauded victims of over $15 million.  ISMAIL pled guilty before U.S. District Judge Analisa Torres.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said: “In spinning a web of lies, Naim Ismail and his co-conspirators gained, and took advantage of, the confidence of vulnerable individual investors as well as a Manhattan-based business, bilking them of millions of dollars in the process.  With today’s guilty plea, Ismail has admitted to his scheme and now faces a prison term for his conduct.”

According to the allegations in the Indictment, court filings, and statements made during court proceedings:

From February 2007 through July 2016, ISMAIL fraudulently induced individual and corporate victims – including the New York-based subsidiary of an Afghanistan-based bank – to loan large sums of money to entities operated by ISMAIL and others.  ISMAIL did so by claiming that these funds would be used in a particular investment strategy as well as several real estate development projects.  ISMAIL promised investors a generous fixed annual rate of return and promised to return the investors’ principal on a specified timeline.  In fact, ISMAIL and his companies did not invest these funds as promised, nor did ISMAIL repay many of his victims.  Instead, ISMAIL used investor funds to pay the so-called interest payments due to earlier investors in the scheme, as well as for his own personal expenses and investments. 

During the course of the fraudulent scheme, ISMAIL deprived the scheme’s victims of over $15 million. 

ISMAIL, 60, formerly of Irvine, California, pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.  The maximum potential sentence in this case is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.  Sentencing before Judge Torres is scheduled for November 17, 2021, at 11:00 a.m.

Ms. Strauss praised the outstanding work of the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction and Homeland Security Investigations on this investigation.

Governor Cuomo Announces $200 Million in Food Assistance for July


Maximum Food Benefits Continue for All SNAP Recipients Throughout New York State

Emergency Allotment has Brought More than $2.5 Billion in Food Assistance

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that all New Yorkers enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program will receive the maximum allowable level of food benefits for July. The agency is also working with the federal government to ensure this aid, which has brought in more than $2.5 billion in food assistance to New Yorkers since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic last year, will continue beyond July.

"The pandemic exposed glaring inequalities in food access across the state and only made it harder for the many families who were already struggling with food insecurity," Governor Cuomo said. "By providing SNAP recipients with the maximum benefits possible, we are working to ensure every New Yorker can put food on the table during their time in need."

SNAP households already receiving the maximum monthly benefit, and those that had been receiving an emergency allotment of less than $95 per month, will receive a minimum supplement of $95. Nearly 1.6 million households in New York State will receive the supplemental benefits later this month, which will result in the state receiving roughly $200 million in federal assistance.

SNAP households in all counties outside of New York City should see these benefits post starting today. Those SNAP households in the five-county New York City region should see their benefits post between July 19 and the end of the month.

As with the prior months, the payments will be delivered directly to recipients' existing Electronic Benefit Transfer account and can be accessed with their existing EBT card. Like regular SNAP benefits, the supplemental benefits can be used to purchase food at authorized retail food stores. Any unused SNAP benefits will be automatically carried over to the following month.

Struggling New Yorkers continue to rely heavily on SNAP as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. As of April 2021, there were more than 2.8 million SNAP recipients throughout the state, a 5 percent increase from April 2020.

Mike Hein, Commissioner of OTDA, said, "As our state continues to mend from the social and economic devastation waged by the pandemic, it is critical that struggling New Yorkers have the resources they can use to avoid food insecurity. These additional food benefits will help these individuals and families put healthy, nutritious food on the table as we collectively begin to recover from this public health crisis."

For more information on the emergency supplemental SNAP benefits, including answers to frequently asked questions, visit OTDA's website here. New Yorkers can check their eligibility for SNAP and apply online here.

New York City Streets Plan Virtual Workshop Register Now For the Workshop


 A woman and child push a stroller while walking in a crosswalk across a street on a sunny day in Queens. Cars and an MTA bus are stopped at the intersection, and a cyclist rides in a green bike lane towards the intersection.

NYC Streets Plan


The future of New York City is one where everyone has access to reliable and environmentally-friendly transportation options, as well as safe and welcoming streets and public spaces.

NYC DOT is developing the NYC Streets Plan, a five-year transportation plan to improve the safety, accessibility, and quality of the City’s streets for all New Yorkers.

The plan will involve an in-depth analysis of the current state of New York City’s streets and respond equitably to the uniqueness of the City’s many neighborhoods and local needs.

The plan is being developed in response to Local Law 195 enacted in December 2019, which directs NYC DOT to issue and implement a transportation master plan every five years.

The New York City Streets Plan (NSP), developed in response to the Council’s “Streets Master Plan” legislation (Local Law 195), seeks to improve the safety, accessibility, and quality of the City’s streets for all New Yorkers. It will involve an in-depth analysis of the current planning efforts and will set equitable and ambitious goals for the City’s streets.


In addition to the feedback gained through the online module the NYC Department of Transportation will also be hosting a series of virtual workshops beginning in July (full schedule below). The virtual workshop for Bronx Area 2, Workshop 9: Community Boards 8, 9,10, 11,and 12 will be held on Wednesday, July 28th 2-4 PM.  Register now for Workshop 9


These virtual workshops will, in addition to soliciting broad feedback about how to best prioritize NYC streets, also seek input regarding the specific usage/priorities of your local streets.


Governor Cuomo Signs Legislation Protecting New Yorkers from Telemarketing by Text Message


Legislation (S.3941/A.6040) Adds Text Messages to State's Definition of Telemarketing in Addition to Robocalls, Giving New Yorkers More Protection

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today signed legislation (S.3941/A.6040) expanding New York State's definition of telemarketing to include marketing by text message. New Yorkers have protection against unwanted robocalls under state law, but texting was not previously defined as telemarketing, exempting it from those protections. This legislation closes that loophole.

"Our consumer protections need to keep pace with technology and New Yorkers who have long been plagued by the nuisance of annoying calls from telemarketers now have to contend with unwanted texts attempting to sell them things they don't want," Governor Cuomo said. "This legislation closes this annoying loophole and will help ensure our laws are modernized to confront the needs of New Yorkers."

Telemarketing, also known as robocalling, has been a longstanding nuisance for New Yorkers and people across the country. Under New York State law, the definition of telemarketing was previously limited to phone calls. Text messages are commonly used by telemarketers, but were not previously defined as telemarketing in the law.

173 Days and Counting


Let me just ignore what's going on in the city, and get the hell out of here alive. Hopefully people won't remember my name and they will confuse me with that Sesame Street character many call me. 

Hi Ho, it's me Bill de Blasio, the soon to be former Mayor of New York City.

Why Has Renovation Work in Loreto Park Stopped


That was the question Monday evening as people gathered outside the shuttered Loreto Park as renovation work ground to a halt. Loreto Park is a large square block of Parkland sitting on Morris Park, Tomlinson, Haight and Van Nest Avenues which is known as Loreto Playground X163 by the Parks Department. There are many different areas in the Playground/Park used for different purposes. The area under construction will be used for a Soccer/Softball field or Multi Purpose Play area that borders Morris Park Avenue. 

Their are three different phases that happen called Design, Procurement, and then Construction. The Design phase began February 2018, and was completed in February 2019. The Procurement process then began ending in November of 2019 where two million dollars coming from the Mayor's office, Borough President, and State was put together to fund this project. Then the construction phase start date was September 2020 with a projected completion date of September 2021.

According to a letter dated May 14, 2021 the construction was halted due to the 'Excess Materials disposal plan' needing to be revised by the contractor and approved by the Parks Department, which has been completed. Also a revision to the 'electric point of entry' needed to be coordinated with Con Edison, which has been completed. The letter also states that 'Work will be resuming at the site in the near future, with the anticipated completion date remaining at September 2021. 

What may have happened here is that the contractor moved on to a different project, and will come back to this project when they are finished. That is not uncommon with projects that are bid out by the city, and a contractor may bid on more than one project at the same time knowing there may be delays to move equipment from one site to another. However the community wants this park renovation to be completed so it can be used.

Community Board 11 Chair Al D'Angelo wants to know why the contractor all of a sudden stopped work on this park project in the middle of the work. He said that all the local elected officials were invited to come, but none showed up. 

Republican candidate for Mayor Curtis Sliwa speaks while he points to his head. He said " this process is now in its fifth year from the community asking for this. Baghdad was blown up and rebuilt in less than one year". He added that Loreto Park is named after police officer Alfred Loreto. 

Republican/Conservative candidate for City Council to replace Mark Gjonaj, Aleksander Mici spoke at the rally to finish the Loreto Park construction.



Monday, July 12, 2021

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress Combating COVID-19


1 COVID-19 Death Statewide Yesterday—Matches Lowest Since Pandemic Began For Second Consecutive Day

Statewide 7-Day Average Positivity is 0.88%

20,895 Vaccine Doses Administered Over Last 24 Hours

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combating COVID-19.

"New Yorkers are continuing to fight COVID-19 throughout the state, and it's critical to remember that getting shots in arms is the key to our ultimate success," Governor Cuomo said. "I urge all New Yorkers who haven't been vaccinated yet to do so today at any one of the open sites across the state. Millions of New Yorkers have taken the vaccine and done their part to keep themselves, their families and their communities safe—everyone who's able should do the same."

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Test Results Reported - 51,890
  • Total Positive - 573
  • Percent Positive - 1.10%
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 0.88%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 348 (+9)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 46
  • Patients in ICU - 78 (+4)
  • Patients in ICU with Intubation - 36 (+2)
  • Total Discharges - 185,462 (+48)
  • Deaths - 1
  • Total Deaths - 43,011
  • Total vaccine doses administered - 21,577,298
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 24 hours - 20,895
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 7 days - 244,967
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose - 70.5%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series - 65.1%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 73.3%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 66.7%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose - 58.7%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series - 54.0%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 61.1%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 55.3%