Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Van Cortlandt Park Alliance - Hike-then-sip at VCPA’s Annual Hike-toberfest!



Saturday, October 21st

Support the park! Hike-then-sip at VCPA’s Annual Hike-toberfest!


Hike in the park followed by a classic Oktoberfest celebration, complete with local beer, German food, live music, lawn games, and more.

Tickets on Sale!

Click here to purchase tickets.



Start times vary, click here for details.

Lots of options! Something for everyone!

All registered hike participants will receive a VCPA beanie!

All Hikes:

Are led by skilled guides;

Finish at approximately 4:00pm… please take note of start times;

Begin and end at the Van Cortlandt House Museum;

Require onsite check-in. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the start time for your hike.


Our Contact Information
Van Cortlandt Park Alliance
80 Van Cortlandt Park South, Ste. E1
Bronx, NY 10463

Man Pleads Guilty to Illegally Distributing Over $16M of Adulterated HIV Medication


A Florida man pleaded guilty to distributing at least $16.7 million of adulterated HIV drugs that were ultimately dispensed to unsuspecting patients throughout the country. 

According to court documents, Armando Herrera, 43, of Miami, and his co-conspirators established companies in Florida, Texas, Washington, and California that they used to sell and distribute adulterated prescription drugs, primarily HIV medications, to wholesale pharmaceutical suppliers. Herrera and his co-conspirators created false documentation to make it appear as though the drugs were acquired legitimately when, in fact, they were not. The pharmaceutical suppliers then sold the drugs to pharmacies, which dispensed the adulterated prescription drugs to unwitting patients.

Herrera pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to introduce adulterated and misbranded drugs into interstate commerce. He is scheduled to be sentenced on Dec. 21 and faces a maximum penalty of five years in person. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

Acting Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division; U.S. Attorney Markenzy Lapointe for the Southern District of Florida; Special Agent in Charge Omar Pérez Aybar of the Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General (HHS-OIG), Miami Regional Office; Special Agent in Charge Kyle A. Myles of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Office of Inspector General (FDIC-OIG), Atlanta Region; and Special Agent in Charge Jeffrey B. Veltri of the FBI Miami Field Office made the announcement.  

HHS-OIG, FDIC-OIG, and the FBI are investigating the case. 

Trial Attorney Alexander Thor Pogozelski of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section is prosecuting the case. Assistant U.S. Attorney Marx P. Calderón for the Southern District of Florida is handling asset forfeiture.  

The Fraud Section leads the Criminal Division’s efforts to combat health care fraud through the Health Care Fraud Strike Force Program. Since March 2007, this program, comprised of 15 strike forces operating in 25 federal districts, has charged more than 5,000 defendants who collectively have billed federal health care programs and private insurers more than $24 billion. In addition, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, working in conjunction with the Office of the Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services, are taking steps to hold providers accountable for their involvement in health care fraud schemes. More information can be found at www.justice.gov/criminal-fraud/health-care-fraud-unit.

DEC and The Central New York Land Trust, Inc., Announce Land Acquisition to Protect Drinking Water



State’s Water Quality Improvement Project Funding Helps Protect Drinking Water Supply for City of Syracuse

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and The Central New York Land Trust, Inc., (CNYLT) today announced the acquisition of 144 acres of land near Skaneateles Lake, a critical drinking water source for 190,000 Central New Yorkers. The project was funded through the State’s Water Quality Improvement Project (WQIP) Program, which directly improves water quality or aquatic habitat, promotes flood risk reduction, restoration, and enhanced flood and climate resiliency, or protects a drinking water source.

“By working with partners like Central New York Land Trust, New York State is making long-term investments to ensure access to safe drinking water far into the future," DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos said. "The Central New York Land Trust’s acquisition of the first of several parcels near Skaneateles Lake will protect the water supply, not only as a drinking water source, but also as an environmental and recreational resource for the region."

CNYLT Executive Director Simon Solomon said, "Protecting the water quality of Skaneateles Lake has been a priority for many over the last decade. While we cannot go back in time, we can create stable lakeside parcels that work to reduce harmful algal blooms and prevent nutrients from entering the water source. The water quality of Skaneateles Lake is unmatched in the region allowing the City of Syracuse to utilize this resource unfiltered. Keeping our drinking water clean has been a continued priority identified by our local government, and this partnership between local and state government, non-profit organizations, and local land trusts continues to be key because it leverages public funds with private dollars."

CNYLT intends to acquire multiple parcels near the lake with the remaining funds by summer 2024. CNYLT acquired the 144-acre O’Neill Parcel for $900,000, using a portion of its $4 million WQIP Land Acquisition for Source Water Protection grant awarded by DEC. The acquisition of this parcel will help protect Skaneateles Lake, the drinking water supply of the city of Syracuse.

New York's Commitment to Clean Water

WQIP is a competitive, reimbursement grant program that funds projects that improve water quality or aquatic habitat, promote flood risk reduction, restoration, and enhanced flood and climate resiliency, or protect a drinking water source. Under this grant program, DEC announced more than $65 million for 51 land acquisition projects to date. In addition to land acquisition projects for source water protection, WQIP grants may be awarded for wastewater treatment improvement, non-agricultural nonpoint source abatement and control, vacuum trucks in municipal storm sewer system (MS4) areas, salt storage, dam safety repair/rehabilitation, aquatic connectivity restoration, and marine district habitat restoration. 

In the latest round of DEC funding, at least $75 million was available through WQIP and up to $3 million was available through Non-agriculture Nonpoint Source Planning and Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Mapping Grant (NPG) program. Visit the WQIP and NPG websites for more information.

New York continues to increase its investments in clean water infrastructure. Most recently, the 2023-24 Enacted Budget includes the $500 million in clean water funding proposed by Governor Hochul in January and brings New York's total clean water infrastructure investment to $5 billion since 2017. In April, Governor Hochul made the first funding announcement advanced under the Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act of 2022. A total of $425 million is available - $200 million in Bond Act funds and $225 million in funding from the state’s existing Water Infrastructure Improvement and Intermunicipal Grant programs.

To learn more about implementing this and other funding in the Bond Act, register and attend one of the upcoming listening sessions by visiting www.ny.gov/BondAct

Governor Hochul Deploys 150 Additional National Guard Personnel to Support Response to Asylum Seeker Crisis

Governor Hochul speaks with members of the New York National Guard at the Armory in Harlem, NYC.

Governor Hochul: “I never cease to be amazed by the depth of compassion by the people sitting here, volunteers ... National Guard members at home in their normal jobs with their families willing to come here to New York and put themselves out there to be that human face for people in crisis. So, thank you.”

Hochul: “But to those who question even why this is happening, this is New York. You need to remember this is New York. We celebrate our diversity. We celebrate who we are. We would not be this state if we were not open to immigrants from around the world. That's the beauty of New York … That's the American story. That is who we are. That is what we cherish, and we will get through this together because New Yorkers always rise up together to the envy of everyone else.”

Before I give updates on our actions to resolve the migrant and asylum seeker challenges, I'd like to address another problem originating from Congressional Republicans. We are literally starting the countdown clock to what could be a government shutdown five days from right now. There are roughly 51,000 federal employees living in New York, and depending on what agency they work for and their classification, they're all in danger of being furloughed by the federal government unless they're essential employees. There'll be an immediate economic impact on their families, and this will have significant impacts on the health and safety of New Yorkers. Women and children, those most in need of help and support, will suffer the worst effects of a government shutdown.

What am I talking about? Section 8 housing vouchers and transfers won't happen. Food inspections will not happen. Funding that gives benefits, food benefits for pregnant mothers and infants and children will run out. Run out, if the Republicans don't act now. Literally taking foods from the mouths of babies.

A government shutdown will also create significant delays in getting disaster aid from those recovering from the storms on the East Coast, particularly here in New York. As well as it threatens vital aid as far away as places as Hawaii, in the aftermath of the fires that ravaged that beautiful place. It also means that new federal funds will not be available to help states like New York deal with the asylum seekers crisis.

But guess what? We're better than that here in New York. We'll find a way through this. And we've been leading on the migrant situation because Republicans in Washington have failed time and time again to just roll up their sleeves, work with Democrats, work with the President, and have real, meaningful immigration reform. And if they fail on leading the government and the House of Representatives and shut down government too, we'll find a way to keep Lady Liberty still standing in the harbor with the lights still on. We'll pick it up if we have to.

But right now, I'm just calling on New Yorkers. Reach out to your federal representatives, especially those who are represented by Republicans because they have the power to go to Washington, talk to the Speaker, talk to their leadership, and say, “Don't do this to my state.” They've been through enough. So, get back to Washington, do the jobs that the voters sent you to do, and stop playing with the future of this country and our state. That is my message today.

And now I'd like to talk about New York's role in assisting with the migrant crisis. As I've talked about before, we're facing two real challenges simultaneously. One is a humanitarian crisis. Tens of thousands of asylum seekers have left their homes. Homes that were ravaged by violence, political corruption, starvation, an economy brought to its knees. And they've come here in search of one thing. One thing. That's the ability to work. Work leads them to a better life to be able to take care of their kids. So, we have that crisis unfolding. We've been talking about this for a long time. And we're feeling the effects here in New York.

But on the other hand, we have a shortage of workers crisis. Since I've been Governor two years, unemployment has decreased 42 percent from 6.9 percent to 3.9. Ordinarily, those are good numbers. That's less than 4 percent. I only saw that a few times in my life. But what that means is businesses from as far north as the business council meeting I was at on Friday, to the western New York, to New York City, to Long Island, that's all anybody's talking about in business – we don't have enough workers. And literally, people coming up to me at this statewide meeting of businesses saying, “Governor, can you send me some of the migrants? I need them to work.” So, we can do this. We have the need and the demand, we match them together, and that's how you take a crisis and turn into an opportunity. And that's what I'm most excited about. And we have over 400,000 open jobs right now. Everything from farms to construction to restaurants, hotels, nursing homes and hospitals. My gosh, they could use workers, right now.

So, I'm going to be talking about some of our new resources that we're deploying to, again, turn these challenges into opportunities. And I want to acknowledge the individuals who've been really at the forefront of being the face of New York's efforts to help with this crisis, to help the City of New York get through this. Major General Ray Shields of the New York National Guard. I want to thank you. We just saw each other two weeks ago, preparing for a hurricane – see you during blizzards and flooding events. And I was just speaking to your leadership team and talking about how normally we deal with crises wrought by Mother Nature, but right now we're dealing with a crisis wrought by man's cruelty to man. What is going on in people's home countries, driving them to flee. Thank you. Thank you and all the people you represent. Extraordinary work. I never cease to be amazed by the depth of compassion by the people sitting here, volunteers. This is a volunteer call. National Guard members at home in their normal jobs with their families willing to come here to New York and put themselves out there to be that human face for people in crisis. So, thank you.

I thank all the members of the National Guard. I also want to recognize someone who's been helping us manage this military-style operation to respond, and that is our Commissioner of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Jackie Bray, and we've been through a lot together as well. You name the storm, we've been side by side, and I am so confident of your leadership and the path that you've put us on.

So, as I sat and talked to some of the National Guard leadership, we were talking about, what's it like? You're out there. You're the first person they see when they arrive, and they get dropped off. Doing the intake at the Roosevelt Hotel. Seeing people with trauma in their eyes and children crying. It's extraordinary. And now you're part of the effort to help them be able to leave those shelters, get tracked, the casework, to understand who has what options before them, and help them be on that path to the life that they sought. And so today, under my leadership and under my direction, New York National Guard will deploy an additional 150 members to support the Asylum Seeker Mission. That brings our total to 2,050 National Guard members supporting the overall mission and what this will allow us to do – 250 National Guard members will focus solely on case management.

And ultimately, the process, now that we have the opportunity granted by President Biden, to help the Venezuelans who came before July 31st be able to apply for Temporary Protective Status. And what follows that, literally with the same application, is the work authorization. That coveted work authorization, that's their ticket to the American Dream. So, you'll be helping them get a job, helping them support themselves, helping them leave these shelters, because I believe they did not come all these thousands of miles to live in a shelter with hundreds, if not thousands, of others.

So, the National Guard has already started work to survey them. We have different categories. Some people are eligible to work right now. If they already came in through the Customs and Border Protection app, there are people qualified for that. There are parolees eligible to work. There are the asylum seekers who need to apply for asylum and wait 180 days. And now we have this new category that allow the expedited work permits for Venezuelans who arrived here earlier. So, the first thing you have to do is talk to them, survey them, track the information, find out what they're missing. Some may be here and just want a bus ticket to another state. But they don't know where to go. We can make that happen, but you have to have those conversations. You are the individuals who are that face, having those critical conversations.

So, I've already invested over $50 million to support case management. It's very labor intensive. We have people all over the state. It's not just the five boroughs. We have people up in Albany and Buffalo and Rochester and elsewhere. And we also have to support the legal services to make sure they can legally apply and not be missing any paperwork that will delay them. We have given funds directly to Health + Hospitals, New York City's Asylum Help Center, and local nonprofits all over the state. And right now, we are building up an infrastructure, starting with my request to the Department of Labor to start matching eligible asylum seekers with the employers – a portal, we'll be talking more about how this is being operationalized at an event probably next week.

But doubling down on these efforts after an intensive lobbying effort with the White House and the collaboration that resulted with President Biden being engaged in helping us with that decision on the asylum seekers just a few days ago. That is a path. It is a very strong opportunity for us to start helping some of these people.

So, when you think about what we've done thus far, $1.7 billion already from the state to shelter and support these asylum seekers. We've gone above and beyond what is legal. We're here to help. We've played a major role in opening shelters and facilities, working again hand in hand with the Mayor. And right now, if you do the math, right now we contribute probably about 40 percent of the cost of the shelters, the facilities, the tents. And when we open Floyd Bennett Field and we're absorbing all the costs of that, multiple millions it'll grow even higher, upwards of almost 45 percent that the state is absorbing to cover the cost of sheltering.

So, we said we'd be partners, we said we'd help. It's money, it's facilities, locations. We've cleaned up many, fixed them up, got them ready, and it's also the personnel. So again, our goal, take care of people when they arrive, show them the compassion of New Yorkers, but give them what they want, which is a quick exit out of the shelter system. And that is something we'll be focusing on very intensely over the next couple of weeks. We are going to be able to do this with the support of the National Guard, and to make sure that we don't leave anyone behind. Because everyone has that opportunity to find their way here in our state.

And I also just want to conclude by saying this. This could be an undaunting challenge for some. Overwhelming. And I will say I give all the credit in the world to the City of New York and Mayor Adams for what they've had to deal with. And the numbers continue to grow and we're there to be their partners.

But to those who question even why this is happening, this is New York. You need to remember this is New York. We celebrate our diversity. We celebrate who we are. We would not be this state if we were not open to immigrants from around the world. That's the beauty of New York. And if you just personalize it, every one of your parents or grandparents or great grandparents, they came from somewhere else. I speak often of the influence of my grandparents. Came here, leaving extreme poverty in Ireland. Like millions before, the potato famine drove them away. My grandparents came later. Started out as migrant farm workers. Working in the wheat fields of South Dakota. Not their idea of what they expected, but it's what they got. First jobs. Then they were qualified enough to become domestic servants. Rising up. And ultimately, Grandpa became a steel worker. It was hot, dirty work. At the end of the day, he was exhausted. You could see the black soot on his face. Carrying that lunch pail. We used to drop him off in one car for a family of eight. But he was proud. He was proud that he could support his family, all these kids, kids who went on to become educators, school superintendents, businesspeople, and their children. Sometimes one becomes a governor.

That's the American story. That is who we are. That is what we cherish, and we will get through this together because New Yorkers always rise up together to the envy of everyone else. Try and knock us down by a terrorism act. Think you've beaten us down and crushed our soul and our spirits. No, we get stronger together. A pandemic, worst place in the world for time being. Did it knock us down, take us off? No. We got stronger. And New Yorkers together will get through this. Because that's who we are. That's something we must never, ever forget.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Assemblymember John Zaccaro, Jr., Community Newsletter #6


Dear Friends, 

Since starting my term as your Assembly Member in January 2023 focusing on the needs of our community remains my top priority. Our Community Office is open and here to serve you. 

Working closely with our community partners Team JZ was very busy this summer! Let me share the hard work being done throughout the 80th Assembly District.   

Tour of Jacobi Hospital

I met with the amazing team of healthcare professionals at Jacobi Hospital to see firsthand the lifesaving work they do for patients throughout our communities everyday. 

I will continue to support policies that will deliver the highest quality of care for New Yorkers and advocate for staff wellness so the needs of our dedicated healthcare professionals are met.

Bronx Chamber of Commerce 2023 Chairman's Legislative Breakfast 

I joined my colleagues in government for The Bronx Chamber of Commerce 2023 Chairman's Legislative Breakfast at the New York Botanical Garden. 

Small businesses are the lifeblood of our communities. I was proud to discuss various ways local stakeholders in the Bronx business community can work together with lawmakers to champion the greatest Borough in the City of New York!

SUV Standing Up to Violence

I also met with the team at SUV Stand Up To Violence to discuss their ongoing efforts to curb gun violence and develop violence prevention initiatives #inThe80thDistrict.

SUV Stand Up to Violence's work is an important tool in our collective efforts to stop gun violence in our communities and ensure survivors and their families are provided with the help they need to heal. 

Meetings in our Community Office 

Whether in Albany or in the Bronx I regularly meet with constituents and organizations and our Community Office is busy! I met with members of the Pelham Parkway Neighborhood Association, the Morris Park Community and the Van Nest Neighborhood Association.

Their input is invaluable to myself and my team as we work our hardest to serve all those who live #inThe80thDistrict. 

And last but certainly not least I had the pleasure of meeting with NYPD Transit Bureau District 12 Commanding Officer, Captain Muhammad Ashraf and Community Affairs Officer Cepeda-Chavez to discuss the state of public safety in and around our subway stations. 

We had a productive conversation and I will continue to work with our partners in law enforcement to address all issues impacting public safety in our communities.

National Night Out Against Crime 2023 

Our Community Office was proud to join members of the NYPD's 49th Precinct and 52nd Precinct for National Night Out Against Crime 2023.

This annual event promotes public safety and the importance of building lasting relationships between our communities and law enforcement. It was great to see many local organizations and fellow Bronxites throughout the evening!

Events like National Night Out Against Crime highlight our dedication to keeping our communities safe. I will always support these efforts and our Community Office will continue to be a resource for all.

Bollywood in the Bronx 

We celebrated Bollywood in The Bronx with Bharati Sukul Kemraj for an afternoon of community and culture! I was proud to present this year's honorees with a New York State Assembly Citation. 

Mosholu Parkway Cleanup

Team JZ continued our community beautification initiative, working together with Friends of Mosholu Parkway and Partnership for Parks to host a cleanup of Mosholu Parkway. 

In the end we collected over ten bags of trash and other pollutants along Mosholu Parkway and keeps our green spaces clean for all to enjoy! 

If you have any questions, concerns or would like further assistance with an issue please contact our Community Office at 718-409-0109.