Wednesday, November 4, 2015


   Following tragic death of local teen, Klein provides funding for 24-hour video surveillance and new call boxes at Castle Hill park

State Senator Jeff Klein, together with the family of Christian Negron, the Castle Hill Homeowners’ Association, and Iris Rodriguez-Rosa, Bronx commissioner of the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, today announced $100,000 in state funding for safety and security upgrades at Pugsley Creek Park.
The announcement follows the tragic death of Christian Negron, a former LaGuardia Community College student, who was viciously attacked and robbed in broad daylight in by a group of seven young men in Pugsley Creek Park in June.
Senator Jeff Klein said: “By investing in our parks, we are making a steadfast commitment to preserving our public spaces and protecting New York’s families. The tragic loss of Christian Negron has shaken the Castle Hill community and left an indelible mark on our hearts. In order to boost safety in Pugsley Creek Park, I’ve proudly secured $100,000 in state funding for new security cameras and call boxes. These measures will go a long way toward improving safety in Pugsley Creek and ensure that our parks remain treasured community spaces for generations to come.”

Iris Rodriguez-Rosa, Bronx commissioner of the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, said: “Providing for new resources like call boxes and FlashCams, Senator Klein's generous funding will help NYC Parks keep Pugsley Creek Park a safe and enjoyable destination for the communities of Castle Hill and beyond.”
On June 28, Christian Negron was returning home through Pugsley Creek Park from a poetry event hosted by one of his college professors when he was attacked from behind and struck several times in the head. Christian escaped from his assailants by slipping through his hooded sweatshirt and running out of the park.
Shortly after the attack, on July 8, Christian was found unconscious by his grandmother. After being rushed to the hospital, Christian was pronounced brain dead, and on July 17, was taken off life support.
In response to this tragedy, Senator Klein, together with the Castle Hill Homeowners’ Association, the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, the NYPD, and the Bronx District Attorney, held a on town hall meeting on July 29. With ongoing concerns regarding safety in Pugsley Creek Park – and widespread reports of drinking, drugs, and gang activity – Senator Klein pledged to provide funding for security upgrades.

Senator Klein’s $100,000 state grant will go toward the addition of new security cameras, equipped with 24-hour video surveillance, and state-of-the-art call boxes, which will be installed at key locations throughout the park.
Anibal Negron, father of Christian Negron, said: “Our family suffered a tremendous tragedy as the result of an attack on our son, Christian, at Pugsley Creek Park. Those who knew him can attest as to how great of a person he was. Unfortunately, he is no longer with us. We are, however, grateful of the stance our community, neighbors and elected officials have taken in ensuring our community becomes as safe as we once knew it to be.”
Israel Morales, president of the Castle Hill Homeowners’ Association, said: "It's a difficult time for the Negron family with the recent passing of their son. The Homeowners' Association truly appreciates everything Senator Klein and his staff have done for the community and the Negron family in the past weeks and months. This funding will ensure that our parks are safe and secure. Today, we send a message that Christian Negron will never be forgotten."

Above - State Senator Jeff Klein says a few words about safety in city parks, and why this was so important to him that the local residents could continue to walk in their park without any fear.
Below - Bronx Parks Commissioner Iris Rodriguez-Rosa thanks Senator Klein for the funding so cameras can be installed in the park.

Above - Anibal Negron, father of Christian Negron who was killed in Pugsley Park expresses gratitude to Senator Jeff Klein, so that the safety of the park can be returned to the local residents.
Below - Senator Klein, Bronx Parks Commissioner Iris Rodriguez-Rosa, Anibal Negron are joined by others from the community for this photo of strength in the community around Pugsley Park.

Darcel Clark Wins Big in Bronx District Attorney Race

    It was all Darcel Clark last night as the soon to be former Judge Darcel Clark will become Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark on January 1st 2016. Current Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson was elected to the Bronx Supreme Court in his first attempt running for a judgeship.  
    With the annual SOMOS conference starting today many Bronx Elected officials got an early start heading to Puerto Rico for the conference confident that the voters would overwhelmingly elect Darcel Clark as the next Bronx DA. While the final totals are not in, New Bronx DA Darcel Clark seems to have received 85 percent of the vote. This was the threshold that I mentioned on this blog the day before election day that I said Ms. Clark would have to attain to come out of the election in order to silence any opposition that may come up in the next four years. Ms. Clark laid out her game plan once she was to be elected, and got right down to reminding those in the crowded room what she was going to do to improve the Bronx District Attorney's office.

Above Bronx Democratic County Committee Chairman Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, and Below former Bronx Democratic County Leader and now New York State Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie were all smiles as new Bronx DA Darcel Clark and all seven candidates for judgeships this year crushed their opponents. 

Above - Assembly Speaker Heastie and Assemblyman Dinowitz congratulate new Bronx District Attorney Darcel Cl;ark on her huge victory.
Below - A group photo of the elected officials that were on hand including the newly elected judges. 

  Our final words of advice to new Bronx DA Darcel Clark is - "May the Force be With You, and you act swiftly with Justice For All". 


   Senator Adriano Espaillat declared his candidacy for the 13th congressional district, which stretches from Harlem to Inwood in upper Manhattan and covers part of the Bronx. Senator Espaillat has represented parts of the congressional district for nearly 20 years. His current State Senate district is almost entirely contained in the congressional district. 

In the State Senate Espaillat has been a tireless advocate for tenants, leading the fight for stronger rent laws. An issue he has been on the front lines of since the start of his career in public service as a community and tenant organizer.       
"During my career in public service, I've made it my mission to fight for Northern Manhattan and the Bronx. I've served our community as a tenant organizer; police precinct council president; assemblyman; and state senator. I have worked tirelessly to confront a lack of economic opportunities, to provide access to affordable housing and quality education, and keep our neighborhoods safe. 

"In Washington I will continue to fight for our families by getting to work on day one to fix our NYCHA buildings, protect tenants, and invest in job creation and high quality schools.The neighborhoods of the 13th Congressional District have witnessed historic changes and need a strong voice that will put working families first. Together, we can ensure our children inherit a better city than the one we inhabit." 

Senator Espaillat ran for New York's 13th congressional district in 2012 and 2014, narrowly losing to retiring 44 year incumbent Charles Rangel.    

Bronx Chamber of Commerce Veterans Brunch - Job and Resource Fair- November 18th, 2015

Please Join The 
Bronx Chamber of Commerce
at our Veterans Brunch

Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Brunch - 10:00AM
Job and Resource Fair - 12:00PM

*Those interested in a complimentary interview table for our resource fair, please email*
For More Information Please Email:

Monday, November 2, 2015

100 PERCENT - SPECIAL Election Day Tuesday November 3, 2015


By Robert Press


   Tomorrow is the General Election day for the year 2015. Normally this would have been a non event as it has for the year when the only major election in the Bronx is for Bronx District Attorney. In the past several elections I can't remember when soon to be former Bronx District Attorney (and new State Supreme Court Judge) Robert Johnson faced a primary challenger. DA Johnson never faced a real opponent in the General Election either, as he had the Republican and Conservative party lines in addition to the Democratic Party line. 
  After the primary process was over and Bronx DA Robert Johnson was the candidate of the Democratic Party without having to go through a primary once again something strange happened this year a few weeks afterwards. After denying rumors that he was going to seek a judgeship at the Bronx County Judicial Convention Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Marcos Crespo nominated Bronx DA Robert Johnson for a vacant Supreme Court Judgeship. Robert Johnson accepted the nomination and will be one of the names on the ballot tomorrow for a supreme court judgeship.
  Since the Bronx Democratic County organization now was presented with the vacancy for the position of Bronx District Attorney. It took about one hour for the Bronx Democratic County organization to replace Robert Johnson with the name of Darcel Clark as the candidate for Bronx District Attorney on the Democratic ballot line. There was a lot of calls of backroom dealing by a former Bronx Democratic County leader now the State Assembly Speaker after the indictment of former State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, but that is another story as Assemblyman Silver's trial began today.
     So let's see just how many people come out to vote for Bronx DA, in what has traditionally been the lowest election turnout since School Board elections were eliminated. I know that I will be going to the poll to vote, and I expect to be very lonely when I do. I am not going to tell you who to vote for, but I will say that if Ms. Darccl Clark does not receive over 85 percent of the vote, Bronx Democratic County Leader Marcos Crespo might just have the first real Democratic primary for Bronx District Attorney in four years, that is if he is still the Bronx Democratic County Leader.


Van Cortlandt Jewish Center - 11th Annual Bazaar and Carnival - Sunday NOV 15th

    The Van Cortlandt Jewish Center  is holding it’s 11th Annual Bazaar and Carnival on Sunday, November 15, 2015 from 11 AM to 3 PM. There will be free admission, a free Magic Show at 12 noon, free give-a-ways to all children, silent auction, food for sale, carnival games with prizes, vendors raffle and more.
    Raffles will go for $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00 and some of the prizes are 40” JVC Smart TV, X-Box one, $100 MasterCard gift card, TDK Bluetooth speaker and electric fireplace stove heater. You don’t have to be present to win.
    For more information call the VCJC at 718-884-6105.
    The Van Cortlandt Jewish Center is located at 3880 Sedgwick Avenue (corner of Van Cortlandt Avenue) Bronx, NY 10463.



  Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. has joined the chorus of elected officials calling for universal testing of pre-K students for public school gifted and talented programs.

“Expanding testing would ensure that more students from all over the city, especially our Black and Latino students, would have an opportunity to take advantage of these programs. Access to gifted and talented classes, especially early access, helps create lifelong learners and allows for greater success in high school and college. Universal testing for these programs is the fairest way to reach those goals,” said Borough President Diaz today.

Borough President Diaz recently joined PACE (Parents' Alliance for Citywide Education) to co-host a Gifted & Talented Education Open House, which provided information about New York City's Citywide Gifted & Talented (G&T) elementary schools, Bronx district G&T programs and other accelerated education options. 

“It is time for Mayor de Blasio and the Department of Education to act on this critical issue and provide universal testing for gifted and talented classes in our pre-K programs. We cannot leave our students behind,” said Borough President Diaz.



   “I extend my deepest sympathies to the family of Ben Randazzo, to Assemblyman Mike Benedetto and his staff, and the entire Bronx community at this difficult time. Ben was a fine man who dedicated his life to public service. Through the years, I had the pleasure of working hand-in-hand with Ben on a number of issues and was constantly impressed by his breadth of knowledge and commitment to helping people from all walks of life. Ben left an indelible mark on The Bronx community and his grand presence will be sorely missed.”