Saturday, July 22, 2017


Guide includes nearly 90 programs and initiatives across City agencies designed to enrich the lives of older New Yorkers

  Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives Richard Buery and DFTA today released Age-Friendly NYC: New Commitments For a City For All Ages at Sunnyside Community Services in Queens. The report presents a comprehensive guide of City programs and initiatives designed to enrich the lives of older New Yorkers. As the population of New York City grows older — with adults ages 60 and above projected to account for 20.6 percent of the City’s population by 2040 — Age-Friendly NYC: New Commitments For a City For All Ages will help meet the demands of this demographic shift.

“New York would not be the city it is today without the invaluable contributions of our senior citizens – a debt we are paying down with programs to help them age in place,” said Mayor de Blasio. “The initiatives outlined in Age-Friendly NYC will build on the progress we have made in meeting the needs of our growing community of older New Yorkers. By preserving or creating affordable housing, keeping rents down, investing in geriatric mental health, and through many more initiatives, we can truly make this a city for people of all ages.”

The initiatives outlined in the report include existing programs of the de Blasio Administration that support the well-being of older adults, such as the Mayor’s Housing New York  plan, a five-borough, 10-year strategy, which includes a plan to create or preserve affordable housing for seniors; raising income eligibility limits for the Senior Citizen Rent Increase and the Disability Rent Increase Exemptions; and ThriveNYC programming at senior centers throughout the City that provide on-site counseling and help remove the stigma of mental health issues.

Age-Friendly NYC includes nearly 90 programs and initiatives across the spectrum of the City’s agencies and community partners, including:

·         Increasing baselined City funding for essential aging services by $84 million under the de Blasio Administration

·         Expanding the City’s senior housing commitment by 5,000 to 15,000 units of the 200,000 total units in the Mayor’s Housing New York plan

·         Providing universal access to civil justice and tenant legal services for New Yorkers who are facing eviction and have incomes below 200 percent of the federal poverty level

·      Focusing on geriatric mental health by embedding mental health practitioners in senior centers and addressing social isolation and depression faced by homebound older adults

·         Creating multidisciplinary teams in the Bronx, Queens and Staten Island as well as strengthening existing teams in Brooklyn and Manhattan in order to better serve elder abuse victims

·         Implementing Vision Zero education and enforcement initiatives that focus on the safety of older New Yorkers

“Through 86 initiatives, Age Friendly NYC: New Commitments For a City For All Ages demonstrates our vision for our City: a place where older New Yorkers can thrive as they age: in good health, safe and secure in their homes, and able to enjoy all that New York City has to offer,” said Richard Buery, Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives. “With more people reaching and living beyond age 60 than ever before, it has become increasingly important to make sure this growing population has the supports and resources they need. When the City becomes fairer and more inclusive to seniors, we all benefit.”

“I’m proud to lead the Department for the Aging’s work with our sister agencies in support of older adults through Age-Friendly NYC,” said DFTA Commissioner Donna Corrado. “Seniors deserve our support as they age in place. They still have much to offer society, and they contribute greatly to New York’s diverse communities.”


  Rep. Adriano Espaillat led a group of New York State and New York City elected officials for a community discussion for constituents to address New York’s subway crisis following a series of derailments, commuter delays, cancellations, fires and a host of other transit issues.

“Today we are standing with our constituents and commuters from across the city to say enough is enough and it is far time that we work together to find solutions to address the treacherous state of New York City’s subway system,”said Rep. Espaillat. “The stoppages, cancellations, delays, derailments, safety, and cleanliness are all issues that come at a cost and commuters have carried this burden alone for too long. I have addressed these issues with the MTA and created this forum to give commuters a platform to let their voices be heard, because at the end of the day, these transit issues impact their pockets, their livelihood, and their wellbeing the most.”    

“Everyone has a role to play – because we all have a stake in the success of the MTA,” said NYC Comptroller Scott M. Stringer. “Behind every breakdown and behind every stalled car, there’s a real human impact on our city. That’s why we can’t delay and we all need to work together, come up with innovative solutions, and step up for New Yorkers. I want to commend Representative Espaillat on holding this important community conversation, because this affects all of us.”

"Uptown Manhattan has already faced more than its share of issues due to the 'Summer of Hell' New Yorkers have been talking so much about,” said NYS Senator Marisol Alcantara. “The subway system is not a luxury or a supplement to car travel and the LIRR. It is one of the foundations of New York City and New York State economic competitiveness. It gets millions of workers, students, and everyday people around the city to produce economic value, buy goods, engage in tourism, and otherwise participate in our civic life. When the subway is unreliable, businesses cannot plan on a reliable labor force. When the subway is unreliable, tourists leave our city with feelings of anger and frustration and are less likely to come back. I look forward to working with elected officials at all levels of government and with the MTA to resolve this crisis."

"From derailments to delays, signal malfunctions to broken elevators, this is a system in severe need of repair,” said NYC Council Transportation Chair Ydanis Rodriguez. “For years, I have been calling on the MTA to put together a plan to upgrade the signals and maintain a quality system. What we see now is a result of years of deferred maintenance coming back to haunt us. We don't have more time. We need a plan of action now. I stand ready to support these goals in any way I can, as the health of our city depends on it."

“YGz” Gang Member Sentenced To 33 Years In Prison For Stomping Murder Of 16-Year-Old And Other Crimes

  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that WILLIAM BRACY, a/k/a “Rel,” was sentenced yesterday to a prison term of 396 months for his crimes as a member of the “Young Gunnaz” or “YGz” gang, including the April 16, 2012, murder of Moises Lora, a/k/a “Noah,” 16, during which BRACY and several other YGz gang members stomped Lora to death in a courtyard in the Melrose housing projects in the Bronx.  BRACY was sentenced in Manhattan federal court by United States District Judge Valerie E. Caproni, before whom he previously pled guilty.  For purposes of the sentencing, Judge Caproni found, following an evidentiary hearing held yesterday, that BRACY was one of the YGz members who kicked Lora while he lay on the pavement during the attack that resulted in Lora’s death.

Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said: “William Bracy and his fellow gang members stomped 90-pound, 16-year-old Moises Lora to death a few yards from a playground in a South Bronx housing complex. While we cannot bring Moises Lora back, we hope that his family finds justice, and a measure of solace, in today’s sentence. Together with our law enforcement partners, we will continue to aggressively prosecute all those who inflict this deadly violence on our communities.”
According to the charging and other documents filed in the case, as well as the evidence presented at BRACY’s presentencing hearing and statements made during BRACY’s guilty plea, sentencing proceedings, and other court proceedings in this case:
BRACY was a member of the Bronx-based street gang known as the YGz.  From at least 2005 to 2016, members and associates of the YGz enriched themselves by committing robberies and by selling drugs, such as crack cocaine, heroin, and marijuana, and committing acts of violence, including the murder of rival gang members, rival drug traffickers, and innocent bystanders.  As part of his involvement in the YGz gang, BRACY participated in numerous acts of violence, as well as crack cocaine distribution, in the South Bronx. 
For example, as part of his involvement in the YGz gang, BRACY and several other YGz gang members murdered Moises Lora, a member of a rival gang, on April 16, 2012, in the South Bronx. On the date of the murder, a group of YGz members, including BRACY, got drunk, and began arguing among themselves about who had done the most violence for the YGz. This group of YGz members went to the territory of a rival gang in the Melrose housing projects to settle their dispute. Upon arriving at the Melrose projects, BRACY and other members of the YGz saw Lora and attacked him. During the attack, Lora’s skull was fractured in several places.  BRACY and the group left Lora to die. Following the stomping, BRACY and several of his confederates bragged to fellow YGz members about what they had done.
BRACY, 23, of the Bronx, is the fourth defendant to be sentenced this year by Judge Caproni for participation in a YGz-related murder.  Judge Caproni sentenced BRACY’s co-defendant Anthony Scott, a/k/a “Tyson,” to 23 years in prison primarily for Scott’s role in shooting and killing Darrel Ledgister on June 27, 2009, in the South Bronx during an attempted robbery.  Judge Caproni sentenced BRACY’s co-defendant Paul Gilbert, a/k/a “2Fly Tay,” to more than 30 years in prison primarily for Gilbert’s role in the murder of Cody Dubose on September 27, 2014, near the Taft Houses in Manhattan during an attempted robbery.  Finally, Judge Caproni sentenced BRACY’s co-defendant Terrance Williams, a/k/a “TA,” to more than 33 years in prison primarily for Williams’s role in the murder of Curtis Smith on July 3, 2011, near the Jackson housing projects in the South Bronx.     
Mr. Kim praised the outstanding work of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the New York City Police Department in the investigation of this case.  He also thanked the Bronx County District Attorney’s Office for their support in this case.

Former New York City Public School Teacher Sentenced To 7 Years In Prison For Receiving Child Pornography

  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that JON CRUZ, a former teacher and debate coach at the Bronx High School for Science, was sentenced today to seven years in prison for receiving images containing child pornography from minor teenage boys. CRUZ was initially arrested on March 6, 2015, and pled guilty on September 23, 2016, to one count of receipt of child pornography. He was sentenced today in federal court by U.S. District Court Judge P. Kevin Castel.
Acting U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said: “Jon Cruz, a high school teacher and debate coach, abused his position of trust and access to children in frightening way. He not only sought and purchased images of victims whom he knew to be underage, he also masqueraded online as one of his teen students to disguise his misdeeds. Today, he was sentenced to a lengthy prison term for his crimes. We will continue to do everything in our power to identify and stop those who solicit, produce and receive child pornography.”
According to the allegations contained in the Complaint and the Indictment as well as public court filings and statements made in connection with the plea and sentencing proceedings:
For years leading up to his arrest in March 2015, JON CRUZ, while employed as a teacher and debate coach at the Bronx High School for Science, engaged in multiple chats over a mobile communication application and social media service with minor victims from different states. CRUZ, who was aware of the victims’ ages, provided thousands of dollars in payments to the victims in exchange for nude and lascivious photographs of themselves. CRUZ often concealed his identity and posed as a teenager, using a photograph of a former student without that student’s knowledge, to create the online accounts he used to communicate with his victims.
In addition to his prison term, CRUZ, 34, of New York, New York, was sentenced to 10 years of supervised release, and ordered to provide $12,200 in restitution to his victims.
Mr. Kim thanked the Federal Bureau of Investigation for its work on the investigation. To report an incident involving the possession, distribution, receipt, or production of child pornography, file a report on the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children’s website at, or call 1-800-843-5678. Your report will be forwarded to a law enforcement agency for investigation and action.

13 Charged In Manhattan Federal Court With Racketeering, Narcotics, And Firearms Offenses In Connection With The “Hot Boys” Robbery Crew

Charges Include the October 27, 2006, Murder of Kelly Diaz

  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, William F. Sweeney Jr., the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), and James P. O’Neill, the Commissioner of the New York City Police Department (“NYPD”), announced the unsealing of an Indictment charging 13 defendants with various racketeering, narcotics, and firearms offenses, including the murder of Kelly Diaz on October 27, 2006.  The defendants are charged in connection with their membership in a robbery crew known as the “Hot Boys,” in Upper Manhattan.  The defendants will be presented in Manhattan federal court today before U.S. Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn.  The case has been assigned to U.S. District Judge Valerie E. Caproni.
Acting U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim stated: “As alleged, the ‘Hot Boys’ robbery crew terrorized victims for more than a decade, stealing all manner of drugs to sell on the streets of Washington Heights. When anyone got in their way, they allegedly resorted to violence, including the tragic murder of Kelly Diaz. Thanks to the dogged work of our partners in the FBI and NYPD, today’s arrests mark the end of the Hot Boys, and the beginning of justice for Diaz and his family.”
FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge William F. Sweeney Jr. stated: “Our communities and country are facing a deadly epidemic of overdoses due to prescription and illegal drugs. Groups like the one rounded up in this case are allegedly using that epidemic to make money, and show their dominance through violence. The FBI and our law enforcement partners’ ultimate goal in these investigations is to go after the leadership of these enterprises, and to cut off the access to the substances that are killing people every day.”           
NYPD Commissioner James P. O’Neill stated:  “As alleged, these individuals were involved in a host of violent crimes including assault, robbery and murder.  The investigation of these crimes is the type of precision policing that has led to nearly 100 fewer shootings and more than 30 fewer homicides so far this year.  Thanks to the detectives, agents, and prosecutors whose work led to today’s racketeering charges.”
According to the Indictment unsealed today in Manhattan federal court[1]:
From 2006 up to 2017, in the Southern District of New York and elsewhere, STARLIN NUNEZ, a/k/a “Chino,” a/k/a “Lucky Star,” a/k/a “Junior,” RAMON MARTINEZ, a/k/a “Gordo,” ANDRE BELLIARD, a/k/a “Little Andy,” DAVID SANTIAGO, a/k/a “Bori,” SANDY CASTILLO, a/k/a “Fat Sandy,” ALVARADO DOMINGUEZ, a/k/a “Jochi,” STALIN CONTRERAS, a/k/a “Chaka,” WILFRED MEDINA, a/k/a “Papalin,” ALBERT BONILLA, a/k/a “Alski,” a/k/a “Biggie,” EDWIN ARAUJO, a/k/a “Charger Ed,” GUILLERMO ARAUJO, a/k/a “Jun,” SHAJONNY SANTANA, a/k/a “Giovanni,” a/k/a “G-Money,” and ESFRAIN SILVA, a/k/a “Boy,” were all members or associates of a racketeering enterprise known as the “Hot Boys.”  In order to fund the enterprise, protect its interests, and promote its standing, members and associates of the Hot Boys committed, conspired, attempted, and threatened to commit acts of violence, including murder, assault, robbery and burglary; they obtained, possessed, and used firearms, including by brandishing them; and they distributed and conspired to distribute controlled substances, including cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and various prescription drugs. 
During one robbery committed in furtherance of the Hot Boys enterprise, DOMINGUEZ, CONTRERAS, MEDINA, and BONILLA murdered, and aided and abetted the murder of, Kelly Diaz on October 27, 2006, who was shot and killed in his apartment in Washington Heights.
BELLIARD, CONTRERAS, MEDINA, and SANTANA were taken into federal custody this morning, and will be presented in Manhattan federal court today before U.S. Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn.  NUNEZ, SANTIAGO, DOMINGUEZ, EDWIN ARAUJO, GUILLERMO ARAUJO, and SILVA were already in custody on other charges.  MARTINEZ and BONILLA remain at large.
Charts containing the names, charges, and maximum penalties for the defendants are set forth below. The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendants will be determined by the respective judges.
Mr. Kim praised the outstanding investigative work of the FBI and the NYPD, and thanked the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office for its assistance in this investigation.
The charges contained in the Indictment are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
2--- Murder in Aid of Racketeering ALVARADO DOMINGUEZ, STALIN CONTRERAS, WILFRED MEDINA, ALBERT BONILLA Life in prison or death
4--- Use of Firearms Resulting in Death ALVARADO DOMINGUEZ, STALIN CONTRERAS, WILFRED MEDINA, ALBERT BONILLA Life in prison or death

“2fly” Gang Member Sentenced To More Than 23 Years In Prison For 2013 Murder Of Seventeen-Year-Old And 2012 Non-Fatal Shooting

  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that JAQUAN MCINTOSH, a/k/a “BJ,” a member of the violent “2Fly YGz” (“2Fly”), a violent street gang that operated in and around the Eastchester Gardens public housing development (“ECG”) in the Bronx, was sentenced today to 280 months in prison for his role in a 2013 murder of a boy on his seventeenth birthday at ECG and a shootout with rival gang members in 2012, during which three victims – including a 14-year-old girl caught in the crossfire – were shot in a Bronx park. MCINTOSH pled guilty on November 7, 2016, in Manhattan federal court before U.S. Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn, MCINTOSH was sentenced today by U.S. District Court Judge Lewis Kaplan.

Acting U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said: “During a shootout in October 2013, Jaquan McIntosh, a member of the violent street gang operating in Eastchester Gardens, murdered a seventeen year-old on his birthday and also engaged in a 2012 shootout during which three victims, including a 14 year-old girl, were shot. Gang violence of the type McIntosh engaged in threatens the safety and security of all New Yorkers. We will continue to work with our law enforcement partners to prevent it and to bring to justice those who commit it.”
According to the Indictment and other documents filed in the case, as well as statements made during the public proceedings in this case:
MCINTOSH was a member of 2Fly, a subset of the “Young Gunnaz,” or “YG” street gang, which operated throughout New York City. 2Fly was based in the Bronx, within and around ECG and in an area called the “Valley” or the “V,” which is in the vicinity of Gun Hill Road. ECG is a rectangular complex of residential buildings bordered by Burke, Adee, Yates, and Bouck Avenues, in the middle of which is a playground. The gang war between 2Fly and rival street gangs led to an enormous amount of fatal and non-fatal violence between 2007 and 2016 in the Northern Bronx, including shootings, stabbings, slashings, beatings, and robberies. Members and associates of 2Fly controlled the narcotics trade at ECG, which took place in the open air at the playground and in apartments at ECG. 2Fly primarily sold marijuana and crack cocaine, but also sold powder cocaine and prescription pills, such as oxycodone. 2Fly members and associates stored guns at the playground or in nearby apartments or cars in order to protect the narcotics business and for protection against rival gangs.
As part of his involvement in 2Fly, MCINTOSH murdered Donville Simpson on October 5, 2013 – Simpson’s seventeenth birthday – during a shootout at ECG with rival gang members. MCINTOSH also participated with other 2Fly members in a shootout with rival gang members on August 7, 2012, in a public park in the Bronx. Three victims were shot, including a 14-year-old girl caught in the crossfire.
MCINTOSH was arrested in this case as a result of a multi-year investigation by the New York City Police Department’s Bronx Gang Squad (the “Bronx Gang Squad”), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations Violent Gang Unit (“HSI”), the New York Field Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”), and the Joint Firearms Task Force of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (“ATF”) into gang violence in the Northern Bronx. On April 27, 2016, the Indictment captioned United States v. Laquan Parrish et al., 16 Cr. 212 (LAK) was unsealed, charging 57 members and associates of 2Fly with racketeering conspiracy, narcotics conspiracy, narcotics distribution, and/or firearms charges. To date, 54 of these defendants have pled guilty.
Mr. Kim praised the outstanding work of NYPD’s Bronx Homicide Squad, NYPD’s 49th Precinct Detective Squad, NYPD’s Bronx Gang Squad, HSI, DEA, and ATF. He also thanked the Bronx County District Attorney’s Office and the Department of Investigation, NYCHA Inspector General’s Office for their ongoing support in this investigation.

A.G. Schneiderman and Comptroller DiNapoli Announce Jury Conviction Of Councilman Ruben Wills In Public Corruption Scheme

Jury Finds Wills Guilty Of Stealing Campaign Funds And Grant Money For Personal Benefit
Under State Law, Wills Will Be Required to Vacate City Council Seat
Wills Faces Up To Seven Years In Prison
  Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman and Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli announced the jury conviction of  New York City Councilman Ruben Wills (D-Queens) following an eleven-day trial that resulted in a guilty verdict on five of six counts related to Will’s theft of approximately $30,000 in public campaign funds and state grant money. The jury found Wills guilty of one count of a scheme to defraud in the 1st degree, two counts of grand larceny in the 3rd degree, and two counts of filing a false instrument in the 1st degree. The jury acquitted Wills on a single charge of filing false business records. In accordance with state law, upon sentencing, Wills will be automatically expelled from the New York City Council. Wills faces a maximum of seven years behind bars. 
“Ruben Wills’ crimes were a shameful violation of the public trust. Now, after a conviction by a jury of his peers, Ruben Wills will face the consequences,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “Ruben Wills stole taxpayer dollars to buy fancy purses and clothes for himself and his friends. New Yorkers deserved better. Today's conviction is another important step in our efforts to clean up New York politics and give voters the representation they deserve. I thank Comptroller DiNapoli and his staff for their continued and valuable partnership on Operation Integrity. My office will continue to hold accountable any public official who breaches the public trust and breaks the law."
“Councilman Ruben Wills stole public money and abused his position of trust,” State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli said. “Thanks to the work of my staff and our partnership with Attorney General Schneiderman, we are targeting public corruption and holding public officials accountable for misuse of public resources.”
As state prosecutors argued at trial, Wills used public matching funds from his 2009 campaign for City Council to pay $11,500 to Micro Targeting, a shell company purportedly created to translate and distribute campaign literature. Prosecutors proved at trial that Micro Targeting never provided any campaign services, and that the money was instead redirected to a non-profit corporation called NY 4 Life, which Wills controlled. Wills withdrew the money and made a series of personal purchases, including at Macy’s, where he used a portion of the funds to purchase a $750 Louis Vuitton handbag.
Prosecutors also detailed how Wills used $21,000 in State grant funds for personal and political expenses.
The $21,000 was part of a $33,000 grant provided to NY 4 Life from the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS), earmarked by former State Senator Shirley Huntley while Wills was serving as Huntley’s chief of staff. The grant stipulated that the money had to be used to conduct four public service projects. Yet witnesses at trial testified that NY 4 Life only held one event, while Wills used approximately $21,000 of the funds for personal and political expenses, including at Nordstrom and Home Depot. Wills also used a portion of the money to pay individuals who had carried out campaign work for his City Council race.
Judge Ira Margulis presided over the trial, and scheduled sentencing for August 10th.
Since 2011, Attorney General Schneiderman, through his “Operation Integrity” partnership with Comptroller DiNapoli, has brought charges against dozens of individuals implicated in public corruption schemes around the state. The office has been able to return over $11 million in restitution to taxpayers through these convictions. 

Bronx Democratic County Dinner Recap

  I was wondering how this years Bronx Democratic County dinner was going to top last years dinner. After all there was going to be no presidential candidate, no New York State Senator, or even the Governor of New York in attendance, but I like everyone else enjoyed the evening go by quickly wondering 'How did they do it again'.

  The lovely Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul was on hand, and when I said to her I think the governor's plane is having a little problem, she replied 'You tried that one on me two years ago'. My former State Senator now Attorney General said hello, as did State Comptroller Tom Di Napoli. Mayor Bill de Blasio winked at me knowing that I would give him a very hard question at his next press conference. After he said hello, I was able to speak to City Comptroller Scott Stringer on one of his latest DOE audits. Public Advocate Letitia James wanted to see the photo I took of her and District Leader Eric Dinowitz, to make sure I got her better side, which I always do. 

  Sitting at Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz's table was an old friend the former City Comptroller John Liu. Deputy BP Aurelia Greene was stunning as usual, and it seemed to be all business for Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Marcos Crespo made sure to announce all the elected officials on hand, even if they were not from the Bronx and did not speak. in all County Leader Crespo said that there were over 800 people at the event. In the past empty seats were not hard to find, but that was not the case last night. The man behind the county leader the Executive Director of the Bronx Democratic County Committee Mr. Anthony Perez deserves a lot of the credit for making this county dinner the huge success it was, but Anthony was humble last night from the shock of the dinner and gave all the credit to the county leader. I will have to ask Mr. Perez again next week if he deserves some credit for great Bronx Democratic County Dinner. 

  I almost forgot the four Honorees of the 2017 Bronx Democratic County dinner were Mr. John Crotty, Mr. Edwin Lopez, Mr. Basil Smikle, and the darling Female District Leader from the 87th Assembly District Hon. Julia Rodriguez. Julia was introduced as being someone who dates back to the John Lindsay era which began in the late 1960's. Photos of the dinner are below. 

Above - Left - BDCC Executive Director Anthony Perez introduces Bronx Democratic County Leader Marcos Crespo -Right.
Below - Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul, State Comptroller Tom Di Napoli, and State Senate Democratic Conference Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins.


Above - Left - District Leader Eric Dinowitz, Right - Councilman Jimmy Vacca with Public Advocate Letitia James.
Below - Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul and then State Comptroller Tom Di Napoli address the packed room.

Above Right - State Attorney General Eric Schniderman, Left - Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.
Below Left - City Comptroller Scott Stringer, Right - Public Advocate Letitia James.

Above - Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks with City Council Transportation Chair Ydanis Rodriguez.
Below - The Mayor points to where Bronx BP Diaz is sitting to commend him on the fine job he is doing as Bronx BP.

Above - Another photo of Mayor Bill de Blasio. The mayor had such a good time after all the speeches were over, that he talked one on one with many of the attendees.
Below - Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie congratulates his fellow Bronx assembly members on the fine job everyone did on this years state budget, and for supporting his work as Speaker of the State Assembly.