Thursday, February 14, 2019


  The police department had to close Lafayette Avenue in front of Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr.'s office where a demonstration of support for Councilman Diaz Sr. was held today. The crowd was estimated to be between 350 and 400 people by officers of the 43rd Police Precinct of the Bronx. 

  Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. stood with community leaders, and only with the District Leaders from the 87th Assembly District Mr. John Perez and Ms. Julia Rodriguez as no other elected official came to show support for Ruben Diaz Sr. This coming after City Council Speaker Corey Johnson called for an immediate apology by Diaz Sr. for what was interpreted as derogatory remarks Diaz had said on a Spanish speaking radio station last week. After a few days without receiving anything from Diaz Sr. a resolution to eliminate the For Hire Vehicle Committee which Diaz Sr. had chaired came to a floor vote resulting in a 45 - 3 - 1 vote by the council thus eliminating the For Hire Vehicle Committee. There have been calls for Councilman Diaz Sr. to resign, and even for the Ethics Committee to eject Diaz Sr. from the City Council. That is only done in very rare cases, which many experts say could not be done in this instance. 

 At least one of Councilman Diaz Sr's opponents he defeated has condemned his remarks, and has issued a statement that she intends to run again against Diaz Sr. be it tomorrow, next year or in 2021 when Diaz Sr. would be up for re-election. Another former opponent is expected to do the same. 

Above - Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. with his arm around his granddaughter Erica and nephew who flew up from Texas next to him, both who are members of the LGBTQ Community to show support.
Below - 87th Assembly District Leader John Perez stands behind Erika Diaz.

Statement from Amanda Farias, State Committeewoman 87AD Announcing her candidacy for City Council

What we have seen over the course of the last few days has been both disgusting and uplifting. While Council Member Ruben Diaz Sr. has shown us who he truly is, the Members of the New York City Council have proudly stood up to his hatred at astonishing rates, and are calling for his apology and resignation. Our beloved cities, and my community, deserve a representative that inherently believes everyone merits respect and dignity. Everyday, we are seeing our progressive values and efforts stripped away at the national level - we do not need to fight those same battles, locally, in our own backyard.

Today, I am proposing a way to move us forward in unity and positivity by taking the necessary steps to declare my candidacy to run for New York City Council District 18. Whether the opportunity presents itself tomorrow, next month or in 2021, I am ready to run another hard fought race to bring progressive leadership back home.

Ms. Amanda Farias ran for City Council in the 18th council district in 2017 against the current Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. 

While it is not official yet, there are rumors Mr. Michael Beltzer another candidate who ran in the same race for City Council District 18 against the current Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. may be announcing his candidacy as Ms. Farais has. 

Silent No More By Leslie I. Diaz / Wife of Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz Sr.

 For decades I have often heard how intolerant we people of faith are.  This sentiment has been hurled at us especially by the Gay Community.   Other than being called intolerant, the Christian Community has had obscenities thrown at her.  The abuse and intolerance hurled at people of faith has been constant and hidden behind the “separation of church and state,”.   It’s as if this gives them a license to shut down those people we disagree with by violating their constitutional rights to religious liberty, freedom of speech and the freedom of expression.

It is not a secret that Ruben is a man of deep conviction, who is steadfast in his principles.  He has never wavered or has sold out on his virtues in his quest to seek an elected 
position, or to get a positive news story.   Ruben is a man of faith, a pastor.   Ruben has never tried to hide who he is, or what he believes.  Ruben as NY1 puts it, “did not just one day fall out of the sky.”  Ruben Diaz has been involved in politics for over 35 years.  So why the surprise? Why the outrage? 

Every time I hear the news regarding what Ruben Diaz said, it’s as if I’m living in the town of Chicken Little.  “The sky is falling!” All these elected officials, and news reporters running around in a frenzy like Henny Penny, warning everyone “The sky is falling, The Sky is Falling!” and all because Ruben Diaz said the Gay Community has control of the City Council.  

To all you geniuses asking for Ruben’s resignation, or apology, if you would have just ignored this “foolish man’s comments”, as some news outlets so proudly describe him, no one would have known what he said, or if there is any fact to it.   But now, anyone who is paying attention can attest that Ruben Diaz is right.  Yup, the Gay Community does possess immense power, not only in the City
Council, but throughout the entire State of New York.   

Let’s take a look at all the recent goings on

. Let’s look at the politicians.   They have come to our church, sat at our holy of holies, requested the support of our parishioners and who Ruben has spent much time away from home and his family to campaign on their behalf, now have so easily thrown him under the bus and requested his resignation or apology.  Wow!  Guess the pressure got to them. 
Even Governor Cuomo, and Mayor de Blasio have called for Ruben’s apology.   Well needless to say this angered an overly sensitive Chicken Little in the City Council, think his name is Bremer” who said in a press conference, telling the Governor and the Mayor “ “F” the apology, ask for his resignation.”   Now that changes the meaning of “Tolerance”.  

The Gay Community and its representatives have wielded their proven power, that even Ruben Jr., the Apple of his father’s eyes, was compelled to publicly request an apology from his dad.   But that’s o.k. we forgive.

The members in the city council voted in favor to dismantle the Committee that has been so effective in helping the taxi industry, which 
were being brutalized under the TLC.   So, my question to the members is this; and who does that action hurt?  I will let you and the taxi drivers take a guess.

The control that the Gay community has wielded is such that I too have felt the weight of discrimination at the hands of Scott Stringer the NYC Controller.   Why? Because I too oppose same-sex marriage.

 So, does the Gay Community wield 
power.   Ahhh yea!   You see, because of all this senseless hoopla, now we all know it to be true.    Before we just assumed it.   So, thank you Mr. Speaker and all the Henny Penny’s at the City Council.

Throughout my years beside the man Ruben Diaz, I have witnessed his arduous work on behalf of the minority communities, all communities.  He serves all, he befriends all, Christians and non-Christians, Gay or Straight, Jew and Gentile, young and old, those in and out of his legislative district.  Just ask his annoyed staff.

I have voiced my opposition when Ruben reaches out to help a foe who has betrayed him and done him wrong.   Ruben’s response has been, you don’t kick a person when they are down, you give them a hand and help raise them regardless of who they are or what they have done.”  Based on our faith that response must suffice for me.

Throughout the years I have remained silent as my husband’s character has been maligned.   I was present when he was physically attacked by a member of the Gay Community during a CCRB (Civilian Complaint Review Board) hearing where he served as a Commissioner investigating police brutality.  Moreover, the home care agency he founded had numerous, frivolous investigations launched by the NYS Attorney General’s office, the FBI, and 
other city, state, and federal agencies.  In the process, our employees were harassed, intimidated and brought to tears.  Why?   Ruben’s opposition to Same Sex Marriage.  

Also, the Gay Community attempted to interrupt our Sunday Worship Services, by holding a demonstration in front of our church, why? Because of our opposition to Same-Sex marriage.  Members of the Gay Community have threatened my husband’s life, to the point that I fear for his safety when he goes out in public.

I have watched news stories that have been 
spinned to fit the narrative that he is a homophobe when so many know this to be so far from the truth.  But it does not fit the narrative of victimization.  So, the stories and attacks persist.

To Corey Johnson and the members of the Gay Community, I assure you my husband understands your pain.  He must, in his role of a pastor, but more importantly, because he too has been victimized most of his life.   He is a Black man, Latino, as he would say, “with a broken English, and kinky hair”.  As a military 
man he came face to face with the ugliness and sting of racism while stationed in the segregated South in the early sixties.   

With all due respect Mr. Speaker, if you were not openly Gay no one would know.    Compare that to Ruben who is a Black man.  He could not hide that fact even if he tried.  As a result, he has faced racial bias not only here but in his homeland of Puerto Rico. You as a White male have the advantage of “White Privilege”.

What If both Ruben and Cory were in the segregated south and both were to board a bus, guess who has to take a seat in the back of the bus.    I don’t mean to up one on victimization.  I just want to make the point that there is enough victimhood to go around.   We are all victims in some form or another.  We should learn to respect and tolerate each other.  The City Council’s grand standing this week serves no one, especially those members that were elected to serve.

Using victimhood as a crutch, and to inflict pain on others only prevents one from moving forward.  It prevents us from leaving the pain in the past.  I have seen Ruben do this so well and he moves past the pain and the fools, only to confront more fools. 

I am silent no more in my quest for tolerance from the Gay Community and those that have so easily thrown Ruben Diaz under the bus, without a single iota as to the meaning of friendship, loyalty, and support. 

You see my husband doesn’t need any of you when he is standing tall, and he doesn’t need any of you to kick him when he’s down.   A virtuous thing to do, as Ruben would say, is to lift up a “friend” when he is down and in the midst of a 
fire storm

Ruben is not alone. He has a community, a congregation, a wife, children and grandchildren that love and support him.  He does not stand alone.    Thank you, Chris 
Lynn for your unwavering friendship and support.  You sir put many to great shame.
It appears as though many have forgotten the definition of “Tolerance”.  So, for your convenience, I close with its dictionary meaning.

Tolerance means:

“The ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular, the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.”  

Now write that down boys and girls.  As for you Henny Penny, No, the sky is not falling.

This is Leslie I. Diaz, proud wife of Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr., and this is what you should know.

Seniors, Teens Get Festive at Valentine’s Day Dance hosted by Bronx Elected Officials

It was a sweetheart of an afternoon as Bronx senior citizens and high school seniors danced the afternoon away at the 2nd Annual Valentine’s Day Senior Dance hosted New York Sen. Jamaal Bailey and Council Member Andy King.

More than 300 seniors from their districts, as well as Cardinal Spellman High School seniors, danced to the oldies as well as today’s music and were treated to lunch in the Einstein Loop Community Center in Co-op City.

“Today’s event was geared more towards bringing our communities together – young and old – and spread love the Bronx way,” said Council Member Andy King, who spearhead the dance.

Above - Councilman Andy King with State Senator Jamaal Bailey.
Below - Many of the seniors and students from Cardinal Spellman High School with Councilman King and State Senator Bailey.

Above - Councilman Andy King with some of the students from Cardinal Spellman High School.
Below - Councilman King doing his dance routine with students and seniors.

Statements on Amazon Withdrawing From its HQ2 Deal


“You have to be tough to make it in New York City. We gave Amazon the opportunity to be a good neighbor and do business in the greatest city in the world. Instead of working with the community, Amazon threw away that opportunity. We have the best talent in the world and every day we are growing a stronger and fairer economy for everyone. If Amazon can’t recognize what that’s worth, its competitors will.”


“You have to be tough to make it in New York City. We gave Amazon the opportunity to be a good neighbor and do business in the greatest city in the world. Instead of working with the community, Amazon threw away that opportunity. We have the best talent in the world and every day we are growing a stronger and fairer economy for everyone. If Amazon can’t recognize what that’s worth, its competitors will.”


"I have always welcomed and supported projects spearheaded by developers who engage in good faith with the community they seek to do business in. Amazon's unwillingness to work with and address community concerns is a clear indication that they were never interested in a mutually beneficial agreement or even mitigating the consequences that its enormous footprint would have caused. This is a victory for the people of Queens and New York who organized diligently to make their voices and demands heard. This should serve as a lesson on how to responsibly approach economic development projects in our State. You either keep New Yorkers' best interests in mind and work towards a mutually beneficial agreement or stay home." 

Williams, Mark-Viverito, and others were for the Amazon deal before they were against it

Out of 17 Public Advocate candidates, candidate Konst was the only one repeatedly fighting Amazon before the letter. Candidates Jumaane Williams, Melissa Mark-Viverito, and others all signed a letter encouraging Amazon to consider New York City for their headquarters. Konst was an early critic of the deal citing Amazon’s history of exploitation, lawsuits, dishonesty and deal making in other cities, and attacks on small businesses.
“Amazon should have never been welcomed here. There’s a long history of worker exploitation, dishonest deal making, attacks on small businesses, and the tragic effects of homelessness Amazon has left on communities, this is why is wasn’t just about a backroom deal. This is why a public advocate should have a deep understanding of issues and records, and the economic effects of big business decisions like this,”

A Statement from Assembly Member and Public Advocate Candidate Michael Blake on Breaking Amazon Decision
“It is very disappointing that Amazon is canceling their proposed plan to move to Long Island City.  A collaborative deal would have brought Jobs and Justice to New Yorkers. It is a shame that Amazon walked away from the deal and a shame we don’t have more of a strategy as a city around what to do now. Our residents need good jobs and higher wages. Our city needs leadership with a plan for workforce development, including focused on tech sector and related jobs.  

As a signatory of the original letter to start the conversation for Amazon to come to New York City, I was excited about the opportunity to work with New Yorkers and Amazon to develop a tech hub in Queens that benefits the entire city, while also preserving necessary labor protections.

"Two weeks ago when asked 'Let's assume that Amazon is here ...' I was one of the only ones to refuse to allow that assumption.

After countless activists, grassroots organizers and everyday New Yorkers fought back against Amazon's secret bargain with the Mayor and Governor, we're proud that our message was clear: we won't be bulldozed by the world's richest man, who denied honest discussions and open negotiations about jobs and benefits to everyday New Yorkers.  

Unlike Walmart whose damage to local economies are based on proximity, Amazon's is not. Even from Virginia, the company's practices will harm us if unchanged. New York had the ability to use its power to force this company to address many of its worst practices. Instead, the hubris of two men destroyed any opportunity.

It's also clear that as suspected, Amazon never wanted meaningful engagement, and could not sustain the disinfectant of sunlight. A backroom deal between the Mayor, Governor and Bezos to give away $3 billion in tax incentives and a helipad, with questionable jobs and loss of Land Use powers were never the answer. 

Ron Kim Statement on Cancelled Amazon Deal
Assembly member Ron Kim issued the following statement this afternoon in response to reports that Amazon will no longer be coming to New York

“This is a huge victory for the grassroots activists and community leaders who spoke out with one collective voice to say no to Amazon. I was the first elected official to stand against the HQ2 deal because it ignored the needs of everyday people and prioritized one of the world’s wealthiest corporations instead. The $3 billion taxpayer giveaway was unconscionable especially in the midst of an affordable housing crisis and a crumbling public transportation system which impacts virtually every resident of New York City. While we won this battle, we must not lose track of the bigger discussion regarding the misguided practice of handing out taxpayer funded giveaways to corporations instead of investing in community needs like schools, infrastructure, affordable housing, environmental sustainability and many other critical programs and services. To that end, I will continue pushing the interstate compact legislation that I have introduced with Senator Julia Salazar which would end the competitive race to the bottom between states when companies like Amazon decide to shop for taxpayer handouts. Through cooperation with other states, we will end taxpayer funded corporate giveaways and finally put people over corporations.”

State Senator Gustavo Rivera at His Black History Month Celebration on Thursday, February 21 at the William Hodson Senior Center

Wave Hill events February 28‒March 7

Sat, March 2
Join Winter Workspace artist Nobutaka Aozaki to map your family history and explore your personal relationships to seed, bean and grain. Make a mosaic with seeds, legumes and grains, and rethink the connection between food, art and family history. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.
Wave Hill House, 10AM–1PM

Sun, March 3
Join Winter Workspace artist Nobutaka Aozaki to map your family history and explore your personal relationships to seed, bean and grain. Make a mosaic with seeds, legumes and grains, and rethink the connection between food, art and family history. Free with admission to the grounds.
Wave Hill House, 10AM–1PM

Sun, March 3
Artists in the Winter Workspace program share their studio practice with visitors on this Drop-in Sunday. Free with admission to the grounds.
Glyndor Gallery, 1–3PM

Sun, March 3
Join a Wave Hill Garden Guide for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free with admission to the grounds.
Meet at Perkins Visitor Center, 2PM

Mon, March 4
Closed to the public.

A 28-acre public garden and cultural center overlooking the Hudson River  and Palisades, Wave Hill’s mission is to celebrate the artistry and legacy of its gardens and landscape, to preserve its magnificent views, and to explore human connections to the natural world through programs in horticulture, education and the arts.

HOURS  Open all year, Tuesday through Sunday and many major holidays: 9AM–4:30PM,  November 1–March 14. Closes 5:30PM, starting March 15.

ADMISSION – $10 adults, $6 students and seniors 65+, $4 children 6–18. Free Saturday and Tuesday mornings until noon. Free to Wave Hill Members and children under 6.

PROGRAM FEES – Programs are free with admission to the grounds unless otherwise noted.

Visitors to Wave Hill can take advantage of Metro-North’s one-day getaway offer. Purchase a discount round-trip rail far and discount admission to the gardens. More at
DIRECTIONS – Getting here is easy! Located only 30 minutes from midtown Manhattan, Wave Hill’s free shuttle van transports you to and from our front gate and Metro-North’s Riverdale station, as well as the W. 242nd Street stop on the #1 subway line. Limited onsite parking is available for $8 per vehicle. Free offsite parking is available nearby with continuous, complimentary shuttle service to and from the offsite lot and our front gate. Complete directions and shuttle bus schedule at

Information at 718.549.3200. On the web at

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, Sinaloa Cartel Leader, Convicted of Running a Continuing Criminal Enterprise and Other Drug-Related Charges

  Joaquin Archivaldo Guzman Loera, known by various aliases, including “El Chapo” and “El Rapido,” was convicted today by a federal jury in Brooklyn of being a principal leader of a continuing criminal enterprise – the Mexican organized crime syndicate known as the Sinaloa Cartel – a charge that includes 26 drug-related violations and one murder conspiracy.  Guzman Loera was convicted of all 10 counts of the superseding indictment, including narcotics trafficking, using a firearm in furtherance of his drug crimes and participating in a money laundering conspiracy.  The verdict followed a 12-week trial before United States District Judge Brian M. Cogan. Guzman Loera faces a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment.
Matthew G. Whitaker, Acting Attorney General; Richard P. Donoghue, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York; Ariana Fajardo Orshan, United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida; Brian A. Benczkowski, Assistant Attorney General of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division; Uttam Dhillon, Acting Administrator, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA); Christopher A. Wray, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary, United States Department of Homeland Security; Derek Benner, Executive Associate Director, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI); Bryan T. Mullee, Acting U.S. Marshal, Eastern District of New York; and James P. O’Neill, Commissioner, New York City Police Department, announced the verdict.
The Evidence at Trial
As proven at trial, Guzman Loera was a principal leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, a Mexico-based international drug trafficking organization responsible for importing and distributing vast quantities of cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine and heroin in the United States.  The evidence at trial, including testimony from 14 cooperating witnesses; narcotics seizures totaling over 130,000 kilograms of cocaine and heroin; weapons, including AK-47s and a rocket-propelled grenade launcher; ledgers; text messages; videos; photographs and intercepted recordings, detailed the drug trafficking activity of Guzman Loera and his co-conspirators over a 25-year period from January 1989 until December 2014.  Guzman Loera was repeatedly referred to by witnesses as one of the leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel. 
Guzman Loera oversaw the smuggling of narcotics to wholesale distributors in New York, Miami, Atlanta, Chicago, Arizona, Los Angeles and elsewhere.  The billions of illicit dollars generated from drug sales in the United States were then clandestinely transported back to Mexico.  Guzman Loera used “sicarios,” or hit men, who carried out hundreds of acts of violence in Mexico to enforce Sinaloa’s control of territories and to eliminate those who posed a threat to the Sinaloa Cartel.
Drug Trafficking                     
In the course of the decades-long drug trafficking conspiracy, the Sinaloa Cartel transported tens of thousands of kilograms of narcotics from Central and South America for distribution in the United States.  Guzman Loera used various methods to transport the cartel’s narcotics into the United States, including submarines, carbon fiber airplanes, trains with secret compartments and transnational underground tunnels.  Multiple witnesses testified about seizures by law enforcement officers of massive amounts of cocaine, heroin and marijuana linked to the Sinaloa Cartel.  One of the largest seizures of drugs bound for the U.S. involved over seven tons of cocaine concealed in jalapeƱo cans. 
The jury also heard recordings of Guzman Loera’s own damning words discussing his drug trafficking, corruption and violence.  calls included Guzman Loera discussing sending “ice,” meaning methamphetamine, to Ohio, Tucson, Minneapolis and Los Angeles. 
Communications Network
Guzman Loera also utilized a sophisticated encrypted communications network to operate the global narcotics trafficking operation.  As an information technology engineer testified at trial, Guzman Loera paid him one million dollars to purchase and set up a network to enable the defendant to communicate via Internet with his drug-trafficking associates in Colombia, Ecuador, Canada and the United States without fear of being intercepted by law enforcement or his rivals.   The witness devised a secret and secure system, consisting of encrypted cell phones and encrypted apps.
Cartel Violence
The success of the Sinaloa Cartel relied upon the use of violence to maintain their power throughout the region and beyond.  Numerous co-conspirators testified that Guzman Loera directed his hitmen to kidnap, interrogate, torture and shoot members of rival drug organizations, at times carrying out acts of violence himself.  A former hitman testified that Guzman Loera beat two men with a tree branch until their bodies “were completely like rag dolls,” before shooting the men and ordering their bodies to be tossed into a bonfire.  The former hitman also testified that Guzman Loera interrogated a rival drug cartel member, shot him and ordered that he be buried alive.  In an intercepted call, the jury heard Guzman Loera order one of his sicarios to kidnap rival cartel members, but not to kill them without first checking with him.
The Sinaloa Cartel had unfettered access to weapons.  A law enforcement witness showed the jury over 40 AK-47s that were seized in El Paso, Texas before they could be delivered to Guzman Loera in Mexico.  Additionally, witnesses identified photographs of various weapons, including grenades and a rocket-propelled grenade launcher utilized by the Sinaloa Cartel.  Guzman Loera’s personal arsenal included a gold plated AK-47 and three diamond-encrusted .38 caliber handguns, one emblazoned with his initials, “JGL.” 
The evidence presented at trial demonstrated that to further the interests of the Sinaloa Cartel, Guzman Loera and his organization took advantage of a vast network of corrupt government officials.  These officials ranged from local law enforcement officers, prison guards, state officials, high ranking members of the armed forces, as well as politicians.  These corrupt officials assisted Guzman Loera and his organization in exchange for millions of dollars’ worth of bribery payments.  For example, according to the testimony of several witnesses, in many instances, Guzman Loera and his workers were warned of pending law enforcement operations which allowed Guzman Loera to avoid capture on multiple occasions.  In other instances, Guzman Loera, through his employees, paid officials to turn a blind eye to trafficking activities in an effort to facilitate the shipment of drugs, weapons and bulk cash. 
Money Laundering
Guzman Loera’s lucrative drug trafficking business generated billions of dollars in illicit proceeds.  Guzman Lorea used various methods to launder money including bulk cash smuggling from the United States to Mexico.  One of the largest seizures was of $1.26 million seized from hidden compartments in a truck driven by Guzman Loera’s brother in Arizona in 1989.  In addition to the bulk cash smuggling, Guzman Loera oversaw numerous shell companies, including a juice company and a fish flour company, to launder the cartel’s narcotics trafficking proceeds.
“I am pleased that the Department has brought Joaquin Guzman Loera (El Chapo) to justice by securing a conviction against this drug kingpin, who was a principal leader of the Sinaloa Cartel,” said Acting Attorney General Whitaker.  “As was clear to the jury, Guzman Loera’s massive, multi-billion dollar criminal enterprise was responsible for flooding the streets of the United States with hundreds of tons of cocaine, as well as enormous quantities of other dangerous drugs such as heroin and methamphetamine. The trial evidence also overwhelmingly showed that Guzman’s unceasing efforts to expand his cartel’s control and consolidate its power left a wake of corruption and violence in communities in both Mexico and the United States.  This case demonstrated the extraordinary reach of the U.S. government, our tenacity and commitment to pursuing kingpins like Guzman whom — if their power is unchecked — will, like Guzman, develop what for 25 years was an almost unstoppable capacity to move massive quantities of drugs into our country.  Guzman had the capital to absorb huge losses and run his enterprise with impunity; the enormous power to corrupt; and the capability to employ violence on a massive scale.  This case, and more importantly, this conviction serves as an irrefutable message to the kingpins that remain in Mexico, and those that aspire to be the next Chapo Guzman, that eventually you will be apprehended and prosecuted. Finally, this verdict demonstrates that the United States, working in close partnership with the Mexican government, will continue to bring all possible resources to bear in its fight against international drug traffickers and their violent organizations.”
“Guzman Loera’s bloody reign atop the Sinaloa Cartel has come to an end, and the myth that he could not be brought to justice has been laid to rest.  Today, Guzman Loera has been held accountable for the tons of illegal narcotics he trafficked for more than two decades, the murders he ordered and committed, and the billions of dollars he reaped while causing incalculable pain and suffering to those devastated by his drugs,” stated EDNY United States Attorney Donoghue.  “Today’s verdict is the culmination of the tireless work of countless brave members of law enforcement, here and abroad, and we congratulate them.  The Department of Justice is committed to eradicating criminal organizations that fuel America’s drug epidemic, and our mission will continue until it is completed.”
“The conviction of former Sinaloa Cartel leader Joaquin Guzman Loera strips the power from a man who employed horrific acts of violence to infect communities, throughout the United States and abroad, with the venom of illicit drugs,” stated SDFL United States Attorney Fajardo Orshan.  “Today’s verdict is a reminder to all, that our international borders do not protect narco-traffickers and the cartels’ criminal enterprises from federal prosecution.  U.S. Attorney’s Offices across the nation stand united with our domestic and foreign law enforcement partners, as we continue our fight against transnational criminal organizations.”
“Today’s conviction of Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman demonstrates the dedication and determination of the men and women of DEA to bring the world’s most dangerous and prolific drug trafficker to justice,” stated DEA Acting Administrator Dhillon. “Those who bring drugs and violence into the United States that destroy lives and communities will not be tolerated, nor evade our reach. The success of this case is a testament to the strength of our relationship with our Mexican counterparts. DEA will continue to pursue justice worldwide and protect Americans.”
“The reign of Joaquin Guzman Loera’s crime and violence has come to an end,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray.  “As leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, Guzman Loera carried out and directed acts of brazen violence as he oversaw the import and distribution of vast amounts of illegal drugs throughout the United States.  But today, through the steadfast determination and collective efforts of the FBI and our law enforcement partners both domestic and abroad, and due to our continuing partnership with the government of Mexico, justice has been served.”
“The guilty verdict against Joaquin Guzman Loera, one of the most violent and feared drug kingpins of our time, is a testament to the hard work and courage of America’s frontline law enforcement personnel, including ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations. They gathered substantial evidence over multiple investigations, which made his extradition to the United States and a successful prosecution possible,” stated United States Department of Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen.  “Today’s verdict sends an unmistakable message to transnational criminals: you cannot hide, you are not beyond our reach, and we will find you and bring you to face justice.  Like Guzman, you will suffer the consequences of your criminal behavior.  I applaud the brave men and women at DHS who helped make this conviction possible and thank our interagency and international partners for their exceptional work.”
“HSI is committed to using our unique border authority to target and dismantle transnational criminal organizations responsible for trafficking narcotics and bringing violence into the United States,” said HSI Executive Associate Director Benner.  “Through collaboration with local, federal and international law enforcement partners, HSI special agents were able to bring an end to Joaquin Guzman Loera’s criminal activities, and help ensure he was brought to justice.”
“The conviction of Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman demonstrates what is possible when law enforcement works collectively and coordinates their efforts. The United States Marshals Service ensured the integrity of the judicial process in this case.  From providing safe and secure detention and transportation of the world’s most notorious drug kingpin to ensuring the anonymity of the jury, protecting the judge, attorneys, witnesses and the public, the Marshals Service proudly played its important role in the process,” said Acting U.S. Marshal Mullee of the Eastern District of New York.  “I would like to express my gratitude to all of our law enforcement partners who worked tirelessly in support of our mission.  They are the talented men and women of the New York City Police Department, Federal Protective Service, 24th Civil Support Team of the New York National Guard, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons. The U.S. Marshals take our responsibility of protecting the federal judicial process very seriously. We must anticipate and deter threats, while continuously developing and employing innovative protective tactics. We carry out these responsibilities with precision every day across the country. The successful prosecution of Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman stands as a shining example of our mission.”

“Just over two years ago, we announced the arrival of this notorious drug kingpin on U.S. soil, where he would face American justice and finally answer for his many years of illegal behavior.  And today, I commend the members of the jury for their dedication to this important case, as well as the lawyers of the Eastern District and all of our domestic and foreign law-enforcement colleagues, who continue to be our great partners in so many efforts.  In close cooperation with members of the DEA, the FBI, the U.S. Marshals Service, Homeland Security Investigations, the New York State Police and more, NYPD detectives on the Drug Enforcement Task Force tirelessly investigated Mr. Guzman Loera’s criminal enterprise for years,” stated NYPD Commissioner O’Neill.  “Today’s guilty verdict shows that, collectively, we never shelve an unfinished case.  He operated a drug-trafficking network responsible for perpetuating a murderous, toxic scourge that forever altered lives, tore apart families and netted billions of dollars in illicit revenue.  I thank the investigators for their hard work, and I remind the people we serve that New York City and America will always stand with our colleagues around the world in the fight against any individual or criminal group that venerates illegal profit above all else.”

When sentenced by Judge Cogan, Guzman Loera faces a mandatory life sentence without the possibility of parole for leading a continuing criminal enterprise, and a sentence of up to life imprisonment on the seven remaining drug counts.  After the verdict, the government will seek a forfeiture money judgment for billions of dollars constituting the cartel’s illegal drug-trafficking proceeds.
The case was investigated by the DEA, ICE and the FBI, in cooperation with Mexican, Ecuadorian, Netherlands, Dominican and Colombian law enforcement authorities. Substantial assistance was provided by the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices in the Northern District of Illinois, the Western District of Texas, the Southern District of New York, the Southern District of California and the District of New Hampshire.  The Department of Justice Office of International Affairs also played an integral role in securing the extradition of Guzman Loera to the United States, in cooperation with authorities of the Mexican government, without which his extradition and prosecution would not have been possible.  The investigative efforts in this case were coordinated with the Department of Justice Special Operations Division, comprising agents, analysts and attorneys from the Criminal Division’s Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section, DEA New York, DEA Miami, FBI Washington Field Office, FBI New York Field Office, FBI Miami Field Office, ICE HSI New York, ICE HSI Nogales, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, U.S. Marshals Service, Internal Revenue Service - Criminal Investigation, U.S. Bureau of Prisons, NYPD and New York State Police.
This case is the result of the ongoing efforts by the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF), a partnership that brings together the combined expertise and unique abilities of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies.  The principal mission of the OCDETF program is to identify, disrupt, dismantle and prosecute high level members of drug trafficking, weapons trafficking and money laundering organizations and enterprises.