Thursday, January 24, 2013

MTA Hearing to Increase Non-Peak Service on Hudson Line

    Thursday night the MTA held a hearing to increase non-peak service on its Hudson line of the Metro North to the Irvington (Yonkers), North Riverdale (Bronx), and Spuyten Duyvil (Bronx) stations. No one in the sparsely attended hearing objected to adding increased service, but several asked why the MTA was not adding more rush hour service. After many different types of cutbacks to the rush hour service of increasing headway between trains to eliminating a train here or there, "rush hour trains have become like the sardine packed subways" one rider said. 
   There were 48 seats set up, and with as many as ten Metro North Police officers (in uniform or in plainclothes) along with the ace four legged member of the K-9 squad, several technicians, and the MTA representatives sitting up front, they outnumbered the public in the audience.  
   Former Bronx BP and MTA Vice-Chairman Fernando Ferrer who is now the acting Chairman with the departure of Joe Lhota (to run for mayor) opened the meeting on time. Besides Ferrer the other MTA board member in attendance was Robert Bickford. Mark Mannix (Director of Govt. & Community Relations) gave the presentation, and Robert C. McLarger (VP of Planning for Metro North) was also sitting up front.   
   Mr. Mannix said that this was not to be a question an answer session, and mentioned the three effected stations Irvington, N. Riverdale, and Spuyten Duyvil. He went on to say that non-peak service was to be increased to half hour service from its current larger time difference between non-peak trains. There was no opposition to the added service, but questions of what the added service would do to the homes that surround the stations as to additional traffic. Andrew Sandler represented Councilman G. Oliver Koppel saying that Councilman Koppell thanked the MTA for the additional service to two stops in his district. Whilhelm Ronda representing Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. also spoke in support of the increased service, and added that BP Diaz is awaiting the new East Bronx Metro North Service to four new stations at Coop City, Morris Park, Parkchester, and Hunts Point in the Bronx. 
   The hearing would have been over in less than one hour, but Ferrer called for a half hour recess whereas after the recess two more people decided to voice an opinion. It was mentioned that the new service was from trains that are already in the schedule, but had bypassed the three stations in the past. 

Left - MTA board members Ferrer (far right) and Bickford, with Mark Mannix and Robert C. McLarger of the MTA. 
Right - Is a photo of the sparsely attended hearing.   

 Left - Andrew Sandler of Councilman Koppell's office reads a statement from Councilman Koppell.
Right - Two Metro North K-9 Police officers on hand with their trusty Police Dog, one of many that the MTA has.

Senator Klein’s Statement on Passage of Co-op/Condominium Tax Credit Renewal

   Today, the New York State Senate passed the renewal of the co-op/condominium tax credit with overwhelming support. Senator Klein called the bill critical and commonsense.

“I am very pleased that this critical tax credit for co-op and condominium owners passed with bipartisan support in the Senate. Failure to renew this tax credit would have resulted in drastic and unnecessary tax increases for New York families and seniors. This bill provides co-op owners and condominium owners with concrete assurance that their taxes will not balloon overnight. It provides nothing less than essential financial stability to these property owners. This renewal is long overdue, but I’m pleased to see that this critical measure for Bronx residents is now on it’s way to the Governor’s desk.”

The bill (S2320) extends a tax credit for co-op and condominium owners. The credit corrects flaws in the current property tax system that would otherwise leave co-op and condo owners paying at rates far greater than those who own one and two family homes. Passage of the bill has already been met with support from the co-op and condominium community.

Suneerat Moreno, condominium owner and treasurer of her condominium complex in Bronx Park East, expressed her relief at passage of the bill. “I am a retired senior citizen and this bill helps middle-class owners of condominiums like me. Our building is 87 years old and needs a lot of work. Without the tax credit, we would not have been able to make much-needed repairs, such as leaks and damage-repair from Hurricane Sandy. We are so thankful to Senator Klein for his leadership on this bill.”

Barbara Moye, condominium owner and president of her condominium board in Shorehaven, remarked, “this has been a long-haul for home-owners. For the past two and a half years, our family has had to set aside money in the event that this tax credit would not be passed, which has prevented us from doing any upgrades on our condo. This tax credit directly affects me and I am very thankful to Senator Klein for working to get this done.”

The original tax credit legislation was enacted in 1997.

Wave Hill Events February 8–February 15

   Truly wintry temperatures here in the gardens yesterday and today—as across the region—yet the gardens have rarely been as spectacular and engaging. I nodded all my way through Michael Tortorello’s paean to the winter garden on the first page of the “Home” section of this morning’s New York Times!  The birds are in on this, too, as well as the artists at work in our Winter Workspace residency. Bring your valentine and see for yourselves!

Hearts and Flowers/Corazones y flores
Breathe in the fragrance of greenhouse flowers and enjoy their colorful blooms.  Use them as inspiration to make lovely, lacy, feathery and flowerful Valentine’s Day cards. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.

Hudson River valley hosts an impressive diversity of bird species, even during the winter months. Explore Wave Hill’s tranquil gardens and woodlands with naturalist Gabriel Willow to observe birds in their winter habitats. Ages 10 and older welcome with an adult. Severe weather cancels. For weather-related updates call 718.549.3200 x245 by 8AM the day of the walk. Free with admission to the grounds.  (NYC Audubon Members enjoy two-for-one admission.) Registration recommended.

Hearts and Flowers/Corazones y flores
Breathe in the fragrance of greenhouse flowers and enjoy their colorful blooms.  Use them as inspiration to make lovely, lacy, feathery and flowerful Valentine’s Day cards. Free with admission to the grounds.

For the fourth winter, Glyndor Gallery is transformed into studio spaces for artists to develop new work and offer opportunities for public interaction in the context of the garden. Individual artists share their studio practice with the public on this open studio day. Artists include Manuel Acevedo, Zachary Fabri, Asuka Hishiki, Maria Hupfield, Paloma McGregor and Linda Stillman. Registration not required. Reservations not required for this drop-in event. Free with admission to the grounds.

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free with admission to the grounds.

Closed to the public.

A 28-acre public garden and cultural center overlooking the Hudson River  and Palisades, Wave Hill’s mission is to celebrate the artistry and legacy of its gardens and landscape, to preserve its magnificent views, and to explore human connections to the natural world through programs in horticulture, education and the arts.

HOURS  Open all year, Tuesday through Sunday and many major holidays: 9AM—4:30PM. Closes 5:30PM, March 15—October 31.  
ADMISSION  $8 adults, $4 students and seniors 65+, $2 children 6—18. Free Saturday mornings until noon. Free all day Tuesdays in February. Free to Wave Hill Members and children under 6.

PROGRAM FEES  Program s are free with admission to the grounds unless otherwise noted.

Visitors to Wave Hill can take advantage of Metro-North’s one-day getaway offer. Purchase a discount round-trip rail far and discount admission to the gardens. More at

DIRECTIONS – Getting here is easy! Located only 3o minutes from midtown Manhattan, Wave Hill’s free shuttle van transports you to and from our front gate and Metro-North’s Riverdale station, as well as the 242nd Street stop on the #1 subway line. Limited onsite parking is available for $8 per vehicle. Free offsite parking is available nearby with continuous, complimentary shuttle service to and from the offsite lot and our front gate. Complete directions and shuttle bus schedule at

Information at 718.549.3200. On the web at

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Borough President Diaz State of the Borough Address


The Honorable Ruben Diaz Jr.
President, Borough of the Bronx
Cordially invites you to
The State of the Borough Address
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
11:30 a.m.
James Monroe High School Auditorium
1300 Boynton Avenue 
The Bronx 


Statement by IDC Leader and Senate President Pro Tempore Jeffrey D. Klein on Governor Cuomo’s 2013 Budget Address

      “As Governor Cuomo recognizes, our number one goal must be to pass a balanced budget that meets the evolving needs of New York families and businesses, without raising taxes or fees. In doing so, the IDC will be advocating for several critical priorities during the budget process.

“To start, our state’s lowest wage workers deserve a raise. Doing so will put more money in the pockets of working class families, while stimulating spending and creating thousands of local jobs. When it comes to filling these new jobs, we want to make sure that New York’s 10,000 unemployed veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are at the front of the employment line. That’s why, as part of the budget, we will push for a tax credit that rewards business owners who hire one of our country’s bravest men and women. The unemployment rate for veterans in New York State is twice that of the general population. That’s an inequity that we simply cannot tolerate any longer.

“In order to build a better workforce, we also need to ensure that every bright young New Yorker can afford a college degree. That’s why we are committed to enacting a fully funded DREAM Act that will provide all of New York’s smartest and most ambitious students with access to the tuition assistance that they need. Our bill ensures that neither state budget constraints, nor a student’s immigration status, will ever stand in the way of a young student’s college dream.

 “Mandate relief remains a priority concern for members of the IDC. Throughout the budget process, we will continue to identify ways that help push the weight of undue mandates off of New York’s counties, cities, and towns, so that local governments can lower property taxes while still funding all of their essential local needs.

“We can and will accomplish these goals for New Yorkers. The IDC is committed to working on a bipartisan basis to get these things done and to do so with another on-time budget.”

Monday, January 21, 2013

President Obama Inauguration - Differing Views -

Of The Two Candidates in the 11th Council District Race.

   Monday was the inauguration of President Obama once again as President of the United States. Here is a view of what the two candidates for the 11th council district did. 
    Andrew Cohen candidate for the 11th council district went to the Ben Franklin Democratic Club to watch the inauguration of President Obama with club members and fellow Democrats. Everyone at the Ben Franklin Club had their attention on the large television that was broadcasting the inauguration. Just like at the event there was clapping when there was a pause by President Obama in his speech, and when other speakers had finished their speeches. One heard cheers for New York, U.S. Senator Chuck Schummer who was the emcee of most of the inauguration. After the event there was discussion and a light snack. 


Left -You can see the packed crowd at the Ben Franklin Club to watch the Obama inauguration on the big screen T.V. On the left of the T.V. is a life size cut out of President Obama, and you can see that 11th council candidate Andrew Cohen as he turned around for this photo. 
Right - Is a better photo of 11th council candidate Andrew Cohen as he watches the presidential inauguration at the Ben Franklin Democratic Club.

   At the same time at Yo Burger on Riverdale Avenue PS 24 had a Day of Service & Inauguration Party" led by 11th council candidate Cliff Stanton. Children from PS 24 were there with their parents to help make bag lunches for a local food pantry while the T.V.'s at Yo Burger had the presidential inauguration on. 


Left - Children are making sandwiches for a local food pantry. 
Right - 11th council candidate Cliff Stanton moves among the crowd at Yo Burger.

Left - Some more of the crowd at Yo Burger.
Right - These kids were enjoying some of the delicious food at Yo Burger.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Forget Standardized Tests

According to One DOE High Ranking Employee

    This one comes from the New York Post, where they report on Lisa Nielsen, a high-ranking city Department of Education official recently promoted to the newly created, six-figure position of “director of digital literacy and citizenship.” The Post says that Ms. Nielsen is part of a Facebook group "Opt Out of State Standardized Tests". The Post continues to say that on Friday she recommended that teachers assign students who opt out of the testing to other activities, including reading, writing and drawing or taking a snooze. 

    The Post story continues with other suggestions from Ms. Nielsen that can be done in place of testing, and you can find the entire  Post article here. There have been instances of parents or other people being given high paying jobs at the DOE in order to silence them of their opposition to DOE policy. Usually once the publicity ends so does the position at the DOE.

Friday, January 18, 2013


BySenator Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District

Governor Cuomo is calling for the Democratic Party to be Unified, Tighter and Organized
Governor Cuomo is calling for the Democratic Party to be “unified” “tighter” and “ organized.”
You should know that during the past general election, Governor  Andrew Cuomo who is supposed to be the leader of the Democratic Party in the State, did everything possible to “divide”, “disorganize” and “weaken” the Democratic Party in the State of New York.
And you should remember that Governor Cuomo not only publicly supported Senator Stephen Saland, a Republican against Terry Gipson, the official Democratic candidate and ultimate winner  in the 41st Senate District, but worse than that, Governor Cuomo kept a distance from President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign especially during the time when it appeared that Obama’s chances were uncertain.
After the election you should also know that Governor Andrew Cuomo worked intensively behind closed doors with Senator Dean Skelos, Senator Jeff Klein and the other rebellious Democratic Senators to organize the coup that is keeping the Democrats from taking control of the Senate.
You dear readers, never heard the Governor during the election asking the Democrats to be “unified” and “organized” in order to have a tight party. Now, the Governor is trying to send a message to everyone that he is the best Democrat and the best candidate for President in 2016.
You should know, that with the certification of Senator-elect Cecilia Tkaczyk as the official winner in the 46th Senatorial District, it gives the Democrats in the New York State Senate the right to become the majority and the undisputed leaders of the Senate.  The people of the State of New York have spoken and have given the Democrats the right to claim the majority leadership in the Senate and the Republicans to become the minority.  There is no question about this.
If Governor Andrew Cuomo really wants to send a message that he wants the Democrats to be “unified”,  “tight” and “organized,” he should publically and privately demand that Jeff Klein and his group and all the Democrats to be “unified”, to be “tight” and to be “organized.”  That is the job of the Democratic leader of the State.  He is the leader.  Enough with saying “I don’t want to get involved.” Enough with using the Democratic Senators and their votes to keep the Republicans in control of the State Senate. By being the Democratic Governor of the State of New York he is involved. It is his duty and responsibility to “unify,” to “tighten” and to “organize” the Democrats in New York State and to bring them back to be in control of the State Senate.  Less than that is just pure talk.
I am State Senator Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.