Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mayor Bloomberg Announces Schools Chancellor Joel Klein Resigns

     It is official New York City Schools Chancellor Joel Klein has resigned his job as schools chancellor to take a position with News Corp the owners of the New York Post, television stations channels 5 and 9 among the many vast holdings of the Murdoch empire. Could it be that Klein has been tapped to negotiate the deal with Cablevision, or will he now run the Fox Sports Department, but it is said that Klein will be an executive vice president in the chairman’s office. 
     Bloomberg said that it was time for Klein to go, and no one deserves more credit for turning around a dysfunctional school system then Joel Klein. Klein had initially said that he would serve only two four year terms as schools chancellor, not knowing that the Mayor would get the City Council to change the term limit law so they could serve a third term in office. 
    Ms. Cathie Black the current Hearst Magazines Chairwoman will replace Joel Klein as the new chancellor as announced by Mayor Bloomberg. Ms. Black is right out of the Klein mold, as schools chancellor Klein was chairman and chief executive officer of Bertelsmann, Inc. one of the world’s largest media companies.
    We have no doubt that Ms. Black will be just like Joel Klein, and continue most if not all of his policies.  We see no improvement in parent relations, lower test scores (now that the inflated scores were revealed as false), and we look for a teacher strike when the UFT contract runs out.It is rumored that Ms. Black is an advocate of Charter Schools.
    Welcome to the New York City education system Ms. Black
Statement from Borough President Diaz
RE: The appointment of Cathie Black as new chancellor of the Department of Education
“I welcome Cathie Black as the new chancellor of the Department of Education. This is a very challenging time for public schools in New York City. We have seen State test scores drop dramatically at schools across the five boroughs, stagnant graduation rates at our high schools, and schools closed without any meaningful input from the community. In many ways Bronx parents and parents throughout the city have lost confidence in the Department of Education, and I am hopeful that Ms. Black will usher in a new era of collaboration and community responsiveness at the DOE while we work together to improve our public schools for the 1.1 million children who rely on them,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Monday, November 8, 2010


    Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and the Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation (BOEDC) will host a special “Legal Review Forum” on the Small Business Survival Act, City Council Int. 0154-2010, to evaluate the legal arguments and the supportive case law dealing with the constitutionality of the proposed law. 
    If passed, the Small Business Survival Act would create a process of arbitration in commercial lease negotiations in New York City, creating rights for small business owners in the lease process that do not currently exist. This forum will try to determine if the Small Business Survival Act is fully constitutional and legally sound to withstand likely court challenges, and to recommend changes that would make it stronger to endure those possible court challenges.
    Business owners and entrepreneurs from across the City will have the opportunity to present their view on the constitutionality of the Small Business Survival Act and to offer any recommendations for changes to the proposed.  Panel members will be attorneys of law with backgrounds involving the legal issues of this proposed legislation.  
     Friday, November 12, 2010
      10:00 am to 12:00 pm
   851 Grand Concourse- Bronx Borough Hall 
   Rotunda-  1st floor 
Contact:   John DeSio 718-590-3543/ Liseth Perez Almeida 718-590-2509  for more details.     

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Will We Know The State Senate Outcome Soon?
Maybe Not According To The  Politicians.

    Senate President Malcolm Smith admitted last night that the Democrats might be forced to negotiate with their GOP enemies on a power-sharing agreement so the house can function if recounting and legal fights in the three cliffhanger races that will determine control of the chamber (or perhaps deadlock it) drag on through January.
    Gov. David Paterson is formally backing off his plans to bring the Legislature back to Albany on Nov. 15th for a lame duck session, saying he agrees with Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver that the Senate chaos requires that date to be pushed back at least several weeks.
   This is not the first time that Paterson yielded to the wishes of the real governor of New York State, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. Paterson agreed with Silver saying that by Nov 15th the three races in doubt would probably not be solved by then, and hoped that he could get the full legislature in session before Jan. 1, 2011.
  There are some items that need to be taken care of before the year ends Paterson did say.

Friday, November 5, 2010


    Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and Comité Noviembre will celebrate Puerto Rican Heritage Month 2010 honoring an important group of Puerto Rican leaders. 

    The “Celebrando Nuestra Cultura Puertorriqueña” event is especially festive as the Puerto Rican community has made such a great, positive impact on virtually every sector of life in The Bronx.  The celebration will be attended by more than 250 Bronx community leaders from the fields of academia, community service, the arts, healthcare, business and communications.  

    This year’s honorees are: Marcus Solis, ABC Network reporter; and Angel Rodriguez, musician. The keynote speaker for the evening will be Nicholasa Mohr, author of numerous acclaimed books for children and adults. 

     Thursday, November 18th---5:30PM

    Bronx Museum of the Arts - 

    1040 Grand Concourse at East 165th Street

   Seating is limited, to RSVP 

   call 718-590-3522 or email           



Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 3, 2010

  Although the tidal wave of Democrat victories in New York State unfortunately included my race in the 34th Senatorial District, we were successful in many ways.

      Most importantly, we changed the entire political conversation in New York State, a fact that will bear great importance in the future.  When I began my race, I was the only candidate seriously discussing the abolition of failing agencies like the MTA.  By the end of the campaign, my original concept had been adopted by many, if not most candidates on both sides of the political divide. 

      Similarly, while many candidates were discussing a tax cap, I was one of the only candidates to discuss an actual tax reduction.  Eventually, many candidates adopted that position.

      Throughout this race, many liberal Democrat candidates, including my opponent, pretended  to adopt conservative positions.  Indeed, this was a general strategy throughout the Democrat party.  I intend to monitor those who did so, and expose those who (as expected) once again break their trust with the voters. 
      My campaign was unique in that in accepted no funds from special interests, and received almost no funds from political parties.  Albany must be freed of the stranglehold of vested interests that have bankrupted the state, and made a mockery of democracy.  We can, and we must, do better. 

     I am deeply grateful to all those volunteers who gave so generously of their time and effort.  I will never forget their fighting spirit and generosity.  I pledge to you that I will continue the noble battle that we began with this campaign. 
Frank V. Vernuccio, Jr.

Paid for by Friends of Vernuccio

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Day After Election Day
Here's What Happened

    Andrew Cuomo will be the next Governor of New York State. 
    Eric Schneiderman pulls out a victory in the race for New York State Attorney General.
    It was 2AM when Tom DiNapoli declared victory in the race for New York State Comptroller.
    The New York State Senate is now controlled by, well we don't know yet, and may not for several days as there are three State Senate races that are too close to call. 
    New York State Assembly candidate McLaughlin wins (see below).
   Republicans take control of the House of Representatives, while Democrats barely keep control of the U.S. senate as Schumer and Gillibrand win re-election but not by huge margins. 
    Locally all Democrats won re-election, and no Joe McLaughlin did not beat 81st Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, but in the 108th Assembly District (in upstate Rensselaer County) Steve McLaughlin defeated Assemblyman Tim Bishop.
   Both ballot proposals were passed by the voters, so we look for another Charter Revision Commission next year.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Tomorrow Is Election Day
Vote No on Both Ballot Proposals
  If you read last weeks column titled AEG strikes again at the end of the column you saw our predictions for election day 2010 statewide. We still thing that the Coumo landslide will pull in three new Democratic seats in the State Senate, and Comptroller candidate Tom DiNapoli. As for A.G. candidate Eric Schniderman who won the Democratic Primary with only 34 percent, he could be in trouble. Schniderman has been sideswiped more than once by not only his opponent, but by cable t.v. channel New York 1.
    Locally it looks like 81st Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz will breeze once again to victory, and we wonder why Mr. Anthony Perez Cassino did not challenge him this year. That could have been a very interesting race, as Mr. Cassino could have confronted Dinowitz face to face about his removal from Community Board #8, rather then having someone unfamiliar to the situation sit in for him. We also expect State Senator Jeff Klein currently Deputy Senate Majority Leader to coast to an easy victory. The only question is will Senator Klein become the Senate Majority Leader or become its next Senate Minority Leader? 
    If the Dems loose the State Senate that could be the out to allow Senator Klein run for the possible new East Bronx congressional seat after redistricting. We will tell you that New York should be loosing two congressional seats so get your good-byes ready as Congressman Joe Crowley will probably be going back to Queens County as his whole district. Will former Bronx Borough President Carrion, Senator Klein, Bronx County Democratic County Leader Heastie, Councilman Seabrook, or someone else be looking to run for that new congressional seat?
    We also hope that you vote tomorrow, and vote no on both ballot proposals.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Liberty Democratic Association Dinner Huge Success
    The guest list is reported to be over 250 people that were at the Liberty Democratic Association 3rd Annual fundraiser last Thursday night. The politicians included New York City Comptroller John Liu, Public Advocate Bill Deblasio, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., City Council members Jimmy Vacca and Majority Leader Joel Rivera, Congressman Eliot Engel (one of the honorees), New York State Senate Deputy Majority Leader Jeff Klein, New York State Assembly members Vanessa Gibson 77th, Jeffrey Dinowitz 81st, Mike Benedetto 82nd, Marcos Crespo 85th, and newly elected 79th Assemblyman Eric Stevenson.
    I asked Comptroller Liu about the term limit ballot proposal, and he said that he will only stay in office as comptroller for two terms no matter what happens on election day.
    I was able to ask 80th A.D. Male District Leader Kenny Agosto if he was running for the 80th assembly seat in 2012, since he has formed a campaign committee Agosto for the people 2012. Mr. Agosto said that he would have to wait on any decision for 2012 until after redistricting in 2011. He added "no one really knows what changes may occur to the 80th assembly district next year so it would be to early to say anything". I did see that gleam in Kenny's eye however when I asked the question. 
    The evening went so well that time just seemed to go by as the event came to an close. The best line of the night had to be Jimmy Vacca saying "I am not going to bore you with a long speech" as he thanked the LDA for their continued support.