Saturday, February 11, 2017

Heroin Trafficker Sentenced To 12 Years For Heroin Overdose Deaths

   Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that ROOSEVELT WILLIAMS, a/k/a “Mumsie,” 59, was sentenced to a term of 12 years in prison, and forfeiture of over $100,000 in drug proceeds and property, for his extensive heroin dealing in and around Poughkeepsie, New York. As set forth in WILLIAMS’s plea agreement, and the materials submitted in connection with sentencing, the distribution of that heroin resulted in both fatal and non-fatal overdoses. He was sentenced today in White Plains federal court by U.S. District Court Judge Nelson S. Román. On November 10, 2016, Tony Reynolds, 58, was sentenced, also by Judge Román to a term of 13 years in prison, and to forfeit $5,000 in drug proceeds, for his role in distributing heroin with WILLIAMS.
U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara stated: “Roosevelt Williams sold what became notorious in and around Poughkeepsie as a highly potent brand of heroin. And even as overdoses from Williams’s heroin grew, he continued to sell. For his cold-hearted drug dealing that contributed to the devastation of heroin abuse in our communities, the Court has handed down a stiff sentence of 12 years in prison. We hope this prosecution gives some measure of closure and comfort for the victims’ families, and we thank the Drug Enforcement Administration and our many local law enforcement partners for their extraordinary efforts on this case.”
According to the Complaints and Information filed in White Plains federal court, as well as statements made in connection with the plea and sentencing proceedings:
Over the course of several months, WILLIAMS and Reynolds conspired to sell significant quantities of a highly potent brand of heroin, dubbed “Empire” by a stamp on each bag sold, which had a devastating impact on users in and around Poughkeepsie, New York. The Empire brand became notorious among heroin users in the area as being particularly strong and posing a high risk of overdose. Even as this reputation and the number of overdoses grew, the defendants continued to sell significant quantities of Empire heroin virtually every day.

From at least in or about November 2015 through December 2015, law enforcement engaged in controlled purchases of Empire heroin on five occasions. Each of these sales was made by either WILLIAMS or Reynolds. Law enforcement recovered over $100,00 in cash and two firearms from WILLIAMS’s residence.

A.G. Schneiderman Announces Settlement Of Martin Act Case Against Former AIG CEO Maurice R. Greenberg And Former AIG CFO Howard I. Smith

Greenberg Admits To Initiating, Participating, And Approving Two Fraudulent Transactions Committed By AIG While CEO
Greenberg And Smith Agree To Return Multi-Million Dollar Bonuses They Received While The Frauds Were On AIG’s Books
When Combined With Previous SEC Settlement, Greenberg Will Have Disgorged Nearly Every Dollar In Bonuses He Received During The Period Of The Fraud
   The Office of Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman announced today that it has reached a settlement of the Office’s securities fraud suit under the Martin Act against Maurice R. (“Hank”) Greenberg, the former CEO of American International Group, Inc. (“AIG”), and Howard I. Smith, AIG’s former Chief Financial Officer.  The lawsuit, People v. Maurice R. Greenberg and Howard I. Smith, Index No. 401720/05 (New York County Supreme Court), was brought by Attorney General Eliot Spitzer in 2005, following the admission by AIG that the company had engaged in certain improper reinsurance transactions while Mr. Greenberg was the company’s CEO and Mr. Smith the CFO, including two sham deals--known as the GenRe and Capco transactions--that materially misrepresented AIG’s loss reserves and misstated its underwriting results, respectively, during the period 2000 to 2004.  
Attorney General Schneiderman said, “Today's agreement settles the indisputable fact that Mr. Greenberg has denied for twelve years: that Mr. Greenberg orchestrated two transactions that fundamentally misrepresented AIG's finances. After over a decade of delays, deflections, and denials by Mr. Greenberg, we are pleased that Mr. Greenberg has finally admitted to his role in these fraudulent transactions and will personally pay $9 million to the State of New York.” 
Mr. Greenberg’s and Mr. Smith’s full statements can be found here and here.
AIG was also an original defendant in the Attorney General’s suit. In 2006, AIG reached a prompt settlement with the Attorney General’s Office, and paid $1.6 billion to settle the matter. Mr. Greenberg and Mr. Smith, however, refused to settle or to acknowledge any personal responsibility for the transactions.
For over twelve years, Messrs. Greenberg and Smith refused to admit that the GenRe and Capco transactions were improper, or that they were responsible for the transactions.  Attorney General Schneiderman took the case against Greenberg and Smith to trial in September 2016, and the defendants were compelled to testify about these matters in open court.  Now, Mr. Greenberg acknowledges that he personally initiated, participated in and approved these transactions. Mr. Smith admits to having played a similar role. In addition, they have agreed to give up over $ 9.9 million that they received as performance bonuses from 2001 through 2004, the period when these sham transactions were reflected on AIG’s books. Combined with Mr. Greenberg’s previous settlement with SEC, Mr. Greenberg’s $9 million payment under today’s agreement will require him to relinquish virtually every dollar paid to him in bonuses during that time.
From 2005 until 2016, Mr. Greenberg and Mr. Smith delayed a trial of the State’s claims against them by engaging in extensive motion practice and eight pre-trial appeals. They maintained for over a decade that the Attorney General’s office lacked the legal authority to pursue the claims against them, and that there was insufficient evidence of their involvement in the reinsurance transactions to even warrant a trial. Over time, their arguments were substantially rejected by the New York Supreme Court, the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division, First Department and the New York Court of Appeals. In the process, the courts have confirmed that New York’s Martin Act is not preempted by federal securities laws, and that the Attorney General has the power to obtain disgorgement by corporate executives of money they have received as a result of frauds committed by their companies, when the executives participated in or had knowledge of the frauds. 
Beginning in September 2016, after the Court of Appeals rejected the second of defendants’ appeals to that Court, the Attorney General’s Office began the trial of its case before Justice Charles E. Ramos. After Messrs. Greenberg and Smith testified, the trial was recessed to allow the parties to explore a final, non-appealable resolution of the case with the assistance of mediators Kenneth Feinberg and Camille Biros. Through that process, the parties reached a final settlement. As part of the settlement, Mr. Greenberg acknowledges that he personally initiated, participated in and approved these transactions. Mr. Smith admits to having played a similar role. They also have acknowledged that the effect of the transactions was to inaccurately portray AIG’s true financial results, and that AIG correctly restated the GenRe transaction upon finding that it did not transfer risk – a point Mr. Greenberg has vigorously disputed for years. In addition, they have agreed to give up $9.9 million that they received as performance bonuses from 2001 through 2004, the period when these sham transactions were reflected on AIG’s books. When combined with Mr. Greenberg’s previous settlement with SEC, Mr. Greenberg’s $9 million payment under today’s agreement will disgorge virtually every dollar paid to him in bonuses during that time.

A.G. Schneiderman Announces Settlements With Mobile App Developers For Failure To Disclose Data Collection Practices

AB Mobile LLC And Bizness Apps Inc. Agree To Post Privacy Policies And Disclose Data Collection Practices
Schneiderman: New Yorkers Have A Right To Know If A Company Collects And Uses Their Personal Information
  Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today announced settlements with mobile application (“apps”) developers AB Mobile Apps LLC and Bizness Apps LLC for their failure to disclosure their data collection practices in a privacy policy.  Both companies have agreed to clearly inform users in a privacy policy about their policies and procedures with respect to user information, among other reforms.
“New Yorkers have a right to know if a company collects and uses their personal information,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “In an age where data itself has become a commodity, companies must post privacy policies in a way that clearly and conspicuously discloses their data collection practices.”
The purpose of a privacy policy is to inform users about what, if any, personal information is collected, used and disclosed in the use of a product or service. This information aids consumers in making informed decisions about companies with whom they entrust their personal information.
Both companies responded promptly to the NYAG investigation and added a privacy policy to its apps, or otherwise removed the apps from the Apple and Google platforms so that they are no longer available to download.
Both companies also agreed clearly inform users in a privacy policy about the policies and procedures with respect to user information for each of its apps. Such policies and procedures may be appropriate to the nature and scope of its activities and the sensitivity of the covered data, and make explicit, at a minimum, what user information is collected; how it is stored and for how long; whether it will be disclosed to third parties and under what circumstances; what safeguards are in place to protect the information from unauthorized disclosure; how updates to the privacy policy will be communicated to the customer; and whether the customer has the option to opt-out of the collection of the user information, or review, edit or delete the information.
The NYAG did not find that these developers misused their customers’ personal information or disclosed it to third parties.  However, failure to disclose how a company collects, uses and discloses customers’ personal information in a privacy policy is a deceptive trade practice, New York Executive Law § 63(12) and New York General Business Law § 349.
AB Mobile Apps, LLC
AB Mobile Apps, LLC (“AB Mobile”) is a Michigan limited liability company owned by Wendell Adams.  AB Mobile develops apps on its own, or at the request of clients, which can be downloaded for free on Apple iTunes App Store and/or the Google Play Android App Store.  The NYAG determined that the following AB Mobile apps lacked a privacy policy or any statement as to how AB Mobile collects, uses, or discloses a user’s personal information: “Ask a Lawyer: Legal Help,” “Ask a Criminal Defense Lawyer,” “My Lawyer: Legal Advice,” “Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer,” “Insurance Help,” “Insurance Quotes and Questions,” “Trucker App & GPS for Truckers,” “Couple Counseling & Chatting,” “Teacher App & Grade Book,” “Chiropractic Help,” “Quit Smoking: Learn to Stop Smoking Today!,” “Stop Smoking: A free quit smoking program,” “Flowchart by Hapman,” “Deburring by CLM Vibetech,” “Buy Local,” “The Grotto at Capone’s,” “Home Design by Jacks,” “Home Improvement: Culver,” “AutoCare” (or, on the iTunes App Store, “com.absmallbusinessmarketing.autoCare”), “Pirates: The Pirate Game,” “Text Timer,” “Write Music by Stedman,” “Foreign Car Services,” “Falling Zombies,” “8 Bit Birds,” “Drink Mixer,” “Clear Messenger,” “Great Lakes Pondscapes,” “Traveler: Travel App & Helper,” and “Popcorn Popper!” Additionally, the NYAG determined that while apps “Recipes by Ingredients,” “Diet Plan(s),” and “Stock Screener: Stock Analyst” contained a hyperlink to a privacy policy, the policy failed to contain specific information as to what information is collected, used and disclosed.
Bizness Apps, Inc.
Bizness Apps, Inc. (“Bizness Apps “) is a California corporation owned by Andrew Gazdecki with a similar business to AB Mobile.  The NYAG determined that the following apps lacked a privacy policy or any statement as to how Bizness Apps collects, uses, or discloses a user’s personal information: “Seattle Pipeline,” “My Mechanic,” “Bizness Apps Preview App,” “Top Flight Elite Basketball,” “The Lost Friends,” “Tacolicious,” “Mobilize Reseller Conference,” “Mobile Lounge,” “Leslie Norman & Associates,” “Papa Fotis,” “El Burito Redlands,” and “Gutergrund-OPG8.” Another app, “Vacation Valley Cabin Rentals,” was available in two versions on Google/Android and only one version displayed a privacy policy.


Graduation rate rises to 72.6 percent and dropout rate hits low of 8.5 percent with largest improvements for Hispanic and Black students

   Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Carmen Fariña today announced that New York City’s four-year high school graduation rate hit a historic high in 2016 – 72.6 percent. The dropout rate fell to the lowest ever – 8.5 percent. The improvements in both graduation and dropout rates were highest for Hispanic and Black students. Every single borough saw its graduation rate increase and dropout rate decrease – with the highest increase in graduation rate in the Bronx.

Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Fariña’s Equity and Excellence for All agenda will build on this progress, ensuring that by 2026, 80 percent of students graduate high school on time and two-thirds of graduates are college ready.  Equity and Excellence for All is building a path from pre-K to college and careers for every child in every neighborhood in New York City.

“Our public schools are unquestionably the strongest they’ve ever been – we’re graduating more students than ever before, and we are on track to reach our Equity and Excellence for All goal of 80 percent of students graduating on time,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “From Day 1, we’ve believed in the promise of our public schools as the ladder to success for all New Yorkers, and we are raising the bar at every school in every zip code.” 

“Our record-high graduation and the record-low dropout rates are a testament to the hard work of our students, their families, and our educators,” said Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña. “Our focus has always been on the work going on in every classroom, and that’s where it’s going to stay. While this is a day to celebrate progress, we’re working harder than ever to improve instruction and provide equity and excellence for all students.”

The rates below are the graduation and dropout percentages among the cohort of all students who entered 9th grade in the fall of 2012. All percentage point changes are comparisons to the previous year.

·         The graduation rate rose to 72.6 percent, a 2.1 point gain
·         The dropout rate fell to 8.5 percent, a 0.5 point decrease

Graduation rates improved across all ethnicities, with Hispanic and Black students posting the highest gains:

·         Hispanic students’ graduation rate increased to 66.9 percent, a 2.9 point gain
·         Black students’ graduation rate increased to 68.1 percent, a 2.6 point gain
·         Asian students’ graduation rate increased to 85.6 percent, a 0.6 point gain
·         White students’ graduation rate increased to 82.1 percent, a 0.1 point gain

Dropout rates fell or remained the same across all ethnicities:

·         Hispanic students’ dropout rate fell to 11.2 percent, a 0.7 point decrease
·         Black students’ dropout rate fell to 8.8 percent, a 0.6 point decrease
·         Asian students’ dropout rate fell to 4.6 percent, the same as last year
·         White students’ dropout rate fell to 4.8 percent, a 0.4 point decrease

Graduation rates increased and dropout rates fell in every borough. The largest improvement in graduation rates was in the Bronx:

2016 # Cohort
% 2016 Grad
% 2015 Grad
Pt. Diff
2016 # Cohort
% 2016 Dropout
% 2015 Dropout
Pt. Diff
Staten Island

Graduation rates also increased at the City’s 31 Renewal high schools. The graduation rate increased to 59.3 percent, a 4.8 percent increase – more than double the citywide increase in graduation rate. The dropout rate was 18.6 percent, a 0.8 point increase.

Earlier this school year, Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Fariña announced:

·         The highest-ever postsecondary enrollment rate – 55 percent of the Class of 2015.
·         The highest-ever number of New York City students taking and passing Advanced Placement exams in 2016 with an 8.4 percent jump in students taking at least one AP and 8.2 percent jump in students passing at least one AP over the previous year.
·         The highest-ever college readiness rate – 37 percent of all students, and 51 percent of graduates, in the Class of 2016 graduated high school on time and met CUNY’s standards for college readiness in English and math.
·         The highest-ever percentage of high school juniors taking the SAT – 52 percent. All juniors will be able to take the SAT free of charge during the school day this school year.

The progress extends to elementary and middle school grades – students made substantial gains on the most recent State English and math exams. For the first time, City students are now outperforming their New York State peers in English. 

Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Fariña’s Equity and Excellence for All initiatives are building a pathway to success in college and careers for all students. Our schools are starting earlier – free, full-day, high-quality pre-K for every four-year-old through Pre-K for All. They are strengthening foundational skills and instruction earlier – Universal Literacy so that every student is reading on grade level by the end of 2nd grade; and Algebra for All to improve elementary- and middle-school math instruction and ensure that all 8th graders have access to algebra. They are offering students more challenging, hands-on, college and career-aligned coursework – Computer Science for All will bring 21st Century computer science instruction to every school, and AP for All will give all high school students access to at least five Advanced Placement courses. Along the way, they are giving students and families additional support through College Access for All, Single Shepherd, and investment in Community Schools.

More information on New York City’s graduation and college readiness and rates can be found at

These figures show how Mayoral Control of the public schools has not worked the past 15 years, and should be replaced with a more accountable local public school system. New York City public school children are doomed not to succeed which been shown during the 15 years of Mayoral Control and the charts above.
Politics comes first, and the children last.
It's time to end Mayoral Control.

Bronx Chamber of Commerce - ATTRACT NEW BUSINESS in the BRONX


Promote your company and Salute the distinguished Honorees at the Bronx version of the Academy Awards at the BRONX BUSINESS AWARDS 2017 Gala Celebration scheduled for Thursday, March 9, 2017 5:30 - 10:30 pm at the elegant Marina del Rey Caterers, 1 Marina Drive, Bronx, NY 10465.

Please forward advertising copy as soon as possible and no later than February 16, 2017.

Preliminary list of advertisers include:
  • Apple Bank
  • At&T External Affairs
  • Bay Plaza Community Center, LLC
  • Berkley College
  • Country Bank
  • Entergy
  • Ensign Engineering
  • Flushing Bank
  • Grassi & Cp.
  • Green Street Solar
  • Health and Hospital Corp.
  • INDA
  • Madison Square Garden
  • Metro Optics Eyewear
  • ResCare, Inc.
  • Ridgewood Savings Bank
  • RiteCheck Cashing
  • Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point
  • The New York Yankees
  • The Woodlawn Cemetery 
I hope you plan on attending 2017 Gala! Take Advantage of the Early Reservation Discount for paid reservations before February 24, 2017. 
Excitement for this fabulous event continues to grow each day.
The distinguished honorees are:
John Catsimatidis, Red Apple Group
Ensign Engineering
The Woodlawn Cemetery

Ridgewood Savings Bank

Montefiore Medical Center
Metro Optics

To make reservations, advertise and or sponsor, click on the following link: 2017 Gala RSVP form  

Members are encouraged to donate their promotional items to the Gift Bag given to each guest. For more information contact Phil Cardone at (718) 828-3900 or email:
The Bronx Chamber of Commerce is one of the most influential, professional and successful organizations and voice for businesses in Bronx County. Professionals and companies are drawn to the successful companies and active members affiliated with The Bronx Chamber of Commerce. Membership includes businesses ranging from large corporations, Cultural Institutions, Universities and Colleges, Hospitals and Medical Centers, non-profits, and mid-sized to small companies.
Nunzio Del Greco
President and CEO
Bronx Chamber of Commerce
"The Network For Business Success"
1200 Waters Place, Suite 106
Bronx, NY 10461

"You never know where your next big deal is going to come from"!

Friday, February 10, 2017


  Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. asked all 12 Bronx Community Boards to set up Veterans committees to help serve the many veterans that live throughout the Bronx.  One Community Board which already had set up such a committee was Bronx Community Board 7. 

  Today CB 7 held a well attended breakfast titled "Soaring Heights Eagle and Wind Beneath My Wings Awards"  which were given out to many veterans who served in the various armed forces. 

  Elected officials on hand to speak and give out the awards were Congressman Adriano Espaillat, Deputy Bronx Borough President Aurelia Greene, State Senator Gustavo Rivera, State Assembly Members Jeffrey Dinowitz, Mark Gjonaj, and Victor Pichardo, City Councilmembers  Ritchie Torres and Fernando Cabrera, and Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark.  

Above - The many beautiful awards which were presented to the honored veterans.
Below - Bronx Community Board 7 Veterans Committee Chair Ms. Robyn Saunders and Senior Services Chair Ms. Nora Feury co-hosted the award event.

Above - There was a table set up for that soldier who did not return home from war, and who was still considered to be Missing In Action.
Below - Congressman Espaillat is seated with Bronx DA Clark. Assembly members Gjonaj and Dinowitz are seated at the next table.

Above - Councilman Torres and Assemblyman Pichardo were seated together.
Below - Mr. Joseph Binder a World War Two veteran who will turn 100 this April was a Soaring Heights Eagle Award recipient.

Above - State Senator Gustavo Rivera, Below - Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj were a couple of the elected officials to speak, honoring the veterans not only in attendance but all veterans.

Above - Assemblyman Victor Pichardo gives Linda Perdroso the daughter of Sgt. Perdreso her father's award posthumously.
Below - Councilman Ritchie Torres stands with his award recipient Shawn C. Kingston, Veterans Outreach, James A. Peters VA Hosp.

Bronx CB 7 Chair Adaline Walker Santiago, Deputy Bronx BP Aurelia Greene, CB 7 Senior Services Chair Nora Feury, CB 7 Veterans Chair Robyn Saunders, and Ms. Darlene Brown-Williams NYC Veterans Services.


Unions and Independent Democratic Conference members stand together against national right-to-work legislation and release four-point protection plan for New York State workers

Standing up against the anti-labor vision of Donald Trump, Senator Marisol Alcantara, Labor Chair of the New York State Senate and Senator Diane Savino, Former Labor Chair of the New York State Senate, joined by Senators Jeff Klein, Jesse Hamilton, and Jose Peralta, with New York City labor leaders called on federal representatives to block right-to-work legislation and announced a four-point Labor Protection Plan to combat anti-worker legislation being pushed at the national level.

Alarmingly, Republicans in Congress have introduced legislation that would expand right-to-work laws nationally. Such laws exist in 28 states and have resulted in lower wages for workers, reductions in employers providing workers with benefits like health insurance and decreases in manufacturing jobs. The IDC’s protection proposal aims to prevent the expansion of right-to-work legislation in New York while calling on federal representatives to block its expansion nationally.

“As a longtime labor organizer and as a student of history, I am well aware of the importance of the labor movement in building the middle class in this country. It is past time that we stopped talking about how to manage the decline of organized labor and started talking about how to revitalize it for the changing conditions of the 21st century. I will fight to ensure dignity and a living wage for all New York State workers, and will stand strongly against any attempts by the federal government to undermine unions,” said Senator Alcantara.

“Unions were born in New York City, and as a former union leader I will always defend the rights of the men and women in labor. Right-to-work legislation is bad policy that decimates unions by tearing apart collective bargaining and overall discouraging workers from benefitting from what unions offer. The truth is when you live in a pro-union state, you earn more, you receive better health insurance benefits and you live more comfortably in retirement. These are important worker dignities that we will always stand by and fight for in this state, and and we will attempt to thwart any interference by the federal government to take those important rights away,” said Senator Savino.

“The attacks on labor across this country through right-to-work laws has had a devastating effect on the lives of workers. Now, with Vice President Mike Pence, a staunch defender of these laws, in the White House we have seen a push to expand them nationally by Congress. We will not stand by idly. The IDC will oppose any law that attempts to disenfranchise labor unions in this state and I urge my colleagues at the national level to do the same,” said Senator Klein.

“The working class is clearly under attack in the country, and one of the weapons being utilized to combat organized labor is the right-to-work laws, a tsunami that has swept labor protections and rights in more than two dozen states nationwide. States that have passed some sort of right-to-work legislation experienced negative economic outcomes, losing manufacturing jobs in an already decreasing workforce. I, alongside my colleagues in the IDC, strongly oppose any attempts to implement any form of right-to-work laws in our State, and we will work to ensure none of these failed policies become law in New York. We are not going to stay passive as elected officials and organizations work to undermine labor rights and protections,” said Senator Peralta.

"Having been a member of DC37 for twenty-eight years, I know first-hand the value of unions. Unions have been at the core of upholding workers’ rights for generations. We need to build on that legacy of protecting worker safety, fighting for fair wages, and upholding the value of shared prosperity. We need to be sure we expand upon our past successes. I am proud to stand with unions and my colleagues to advance the labor movement and uphold values central to every community participating in the American dream,” said Senator Hamilton.

The Independent Democratic Conference’s four point Labor Protection Plan includes opposing right-to-work legislation in New York, calling on federal representatives to block national right-to-work legislation, blocking state funds to organizations like the National Right to Work Foundation that promote the implementation of these laws and opposing a Constitutional Convention in 2019.

As a conference, the IDC is opposed to any legislation that will make New York the 29th right-to-work state and will block any attempt to accomplish that goal, while also blocking state funding to organizations that promote such legislation. In opposing a Constitutional Convention, the IDC will work with labor to educate voters of the potential consequences of such an event, including the influence of outside special interests to push anti-worker amendments as well as the cost to taxpayers.

New York has always been an important state within the labor movement in the United States. It was home to the earliest labor strike in history in 1768 and has been a leader in both early and more recent labor movements.

“Now, more than ever, it is critical that elected officials speak out in support of the right of working people to join together in unions to protect and advance their interests,” said Stuart Appelbaum, President of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, UFCW. “The IDC Labor Protection Plan provides a blueprint for New York leaders to ensure workers continue to have the right to organize.”
“We applaud Senator Klein and the IDC for standing with the labor movement to protect the rights of workers. It is imperative that working men and women throughout New York State continue to have the right to collectively bargain. The fact is, union members enjoy far better wages, benefits and conditions of employment than non union workers. Working with all of our partners, we will continue to have the largest and strongest state labor movement in the country, which helps raise the standard of living and quality of life for all working people,” said Mario Cilento, President, New York State AFL-CIO.
“The Subway Surface Supervisors Association is proud to stand with our brother and sisters in labor across the State of New York in support of the IDC's Labor Protection Plan. As the pendulum swings in Washington towards an increasingly anti-labor administration, it is crystal clear that labor needs to support those elected officials who support us, now more than ever. We pledge our full support to IDC Leader Jeff Klein and his entire conference and will do everything possible to make sure that right to work legislation in New York is dead on arrival,” said Michael Carrube, President, Subway Surface Supervisors Association.