Wednesday, January 10, 2018


City also filing suit against five largest fossil fuel companies, seeking damages to help protect city from climate change

  Mayor Bill de Blasio, Comptroller Scott M. Stringer and other trustees of the City’s $189 Billion pension funds today announced a goal to divest City funds from fossil fuel reserve owners within five years, which would make New York City the first major US pension plan to do so. In a first-in-the-nation step towards the goal of divestment, the Mayor and Comptroller will submit a joint resolution to pension fund trustees to begin analyzing ways to divest from fossil fuel owners in a responsible way that is fully consistent with fiduciary obligations. In total, the City’s five pension funds hold roughly $5 billion in the securities of over 190 fossil fuel companies. The City’s move is among the most significant divestment efforts in the world to date.

"New York City is standing up for future generations by becoming the first major US city to divest our pension funds from fossil fuels,” said Mayor de Blasio. “At the same time, we’re bringing the fight against climate change straight to the fossil fuel companies that knew about its effects and intentionally misled the public to protect their profits. As climate change continues to worsen, it’s up to the fossil fuel companies whose greed put us in this position to shoulder the cost of making New York safer and more resilient.”

“This is a first-in-the-nation step to protect our future and our planet – for this generation and the next. Safeguarding the retirement of our city’s police officers, teachers, firefighters and city workers is our top priority, and we believe that their financial future is linked to the sustainability of the planet. Our announcement sends a message to the world that a brighter economy rests on being green,” Comptroller Stringer said. “It’s complex, it will take time, and there are going to be many steps. But we’re breaking new ground, and we are committed to forging a path forward while remaining laser-focused on our role as fiduciaries to the Systems and beneficiaries we serve.”

The Mayor also announced that the City has filed a lawsuit against the five largest investor-owned fossil fuel companies as measured by their contributions to global warming. The City will be seeking damages from BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil, and Royal Dutch Shell for the billions of dollars the City will spend to protect New Yorkers from the effects of climate change. This includes damages to pay for harm that we’ve already seen and damages that are necessary to address harm we expect to happen over the course of this century.

New York City’s lawsuit seeks to recover the billions needed to fund climate change resiliency measures that the City needs to implement to protect the City, its property, and its residents from the ongoing and increasingly severe impacts of climate change. This includes physical infrastructure, like coastal protections, upgraded water and sewer infrastructure, and heat mitigation, but also public health campaigns, for example to help protect residents from the effects of extreme heat. To recover from past harm and prepare for future events, New York City is already executing an over $20 billion resiliency program to protect New Yorkers and build resilience against rising seas, more powerful storms, and hotter temperatures.

Recently uncovered documents make it clear that the fossil fuel industry was well aware of the effects that burning fossil fuels would have on the planet’s atmosphere and the expected impacts of climate change as far back as at least the 1980s. Nonetheless, they deliberately engaged in a campaign of deception and denial about global warming and its impacts, even while profiting from the sale of fossil fuels and protecting their own assets from the effects of rising seas and a changing climate. More than half of the greenhouse gas pollution from the fossil fuel industry has occurred since 1988, according to a recent analysis. Sea levels have risen about one foot since 1900 with much of that rise due to climate change, the most powerful storms are becoming more frequent, and flooding is becoming more frequent and intense. 

Climate change is perhaps the toughest challenge New York City will face in the coming decades. Sandy taught us how destructive weather events exacerbated by climate change can be. Rising sea levels, increasing temperatures and precipitation, and the likelihood of more frequent and intense flooding threaten our neighborhoods and infrastructure while exacerbating many underlying social inequities. To adapt to these threats, the City is implementing an over $20 billion program to ensure our neighborhoods, economy, and public services will be ready to withstand and emerge stronger from the impacts of climate change. These investments are known to be just the first step in making the City prepared for the impacts of climate change, and more will continue to be needed over the course of the century.  The City’s resiliency programs and projects are a shift in the way we live now and how we must develop and implement tools that will make our City more resilient against future risks.

The first step is for the trustees at each fund to instruct the Office of the City Comptroller’s Bureau of Asset Management (BAM) to commission an analysis of the proposed divestment and advise the trustees as to the anticipated impact on the risk and return characteristics of the portfolio. The trustees will also seek legal opinion as to whether carrying out the divestment would be consistent with trustees fiduciary duties to beneficiaries.  Assuming a positive legal opinion, the trustees would then instruct BAM to carry out the divestment with specified steps and timelines. In the case of this divestment, transactions would likely be carried out in stages in order to reduce transaction and implementation costs.


Through over $500,000 in direct and in-kind funding, supported partnerships address a range of pressing civic issues, from public safety to immigration to literacy

The new grant program is an outgrowth of CreateNYC, which found major potential for new and expanded collaborations between City government and arts organizations 

  Mayor de Blasio and Cultural Affairs Commissioner Tom Finkelpearl announced the selection of seven new and expanded partnerships for funding under the first Mayor’s Grant for Cultural Impact (MGCI). An outgrowth of the CreateNYC cultural plan, the collaborations supported by MGCI seek to enhance vital public services through cultural and creative programming, bringing the unique benefits of arts and culture to help address pressing civic issues including public health and safety, domestic violence, literacy, planning, immigration, and criminal justice.

"Our CreateNYC cultural plan called for thoughtful, innovative ways to integrate our City's creative energy into public service. Today, we continue to put that into action," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. "When City government works hand in hand with community anchors, we can deliver the cultural access and equity which all New Yorkers deserve."

“I often point out that poetry and dance were safe outlets to channel difficult emotions in my teenage years,” said First Lady Chirlane McCray, who leads the City’s mental health and substance misuse efforts. “However, art has many benefits throughout ALL stages of life, and in New York City the arts should be for everyone. With these new grants, New York City is harnessing the power of art to promote literacy, encourage healthy relationships, support immigrant families, and help our youngest New Yorkers learn coping skills. Most importantly, the new funding will support communities that have historically been excluded from fully experiencing the cultural and artistic life of the city.”

"Culture is essential to the health of our communities so it's exciting to see that the Mayor's Grant for Cultural Impact, arising directly from the public input we received for the CreateNYC cultural plan, will have such a profound effect on so many New Yorkers," saidCultural Affairs Commissioner Tom Finkelpearl. "These innovative collaborations employ dance, poetry, literature, film, and other disciplines to help address longstanding civic issues, and with such a remarkable and committed group of partners, we hope these projects will become lasting examples of how art can be used to foster real social change."

“The mission of Create NYC is to bring culture and the arts to more New Yorkers and make access to culture more equitable for all,” said Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer. “Today’s announcement demonstrates the power of culture and the arts to connect New Yorkers in all neighborhoods and of all backgrounds to these life changing experiences. I am proud of the work we have done in the City Council’s committee on Cultural Affairs to support these values, and I am excited to see this $500,000 announcement supporting seven innovative partnerships between city government and cultural organizations.”

The seven partnerships were selected through an open call and application process. Each collaboration will receive $50,000 in cash support from the Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA), and an additional $25,000 match of either in-kind or cash award from the partnering agency, for a total of over $500,000 in City support.  Programs must conclude by the close of the fiscal year on June 30, 2018.

The seven winning collaborations were announced by Cultural Affairs Commissioner Tom Finkelpearl today at an event at Gibney Dance, which received a grant to expand their work with the Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic Violence. Photos from the event are available upon request.

The winning projects are:

 ·         ARTs East NY will partner with the NYC Department of City Planning to createCivLab, a public space activation project in East New York. This pilot program will bring together city planners, local artists, and residents to better integrate the arts into civic life, building on the City’s East New York Neighborhood Plan. The project will enliven an underused portion of Success Garden, a community garden surrounded by an area in transformation.
·         Bronx Documentary Center (BDC) will work with the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice to launch Claremont Illuminated, a series of nocturnal artworks and programming seeking to promote community safety and connections in the Claremont Village neighborhood of the South Bronx. Site specific artworks will literally light up underutilized open spaces in the community, including Butler Houses public housing. Artists from BDC’s network will hire local young people and collaborate with residents and area organizations to locate, plan, and install media-, light-, and sound-based projects. This initiative will be part of the Mayor’s Action Plan for Neighborhood Safety, intended to reduce crime and strengthen neighborhoods citywide.
·         Carnegie Hall and the Department of Probation (DOP) will continue their successful partnership centered on DOP’s Neighborhood Opportunity Network (NeON) arts initiative by expanding the Free Verse Poetry Apprentice Project, which began in the South Bronx and will now launch in Northern Staten Island and Jamaica, Queens. Free year-round literary arts programming will build connections between people on probation and their neighbors, and will generate new pathways to employment in NYC’s arts economy in areas known for high levels of poverty and unemployment.
·         Cool Culture will continue work with the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) on promoting arts engagement in family shelters, an initiative designed to encourage exploration of art and culture by preschool-aged children living or receiving childcare in 93 shelters across the city. In addition, participating families will be offered free access to 90 cultural institutions citywide.
·         Gibney Dance will expand Hands are for Holding (HAFH) in a continued collaboration with the Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic Violence (OCDV). The interactive school-based program uses dance as a tool for preventing teen dating violence and promoting healthy relationships. The expansion will enable many more students to attend HAFH assemblies, with a particular emphasis on middle school students just beginning to explore dating relationships. Further, one middle school in need will be selected to host an intensive HAFH residency to explore more in-depth strategies for engaging students and increasing dating violence awareness through dance.
·         The National Book Foundation will collaborate with the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) to launch Raising Readers: Books are for Everyone, an initiative dedicated to cultivating a love of reading in adults around the city and the young people in their lives. The program will reach DYCD provider staff via professional development training; establish “reading circles” for parents served by DYCD-funded agencies; and culminate in a large-scale citywide family reading event. Over 1,000 free books will be distributed to DYCD constituents, who often come from underserved populations.
·         People’s Theatre Project will partner with the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) for Teatro Inmigrante Comunitario, an effort to build trust between community and government by amplifying shared experiences and stories. Spanish-speaking youth from Washington Heights and Kingsbridge, including many impacted by the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, will come together to create an interactive and bilingual theater event. These young people will be placed in leadership roles within their communities and, through artistic practice they will become connectors between MOIA and the populations it serves, focusing on programs such as IDNYC, ActionNYC and NYCitizenship.

Bronx Jewish Community Council - Save The Date: Project HOPE Passover 2018


Project HOPE Passover Package Delivery 
Sunday, March 18, 2018 - 9am-11:30am
Share the joy of the holidays by 
bringing along  friends and family to deliver 3-5 Passover packages to lonely, home-bound or needy Jewish elderly!
 Whether or not you are able to come, you can always help by sponsoring a package for only $25
For groups, questions or to
deliver to a particular senior contact 
Niti Minkove, Director of Volunteers at 

Learn more about Bronx Jewish Community Council's volunteer opportunities and how to get involved here.

Bronx Jewish Community
Council, 2930 Wallace Avenue, 



  Mayor de Blasio has named Samir Saini as the new Commissioner of the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications, and announced the retirement of DoITT Commissioner Anne Roest. The Mayor also announced the appointment of Dominic Williams as his new Chief Policy Advisor, and Debbie Rosen as Chief of Staff to First Deputy Mayor Dean Fuleihan. Additionally, Avi Fink has been promoted to Chief of Staff at the Office of Management and Budget.

“I’m confident Samir Saini’s impressive work in Atlanta makes him well-equipped to take on the crucial work of this agency, including continuing the modernization of our 911 system – which touches the lives of all New Yorkers. I want to thank Anne for her years of service and her tireless efforts to manage, maintain and streamline city technology and keep our data secure,” said Mayor de Blasio. “We’re building out a world-class team to continue the progressive work we’ve been doing for four years, and these well-deserved promotions at City Hall and OMB will further our mission to lift up all New Yorkers.”

Samir Saini, who was previously the IT Commissioner and Chief Information Officer for the City of Atlanta, will take over New York City’s Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications, where he will be responsible for maintaining the foundational IT infrastructure and systems that touch every aspect of city life – from public safety to human services, education and economic development – crossing the full spectrum of governmental operations. Samir Saini’s experience in a similar role in Atlanta, as well as strong experience at complex private sector organizations, makes him well-equipped for the agency’s priorities, including modernizing the 911 system to include Text to 911, and moving City data to a cloud-based system to improve efficiency and security– both of which Saini helped successfully deploy in Atlanta. Saini will also continue the important work begun under this administration to bolster cybersecurity operations across City agencies.

As Commissioner, Anne Roest streamlined and improved DoITT’s service delivery to more than 100 City agencies and public entities. She led the successful Emergency Communications Transformation Program, which in partnership with NYPD, FDNY, and others has been streamlining and unifying the city’s emergency communications systems. Following a 2014 review, DoITT took over management of the City’s long-delayed second 911 call center, leading to an on-time and on-budget completion of the building, which has created crucial backup capacity for the City’s 911 system. Roest also strengthened the City’s cybersecurity defenses with the creation of the role of Citywide Information Security Officer and through staffing up the City’s new Cyber Command, which defends government’s digital information and assets and emphasizes safe practices across agencies. Under Commissioner Roest’s leadership, the City’s franchise team also launched LinkNYC, a public-private partnership to create the largest, fastest, free municipal Wi-Fi network anywhere in the world.

Dominic Williams will now serve as Chief Policy Advisor to the Mayor and will oversee the Mayor’s Office of Policy and Planning. He will report to the First Deputy Mayor and provide coordination across all the Deputy Mayor teams. Dominic Williams previously served as Chief of Staff to the First Deputy Mayor and as Chief of Staff in the Public Advocate’s Office. 

Debbie Rosen was named Chief of Staff to the First Deputy Mayor, where she will provide crucial support and coordination across the First Deputy Mayor’s team. She was previously Chief of Staff at the Office of Management and Budget, where she advised the Budget Director on key issues, represented the Budget Director within City government and outside entities, supervised key staff and managed OMB’s day-to-day operations. Ms. Rosen also has extensive experience in New York City and State government.

Additionally, Avi Fink will now serve as Chief of Staff at the Office of Management and Budget. Avi Fink was previously Deputy Chief of Staff to the Mayor, and worked in the Public Advocate’s Office and on the 2013 de Blasio campaign.


Starting in July, new or recently renovated public buildings will have to provide diaper changing stations

  Mayor Bill de Blasio signed Intro. 1241-A, which requires that public buildings provide diaper changing stations to all New York City parents. Sponsored by Council Member Rafael Espinal, the bill will ensure that all parents have access to these stations regardless of their gender identity.  New York City is one of the first cities in the nation to make this enforcement in new or recently renovated buildings, further solidifying the City as a national leader in improving gender equity.

“As a Dad, I know first-hand how frustrating it can be to handle diaper emergencies in public without a changing station,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “This new law will ensure that all parents will have access to these stations in public buildings regardless of their gender, and help make New York City fairer place to live.”

“Intro. 1241-A is an important step toward making New York City more family-friendly for all parents, regardless of their gender. Too often, fathers and gender non-conforming parents are excluded from the resources aimed at supporting families. That has to change. I am proud that this Administration has emphasized equity, and put the experiences and needs of all families front and center from the very beginning. With the leadership of City Councilmember Rafael Espinal and this important bill, we add to the list of milestone achievements for families in New York City that includes: Pre-K and 3-K for All, Paid Family Leave, Increased Access to Mental Health Support through ThriveNYC, and the Children’s Cabinet Baby Shower Series,” said First Lady Chirlane McCray, Co-Chair of the Commission on Gender Equity.

“Requiring diaper changing stations in all public restrooms, regardless of gender, will go a long way to promote gender equity and encourage dads to also be on diaper duty,” said Council Member Rafael Espinal, prime sponsor of Intro. 1241-A. “After witnessing a father changing his daughter’s diaper on an unsanitary sink in a public space, I realized diaper changing stations must be a requirement in all public bathrooms, because moms and dads should have equal access to sanitary and safe spaces when changing their baby’s diapers. Our city is now leading the nation on this issue, and I am proud that we are building upon the work of President Obama when he required federal buildings to have this service. For too long most public restrooms have not had dedicated spaces for families to care for their children, but after today's signing, every public building in NYC will be required to create a space to allow parents to change their child's diaper with dignity.”

Intro. 1241-A, which goes into effect in 180 days, requires that diaper changing stations be available to all persons regardless of gender identity on any floor where public restrooms are available in gathering spaces or spaces where merchandise is sold. Gathering spaces, classified as Assembly Group A occupancies, include places like theaters, bowling alleys and museums and spaces where merchandise is sold, classified as Mercantile Group M occupancies, include places like shopping malls. This requirement will only apply to new construction and substantial renovations that also change the use, egress or occupancy of a space. Enforcement of this law will be complaint based, and the civil penalties for failing to comply with this requirement range from $300 to $1,600.


Under the new protocol, families in high-risk cases who are receiving prevention services will be screened for risk factors and develop safety plans

  The New York City Administration for Children’s Services (ACS), Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic Violence and Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice today announced a significant expansion of services to protect families at risk of, or experiencing, domestic violence. ACS is now using a new protocol to help identify and intervene in domestic violence situations, where families are receiving supportive services through ACS but are not subjects of active child-protection investigations. Families who are involved in investigations already receive domestic violence screening and intervention when needed. The new protocol is a recommendation from the NYC Domestic Violence Task Force. 

Under the new protocol, ACS’ Investigative Consultants (retired NYPD detectives) will expand their scope beyond investigations, to work on cases with families receiving prevention services from ACS – supportive services to address potential risks to children – when three criteria are met:
·         There are domestic-violence risk factors and/or criminal history;
·         A new adult has been added to the household and has taken on a caretaker role; and
·         There are children under 7 years of age in the household.

The Investigative Consultants will work with ACS prevention staff and provider agencies to obtain background checks of the new person in the household to identify any domestic violence history, and develop a safety assessment of the family. Prevention service providers will then have comprehensive information to engage the family in creating a safety plan and services consistent with that plan, including domestic violence advocacy and prevention services. ACS’ Investigative Consultants often handled domestic violence cases for years as NYPD detectives, and most have worked on domestic violence cases at ACS for several years, in active child-protection investigations.

The new protocol is one of 32 recommendations from the NYC Task Force on Domestic Violence, which Mayor Bill de Blasio launched in November 2016. The Task Force is co-chaired by First Lady Chirlane McCray and NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill, and co-led by Commissioner of the Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic Violence Cecile Noel and Director of the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice Elizabeth Glazer.

“All of our children deserve a safe and healthy emotional start in life,” said First Lady Chirlane McCray, Co-Chair of the Domestic Violence Task Force. “That is why the City of New York is investing in early intervention measures to ensure that children are raised in safe, supportive environments. I commend ACS and the partner agencies for making the emotional and physical well-being of our youngest New Yorkers a priority by taking a public health approach to breaking the cycle of domestic violence.”

“ACS's new protocol and expansion of services will help connect more domestic violence survivors to the resources and support they need to keep their families safe,” said Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Dr. Herminia Palacio. “The consequences of domestic violence permeate through families and communities, and I applaud ACS, OCDV, MOCJ, and the Domestic Violence Task Force for their ongoing work.”

“This new protocol will help families get the information and tools they need to get out of a violent situation or prevent it from happening in the first place,” said ACS Commissioner David A. Hansell. “Data and experience tell us that the risk of violence can increase after a new adult partner moves into a home with young children. This protocol elevates our highest-risk cases for a much closer look, with the partnership of experts in law enforcement, child welfare, and preventive services. This is consistent with our effort to reach vulnerable families pro-actively with services they may need, independent of our investigative process.”

“Through the Domestic Violence Task Force, New York City is enhancing its commitment to the prevention of domestic violence,” said Cecile Noel, Commissioner of the Mayor's Office to Combat Domestic Violence. “This initiative will ensure that child protective staff have even more tools to help children and families safe. This is a great step forward in our efforts, as we know that prevention is the best way to eradicate domestic violence.”

“This new protocol will help keep the youngest New Yorkers and their families safe in their homes,” said Elizabeth Glazer, Director of the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice. “Because domestic violence often happens behind closed doors, and affects not only the victim but everyone in the household we must knit together both sharp crime reduction tools and evidence-based interventions. This approach offers the greatest promise of interrupting cycles of domestic violence, implementing smart prevention and ensuring that victims are protected and abusers are held accountable.”

The true prevalence of domestic violence is unknown because it is underreported, but recent ACS data showed that 44 percent of families receiving prevention services had risk factors for domestic violence.

ACS provided 20,000 families in New York City with prevention services last year. These include substance abuse treatment, mental health counseling, and resources for education and job training. ACS contracts with nonprofit service providers who deliver services to families.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Murder Charges Against Bronx Gang Member For 2011 Murder Of Bolivia Beck

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, James J. Hunt, the Special Agent in Charge of the New York Field Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”), and James P. O’Neill, the Commissioner of the New York City Police Department (“NYPD”), announced additional charges in a Superseding Indictment against a member of the “Killbrook” gang based in the Mill Brook Houses in the Bronx.  In the Superseding Indictment, which was returned today, GARY DAVIS, a/k/a “Reckless,” a/k/a “Poppa,” is charged with the April 18, 2011, murder of Bolivia Beck, the girlfriend of a rival gang member.  Beck was shot and killed as she was being introduced to her boyfriend’s grandparents on a sidewalk in the Mill Brook Houses. 

DAVIS and 14 others were previously charged in an Indictment unsealed on October 11, 2017.  That Indictment charges four individuals with racketeering conspiracy, in connection with their membership in a gang known as “Killbrook,” and charges other individuals with narcotics conspiracy and firearms offenses.  In addition to the new murder charges, the Superseding Indictment contains the charges that had previously been brought in the Indictment against DAVIS and 14 others.  The case is assigned to U.S. District Judge Lorna G. Schofield. 
U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:   “As alleged, Bolivia Beck was the victim of a horrific murder, shot and killed in broad daylight while being introduced to her boyfriend’s grandparents.  We thank our law enforcement partners for their extraordinary efforts investigating this murder.  With their help, we are committed to making our streets and communities safer through the eradication of gangs that bring this senseless violence to our streets.” 
DEA Special Agent in Charge James Hunt stated:  “This investigation uncovered that this unnecessary and brazen murder was a result of gang violence.  I commend the hardworking prosecutors, detectives and agents who collaborated to bring additional charges against the shooter and bring justice to the victim’s family.”    
According to the allegations in the Superseding Indictment[1] and information in the public record:

On April 18, 2011, Bolivia Beck was struck in the head by a bullet as she was being introduced to her boyfriend’s grandparents on a sidewalk in the Mill Brook Houses.  The shooting occurred in broad daylight.  Beck died two days later from the gunshot wound.  The shooting arose out of an ongoing gang dispute between Killbrook and the rival “MBG” street gang. 

GARY DAVIS, 27, of the Bronx, is charged in the Superseding Indictment with one count of murder in aid of racketeering, and aiding and abetting the same, and one count of murder through the use of a firearm and aiding and abetting the same.  DAVIS faces a maximum penalty of death or life in prison.  The maximum potential sentence in this case is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge. 

Mr. Berman praised the outstanding investigative work of the DEA and the NYPD.

The charges contained in the Superseding Indictment are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. 
[1] As the introductory phase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Indictment and the descriptions of the Indictment set forth below constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.