Tuesday, March 9, 2021



Includes Pending Cases and Disposed Cases in Which Bench Warrant Was Ordered; Some Cases Date Back To 1970s and 1980s 

 Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark announced that the Supervising Judge of Bronx Criminal Court, George A. Grasso, today granted her Office’s motion to dismiss more than 800 cases that involved the charge of Loitering for Prostitution. 

 District Attorney Clark said, “For some time, my Office has declined to prosecute the charge Loitering for the Intent of Prostitution, which disproportionately targets women, LGBTQ people and at-risk youth. There hadn’t been an arrest for this offense in the Bronx since 2018. I supported the repeal of the penal law 240.37, and it was officially repealed by the state legislature last month.

 “The dismissal of warrants and cases related to this charge is the right thing to do. Warrants create obstacles when people apply for housing, jobs or other resources. With today’s action, hundreds will be able to move forward without collateral consequence. This is part of my overall effort to focus resources on prosecuting sex traffickers and provide assistance for those victimized by the sex trade.”

 Supervising Judge Grasso said, “Today’s action in Bronx Criminal Court clearly and swiftly effectuates the letter and the intent of the New York State Legislature’s repeal of Penal Law Section 240.37. Individuals who had current matters pending in our Court where the sole charge was the alleged violation of this repealed law are now able to move on with their lives. This is another example of the ability of the Criminal Court to effectuate justice notwithstanding the ongoing pandemic.”

 Any open cases with the sole charge of penal law 240.37 have been dismissed. The dismissal also applies to cases in which a defendant pleaded guilty but failed to comply with a fine or other condition that was ordered by the court.

 The motions include 278 pending cases and 544 disposed cases in which a warrant was ordered—for a total of 822 cases. Out of the 278 pending cases, 251 had open warrants. Some cases date back to the 1970s and 1980s.

 The application for dismissal was filed in a virtual appearance before Judge Grasso. He vacated open warrants and withdrew the plea of guilty in order to dismiss and seal each case. The order was stayed 90 days, to provide adequate time for the court to properly reflect this order in its records and communicate the same to the New York State Department of Criminal Justice Services. Defendants should see changes reflected in their records over the next 90 days.

Statement from New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer on Taxi Debt Relief Proposal


 “The taxi medallion crisis is a test of our commitment to fighting poverty and preserving pathways to the American Dream. Predatory lenders took drivers for a ride and left families in a wreckage of financial distress and despair, and the pandemic only pushed New Yorkers who were already struggling closer to the brink.

“We have a moral obligation to these drivers and a fiscal obligation to solve this crisis. I have repeatedly urged the City to implement the effective, reasonable, and fiscally sound New York Taxi Workers Alliance proposal.

“But the Mayor’s proposal is a disgrace and fails to deliver the significant relief drivers deserve. There is no excuse not to address the crisis with a real solution. We have the means — we just need the will to meaningfully act.

“It’s within our power to solve this problem. We don’t have to throw up our hands and look away from the despair and desperation. We must meet our responsibility — and the moment — and immediately implement the New York Taxi Workers Alliance proposal.”



  Today, Assembly member Ron Kim and other lawmakers called on the Cuomo administration to turn over all documents and correspondence pertaining to his 2020 book American Crisis: Leadership Lessons From the COVID-19, published by Crown Publishing House. 

They cited the mounting connections between the administration’s alteration of nursing home data and the announcement of his book, and the suspicious timing of the two events. The Assembly made clear that any and all communication between the Cuomo administration and his book publisher was now of vital public interest and must be released.

As major news media outlets have reported, the administration actively worked to suppress data on thousands of nursing home deaths in the report issued by New York State Department of Health on July 6, 2020. The announcement of his aforementioned book came just one month later, on August 18, 2020.


In a letter to the Cuomo administration, the state representatives also cite the Public Officers Law, which explicitly prohibits the solicitation of gifts, or otherwise opportunities for personal financial gain, at the expense of influencing or obstructing government operations against the general welfare of the people of this state. In urging the governor to turn over all requested documents, they emphasized the need for complete and full transparency to ensure his administration complied with this statute.

A copy of the letter can be viewed here.


The Assemblymember and his colleagues also noted the striking parallel between the current case and the long-standing controversy over former President Trump’s tax returns. Numerous nationally elected officials have made it clear that obtaining the latter documents are essential to understanding the former president’s decisions as commander-in-chief. In the same vein, any hidden communication involving Governor Cuomo and his administration regarding his book publishing deal will be crucial for understanding his decision to hide life-and-death nursing home data.

Assemblyman Ron Kim said, “The book contract and payout structure is critical to fully understanding the governor’s motivation in deflating nursing home data. We now know that the timeline and facts leading up to the book deal announcement coincide with the administration ordering health officials to commit fraud.  By altering the data, the governor could claim a successful response to COVID-19 and ensure, through greater books sales, concrete financial and political gain.  It is incumbent on the administration to make public the terms of his book deal so that New Yorkers can eliminate the worst possible interpretation for his alteration of nursing home data.”



Hiring is now live at Nyc.gov/vaccinejobs

 Mayor de Blasio today announced the Vaccine for All Corps, a civilian corps for workers to join the City's vaccination effort. Through the Corps, the City will recruit 2,000 New Yorkers to serve their communities, with a priority focus on residents in the 33 Task Force for Racial Inclusion and Equity neighborhoods. 


"Attention all New Yorkers: the Vaccine for All Corps is hiring,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “We are giving New Yorkers the opportunity to help their neighbors get vaccinated and rebuild our communities together, one vaccination at a time.”


Public recruitment is currently underway for jobs in Staten Island, the Rockaways and The Bronx. The City is focused on recruiting from communities in partnership with City agencies and community partners. The Corps is currently hiring for clinical roles, including vaccinators, as well as support and administrative roles. Training for new hires will be handled by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.


Interested jobseekers should visit nyc.gov/vaccinejobs. Recruitment for Vaccine for All Corps jobs is led by the Workforce1 Career Center System operated by the NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS)


“Since the arrival of the vaccine in NYC, our vaccination hubs have become a key component of the City’s vaccine infrastructure – accessible, trusted, effective and located in communities and sites that are familiar to neighborhood residents,” said Deputy to Mayor for Health and Human Services Melanie Hartzog. “To date, thanks to New Yorkers’ incredible volunteer spirit, we’re proud to have vaccinated thousands of individuals at these vital sites. Now our Vaccine for All Corps will build on this important progress, bringing more staff and vaccinators online, including hiring directly from communities, ensuring these key sites and resources continue to be available to New Yorkers for the long-haul as we anticipate increased supply citywide.”


“Our COVID response is by, for and with the community,” said Health Commissioner Dr. Dave A. Chokshi. “New Yorkers are the true champions of the response and we’ll continue to rely on them to fuel the vaccination of hundreds of thousands of their fellow residents at our hubs.” 



Governor Cuomo Announces New Yorkers 60 Years of Age and Older and Additional Public Facing Essential Workers Will Be Eligible to Receive COVID-19 Vaccine


New Yorkers 60 Years of Age and Older Can Be Vaccinated Beginning March 10

Government Employees, Nonprofit Workers, and Essential Building Service Workers Are Eligible for COVID-19 Vaccine Beginning March 17

Vaccine Distribution Eligibility Expanded; All Providers Except Pharmacies Can Now Vaccinate Any Eligible New Yorker Starting March 17; Pharmacies Can Vaccinate 60-plus and Teachers Per Federal Guidance Starting March 10

New Yorkers Can Make Appointments at State-Run Vaccination Sites by Utilizing New York's 'Am I Eligible' Tool or Calling 1-833-NYS-4-VAX

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced a new expansion of COVID-19 vaccine eligibility in New York. Beginning March 10, all New Yorkers 60 years of age and older will be eligible to receive the vaccine, while public facing essential workers from governmental and nonprofit entities will be eligible beginning March 17. This expansion also includes public-facing essential building services workers.

Additionally, the Governor announced that with increased supply of the vaccine, restrictions concerning which segments of the eligible population specific providers can vaccinate will be relaxed to align with the expanded eligibility on March 17. Previously, certain types of providers were directed to focus their vaccination efforts on specific populations to ensure equitable vaccine distribution. For example, hospitals vaccinated health care workers, local health departments vaccinated essential workers and pharmacies vaccinated New Yorkers 65 years of age and older. Now, providers will be able to vaccinate any eligible New Yorker, with the exception of pharmacies, which will focus on individuals over the age of 60 and teachers, in line with federal policy. Pharmacies may begin vaccinating individuals over the age of 60 and teachers on March 10. As part of this effort, providers are being encouraged to vaccinate those New Yorkers most at risk, such as individuals 60 years of age and older and people with comorbidities and underlying health conditions. 

"New York is marching forward expanding access to the COVID-19 vaccine, addressing underserved communities and getting shots in arms as we turn the tide in the fight against this virus," Governor Cuomo said. "Supply is steadily increasing and we're opening new vaccination sites and expanding eligibility to match it. New Yorkers over 60 years old and those who serve their fellow New Yorkers in the public sector are more vulnerable to COVID-19, and we're addressing that vulnerability by providing access to the vaccine. The fight against the COVID beast continues on all fronts, and we're pushing the infection rate down while getting our vaccinations up." 

Under this new expansion of eligibility, the following essential workers will now be eligible to begin receiving the COVID-19 vaccine on March 17:

  • Public-facing government and public employees
  • Not-for-profit workers who provide public-facing services to New Yorkers in need
  • Essential in-person public-facing building service workers

This includes workers such as public works employees, social service and child service caseworkers, government inspectors, sanitation workers, DMV workers, County Clerks, building service workers and election workers - the everyday heroes who have been showing up day in and day out throughout this pandemic. 

New York's vast distribution network and large population of eligible individuals still far exceed the supply coming from the federal government. Due to this limited supply, New Yorkers are encouraged to remain patient and are advised not to show up at vaccination sites without an appointment.    

Eligible New Yorkers will be able to schedule appointments at state vaccination sites by utilizing New York's 'Am I Eligible' website or by calling the state's COVID-19 Vaccination Hotline at 1-833-NYS-4-VAX (1-833-697-4829).

New York is maintaining and expanding a vast vaccine distribution network. On March 8, Governor Cuomo announced that as the federal vaccine supply continues to increase, New York will establish 10 additional state-run mass vaccination sites in the New York City, Long Island, Hudson Valley, Capital, Southern Tier, Mohawk Valley and Western New York regions to further grow New York's vast distribution network. The sites remain in development and are expected to launch in the coming weeks. Final details, including appointment scheduling information and hours of operation will be released in the coming days.  

Not only has New York already established 13 other state-run mass vaccination sites, but in order to meet the Governor's mandate to ensure the fair and equitable distribution of the vaccine, numerous other sites have been established to ensure those New Yorkers living in underserved communities have direct access to the vaccine. This includes six joint state-FEMA community-based vaccination sites, the Yankee Stadium mass vaccination site, and more than 120 community-based pop-up sites in public housing developments, churches and community centers.



 Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced the creation of the city’s first-ever Taxi Medallion Owner-Driver Relief Fund for financially troubled taxi medallion owner-drivers. The Fund, which will be stimulus-dependent, will offer debt relief to taxi medallion owner-drivers whose industry has been hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Medallion owners have been hit hard by this pandemic. They deserve all the support we can give them as ridership recovers,” said Mayor de Blasio. “This program creates a pathway to solvency and supports the yellow medallion taxi industry’s important role in building a recovery for all of us.” 
“I have spoken with many medallion owners, and I hear the pain in their voices,” said TLC Chair Aloysee Heredia Jarmoszuk. “They worry about being able to provide for their families, sometimes having to choose between making a loan payment and putting food on the table. This relief fund will give crucial help to an industry that was overleveraged and suffered severe loss of business during COVID-19. As the City’s economy recovers, we want to give medallion owners the support they need to get vehicles back on the streets and handle increased passenger demand.”
The $65 million Taxi Medallion Owner-Driver Relief Fund will include:
  • 0% interest loans of up to $20,000 to use as a down payment to assist in restructuring medallion debt.
  • Up to $9,000 in no/low interest loans to make as many as six monthly loan payments of $1,500.
The TLC Owner/Driver Resource Center will also continue to assist licensees in obtaining stimulus and other benefits, including federal Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) loans that have already helped medallion owners cover business expenses. The application period for PPP loans expires March 31.
TLC's Resource Center, which offers a range of free financial counseling and legal assistance for TLC Licensees, as well as connecting them with government benefits and health and wellness resources, has already served nearly 800 licensees. TLC Licensees in need of these services can call 311 or visit nyc.gov/taxi to make an appointment.

298 Days and Counting


I took a poll to see if I should run for governor. After eliminating all those nasty remarks my poll ended in a tie. So I did what happens in Rank Choice Voting when there is a tie, I flipped a coin. You will soon see which way the coin landed.