Sunday, May 2, 2021

Former CEO Of Live Well Financial Convicted In Connection With $200 Million Bond Fraud Scheme


 Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that MICHAEL HILD, the founder and former chief executive officer of Live Well Financial, Inc. (“Live Well”), was convicted today of securities fraud, wire fraud, and bank fraud charges in connection with a scheme to fraudulently inflate the value of a portfolio of bonds owned by Live Well in order to induce various securities dealers and at least one financial institution into loaning more money to Live Well – through repurchase (“repo”) agreements and collateralized loans – than they otherwise would have had they known the actual value of Live Well’s bond portfolio.  The scheme allowed Live Well to grow its bond portfolio exponentially, from approximately 20 bonds with a stated value of approximately $50 million in 2014 to approximately 50 bonds with a stated value of over $500 million by the end of 2016.  In May 2019, in conjunction with an effort to wind down the company, Live Well wrote down the value of its portfolio by over $200 million. 

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “As a unanimous jury found, Michael Hild obtained millions of dollars in secured loans for Live Well Financial by grossly inflating the value of bonds used as collateral.  Hild deceived a third-party pricing service by providing it with inflated marks, resulting in the pricing service publishing valuations for the bonds far in excess of market value.  Lenders were hoodwinked into lending far more than they otherwise would have.  The house of cards came crashing down with the unwinding of Live Well and the revelation to lenders that the bond portfolio had been overvalued by $200 million.  Now, Michael Hild awaits sentencing for his crimes.”

According to the evidence presented during the trial:

Live Well’s Bond Portfolio and Repurchase Agreements 

Live Well was a Richmond, Virginia-based company that originated, serviced, and securitized government-guaranteed reverse mortgages known as Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (“HECMs”).   In or about 2014, Live Well acquired a portfolio of approximately 15 bonds, each entitling the holder to receive a portion of the interest payments, but not the principal payments, from a particular pool of reverse mortgages (“HECM IO bonds.”).  Live Well purchased the HECM IO bond portfolio for approximately $50 million.  At the same time that Live Well purchased the HECM IO bond portfolio, HILD established within Live Well a New York City-based trading desk to manage and grow Live Well’s bond portfolio. 

Live Well financed the acquisition and growth of its bond portfolio through a series of loans in which Live Well used its bond portfolio as collateral.  The majority of Live Well’s lenders were securities dealers whose lending arrangements with Live Well were structured as bond repurchase agreements, also known as “repo agreements.”  A repo agreement is a short-term loan in which both parties agree to the sale and future repurchase of an asset within a specified contract period.  The seller sells the asset to the lender with a promise to buy it back at a specific date and at a price that includes an interest payment.  Functionally, a repo agreement is a collateralized loan in which title of the collateral is transferred to the lender.  When the loan is repaid by the borrower, the collateral is returned to the borrower through a repurchase.  Additionally, at least one of Live Well’s lenders was an FDIC-insured bank, and its lending arrangement with Live Well was structured as a secured loan, with certain bonds held as collateral by a third-party custodian.

The Scheme to Mismark the Bond Portfolio 

Live Well’s financing agreements with all but one of the lenders required that any bond that Live Well sought to borrow against be priced by a third-party pricing source in order to determine the market value of the bond as of the measurement date.  The lenders then used the value of the bond, coupled with the application of a haircut of generally 10% to 20%, to determine the amount of money to lend Live Well.

The lenders generally relied on a particular widely utilized subscription service (the “Pricing Service”) to price various securities.  In or about September 2014, HILD and his co-conspirators embarked on a scheme to cause the Pricing Service to publish valuations for the bonds that far exceeded actual market prices.  By doing so, the conspirators induced the lenders to extend credit to Live Well far in excess of the prices for which the bonds could be sold in the market.  The inflated prices were based on a set of market assumptions that the conspirators called “Scenario 14.” 

HILD was aware that if the lenders had known that the Pricing Service was publishing bond prices that did not reflect fair value, meaning the price at which a lender could sell the bond in the market if necessary to recoup its capital, they would have refused to use those prices in determining how much money to loan to Live Well.  To prevent the Pricing Service and the lenders from learning that the prices did not reflect market value, HILD directed his co-conspirators at Live Well to take steps to conceal their provision of inflated marks to the Pricing Service.  Ultimately, due to the asset overvaluation and the purchase of additional bonds using the capital generated by the scheme, Live Well grew the purported value of its bond portfolio to over $500 million by December 2016.

In addition to using the liquidity generated by the scheme to expand Live Well’s bond portfolio, in or about September 2016, HILD used $18 million generated from the repo lenders to buy out the preferred stockholders in Live Well.  The elimination of the preferred stockholders gave HILD control of the company and allowed him to substantially increase his personal compensation.  Accordingly, HILD’s compensation jumped from approximately $1.4 million in 2015, to approximately $5 million in 2016, approximately $9.7 million in 2017, and over $8 million in 2018.

In or about late 2018, the chief financial officer of Live Well resigned after HILD refused to reduce the compensation he was receiving from the company.  In or about May 2019, the company’s interim chief financial officer informed HILD that he would not sign the company’s interim financial statements because he believed that the company’s carrying value for the HECM IO bond portfolio was significantly overstated.  In or about May 2019, Live Well announced that it would cease operations and unwind.  After the announcement of Live Well’s closing, Live Well’s interim chief financial officer provided a balance sheet to Live Well’s lenders showing that Live Well had reduced the value of its bond portfolio by over $200 million.  

HILD, 46, of Richmond, Virginia, was convicted of five counts:  one count of conspiracy to commit securities fraud; one count of conspiracy to commit wire and bank fraud; one count of securities fraud; one count of wire fraud; and one count of bank fraud.  Count One carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison, Counts Two, Four, and Five each carry a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison, and Count Three carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.  The charges also contain a maximum fine of $5 million, or twice the gross gain or loss from the offense.

The maximum potential sentences are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by a judge.

HILD is scheduled to be sentenced at 10:00 a.m. on August 20, 2021, by U.S. District Judge Ronnie Abrams, who presided over the trial.

Ms. Strauss praised the investigative work of the FBI and also thanked the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Attorney General James Stops Harassment at Manhattan Planned Parenthood Health Center


Anti-Choice Protesters Prohibited from Breaching Designated Buffer Zone Around Clinic, Must Pay $5,000 for Any Future Violations 

 New York Attorney General Letitia James has secured an agreement to end the harassing and obstructive behavior of two anti-choice protesters at a Planned Parenthood location in New York CityThe agreement negotiated by Attorney General James stipulates that the protesters, Bevelyn Beatty and Edmee Chavannes, will not enter the designated “buffer zone” established around the main entrances to Planned Parenthood of Greater New York’s (PPGNY) Manhattan Health Center. This resolves a February 2021 lawsuit filed by Attorney General James against Beatty and Chavannes over repeated violations of federal, state, and local clinic access laws through obstructive and violent actions against the patients, escorts, and health center staff at PPGNY. 

“Women have the clear and absolute right to make decisions about their own bodies, and they have the right to make those decisions without fear of violent and illegal tactics used against them,” said Attorney General James. “As a result of this agreement, these individuals will no longer be able to harass, threaten, and block women from entering Planned Parenthood. I will continue to use every tool in my legal arsenal to ensure women’s reproductive health care is not stifled or infringed upon in any way.” 

On numerous occasions throughout 2020, Beatty and Chavannes attempted to impede access to reproductive health care services by subjecting incoming patients and escorts to a barrage of unwanted physical contact, verbal abuse, and threats of harm. During the first peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City, these individuals weaponized the threat of the virus to further intimidate and interfere with the local Planned Parenthood’s operations. Beatty and Chavannes purposely put patients, staff, and escorts at risk by refusing to comply with local and state distance and mask mandates related to COVID-19, and continued to accost people entering the health center at close range, while mocking staff and escorts’ mask usage and desire to avoid close contact with them. Ultimately, these individuals forced patients and staff to choose between obtaining and providing reproductive health care, or protecting themselves from exposure to the virus.  

At the height of their campaign of violence and intimidation, Beatty and Chavannes called for other anti-abortion activists to, in their words, “terrorize” staff and patients at PPGNY's Manhattan Health Center, and they physically and verbally assaulted multiple volunteers and members of health center staff. Beatty was captured on video slamming a health center staff member’s hand in a door, causing her to need x-rays; repeatedly shoving a volunteer patient escort attempting to enter the facility; slapping a different volunteer in the face; and threatening to knock an escort unconscious. Chavannes screamed threats in a staff member’s face while maskless, and both individuals physically blocked the main and side entrances of the health center to prevent patients and staff from entering.  

The agreement announced today prohibits Beatty and Chavannes from entering an 18 foot by 30 foot area around PPGNY’s Manhattan Health Center’s premises. Any future violations of the agreement will result in a $5,000 fine per violation, as well as all attorneys' fees and related costs incurred by the Office of the Attorney General in relation to the enforcement of the injunction, and the possibility of civil and criminal contempt. 

In separate but similar cases involving “buffer zones” outside abortion clinics, Attorney General James successfully argued, in January 2020, that women in Rochester seeking to have an abortion should be able to do so without being harassed, threatened, or blocked before entering a clinic when a district court judge dismissed a lawsuit by anti-abortion activists seeking to bypass a 15-foot “buffer zone” outside a local Planned Parenthood facility. Additionally, Attorney General James is litigating the appeal in People ex rel. James v. Griepp to ensure that women who enter the Choices Women’s Medical Center in Jamaica, Queens are not harassed, obstructed, or threatened by protesters. 

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State Vaccination Program


93,940 Doses Administered in the Last 24 Hours          

More than 1.2 Million Doses Administered Over Past Seven Days           

Vaccine Dashboard Updated Daily on the State's Vaccine Program Here

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's vaccination program. 93,940 doses have been administered across the state's vast distribution network in the last 24 hours, and more than 1.2 million doses have been administered over the past seven days. The week 20 allocation of 1,419,795 first and second doses is expected to finish arriving today. 

"Our progress in beating back this virus has allowed us to slowly reopen our state and, if more people get vaccinated and the overall metrics continue to move in the right direction, we are optimistic that we can stay on this trajectory." Governor Cuomo said. "We cannot afford to get cocky, nor can we get lax in our vaccination efforts. Even as the spring season is in full swing and more people want to get outside and enjoy the warm weather, the footrace between the infection rate and the vaccination rate is still on. I remind all New Yorkers who still need to get the vaccine that it's the only way to show support for our health providers who work tirelessly to get shot into people's arms - and for everyone in their community who is vulnerable to this virus."  

All New York State mass vaccination sites are now open to eligible New Yorkers for walk-in vaccination on a first come first serve basis. The walk-in appointments are reserved for first doses only with second doses to be scheduled automatically after administration of the initial shot. In addition, all vaccine providers are encouraged to allow walk-in appointments for eligible New Yorkers. People who would prefer to schedule an appointment at a state-run mass vaccination site can do so on the Am I Eligible App or by calling 1-833-NYS-4-VAX. People may also contact their local health department, pharmacy, doctor or hospital to schedule appointments where vaccines are available, or visit to find information on vaccine appointments near them.           



Total doses administered - 15,643,329

Total doses administered over past 24 hours - 93,940

Total doses administered over past 7 days - 1,208,303

Percent of New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose - 46.5%

Percent of New Yorkers with completed vaccine series - 34.9%  

Monique Johnson Announces City Council Bid at the Pelham Parkway Houses

Standing with Danny Barber the citywide representative for NYCHA residents Monique Johnson declared her candidacy for the 13th City Council seat outside the Sue Ginsberg Senior Center at the Pelham Parkway Houses. 

Candidate Johnson spoke of the problems of NYCHA, and resident of the 13th council district of which she is the TL of the Throggs Neck Houses. She pledged to fix problems at NYCHA Houses if elected.  

245 Days and Counting - Happy Birthday Empire State Building.


Yesterday I wished Happy Birthday to the Empire State Building. It was once the tallest building in New York City at 102 floors. Construction of the Empire State Building began on March 17, 1930. Construction was completed in a record-breaking 1 year and 45 days. We can't build a school or fix up a park in that time frame today. The next mayor will have to take care of the city after I push the plunger to drop the New Year's Ball just before midnight December 31,2021 to welcome in 2022, which will be a much better year since I will no longer be mayor.



 Mayor Bill de Blasio: This is the place to be in New York City, the Empire State Building. And listen, everyone, New York City is coming back. New York City is coming back strong. We are ready for our full reopening July 1st. We are ready for an extraordinary summer. This is going to be the summer of New York City. And if you are visiting New York City, you have to come to the Empire State Building. There is no such thing as a visit to New York City where you really get to experience this city without going to the Empire State Building. It is part of who we are and it is the best place to see all the greatness of New York City.  

Now, listen, my family – the older generation in my family used to talk about what the Empire State Building meant to them. Because when it was built, it was an absolute marvel. It was something that was so amazing to people, even in New York City, where people believe everything’s possible. The Empire State Building stood out as an extraordinary achievement. And, to this day, we all feel a deep connection to the Empire State Building. The fact that it is here for us and it safe, because they’ve done an extraordinary job – this is another example of New York City’s comeback. 
I have to tell you, the Empire State Building – everyone here, they do things right. And Tony Malkin and I have had many conversations. And, Tony, I want to express my admiration to you and your whole team, because you don’t skimp on anything, ever. I admire it. You came up with the best safety systems in the midst of COVID and you showed how it could be done, how we could all come back together. You came up with some of the best green building standards in the world and you applied them in the world’s most famous building. I want people to understand how important that was. The number-one challenge we face, going forward, is climate change. We all have to get ready to fight this challenge together. The Empire State Building lead the way and said to people all over the world, you could do this too. And yes, we have the strongest, boldest law in New York City to stop emissions from our buildings. And that law was inspired in large measure by the achievements of the Empire State Building. Tony, you have been front and center in that effort. Thank you. Thank you for all you’ve done to help move us forward. 
But everyone, look – why do people love this building so much? Because it expresses our hopes. Because it is a place to dream. Tony told you it’s a great place to work. Of course, it’s a great place to visit, but it’s especially a great place to dream. And also, it’s a really great place to take a selfie. So, everybody – there’s no better selfie location on earth than the observation deck of the Empire State Building.  
So, 90 years young. And what a perfect moment for this anniversary, because New Yorkers are ready to move forward. But sometimes, the best way to move forward is to remember the greatness of our past. This building saw us through many a challenge. This building was built in the middle of the Depression. This building saw us through wars and every other challenge, but it stood as a beacon. No matter what, the Empire State Building was here, and it will be here for a long time ahead. And this building will look out over the recovery of New York City, the comeback of New York City. I think you’ll see a smile on the face of this building. You’ll see those lights lit up to inspire us. This anniversary says so much to us.  
So, everyone, this is a joyous day for New York City. And congratulations and happy birthday, Empire State Building.  

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Bailey, Fernandez, Dinowitz Hold Food Giveaway Thursday in Front of Lexi Bar on East 204th Street


The food giveaway was scheduled for Wednesday, but the pantry was not ready so it was postponed to the next day Thursday. Since the elected officials had other things planned for on Thursday their staff members filled in led by Assemblywoman Fernandez's Chief of Staff Dylan Tragni. 

There were one-hundred bags loaded with produce and a variety of canned and packaged goods weighing about twenty-five pounds each with enough food for several days. Without any elected officials to talk to the people the food giveaway seemed to be done much faster this time. 

Chief of Staff to Assemblywoman Nathalia Fernandez, Dylan Tragni filled in for his boss as he placed this heavy bag of food into the woman's wagon for her.