Thursday, May 6, 2021




While the five companies are mentioned, the thirteen NYCHA Developments are not with less than seven weeks to one of the biggest primaries for City Council. Thus a NYCHA Development in a certain council district could swing the election in that council district as one candidate could say it was through them the development is getting low cost high-speed internet.

Five vendors have signed agreements to offer high-speed internet access for up to 30,000 residents in 13 NYCHA developments, a major milestone in the City’s implementation of the Internet Master Plan for Universal Broadband

Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced a major milestone in the City’s effort to bring new internet connectivity options to residents of the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) and to create a shift in the local broadband market.  As part of New York City’s implementation of the Internet Master Plan for Universal Broadband, the City has executed license agreements with five internet service providers to offer high-speed internet access for up to 30,000 residents in 13 NYCHA developments. NYCHA is currently in the process of finalizing an agreement with a sixth internet service provider. 

The five vendors with executed license agreements -- Starry, Sky Packets, Silicon Harlem, Flume, and NYC Mesh -- are finalists selected from the City’s Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) issued in partnership with the NYC Economic Development Corporation (EDC) in June 2020.  Three developments selected through this process will receive free WiFi on public grounds, while the remaining 10 developments will be wired for affordable in-unit internet access. This effort is part of the Mayor's commitment to extend broadband to New Yorkers in the hardest-hit communities identified by the Taskforce on Racial Inclusion and Equity.

“In this day and age, high-quality internet service is a necessity, not a luxury,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “By investing in broadband infrastructure, we drive forward a recovery for all of us—both by delivering much needed resources to NYCHA families and making significant progress on our commitment to close the city’s digital divide.”

"Affordable broadband is critical for 21st century life," said Deputy Mayor for Operations Laura Anglin. "The Internet connects millions of New Yorkers to work, education, healthcare, family and more. I'm thrilled these partnerships will bring high-speed connectivity to 30,000 NYCHA residents as we implement our nation-leading Internet Master Plan."

"A 21st century recovery for all of us means increasing access to critical infrastructure like broadband," said Deputy Mayor Vicki Been. "For too long, the digital divide has prevented many New Yorkers—including families, students, and seniors—from accessing the Internet where they live. The Internet Master Plan is our boldest investment in universal broadband to date, and I'm thrilled we've partnered with these providers to speed up access to this vital resource for 30,000 NYCHA residents."

“We have witnessed how transformational internet connectivity can be to the lives of New Yorkers. Now, 30,000 more NYCHA residents are gaining affordable broadband options through the City’s bold and innovative approach. The Internet Master Plan is changing lives for the better by making education, opportunity, and healthcare more accessible. In addition, broadband creates opportunities to strengthen bonds with family, friends, and community,” said New York City Chief Technology Officer John Paul Farmer. “Building on this notable progress, the City will continue to facilitate partnerships with internet service providers that share the goal of affordable, high-speed internet for all New Yorkers.”     

"New York City is closer to achieving its goal of becoming a fairer and equitable city with launching the Internet Master Plan for Universal Broadband," said NYCEDC Acting President Rachel Loeb. "Through this Master Plan, five vendors will provide access to affordable, high-speed internet options for 30,000 NYCHA residents. We're thrilled the City has reached a milestone to close the digital divide, which for too long has had a disproportionate impact in communities that need it the most.”

“The Authority is committed to expanding the quality of internet service options available to our residents by leveraging emerging technologies and identifying innovative partnership opportunities,” said NYCHA Chair & CEO Greg Russ. “We want to thank the City, MOCTO, and NYCEDC for working with us on this important milestone of making high-speed broadband service more accessible to public housing residents across New York City.”

“Digital equity must be a priority and this initiative demonstrates our commitment to ending the divide. Free and low cost broadband access is crucial for NYCHA residents and communities of color to have equitable access to work, learning, healthcare, government services and other essential resources,” said Sideya Sherman, Executive Director of the Taskforce on Racial Inclusion and Equity and EVP for Community Engagement and Partnerships, NYCHA. “This gap existed before the pandemic and is even more critical now. This unprecedented investment, which accelerates the Internet Master Plan, demonstrates how the City can work creatively, across government, to meet the moment.”

About the RFEI 

This RFEI offered a unique opportunity for internet service providers, both large and small, to propose their plans and partnership ideas to use new access to NYCHA buildings and facilities  to rapidly close the digital divide for this slice of New Yorkers. Respondents proved the City’s theory: that when the City offers new assets -- including building common areas, facades, rooftops, light poles, and other physical structures that can be used for broadband installation -- a diverse set of companies will enter the market with lower cost service options that present competition to the large companies offering limited high-quality service options to New Yorkers.  These new companies prove that you can bring new connectivity options to public housing communities and to low-connectivity neighborhoods to close the digital divide. 

In the target neighborhoods, internet service providers charge anywhere from $40/month to $110/month. With this RFEI, vendors will provide free or low-cost internet service residents can sign up for no more than $20/month.

"Today, broadband is an essential service. We at NYC Mesh are committed to working with the City and NYCHA to ensure universal and equitable internet access for all New Yorkers,” said the NYC Mesh organizers. “We believe every community should have the opportunity and resources to own and manage their connection online, and look forward to scaling this collaboration -- already benefiting NYCHA residents -- to ensure our city’s digital future benefits all people." 

“Silicon Harlem applauds New York City for taking a bold Broadband commitment to ensure everyone is connected. We must continue to break down barriers to broadband access for lower income communities, knowing that doing so will enable multiple generations of all New Yorkers to become more fully engaged in the world," said Clayton Banks, Chief Executive Officer for Silicon Harlem. “Silicon Harlem is thrilled to provide new and innovative ways to deliver the internet to every home without having cost being a barrier. The RFEI creates an unprecedented opportunity for New York City to be the gateway to greater opportunity for all.”

“Flume is honored to bring our fiber-to-the-home deployment to over 6,000 NYCHA homes as part of this RFEI,” said Prashanth Vijay, CEO of Flume. “We believe high quality, low cost fiber broadband should be a right enjoyed by all New Yorkers and our mission is to accelerate towards that goal. We hope this project serves as an inspiration to other private-public partnerships and connectivity investment in affordable housing.” 

“Amid COVID-19, having broadband access that you can trust was a social determinant of good health and synonymous with economic stability,” said Henry Quintin, CEO of Sky Packets. “Sky Packets managed Wi-Fi solutions serve as a catalyst in closing the digital divide. From virtual learning, streaming, and remote work, we are proud to partner with local community advocates The Red Hook Initiative, NYCHA, NYCEDC, and the Mayor's Office of the Chief Technology Office to offer a much-needed utility to the residents of Red Hook, Brooklyn.”

“Starry is proud to partner with the City of New York and the Mayor’s Office of the Chief Technology Officer to bring our high-quality, affordable broadband service to NYCHA residents,” said Virginia Lam Abrams, Head of Government Affairs and Strategic Advancement for Starry. “Broadband is more essential than ever, and every New Yorker deserves the ability to fully participate and engage in digital life – for work, for school and to connect with family and friends. But that can’t happen if the cost of broadband access is out of reach. We’re excited to bring our digital equity program, Starry Connect, to NYCHA and provide an ultra-low-cost broadband choice for residents, without credit checks or other eligibility strings attached. We thank Mayor de Blasio, CTO John Paul Farmer and the MOCTO staff for its work on this important pilot program and look forward to launching our service to NYCHA families.” 

About the Internet Master Plan

In January 2020, the City announced the New York City Internet Master Plan, a first-in-nation plan that provides the roadmap to universal broadband in New York City, and the steps the City will take to close the digital divide. Providing equitable broadband is vital to ensuring economic prosperity, digital inclusion, and full participation of all New Yorkers in the digital economy. Universal broadband will also pave the way for next generation technologies such as 5G to be fully accessible to all New Yorkers.

Attorney General James Issues Report Detailing Millions of Fake Comments, Revealing Secret Campaign to Influence FCC’s 2017 Repeal of Net Neutrality Rules


Multi-Year Investigation Into 2017 Net Neutrality Rulemaking Finds 18 Million Fake Comments Filed with FCC, Half a Million Fake Letters Sent to Congress

Broadband Industry Funded Six Companies That Engaged in Illegal Activity and Impersonated Millions of Americans

AG James Announces Three Agreements Ending Fraudulent Practices by Perpetrators of Fake Comments

 New York Attorney General Letitia James today released a report detailing the results of her office’s wide-ranging investigation into fake, public comments submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in a 2017 proceeding to repeal net neutrality rules. Net neutrality prohibits broadband providers from blocking, slowing down, or charging companies to prioritize certain content on the internet. Attorney General James’ investigation uncovered widespread fraud, as well as abusive practices used to sway government policy — using masses of comments and messages to create the false impression of popular support. Additionally, Attorney General James today resolved investigations into three companies that contributed to the millions of fake comments submitted in the 2017 net neutrality proceeding.

“Americans voices are being drowned out by masses of fake comments and messages being submitted to the government to sway decision-making,” said Attorney General James. “Instead of actually looking for real responses from the American people, marketing companies are luring vulnerable individuals to their websites with freebies, co-opting their identities, and fabricating responses that giant corporations are then using to influence the polices and laws that govern our lives. But, today, we are taking action to root out this fraud and the impersonation that has been corrupting the process for far too long. From net neutrality rules to laws affecting criminal justice reform, health care, and more, these fake comments have simply been generated to influence too many government policies, which is why we are cracking down on this illegal and deceptive behavior. My office will continue to shine a spotlight on abuses and disinformation and ensure those who break the law are held accountable.”

Through its investigation, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) found that, in 2017, the nation’s largest broadband companies funded a secret campaign to generate millions of comments to the FCC. Many of these comments provided “cover” for the FCC’s repeal of net neutrality rules. This practice — disguising an orchestrated, paid campaign as a grassroots effort, to create a false appearance of genuine, unpaid public support — is often referred to as astroturfing. To help generate these comments, the broadband industry engaged commercial lead generators that used prizes — like gift cards and sweepstakes entries — to lure consumers to their websites and join the campaign. However, nearly every lead generator that was hired to enroll consumers in the campaign, instead, simply fabricated consumers’ responses. As a result, more than 8.5 million fake comments that impersonated real people were submitted to the FCC, and more than half a million fake letters were sent to Congress.

The OAG also found that the FCC received another 9.3 million fake comments supporting net neutrality that used fictitious identities. Most of these comments were submitted by a single person — a 19-year old college student using automated software. In all, the OAG confirmed that nearly 18 million of the more than 22 million comments the FCC received in its 2017 proceeding to repeal net neutrality rules were fake.

Additionally, the OAG’s investigation revealed that the fraud perpetrated by the various lead generators infected other government proceedings as well. Three of the lead generation firms involved in the broadband industry’s net neutrality comment campaigns had also worked on more than 100 other, unrelated campaigns to influence regulatory agencies and public officials. In nearly all of these advocacy campaigns, the lead generation firms engaged in fraud. As a result, more than 1 million fake comments were generated for other rulemaking proceedings, and more than 3.5 million fake digital signatures for letters and petitions were generated for federal and state legislators and government officials across the nation.

Attorney General James’ report recommends several reforms to root out the deception and fraud that have infected public policymaking by agencies and legislatures, including encouraging:

  • Advocacy groups to take steps to ensure they have obtained valid consent from an individual before submitting a comment or message to the government on their behalf,
  • Agencies and legislatures that manage electronic systems that receive comments and messages to hold advocacy groups and their vendors more accountable for the comments they submit on behalf of individuals,
  • Lawmakers to strengthen laws to deter the submission of deceptive and unauthorized comments to the government, and
  • Agencies to adopt technical safeguards to protect against unauthorized bulk submissions using automation.

Attorney General James also, today, announced agreements with three of the lead generators that were responsible for millions of the fake comments submitted in the net neutrality proceeding: Fluent, Inc., responsible for approximately 4.8 million fraudulent comments; Opt-Intelligence, Inc., responsible for more than 250,000 fraudulent comments; and React2Media, Inc., responsible for approximately 329,000 comments in the net neutrality proceeding (all or nearly all of which were fraudulent). Fluent and React2Media were also responsible, collectively, for millions of fake comments and messages submitted in dozens of other advocacy campaigns. The agreements with the OAG require the companies to adopt comprehensive reforms in future advocacy campaigns and pay more than $4.4 million in penalties and disgorgement.

The OAG wishes to thank the offices of the attorneys general of Colorado, Massachusetts, and the District of Columbia, as well as the San Diego district attorney’s office for their assistance in this matter.

Bronx Borough President Candidate Fernando Cabrera Meets 15th City Council Candidate Bernadette Ferrara


Wednesday evening City Council District 15 candidate Bernadette Ferrera was hosting a fundraiser, when Bronx Borough President candidate Fernando Cabrera stopped in. This was not an endorsement, as is going around, but a meet and greet for the two candidates.

15th City Council candidate Ferrera gave a history of herself, a candidate from a family of immigrants, single mother with deep roots in her Bronx community, Founding member of the Van Nest Neighborhood Alliance being its President since 2015, member of Community Board 11 serving on various committees, and sit on the Morris Park Business Improvement District.

Bronx Borough President candidate then spoke saying it will take a strong Borough President such as himself to bring the Bronx back to Pre-Covid days. Cabrera went on to say how much better he is than the other candidates, and how he has done more for the Bronx. He rattled out several ideas he had for the future Bronx. Interestingly, Borough President candidate Cabrera was in no hurry to leave, as he spoke to everyone in the room who he met.

15th City Council candidate Bernadette Ferrara speaking.

Bronx Borough President candidate Councilman Fernando Cabrera speaking.

Morris Park Community Association President Al D'Angelo was on hand, and posed with the two candidates.

Governor Cuomo Announces Lowest Single-day COVID-19 Positivity Rate since October 22


Statewide Positivity Rate Drops to 1.27%

Statewide 7-Day Average Positivity Rate Drops to 1.62%—Lowest Since November 3

Western New York's 7-Day Average Positivity Rate Drops to 2.82%—Every Region of New York State Below 3 Percent for First Time Since November 5

Hospitalizations Drop to 2,335—Lowest Since November 18; Down 599 Over Past Week

ICU Patients Drop to 605—Lowest Since November 24

Intubations Drop to 371—Lowest Since November 30

23 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that the statewide COVID-19 positivity rate dropped to 1.27 percent yesterday, the lowest since October 22.

Western New York's 7-day average positivity rate dropped to 2.82 percent yesterday. The positivity rate in every region of New York State has now dropped below 3 percent for the first time since November 5, 2020.

"As we make progress defeating the COVID beast and the numbers continue to come down, we are incrementally reopening our economy based on the science and the data," Governor Cuomo said. "This is all good news, but we aren't through this pandemic yet and it's essential that New Yorkers continue practicing safe behaviors like washing hands, wearing masks and socially distancing to slow the spread. We will get past COVID, but only if we do it together, so we need every single New Yorker to do their part and get vaccinated so we can begin to recover, reimagine and rebuild."

Today's data is summarized briefly below: 

  • Test Results Reported - 203,644
  • Total Positive - 2,585
  • Percent Positive - 1.27%
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 1.62%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 2,335 (-123)
  • 7-Day Average Patient Hospitalization - 2,572
  • Net Change Patient Hospitalization Past Week - -599
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 287
  • Number ICU - 605 (-5)
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 371 (-8)
  • Total Discharges - 177,356 (+344)
  • Deaths - 23
  • Total Deaths - 42,185

241 Days and Counting

 King Cuomo is now trying to blame me for the Homeless situation in New York City, where has he been all these years?

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Bronx Man Charged With 2012 Murder Of Michael Perez


 Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Dermot Shea, Commissioner of the New York City Police Department (“NYPD”), announced today the unsealing of an indictment charging SHAREEF LANDSMARK, a/k/a “Reef, a/k/a “Wreef,” with murdering Michael Perez in the Bronx, New York, on September 17, 2012.  LANDSMARK was arrested yesterday and will be presented later today before U.S. Magistrate Judge Katharine H. Parker.  The case is assigned to U.S. District Judge Lorna G. Schofield.

U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “As alleged in the Indictment, almost nine years ago, Shareef Landsmark executed Michael Perez in the streets of the Bronx.  Thanks to the perseverance of the NYPD, Landsmark now stands charged in federal court.”

NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said:  “Today’s charges prove that the best investigators in the world will never cease to secure justice that is owed to victims and their families.  I would like to thank the NYPD Detectives, our law enforcement partners, and the prosecutors of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York for their dedication to this investigation.”

As alleged in the Indictment[[1]] unsealed yesterday in Manhattan federal court:

On September 17, 2012, LANDSMARK was hired by a co-conspirator to kill Michael Perez in furtherance of a conspiracy to distribute crack cocaine.  Later that night, LANDSMARK shot and killed Perez, who was standing in the street near the intersection of East 213th Street and Willett Avenue in the Bronx.

LANDSMARK, 35, from the Bronx, New York, is charged with one count of murder through use of a firearm, which carries a maximum penalty of death or life in prison and a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in prison; one count of murder in connection with a drug trafficking crime, which carries a maximum penalty of death or life in prison and a mandatory minimum sentence of 20 years in prison; and one count of murder-for-hire, which carries a maximum penalty of death or life in prison and a mandatory minimum sentence of life in prison.

The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for information purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.

 Ms. Strauss praised the outstanding work of the NYPD.  She also thanked the Special Agents of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York for their assistance in the investigation.

The charges contained in the Indictment are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Indictment and the description of the Indictment set forth herein constitute only allegations and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.



Defendant Pleaded Guilty to First-Degree Criminal Sexual Act

 Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark today announced that a Bronx man has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl in Mount Eden in 2017. 

 District Attorney Clark said, “The defendant followed a 12-year-old girl, who was on her way back home from a store, and sexually assaulted her in broad daylight. He also terrified the child by threatening to kill her and her family. We hope today’s sentence brings some solace to the victim and her family.” 

 District Attorney Clark said the defendant, Malcolm Lugo, 24, last of 3988 Bronxwood Avenue, was sentenced today to 12 years in prison and 20 years post-release supervision by Bronx Supreme Court Justice James McCarty. The defendant will also be required to register as a sex offender upon his release from incarceration. The defendant pleaded guilty to first-degree Criminal Sexual Act on March 12, 2021.

 According to the investigation, at 11:00 a.m. on August 13, 2017, near 1686 Weeks Avenue, the victim was returning from a store when the defendant spotted her and followed her for a block. Video surveillance shows Lugo grabbing the victim from behind and dragging her into an alley. Lugo pressed what the victim believed to be a gun to her head and threatened to kill her. The defendant then sexually assaulted the victim and engaged in oral sexual conduct. Before fleeing the scene, the defendant told the victim he knew where her family was and threatened to kill them. When the child returned home, she told her mother what had happened and she called 911.

 Surveillance videos show the defendant changing and throwing away his clothes after the incident, and at several friends’ houses across the city, in an attempt to evade authorities. Lugo fled to Massachusetts and was arrested after a six-week manhunt.

 District Attorney Clark also thanked NYPD Detective Harris Goldner of the Bronx Special Victims Squad and retired NYPD Detective Daniel Robbins of the Bronx Warrant Squad.