Sunday, August 22, 2010

In Cross-Endorsement, Eric Schneiderman Announces Support For Senate Candidate Gustavo Rivera

   On the heels of receiving an enthusiastic endorsement from the New York Times editorial board, Attorney General candidate Eric Schneiderman today announced his support for Gustavo Rivera, a Senate candidate running to unseat Pedro Espada. Rivera also endorsed Schneiderman for Attorney General, citing his commitment to public integrity. 
Rivera is a relative unknown who can’t really do much to aid Schneiderman’s statewide bid, this is looks like a   symbolic way for the Manhattan Democrat to continue to try to demonstrate his years in the Senate won’t impede his ability to crack down on corruption there if he’s elected AG, and try to appeal to minority voters.
Senate Democratic Conference Leader John Sampson has made it clear he’s backing all incumbent members of his conference seeking re-election this year – including Espada, who has been slapped with two civil lawsuits by Cuomo’s office in connection with his Bronx Soundview Health Care Network.

3rd Annual Bronx Veterans Parade will be held on Saturday, September 25, 2010,

   On the last Saturday in September (9/25/10) the 3rd Annual Bronx Veterans Parade will take place in The Bronx: the Bronx Veterans Parade Committee (BVPC) would be honored to have you, your organization, family, and friends attend the parade event.
   The purpose of the parade is to give recognition to The Bronx area Veterans who served in the military; and to support community awareness through collaboration with community boards, Veterans organizations, political and governmental groups, agencies, faith communities, CBOs and FBOs. Our Veterans come from the Army, Marines, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force, Merchant Marines, National Guard, and Reserves. Our Veterans served in all eras and campaigns.  
   The parade event will be held on Saturday, September 25, 2010, (Rain or Shine) from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Formation starts 9:00 AM at East 178th Street, on Crotona Parkway @ the Crotona Mall: Bronx, NY 10460. Parade Route/Event: Make a right turn on E.180th Street to the Old Soldiers Cemetery: wreath laying ceremony and placing of flags on headstones. Proceed to Vidalia Park- between Vyse & Daly Avenue, where we are honoring our Bronx Veterans and their Families with a barbecue.
   An application must be completed to march in the parade, and submitted to committee no later than Friday, September 10, 2010: use application attached or contact BVPC Administrative Assistant Carrie Taft @ (917) 226-7960 to have an application sent to you. Please direct any questions about parade to BVPC Founder & Chairperson Dolores Steele (718) 506-6533 or BVPC Co chairperson Raymond Lettsome (718) 824-2197. 

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Espada and Sampson give $100,00.00 to aid restoration of Love Gospel Assembly

   Today the spiritual leaders of the recently fire ravaged Love Gospel Assembly (of the Grand Concourse) held a "Operation Restoration" fundraiser at the Concert Hall in Lehman College. Over 500 people came from all over the Bronx to rejoiced that the Love Gospel Assembly would rebuild. In addition to the singing, sermons, testimonials of how Love Gospel helped individuals, there were also the politicians. 
   Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. gave such a rousing speech in favor of the good work done by Love Gospel that you thought he was following in his father's footsteps. BP Diaz also pledged one thousand dollars to the restoration effort.
   Next up was Councilman (and pastor) Fernando Cabrera, who really gave a sermon. Cabrera ended with saying that we stand with you Bishop Bailey, and the Love Gospel Assembly congregation. he added "The lord is about to position you to go to the next level, and you are not just a church, but a movement in the Bronx. Cabrera then also pledged one thousand dollars to the restoration effort.
  Also in the audience were Deputy Bronx Borough President Greene, Assemblywoman Gibson, Assemblyman Jose Rivera, and 33rd State Senate candidate J. Gustavo Rivera. After some songs and more testimonials State Senator Pedro Espada (33rd district) with his wife Connie, and State Senate Conference Leader John Sampson arrived.
   Senator Sampson said that god puts obstacles in our way, and this is only a test to see how you will rebuilds the Love Gospel Assembly. He added "one of our cornerstones is our beliefs in god, especially in these tough times". "Keep the faith". 
   Senator Espada then said that we don't believe in separation of church, and  that god is everywhere. Senators Espada and Sampson then presented Bishop Bailey with a check for one hundred thousand dollars for Operation Restoration. After thanking both senators Bishop Bailey showed the sketch of a new 7 story building to replace the old burned out one.
   Before Senator Espada left I asked him if he would appear on the Bronxtalk debate set up by Gary Axelbank, and Senator Espada told me that he saw no reason why he would not be there for the TV debate, but that he would have to talk to his chief of staff first about the debate.
   I also asked Espada's opponent to comment on the check that Senator Espada gave to Operation Restoration, and Mr. Gustavo Rivera commented that he hopes the check is for real, because the Love Gospel Assembly needs all the help it can get in its rebuilding effort.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Espada Commercial Slams Gustavo Rivera

   The first of two commercials made by the Pedro Espada Jr. camp is up an running, slamming challenger Gustavo Rivera as a puppet controlled by outsiders of the community who “want to take our power away from us” in the 33rd State Senate District.
  Also singled out for criticism are a handful of “outsiders”: 32BJ’s Mike Fishman (“sued for racketeering”), WFP Executive Director Dan Cantor (“under investigation by the FBI for voter fraud” ), Sen. Liz Krueger and Bill Samuels (“millionaire puppet masters who don’t care about our community”). 
  It should be noted the U.S. Attorney’s Office has decided to close its investigation without the filing of any charges against Dan Cantor or the WFP.
Just copy and paste the link below to view the 30 second commercial. 


33rd State Senate Debate on Bronxtalk

   We have been told that the Monday night August 30th Bronxtalk Show hosted by Gary Axelbank will feature a debate between the three candidates running for the 33rd State Senate seat. Invitations were sent out to all three candidates and it is expected that the debate will go on even if incumbent State Senator Pedro Espada Jr. does not appear. Espada is famous for his previous debate on Bronxtalk several years ago when he pulled a rubber hatchet from under his jacket, and replied that his opponent then (David Rosado) along with his supporters were trying to do a hatchet job on his reputation. 
   Bronxtalk has been on the air for over 15 years and is hosted by Gary Axelbank. A few weeks ago there was a debate between the two candidates for the 76th Assembly District, and the week before the show was given entirely to 86th Assemblyman Nelson Castro when his opponent 86th Assembly District Male District Leader Hector Ramirez did not show up. We figure that Mr. Axelbank will go on with the 33rd State Senate debate with or without Senator Espada. That would only give more time to Espada's opponents Mr. J. Gustavo Rivera and Mr. Dan Padernacht to argue why they should be elected to replace Senator Espada.
   That's Monday night August 30th at 9PM for the 33rd State Senate debate on Bronxtalk channel 67 on Cabelvision, and Bronxtalk is also available on Verizion Fios please check the program listings for the channel.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Does Anthony Perez Cassino Have a Conflict of Intrest on the Charter Revision Commission?

   With the Charter Revision Committee taking up the question of returning to two terms for all city elected officials, does one member of the commission have a conflict of interest?
   It appears that Charter Revision Commission member Anthony Perez Cassino will be voting on the term limit issue of returning to two terms instead of the current three terms that was changed by the City Council in 2009. The Charter Revision Committee will be meeting on Monday August 24th, and several members have said that they will bring up the question of not allowing those elected officials who may be eligible to run for a third term in 2017 to run for that third term as part of the ballot proposal.
   This would mean that current Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. who did not reappoint Mr. Cassino to Community Board #8 would not be allowed to run for a third term, and be term limited out in 2017. This would also mean that Councilman Fernando Cabrera who did not reappoint Cassino ally Bradford Treabach would also not be allowed to run for a third term in 2017. This would also mean that Councilman Jimmy Vacca would not be able to run for a third term in 2013, as would all other council members that were elected in 2005 for the first term.
   Should this possible term limit reversal ballot proposal be passed by the voters, it could mean an almost clean sweep of the city council in 2013 except for those council members who started their first term in 2009. For the Bronx that would mean that only Councilman Fernando Cabrera who was first elected in 2009  could be the only Bronx council member to be eligible to run for re-election if no other member retires or is removed before 2013.

Jamaican Heritage and Culture Celebration in The Bronx

   On Tuesday, August 17, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and the Jamaica Progressive League, Inc. commemorated the 48th Year of the Independence of Jamaica and the 123rd birthday anniversary of Marcus M. Garvey, Jamaica’s First National Hero. During the event, Diaz Jr. presented a proclamation to the president of the Jamaica Progressive League, Sadie Campbell.
   “I extend my gratitude and appreciation to the Jamaica Progressive League and its committed members for keeping alive the memory of Marcus Garvey and for highlighting Jamaican culture. Today we acknowledge the cultural and political contributions Jamaican-Americans have made to our great borough,” said Diaz Jr. 
       Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. presents proclamation to Ms.Sadie Campbell.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


   The New York City Charter Revision Commission will hold its last scheduled public hearing and meeting on Monday, August 23rd.  At that meeting, the Commission will receive public input on its work to date, and the Commission will vote on any remaining issues before it, including the adoption of a Final Report and ballot questions.  The hearing is open to the public and will be streamed live via webcast through the Commission’s website at
***Attached, for public consideration, are draft proposed amendments to the City Charter corresponding to the resolutions adopted by the Charter Revision Commission at its open meeting on August 11, 2010***        PLACE:   Baruch College, Newman Vertical Campus Conference Center
55 Lexington Avenue (enter at 24th Street & Lexington Ave)             
14th Floor, Room 14-220

·           DATE:     Monday, August 23, 2010 at 6:00 PM

·           DIRECTIONS:  Baruch College is accessible by public transportation:  Take the 6 train to the 23rd Street stop, or the N or R to the 23rd Street stop.  The following bus lines also stop near Baruch:  M1, M2, M3, M4, M32, M101 and M102. 
Anyone may sign-up to speak during the hearing segment of the evening. Individuals who wish to give testimony may begin signing-up one half-hour before the hearing. Written testimony is encouraged and can be submitted at the hearing or through the “Contact the Commission” link on the Commission’s website or by emailing the Commission at