Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Link to the Bronxtalk Debate for 33rd State Senate

  Here is the link for the Bronxtalk 33rd State Senate debate between J. Gustavo Rivera and Dan Padernacht that incumbent Perdo Espada skipped. Listen to host Gary Axelbank's comment on Espada. Watch the entire debate and decide if we are right or wrong on our commentary of the debate, as we have called Espada the looser, and Dan Padernacht the winner. You may want to check the other blogs for their coverage of the debate, and read some of the comments. We suggest that you visit the Bronx News Network if you want to read some interesting comments. 

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Espada Big Looser on Bronxtalk 33rd State Senate Debate

   Monday night's Bronxtalk debate between the candidates of the 33rd State Senate District started off by host Gary Axelbank apologizing to viewers that incumbent 33rd State Senator Pedro Espada Jr. would not be participating in the debate, and that Espada was exhibiting a lack respect for the voters of the 33rd State Senate District. Axelbank added that Espada didn't even have the decency to respond to any of his correspondences. Senator Espada told me that he would have no problem debating on the corner or on television when I asked him at a previous press conference, and I guess the voters should take Senator Espada for his word, which seems to be questionable. 
   The debate for the 33rd State Senate District went on without Espada, as J. Gustavo Rivera and Dan Padernacht began with host Axelbank questioning candidate Padernacht on his candidacy saying "aren't you playing a spoiler in this race"? Padernacht replied with "that is the hype Mr. Rivera is playing, trying to dissuade my supporters and steal my votes away". Padernacht added that his family has lived in the district for over 60 years, and that he (Padernacht) was part of the team that challenged Espada on his residency two years ago. 
   Candidate Rivera mentioned his endorsements from unions and elected officials including BP Diaz Jr. and Assemblyman Dinowitz, to which Padernacht asked "why did BP Diaz and Dinowitz wait so long to endorse you"? Padernacht added his community involvement from fighting the water filtration plant to a proposed methadone clinic in the district. On the question of community involvement Mr. Rivera said that he has lived in the district for 10 years in a rent stabilized apartment, and helped on the Obama campaign. When Padernacht asked Rivera to talk about his community involvement, Rivera countered with his work for the state senate helping to make for a democratic majority. 
   When questioned that he is a lawyer for realtor's Padernacht said that his father helped organize the tenants of the Sholom Aleichem Houses, and that is how he was brought up to help people. Padernacht added that he went to law school, and that he, his mother, his brother, and his grandmother all live in rent stabilized apartments. Rivera said that he helped elect State Senator Cousins (D-Yonkers) who want to get rid of the Erstead law, but Senator Espada is the chair of the Senate Housing Committee who will not let that happen. Padernacht replied that he was in court this morning defending a tenants rights, and said that he is well versed in the law and knows what has to be done in Albany. 
   National health care came up with both Rivera and Padernacht agreeing that more has to be done at the local level, including incentives for people to remain healthy. 
   When Rivera brought up the Kingsbridge Armory during the job creation question, Padernacht said that Rivera was not involved in the armory issue, and again challenged Rivera to discuss how he has been involved in the 33rd district. 
     When Rivera repeated that unions such as 1199 and the UFT have endorsed him, Padernacht countered that it was the political units of the unions that have endorsed and that the membership would probably vote for him.
    On the question of Mayoral Control of the public schools Rivera said that some aspects have worked, while Padernacht said that Mayoral Control has been a failure as seen by the recent test scores.
   In closing statements Padernacht continued his argument that Mr. Rivera was trying to sway Padernacht supporters, and potential Padernacht voters away with the spoiler issue repeating that he (Padernacht) will win the election. Padernacht ended by saying that he is on Community Board #8, that you see him in the community, and will always see him in the community.
   In Mr. Rivera's closing statement, he stated the lack of concern by the current state senator, and said that "I want to work for you". 
  After the debate Mr. Rivera told me that he brought out the facts about Pedro Espada Jr. that the senator needed to be called out on. Mr. Padernacht said that there was no reason to hack Espada, that he wanted to bring out his community involvement, and Mr. Rivera's lack of community involvement. 
   I give the Bronxtalk debate to Dan Padernacht for presenting excellent reasons as to why he deserves to get the vote of the people, while J. Gustavo Rivera could only rattle off endorsements and knock the incumbent Perdro Espada Jr., not that Espada didn't deserve it.  

Monday, August 30, 2010


   The New York Foundling Mott Haven Academy Charter School is First in Nation to Combine Academic Program with Social and Healthcare Services
   Surrounded by children, educators, parents and community leaders, Deputy Mayor Dennis Walcott will ring a ceremonial bell on Wednesday, September 1st 2010, at 9:30 am, to celebrate the opening of a first-of-its kind facility that combines a full academic charter school with social services, preventative programs and free healthcare clinic under one roof. 
   The first school of its kind in the nation, “Haven Academy” was founded specifically to address the needs of children in the child welfare system.  The school model integrates the rigorous academic curriculum of a charter school with the supportive social services that many of these children and families rely on to remain intact.  
WHO:              NYC Deputy Mayor Dennis Walcott, NYS Assembly Member Carmen Arroyo, NYC City Council Member Melissa Mark-Viverito, New York Foundling Executive Director Bill Baccaglini, Haven Academy Principal Jessica Nauiokas, Haven Academy staff, children, parents

WHAT:            New York Foundling Bell Ringing Ceremony to Celebrate new Haven Academy and Bronx Community Services Facility

WHERE:          Mott Haven Academy Charter School, 170 Brown Place, Mott Haven, NY

WHEN:            Wednesday, September 1, 2010, 9:30 am

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz endorse J. Gustavo Rivera in 33rd State Senate District

   This morning J. Gustavo Rivera picked up the endorsement of Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and Assemblyman Jeffry Dinowitz of the 81th A.D. 
   BP Diaz said that he has know Mr. Rivera for many years, it is important for him (Diaz) to have partners in government to work with, that he (Diaz) has such relationships in the city council, state legislature and even congress, with the exception of the 33rd State Senator Pedro Espada Jr., and 86th Assemblyman Nelson Castro. Diaz added that it is important to vote out elected officials that give the Bronx a bad reputation such as Senator Espada. 
   Assemblyman Dinowitz in his endorsement speech brought up the senate coup last June and said that all the hard work and bills passed by the Assembly died while Pedro Espada played with the fate the balence of power in the state senate. Dinowitz added that as Senate Housing Chairman Espada has blocked every piece of pro tenant legislation. 
   J. Gustavo Rivera thanked both BP Diaz and Assemblyman Dinowitz for their endorsement, and added "Pedro Esapda Jr. has forgotten who he represents". He also thanked Yudelka Tapia a candidate from last years 14th City Council race who was there to also support Mr. Rivera's candidacy. 
  BP Diaz was questioned if his endorsement of Mr. Rivera will cause any family problems, since Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. his father has endorsed Pedro Espada Jr. Diaz Jr. answered back with "this is not the first time, nor will it be the last time that I will differ with my father Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. BP Diaz added that in 2002 Pedro Espada Jr. abandoned the Democratic Party and that was how my father became a state senator. 
   When Dinowitz was asked how he is endorsing Mr. Rivera, he answered as an assemblyman whose district is part of the 33rd state senate, and not as Bronx County Committee Chairman. When asked if he will pursue  dis enrollment procedures should Espada win the Democratic Primary, Dinowitz said " let's hope that issue of party enrollment will be mute after the election".
   Tonight is the first of two scheduled debates between all three candidates for the 33rd State Senate, and it is suspected that only J. Gustavo Rivera and Dan Padernacht will show up. The debate can be seen on Bronxtalk hosted by Gary Axelbank on Cablevison  channel 67 at 9PM, and check the channel listing for Verizon Fios.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Frankie Avalon Concert in Loreto Park

   While he didn't bring his Beach Party movies co-star Annette Funicello with him to the Loreto Park concert, the fans still came out to see Frankie Avalon Thursday night. The concert by Frankie Avalon was set up by State Senator Jeff Klein as part of his free Summertime Symphonies concert series.
 Above Senator Klein with Frankie Avalon as he signs an autograph for a fan.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

More Endorsements for Gustavo Rivera in the 33rd Senate Race

   It is all but set in stone that Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. along with Bronx Democratic County Committee Chairman Jeffrey Dinowitz will endorse J. Gustavo Rivera in the 33rd State Senate race. We are told that this will happen Monday morning 11AM at City Hall.
   Assemblyman Dinowitz answered my question of the endorsement with "that's what I read all over". While the Ben Franklin Club (Dinowitz's home base) had recently endorsed J. Gustavo Rivera in the 33rd senate race, Dinowitz was reluctant then to add his endorsement due to the fact that he wanted to remain neutral as he was being asked by the New York State Democratic Party to throw Pedro Espada Jr. out of the Democratic Party. As County Committee Chairman, Dinowitz would be the person to initiate party dismissal proceedings.
   The endorsement of J. Gustavo Rivera by BP Ruben Diaz Jr. will put the Diaz family at odds, as Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. has endorsed incumbent Pedro Espada Jr. in the33rd State Senate race.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Just Where Does Assemblyman Nelson Castro Live?

   That is the question Bronx Democrats are asking, as the Daily News reports that the Bronx Democratic Party is pulling out all the stops in backing 86th Assembly District Male District Leader Hector Ramirez including trying to yank current 86th Assemblyman Nelson Castro's Democratic Party registration on an issue of residency.
to read the whole story, Bronx Democratic County Leader Carl E. Heastie's reply to charges of using the new head of the Board of Elections to invalidate Assemblyman Castro's voter registration, and even the Board of Election notice of intent to cancel Castro's democratic registration.
   Kudos to Bob Kappstatter Daily News Bronx Bureau Chief on a great story.

J. Gustavo Rivera Expected to pick up Citywide Elected Officials Support

   It is being reported that 33rd State Senate candidate J. Gustavo Rivera will pick up endorsements from two citywide officials. It is expected that NYC Public Advocate Bill de Blasio and NYC Comptroller John Liu will endorse Gustavo Rivera against Senate Majority Leader Pedro Espada Jr. today.  
  This would be a significant  endorsement for candidate Rivera, as he has only picked up support of those mostly outside the senate district, with the exception of City Council members Cabrera, Koppell, and Palma.
  It should be noted that Senator Pedro Espada Jr. is expected to skip the two debates that have been set up for the candidates of the 33rd State Senate District.