Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bronx County Committee Meeting Update

   As we told you in yesterday's post Assemblyman Carl E. Heastie was re-elected Bronx Democratic County Leader, and no one was thrown in front of the bus as the Bronx was in the house. While Chairman Heastie got the vote of all in attendance, three district leaders and every Bronx elected official (related or not) named Rivera did not attend the meeting. 
   Assemblyman and County Committee Chairman Jeffrey Dinowitz opened the meeting by saying " This meeting will be a lot calmer than 2 years age", he also added that there will be lights and a microphone this time. Dinowitz was re-elected County Committee Chairman, and we are not going to bore you as to who nominated who or seconded the nominations as the script went on.
   The only real surprise of the night came when Joel Rivera (not the councilman) was elected as a Vice-President of the party. This was probably in return for him not running against recently re-elected Assemblywoman Vanessa Gibson, as he had done in the special election. 
   Chairman Heastie thanked everyone for re-electing him as county leader, said that he has tried to listen to everyone, mentioned the unity now happening in the Bronx, giving an example of the defeat of the failed Kingsbridge Armory project in the City Council, and added a pledge to continue to work for the Bronx.
   Don't forget tonight is the Judicial convention, which I have been told should be quick and unevetful.  

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Carl Heastie Re-elected Bronx County Leader

   Yes we know that the Bronx Democratic County Committee meeting is not for several hours, but we wanted to be the first with the news. As Current Bronx Democratic County Leader Carl Heastie told us last week there should be no reason as to why he is not going to be re-elected Bronx Democratic County Leader. Heastie added to the number of district leaders that are on his side this election over two years ago, so we will project that Assemblyman Carl Heastie has been re-elected Bronx Democratic County Leader.
   We will give you the rest of the results tomorrow just in case anyone was thrown in front of the bus, for the good of the party. 
   Don't forget tomorrow night is the Judicial convention, but we are not looking for the "Thriller at the Villa" as was the case last convention. We think this will be one boring uneventful Judicial convention.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

We Just Got These in

     New York State has not been well served by its government.  Soaring taxes, failing services, fleeing jobs, and a crumbling infrastructure have been ignored as the professional politicians play their power games in Albany.  The voters deserve to hear candidates for office debate about how they will address these challenges.  I challenge my opponent, Deputy Majority Leader Jeff Klein, to debate, and I request that the media provide appropriate forums.    

Our answers to both #1 and #2
As to #1 we say that Haile Rivera should hang it up and ride into the sunset now, or how about starting your campaign for the 33rd State Senate 2012 now. What a race Rivera versus Rivera, both with no relation to each other or the other Rivera's in office. 
As to the Majority Leader position, it will be consolidated with the Conference Leader position (a position that kept the power in the State Senate, while affording Pedro Espada Jr. a title) like before the June 2009 senate coup. Halie, I would also stop the Obama talk as he is going to have a hard fight to get re-elected if the Republican Party can come up with a decent candidate.

As to #2 first let me say that Frank Vernuccio is running for the 34th State Senate on the Republican and Conservative lines against incumbent State Senator Jeff Klein the ranking Deputy Majority Leader who has the Democratic line.

As to Mr. Vernuccio's statement I believe that he has left a lot out. However if he has read my column 100PERCENT and the newspapers the column is carried in he would have seen the tremendous job that Senator Jeff Klein is doing in these tough times, and revenues that he has brought to the 34th State Senate district. The statement is a very general one that will apply to any race for any office, without mentioning specific local issues. I am sure that there will be debates set up for the candidates, but I as you have just seen I am biased for the re-election of Senator Klein so I can not do one.   
What's your opinion?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Just How Did Pedro Espada Jr. Lose?
   How did a man who in 2008 won the 33rd State Senate District 60 percent to 40 percent lose in 2010, 62 percent to 33 percent? That is the question Pedro Espada Jr. wants to know the answer to. 
   In 2008 Pedro Espada Jr. was challenging then 33rd State Senator Efrain Gonzalez Jr. who was under indictment from the federal government. Still many elected officials backed Gonzalez over Espada, but when primary day 2008 was over Espada won with 4,988 votes to 3,350 for Gonzalez or 60-40 percent as the voters said no to Gonzalez and yes to Espada.
   Senator Pedro Espada Jr. then went to Albany, and saw an opportunity in an almost deadlocked legislative body. Governor Elliot Spitzer had resigned, and Lieutenant Governor David Paterson (the tie breaker in the State Senate) was now Governor Paterson leaving no tie breaker in the State Senate. Democrats had a slim two vote majority in the State Senate for the first time in many years, and Pedro Espada Jr. was going to take full advantage of it. After failing at first to get power, a pow wow was called between Espada and three other democratic Hispanic state senators. Espada along with Senators Ruben Diaz Sr. (Bronx), Carl Kruger (Brooklyn), and Hiram Monserrate (Queens) formed the "Four Amigos". Espada and Monserrate even went so far as to overthrow the democratic majority in the now famous "Senate Coup of June 2009" by joining with the Republicans in the State Senate. Senator Monserrate however came right back to the democratic side making it a stalemate at 31 to 31 as Espada would not budge. Espada finally came back to the Democratic side when he was given the title of Majority Leader, while Senator John Sampson (D-Brooklyn) was made the Senate Conference Chairman (the real leader of the State Senate). Governor Paterson after some court challenges appointed a new Lieutenant Governor, and everything got back to what could be called normal in Albany. 
   A short time later Senator Monserrate was accused of assaulting his girlfriend, and as a result of the  conviction was quickly expelled from State Senate by a majority of his colleagues. Now there were only three amigos left. 
   A few months before Primary Day 2010 New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo raided the Soundview Health Center run by Pedro Espada Jr., carting away boxes of what was called evidence while accusing Espada of looting the Soundview Health Center of 14 million dollars. Cuomo also filed a civil suit against Espada. This happened shortly before petition time where it looked like Pedro Espada Jr. would have four challengers for his seat, almost a guarantee that he would be re-elected. When the petition deadline passed only three people handed in petitions to challenge Espada. During the petition challenge process another candidate was knocked off the ballot leaving only two challengers to face Espada in the primary. Two debates were scheduled with Espada failing to show for either to defend his record as State Senator. The endorsements for one of his challengers kept coming in from elected officials and unions so great that right after Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. had endorsed Mr. Gustavo Rivera the other challenger Mr. Dan Padernacht decided to end his campaign and throw his support behind Mr. Rivera "To defeat Pedro Espada Jr. for the good of the Democratic Party". 
   By now BP Diaz was hacking Pedro Espada Jr. in the media even though his father Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. was endorsing Espada. This was not the first time that the Diaz's had endorsed different candidates in the same race, and I was told it may not be the last time either. As Primary Day approached Espada challenger  Gustavo Rivera had a unified campaign of elected officials, union support, and others who's main goal was to see that Pedro Espada Jr. was to be defeated on Primary Day 2010. 
   Espada's ground troops were no match for Gustavo Rivera's army of supporters as Rivera blew away Espada 62 percent to 33 percent, with 5 percent of the district vote going to Mr. Dan Padernacht who was supporting Gustavo Rivera the eventual winner. In all the vote in the 33rd State Senate District was 6,870 for Gustavo Rivera, 3607 for Pedro Espada Jr., and 567 for Dan Padernacht. 2,692 more people voted in 2010 that did in 2008, for an increase of voter participation of 24 percent. Mr. Rivera received 3,520 more votes (or more than twice as much) in 2010 than Espada's opponent did in 2008. Pedro Espada Jr. received 1,381 (28 percent) less votes  in 2010 than he did in 2008. 
   We think each and everything we mentioned contributed to Espada's lose, but it could be that Pedro Espada Jr. underestimated the voter above Kingsbridge Road. We say that because it was the Attorney General race of 2010 that brought out more voters above Kingsbridge Road, and most of those voters as we have seen did not vote for Pedro Espada Jr. Senator Diaz told me on election night as the votes started to come in, that there seemed to be an avalanche of votes against Espada in the northern part of the district that Espada was not going to be able to make up. Senator Diazleaving Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. as the "Lone Amigo" in the New York State Senate

Friday, September 17, 2010

 Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., & the Bronx Clergy Task Force
     Invite you to join our--- Peace in Our Streets” Initiative


“Peace in Our Streets” is a borough-wide community outreach initiative where members of the faith-based community, along with volunteers, go out into the community and speak to fellow Bronxites and disseminate information about ways they can make their neighborhoods safer and help to remove guns from our city’s streets.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

12:00 p.m. – Convene
1:00-4:00 p.m. – Community Outreach

Greater Faith Temple
4214 White Plains Road

If you are outraged by violence in our communities,
be part of the solution and volunteer your time on September 25th!!

This a special call to action to all Bronx houses of worship,
young adults and all Bronxites!

Please wear light blue to signify peace.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bronx Democratic County Organization Getting Very Busy

   Now that the Democratic primary is over the Bronx Democratic County Committee is getting very busy in the next two weeks. Notices are being sent out to all county committee members and Judaical delegates and alternates of the upcoming meetings.
   On Wednesday evening September 22nd the Bronx Democratic County Committee will meet, and decide on officers, after that the elected officers and district leaders will then vote on the county leader. Current Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Carl E. Heastie is confident that he will be re-elected as Bronx County Leader. The Bronx County Committee meeting will take place at the Eastwood Manor located at 3371 Eastchester Road just south of Boston Road.
   On Thursday night September 23rd the newly elected Bronx County Judicial delegates and alternates will convene to nominate Judicial candidates. The meeting will take place at the Villa Barone Manor located at 737 Throggs Neck Expy, at Phillip Ave. 
   I was able to ask Chairman Heastie about the primary results, and he said that he should not be badgered about loosing only one race (the 86th assembly), when all of the other candidates he backed won. I also asked Chairman Heastie his thoughts on the Republican candidate for governor Carl Palidino. Heastie said "Carl Palidino is the one person that you would want for an opponent, Palidino is a racist, bigot, and anti woman Andrew Cuomo can't loose".  A few weeks ago Republican candidate Carl Palidino visited the Bronx where I was able to ask him his opinion of the recent test score uproar, and bilingual education. Palidino said that he could not give me an answer on those two important education issues, becaus he did not know about them. I wonder if Mr. Palidino has done his research on those and many other important issues to the voters, and would quit using scare tactics that mean nothing to the voters.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Primary 2010 Continued

   We were going around the 33rd State Senate District on primary day, and saw that there was very low voter turnout. We believe that this was because there was no real race of importance to many voters. One reason the turnout was higher in the northern part of the 33rd State Senate District was the fact that the attorney general race was of interest to those voters. Since current AG Andrew Cuomo filed suit charging that Pedro Espada stole 14 million dollars from his Soundview Health Center, that must have been one reason Espada did so bad (being outvoted by up to 5 to 1) in the northern part of the 33rd senate district. 
   While the final tallies won't be in for a few days we were told that Espada did manage to win in the 86th A.D. and was close in the 78th A.D., but only by a very slim margin which was not enough to offset his tremendous deficit from the northern part of the district. 
   I was with Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. when the polls closed and saw that Senator Diaz was both happy and sad at the same time. When I  asked Senator Diaz what was wrong he told me " yes I have won big, but it is looking like I will loose an amigo in the senate". Senator Diaz then told me the early numbers from the northern part of the 33rd State Senate District which had Pedro Espada Jr. behind by very large numbers. 
   I then traveled up to the Gustavo Rivera Victory celebration to arrive as the results were coming in over the televisions that were on. The crowd cheered every time new numbers came in, and the loudest roar came when Senator Pedro Espada Jr. admitted defeat. 
   When Mr. Gustavo Rivera arrived the crowd went crazy chanting "GUSTAVO-GUSTAVO-GUSTAVO" again and again until it was time for the primary winner (and as the Bronx votes new state senator) to speak. Gustavo Rivera first thanked his parents for the way he was brought up, then thanking Ms. Hunter and Dan Padernacht (former candidates who united with him) to defeat Pedro Espada Jr. next came a slip of the lip (or maybe Senator Rivera knows something we don't) as Gustavo thanked Borough President Jeffrey Dinowitz. After correcting himself he thanked Assemblyman Dinowitz, Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr., Councilman G. Oliver Koppell (one of the first elected officials to support Mr. Rivera), the rest of the elected officials on hand, the unions for their help and ended by thanking the Working Families Party who also helped in the victory. Mr. Gustavo Rivera now has the Democratic line which all but ensures him victory in the November general election. Mr. Rivera will also have the Working Families Party line, but must face Pedro Espada Jr. again who does have the Independence Party line in the November general election.
Primary Day 2010 The Day After

   It is the day after Primary Day 2010 and the dust is settling so here's what happened.
   In the 33rd State Senate District Gustavo Rivera won, and won big 62% to 33% for Pedro Espada Jr., with 5% going to Dan Padernacht who withdrew to support Gustavo Rivera. 
   In Bronx Assembly races all incumbents have won.
   76th- Peter Rivera squeaks out a victory over his challenger 56% to 44%.
   78th- Jose Rivera wins by 76% to 24% for his challenger.
   80th- Naomi Rivera wins by 69% to 31% over her novice challenger.
   82nd- Mike Bennadetto wins with 73% to 27% split between two challengers.
   85th- Marcos Crespo wins with 73% over his challenger.
   86th- Nelson Castro pulls this one out by winning 56% to 44%. 

   In other State Senate races- 
   28- Jose M. Serrano wins by over 2 to 1 over his challenger (we did not have the exact figures).
   31- Adriano Espaillat wins with 51% to 33% for Mark Levine, and 16% for the other 2 candidates.
   32- Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. wins big 79% to 21% for his challenger.

  In the Attorney General race current State Senator Eric Schniderman won 34% to 32% for Rice, and 33% split between the 3 other AG candidates.

   The other big upset is look out Andrew Cuomo, because upstate businessman Carl Palidino won big in the Republican primary for governor by almost 2 to 1. Rick Lazio did however hold on to win the primary for governor in the Conservative party 60% to 40%, but it does not look good for the conservatives.

  We will have more details and comments in future reports, and in our column 100 PERCENT which appears in the Bronx News, Parkchester News, and Coop-City News.