Andrew Cuomo of the Democratic, Independence, and Working Family lines- Carl Palidino of the Republican, and Conservative lines- Howie Hawkins Green candidate- Kristin Davis Anti Prohibition candidate- Warren Redlich Libertarian candidate - Charles Barrons Freedom candidate- and Jimmy Mcmillan Rent is To Damn High candidate squared off for a free or all candidates debate to be the governor of New York State last night.
On the first question Charles Barrons complained of the ethnic make up of the panel asking the questions, and didn't end there. Barrons said that Chancellor Joel Klein should be fired, Mayoral control ended, and that the MTA should be abolished.
Carl Palidino looking nervous (and getting up midway to go to the bathroom) wants to do away with the State Department of Education, and stop all the unfunded mandates on local school districts, but had no solution as to how to do it.
Warren Redlich the Libertarian candidate may of had the best line of the night saying "We need to stop wasting our tax money", to which the others agreed.
Andrew Cumo said that there are 10,500 governments in total in New York State with some needing to be merged to save money.
Kristin Davis wants to legalize marijuana and casino gambling, and had two good lines saying that Albany was full of whores and that she is probably the only person on stage who can deal with that. Davis also said that if the corporate tax is raised that companies will flee New York quicker than Carl Palidino at a gay bar.
Jimmy Mcmillan was a one topic candidate constantly repeating that "Rent is to Damn High" every time he spoke.
On the question of gay marriage Yes or No, Palidino said no, Barrons had no position, and the rest said yes to the question with Mcmillan adding if you want to marry a shoe I'll marry you.
Cuomo and Palidino did not take any real shots at each during the debate, with the pot shots coming from the five other candidates. Cuomo was beat up for some of his questional contributions, and Palidino for his conduct of the past few weeks.
In closing statements Palidino said that he wants to lower income taxes 10%, a 20% cut to the state work force, term limits of 8 years, and real campaign reform. Cuomo said that we need to bring New York State to where it once was, and that he can do that. Cuomo was the only one to say "Go Yankees" during the debate in his closing statement.