If you watched the "Apprentice", Donald Trump's television show last night you saw that the reward for the winning project manager was a meeting with a highly skilled, professional, executive of a major corporation. Since the current season of the Apprentice is filmed weeks in advance, Donald Trump when saying the title of the person that the winner was having their meeting with only said Ms. Cathie Black President of Heart Publications.
I almost fell out of my seat when Donald Trump mentioned Ms. Blacks name, and then realized that if Mayor Bloomberg needed someone to replace Joel Klein, Donald Trump probably suggested that he hire Ms. Cathie Black, some one who Mr. Trump has great admiration for.
Now if only Mayor Bloomberg would only admit that he took Donald Trumps advice we could see how she was ever thought of for the position of chancellor.
New York State Education Commissioner David Steiner has announced an eight-member screening panel to review Mayor Bloomberg’s waiver request for Ms. Black. Three members are former employees of Joel Klein that left before he did.
Mayor Bloomberg said that it would be very difficult for him to find another choice for chancellor if the waiver for Ms. Black is denied.