Monday, February 7, 2011

Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz Fined by Conflict of Interest Board

  This story of Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz comes from the Daily New's Celeste Katz. It appears that Brooklyn BP Marowitz bought a new house in 2009, and used his chief of staff as the lawyer who handled the transaction, which is a clear violation of the conflicts of interest law. The story goes on to say that at first Markowitz denied using his chief of staff as the lawyer, but when presented with the documentation of the sale said that he thought it only pertained to lawyers working for the city as attorneys not as a chief of staff.
   The Brooklyn BP  was fined $2,000.00, and his lawyer (chief of staff) was also fined $1,100.00. Read the entire story here . It kind of reminds you of a former Bronx Borough President, and a similar abuse of power by him.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Upcoming Bronx Events

   Tuesday Feb. 15th  5:30PM
Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. celebrates Dominican Heritage Month 
This event will take place at the Bronx County Courthouse Building 
located at 1040 Grand Concourse at E.161 Street.
 Note- You will have to go through a metal detector to enter this building 
 RSVP to 718-590-3938, or e-mail

   Wednesday Fed. 16th 5:30PM
Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. salutes Black History Month
This event will take place at the Bronx Museum of the Arts
located at 1040 Grand Concourse at E.156 Street.
RSVP to 718-590-3522 or e-mail

   Thursday Feb. 17th 11:00AM
Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. honors Bronx Senior Couples married for 50 years or more at a Sweethearts Valentines luncheon dance.
This event will take place at Villa Barone
located at 737 Throggs Neck Expressway
call 718-590-2509 or e-mail for more information.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

 For all you Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver Fans.


   New York City Comptroller John C. Liu stated the following in response to several inquiries about his reaction to Mayor Bloomberg’s pension proposal:

   “Everyone agrees on the need to explore pension reform and crack down on pension fraud and abuse. We also agree that New York City should be empowered to negotiate pension benefits.  I am, however, extremely concerned with a proposal that breaks a promise, particularly one made to our Finest and Bravest who risk their lives every day to keep New Yorkers safe.”


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Soundview resident John Orozco is training to participate in the 2012 Olympic Games

   On Monday, January 31, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. presented John Orozco, a resident of the Soundview section of The Bronx, with a Citation of Merit in recognition of his outstanding career as a gymnast. Borough President Diaz also named Orozco an “ambassador of The Bronx.”
   John Orozco, 18 years old, started in gymnastics at the age of eight and has been considered a teenage prodigy, winning the U.S. Men's junior title for the past three years. At the age of 15 he won gold at the Junior Olympic National Championships, capturing the all-around title by winning five events – the floor exercise, rings, vault, parallel bars and horizontal bars. Orozco was featured recently in Sport Illustrated as one of 16 “Stars of Tomorrow.”
   “He is a truly inspiring individual who is worthy of the honor being given to him by my office. Through hard work and determination, John has become a big star in a very hard and competitive sport. He is a great example for many other kids in our borough and I have no doubt he will be wearing the Team USA uniform in the next Olympic Games. The Bronx is very proud of him,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.  
   “It’s an honor to receive a citation of merit from Borough President Diaz. More importantly, I am very proud that he bestowed on me the responsibility of being an ambassador of The Bronx, something that at such an early age I would never have imagined I could accomplish. I hope I can live up to the honor and responsibility so that I can continue being a positive role model to other kids from The Bronx,” said John Orozco. 
   In December 2010 Orozco relocated to the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs to continue his training as part of the USA Olympic Team, eyeing the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London.

A Statement from IDC Chair Senator Jeff Klein

    Recently, myself and three of my Senate Colleagues – Diane Savino, (D-Staten Island/ Brooklyn), David J. Valesky,  (D-Oneida) and David Carlucci, (D-Rockland), departed the Senate Democratic Conference and formed a third legislative conference. 
 As members of the new Independent Democratic Conference, our goals are simple – to push for common sense solutions to the problems facing this state, break the hyper-partisan gridlock that has gripped Albany, and work to restore the public's trust in its public officials. We will work to bring integrity back to the State Senate and once again ensure government is used as a positive tool to improve people's lives.
We will work with Governor Andrew Cuomo, the Republican Senate Majority, the Democratic Minority and other partners in government to get New York's fiscal house in order, foster job creation, and cap property taxes. We will also pursue a legislative agenda that includes enacting tough new ethics reforms, establishing non-partisan redistricting, and protecting a woman's right to choose. 
 So far this year, we have already submitted a series of recommendations to Governor Cuomo and his Spending and Government Efficiency (SAGE) Commission to help streamline New York's sprawling bureaucracy. Our recommendations include: cracking down on overtime abuses, developing new accountability standards for outside contractors, reviewing the use of state assets and eliminating duplicative administrative functions.
 In addition, the IDC has put together a series of common sense recommendations that will help local governments tackle state mandates, save money and ease the financial burden on you, the taxpayer. 
For the full Independent Democratic Caucus 2011 Legislative Agenda, please visit: 
I look forward to a productive legislative session and wish you and your family a healthy, positive and prosperous year ahead. 
Warm Regards,
State Senator Jeff Klein,
Representing the 34th Senate District (Bronx/Westchester).     

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mayor Bloomberg Decries Governor Coumo's Proposed Budget

    Saying that New York City will bear much more than the 2 percent that other municipalities will be cut, Mayor Bloomberg has said that New York City has gotten the shaft from Governor Cuomo. $1.4 billion dollars will be cut from the state share of education funding to New York City. This budget does not include any funding the city got for state mandates in the past, which will force thousands of layoffs at the city level Bloomberg added. 
   Bloomberg said that this was only the beginning of the budget process, and that the next thirty days will bring opportunities for cost savings and other reforms to save the city money. We suspect Bloomberg means changing the teacher lay off system of last hired first laid off, to a system of keeping low cost teachers and getting rid of higher costing veteran teachers, like he has tried over and over again. 
   We think if Mayor Bloomberg was really serious about New York City getting less back from the state then it sends he would talk about seceding from the state to create the kingdom "Bloomyville".


Democratic Conference 

For immediate Release: Feb. 1, 2011        

Statement from Senators Jeff Klein, (D-Bronx-Westchester), Diane Savino, (D-Staten Island/ Brooklyn), David Valesky (D-Oneida), and David Carlucci (D-Rockland/ Orange), members of the Independent Democratic Conference:

     “The Independent Democratic Conference applauds Governor Cuomo for setting the right tone in his budget address. We approve of  the Governor’s goal of moving this state to a zero-based, or reality-based, budget model, his continued efforts to right-size Albany and his vow to work with this state’s workforce to give New Yorkers the most efficient government possible. 
    Make no mistake about it, there are many painful decisions contained in this budget document. Given the fiscal realities facing this state, there is no avoiding it. 
    Since the IDC’s formation, we have been proposing our ideas on how to fix state government, help our residents, and put New York back on the right track.   
    We are carefully studying the Governor’s budget blueprint and will be making the appropriate recommendations in the coming days and weeks.”