Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Re: City Council Hearings on the “Fair Wages for New Yorkers” Act

“I’m pleased that City Council Speaker Christine Quinn has committed to host hearings on the ‘Fair Wages for New Yorkers’ Act, which already has the support of more than half of the City Council. Our bill will require developers who receive heavy taxpayer subsidies for their projects to provide a ‘living wage.’  It is time for New York City to join the growing list of communities that promote quality development through living wages. It is my hope that these hearings will lead to a vote on this important legislation, and that we can begin to change the way we do business in our City,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.
The “Fair Wages for New Yorkers” Act, which was introduced by Council Members Annabel Palma and G. Oliver Koppell at the behest of Borough President Diaz, currently has 29 sponsors in the City Council.

This is a Continuation of the Senior Center Saga
News from Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz
3107 Kingsbridge Avenue
Bronx, New York 10463
(718) 796-5345

For Immediate Release Contact: Raffi Holoszyc-Pimentel
March 7, 2011 (718) 796-5345

Assemblyman Dinowitz leads the fight to save over 100 senior centers

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz (D-Bronx), Chair of the Assembly Committee on Aging, is fighting tooth and nail to save over 100 senior centers in New York City from closure.

In February, Assemblyman Dinowitz sent a letter to New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver signed by 54 New York City Assembly Democrats calling for the restoration of $25 million in proposed Title XX funding cuts in the 2011-2012 state budget. As a result of these proposed cuts, Mayor Bloomberg has announced that 105 senior centers that serve many thousands of seniors in New York City will close. Assemblyman Dinowitz is fighting to make the restoration of this critical funding and keeping these senior centers open a top priority during budget negotiations.

             Assemblyman Dinowitz is calling on Mayor Bloomberg to make keeping these senior centers open his priority as well. Assemblyman Dinowitz said, “Mayor Bloomberg should insist these senior centers stay open. How can the City waste hundreds of millions of dollars on the over-budget Croton Water Filtration Plant, the fraudulent CityTime contract, and the Department of Education’s no-bid contracts and highly paid outside consultants, but when it comes to critical, beneficial funding for senior citizens, they get kicked to the curb?”

On Friday, Assemblyman Dinowitz, along with Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., State Senators Ruben Diaz Sr. and Jose M. Serrano, and Assembly Members Marcos Crespo, Vanessa Gibson, Eric Stevenson, and Naomi Rivera, rallied on the steps of the Bronx County Courthouse to oppose Mayor Bloomberg’s proposed closing of the senior centers.

“As Chair of the Assembly Committee on Aging, I am leading the fight in the Assembly to restore Title XX funding for New York City senior centers.  I am confident that the Assembly will insist on this restoration.  I will not rest until all of this money is restored, which, among other things, would save the Van Cortlandt Senior Center,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Upcoming Events From Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

1.- Garifuna-American Heritage Month in the Bronx
The Bronx Borough President Office and the Garifuna Coalition USA, Inc, will celebrate the proclamation of March 11th – April 12th, 2011 as Garifuna Heritage Month 2011 in observance of the 214th anniversary of the exile of the Garifuna people from St Vincent on March 11th, 1797 and their settlement in Central America on April 12th, 1797.
During Garifuna-American Heritage Month, we will celebrate the great contributions of Garifuna-Americans to the fabric of New York City, and we will pay tribute to the common culture and bonds of friendship that unite the United States and the Garifuna countries of origin.  
Friday March 11th --5:30 PM 
Bronx County Building - 851 Grand Concourse- Rotunda
RSVP to 718-590-3989

2. – Women’s History Month: 
The Borough President will celebrate the courage and contributions of American women during Women’s History Month 2011
Several great women will be honored for their achievements and contribute ons to the Bronx and NYC. 
Wednesday, March 16 -- 9:30 am
Frankie and Johnny’s Pine – 1913 Bronxdale Avenue Bronx, NY 10462
RSVP TO 718-590-3522 or email lroldan@bronxbp.nyc.gov
3. – Irish Heritage Celebration
Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. will join members of the Bronx Irish American community in celebration of Irish American Heritage Month 2011. 
Borough President Diaz will honor a group of Irish- Americans for their contributions to our community. 
Wednesday, March 23 -- 6:00 pm
Rambling House- 4292 Katonah Avenue
To RSVP, please call Sonia Malave 718-590-3989
(Come to the Irish Heritage Celebration to protest Mayor Bloomberg by getting inebriated and hanging out a window) - We are just kidding.     




Sunday, March 6, 2011


Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today released the list of the top ten consumer fraud complaints received by the Attorney General’s Office in 2010. Marking the start of National Consumer Protection Week, the Attorney General highlighted the scams most reported by New Yorkers and offered tips on how to avoid them in the future. He will announce a series of actions taken to protect New York consumers from scams in the coming days.

“Arming consumers with information is the best defense against frauds and abuses,” Attorney General Schneiderman said. “The crime scene of the 21st century is the Internet, and it is important for consumers to not only know their rights, but how to fight back. In addition to taking action against those who cheat New Yorkers, this office is an excellent resource that can help stop scams. I encourage New Yorkers to mark National Consumer Protection Week by learning how to recognize, avoid and report consumer frauds.”

The Attorney General’s Office analyzed the consumer complaints received from across the state throughout 2010. The highest number of complaints were Internet-related, closely followed by credit-related complaints that involved debt collection, credit card billing and identity theft. The following is the 2010 list of the top ten consumer complaints by category:

      CATEGORY                                      NUMBER OF COMPLAINTS
  1. Internet                                                          7,024
      (privacy issues; spyware; consumer frauds)
  2. Credit                                                              5,455
      (debt collection; credit card billing; debt settlement)   
  3. Consumer-Related Services                   3,817 
      (security systems; restaurant/catering services; tech repairs)
  4. Automobile                                                  3,661  
      (buying, leasing, repair, service contracts, rentals)  
  5. Landlord/Tenant                                      2,009    
     (residential repairs, deposit releases, tenant-harassment)   
  6. Mortgage                                                      1,927    
     (mortgage and loan broker fraud, foreclosures)   
  7. Retail Sales                                                  1,364    
    (any sale of goods: food, clothing, rent-to-own)    
  8. Home Repair/Construction                  1,299  
    (home improvement services not delivered or done poorly)   
  9. Mail Order                                                    1,266   
   (purchases made online or from a catalog)    
 10. Telecommunications                              1,202      
   (phone cards, cellular services, pay-per-call)

The Attorney General also provided a list of tips all consumers should use to protect themselves and their families:

  1. Internet: Always make sure websites are secure before providing any financial information, such as a credit card or bank account number. Secure website addresses start with “https” and have a symbol, such as a lock. These secure sites use encryption to scramble your information as it is transmitted over the Internet to keep it secure. Learn more here.
  1. Credit: Debt collection is the most common type of credit fraud, and consumers must know their rights. Debt collectors may not harass or abuse consumers, nor provide misleading information – for instance claiming to represent a government agency. Anyone with credit problems should contact credit counseling agencies licensed by the New York State Banking Department for assistance in managing the situation and avoiding collection scams. Learn more here.
  1. Services: We rely on a range of services in our day-to-day living, from snow-removal to home repair to party planning. Make sure to use a written contract for all services that clearly defined restrictions and obligations of both the consumer and service-provider.
  1. Automobile: Many automobile complaints relate to leasing and New Yorkers should know that they are protected by the strongest auto-leasing law in the country. The law allows consumers to shop around for the best deal when leasing a car, set limits on early termination, and even gives the Attorney General’s Office jurisdiction to resolve excess wear-and-tear disputes. Learn more here
  1. Landlord/Tenant: Landlords are required to keeping records of all notices, inspections and repair matters related to the residence. This is especially important for issues like lead paint – which was prevalent in the 1960s and poses a significant threat to children. Ask your landlord for documentation to ensure that your building is up to code. Learn more here.
  1. Mortgage: Mortgage rescue scams prey on homeowners in their greatest time of need. Look out for offers that will stop or delay foreclosure payments for an upfront fee or make payments on your behalf. Beware of companies that suggest a government affiliation or claim to be with the government, or those that work with attorneys but do not provide legal services. Turn to the New York State Banking Department for licensed counselors to help to manage the situation.  Learn more here.
  1. Retail Sales: Rent-to-own programs allow consumers who would otherwise be unable to afford some items access to common household goods without a down payment or credit check. However, some consumers may end up spending more to acquire items than if they had just paid for them up front. A new law restricts prices to keep them in line with the costs of goods.  Consumers should ensure that all rent-to-own transactions have a written contract. Learn more here.
  1. Home Repair/Construction: The biggest and most important investment families will make is their homes, and improvements should add value, not hardship. Before entering into a contract, shop around for estimates, check in with the Better Business Bureau, banks, suppliers and neighbors for references, and know your rights: you have three days after signing a home improvement contract to cancel it. Learn more here.
  1. Mail Order: Whether ordering online or from a catalog, make sure the company has an operating customer service line and lists a real street address. Companies operating on a ‘fly-by-night’ basis often have no working customer service number and list only a P.O. Box. Learn more here.
  1.  Telecommunications: Calling cards remain a popular way not only to get in touch with family and friends, but also to rip-off consumers. Start with one card of a small denomination and test it to ensure that all the charges – including connection fees and rate per minute – are what the provider described.
Attorney General Schneiderman reminded New Yorkers that in addition to being vigilant consumers, they should also report instances of fraud to his office.

“Our top ten list reflects the complaints filed by New Yorkers across the state, which helped our investigators and attorneys stop scam artists in their tracks,” Attorney General Schneiderman added. “It’s critical that frauds are reported to the authorities so that we can hold wrongdoers accountable, limit their damage, and protect consumers.”

Consumers are encouraged to file complaints by visiting the Office’s website: http://www.ag.ny.gov/resource_center/complaints/complaints.html or calling 1-800-771-7755.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pedro Espada Jr.'s case set to go to court

 Liz Benjamin writes that September 12th is the date set for former State Senator Pedro Espada Jr. and his son to go to court to face corruption charges
Espada and his son Pedro G. were indicted last December, and if convicted both face up to 10 years in prison on each of the five embezzlement charges, and five years for the conspiracy charge, as well as a steep fine. 
It is also said in the story that the US Attorney's office plans to file another indictment against Espada possibly for tax fraud. 
Espada's Bronx coop is now on the market possibly signaling that the former state senator could be in financial trouble.
Senior Centers Update

Celeste Katz of the Daily News does a follow up story the Senior Center closings including listing all 105 Senior Centers to be closed by city council member. 21 are scheduled to be closed in the Bronx in all council districts. The list is a little distorted and not in any order going from borough to borough and I might have missed one or two. You should check the list and then speak to your council member or state legislator, as the last paragraph states that the governor is moving discretionary monies in Title XX funding away from where they now go to child welfare services.

This story includes a statement from New York Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver that says the following.  “Our senior centers are a lifeline for thousands of seniors across this city.  Last year we fought and won restorations to Title XX to keep senior centers in our community open and I am committed to doing so again in this year’s state budget.”

Friday, March 4, 2011

Senior Center Closing Protest Update

  A picture is worth a thousand words as Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. has his say at the rally earlier today to fight proposed funding cuts by Governor Cuomo and Mayor Bloomberg that could close over 100 senior centers citywide. You can see the BP's father Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. who is championing this fight n the State Senate with Senator Serrano (second row), and you can see many Bronx assembly members in the picture  who also are against the proposed cuts. 

Here is the link to the video of BP Diaz as he speaks to the huge crowd that gathered at the Bronx County Building for the rally.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

State Senator RubĂ©n DĂ­az Blasts Bloomberg’s Plan to Shutter Hundreds of
Senior Centers

Today the Bloomberg Administration released its plan to shutter hundreds of senior centers in New York City and thereby putting as many as ten thousand seniors at risk of hunger, social isolation and neglect.

“Once again, Governor Cuomo and Mayor Bloomberg have joined forces to increase the suffering of the senior citizens in New York City who have come to rely on these centers for meals, companionship and social activities,” stated Senator DĂ­az.

“I am calling on Senior Citizens from throughout the Bronx – and all five boroughs if possible - to join me at a rally tomorrow, Friday March 4th at 11:00 a.m. on the steps of Bronx Borough Hall to oppose the closing of
these centers. Governor Cuomo and Mayor Bloomberg will know that the senior citizens of New York City will never accept this decision quietly.”

“The closing of these centers is beyond unconscionable,” continued Senator DĂ­az. “Four of the centers slated to close are in my district, and two of them – Davidson and Kips Bay Castle Hill are among the most vibrant and active. I must strongly object to the criteria the Bloomberg Administration used in arriving at its decision to close these centers,” he
Rally to Oppose the Closing of Senior Centers
Friday March 4th, 2011 - 11:00 a.m.
Steps of Bronx Borough Hall 161st Street and the Grand Concourse