Thursday, March 24, 2011

Senate Passes Klein Bill to Crack Down on Auto Insurance Fraud

Measure Would Increase Penalties for Criminals Who Forge Auto Insurance Cards  

Legislation sponsored by Senator Jeffrey D. Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) that would impose tougher penalties on those who commit auto insurance fraud, passed the State Senate today.
Klein’s bill (S.578) would make it a felony to forge an auto insurance card or certificate of insurance. In New York State, these documents are necessary to obtain the government issued documents, such as a vehicle registration, that are required to legally operate a motor vehicle.
“Everyone pays the price for auto insurance fraud,” Senator Klein said. “This commonsense measure will help law-abiding New Yorkers from having to pay higher car insurance because of the misdeeds of others.”
Forged insurance cards and documents are often used to fraudulently register cars so that owners may operate them without paying auto insurance premiums. Klein’s bill also makes the selling of 10 or more false insurance cards or documents a felony.
The bill is pending in the Assembly.

Senate Passes Klein Bill to Strengthen Green Markets/ Increase Access to New York Grown Products

The State Senate Tuesday unanimously passed legislation sponsored by Senator Jeffrey D. Klein, (D-Bronx/ Westchester), that would expand local and regional green markets, like those in the greater Bronx area, and increase access to New York State grown fruits and vegetables. 


The bill, (S.627) allows the New York State Urban Development Corp. and the Empire State Development Corp. to be able to provide loans and grants that can be used to build, expand and refurbish green markets that encourage the sale of New York-grown produce. They currently do not have that authority.
“This is a win-win,” Senator Klein said. “My legislation would both expand the availability of inexpensive produce in our communities, while at the same time creating more avenues for upstate farmers to sell their products.”
There are more than 20 green markets in the Bronx, many of which open for the season next month.
The bill is pending in the Assembly.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Get Ready For The Ed Koch Bridge

  The Daily News reports that after a 6-1  committee vote for renaming the Queensboro Bridge to The Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge  , the matter will now go to the full council for a vote. This comes only three months after Mayor Bloomberg suggested the idea, and said that he will pay for the costs of the name change with private funds. The renaming of the bridge process started on Dec. 20th of last year, when it was introduced and refereed to committee. 
  This comes despite a Quinnipiac University poll that found 70% of Queens residents and 64% of all city residents opposed to the renaming of the bridge. The full City Council vote is scheduled for tomorrow.

Stop Graffiti Day

Stop Graffiti Day:  Thursday, April 7, 11 am at the Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy/RKA, 660 West 237th Street, Bronx, NY 10463.  This will be the third Stop Graffiti Day., and is held in conjunction  with Assemblyman Dinowitz, who funds this graffiti removal program. Detective Luis Rodriguez of the 50th Precinct; and Bruce Pienkny of City Solve, a professional graffiti clean-up organization. are on hand to help.  This day will include graffiti clean-up  in the  community  Assemblyman Dinowitz represents, and an educational presentation for students at RKA.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Did Some City Council Members Skirt Laws, Bend Rules, and Abuse Their Power?

    Here The Daily News reports that some City Council members have skirted laws. bent rules, and abused their power. Check the link to see if your city council member is listed as a tax dodger, deadbeat dad, has outstanding arrest warrants, is swimming in debt, circumvented rules in one way or another, is about to move into a luxury condo building that she used taxpayer money to resole a problem, or is under indictment for varying reasons. We didn't want to name any council members, but the Daily News article does. They mention Speaker Quinn by name as the council member about to move into the luxury condo that she used taxpayer money to resolve a specific problem. 
   With all this abuse coming from the head (or Speaker) down to several City Council members we still would like to know why Speaker Quinn is not in a jumpsuit that matches her hair. Almost every paper quoted her as saying " I told my office to stop doing that, when we found out", referring to a different investigation.


  City Comptroller John C. Liu today announced he has launched audits of two controversial technology programs run by the Department of Education (DOE).  These audits represent a small sample of the many requests for audits of DOE operations that the Comptroller received at his “Audit Town Hall” meetings held in all five boroughs earlier this year.

“We conducted these Audit Town Halls to hear from the public, the customers who are supposed to be served by government,” said Comptroller Liu.  “That New Yorkers are not shy about speaking their minds helps us do our job better, and in the end improves city government."

“People came to the Audit Town Halls with a lot of questions about how the Department of Education spends their tax dollars,” said Deputy Comptroller for Audit H. Tina Kim.  “We’ve seen before how the City’s
IT projects can run up exorbitant fees when they’re not properly monitored.”

AUDIT 1: Achievement Reporting and Innovation System (ARIS) Based on a suggestion received at the Manhattan Town Hall, the Comptrollers’ Office has started an audit of the DOE’s Achievement Reporting and Innovation System (ARIS).  In 2007 the DOE hired IBM to develop ARIS, an $80 million data collection system to track students’ academic records in unprecedented detail. Wireless Generation, an IBM subcontractor, is credited with leading ARIS’ development.

AUDIT 2: iZone
New Yorkers at both the Manhattan and Bronx Town Halls also asked the Comptroller to audit the DOE’s “iZone” project that was intended to increase the use of innovative technologies in classrooms.  Early
reactions to iZone’s efforts have been mixed.

In the coming months, Comptroller Liu will announce additional audits of City agencies that were suggested by residents of the five boroughs.

The Comptroller’s Audit Town Halls were attended by 530 New Yorkers who offered 190 ideas for audits.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Borough President Diaz celebrated Women’s History Month 2011

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., joined by his wife Hilda Diaz, hosted a special breakfast honoring a group of outstanding women in celebration of Women’s History Month 2011.

BP Diaz recognized former Bronx Borough President Freddie Ferrer, calling him # 11 as is his custom now whenever the two are together, and then turned the microphone over to his wife Hilda, the First Lady of the Bronx. Ms. Diaz spoke of the childhood romance between her and a young Mr. Ruben Diaz Jr., her ambition to become a pilot, how marriage to Ruben and their children changed her course of life, and how she is now getting closer to her childhood goal of becoming a pilot.
Women’s History Month started out as Women's History Day celebrated on March 8th. In 1981 congress declared Women's History Week, and in 1987 President Ronald Reagan then issued Presidential Proclamation 5619 proclaiming March 1987 as "Women’s History Month" and calling upon all Americans to mark the month with observances to honor the achievements of American women.
This year the theme of Women's History Month is “Our History is Our Strength”. The first of the three honorees of this breakfast was former first lady of the Bronx Ms. Aramina Vega Ferrer, Ph.D. now affiliated with Mercy College. Ms. Ferrer complimented BP Diaz on the fine job that he is doing as Bronx Borough President, and the extraordinary woman behind him, his wife Hilda. The second honoree was Judge Laura G. Douglas, the Administrative Justice, of the Civil Division of Bronx Supreme Court. The third honoree was Ms. Majora Carter , the founder of “Sustainable South Bronx”.

Caption: (from left) Hilda Diaz, Majora Carter, Aramina Vega Ferrer, Honorable Laura G. Douglas, Deputy Bronx Borough President Aurelia Green, and Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Letter to Parks Commissioner Benepe, From Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Re: Ice Skating Rink in Van Cortlandt Park.

   March 15, 2011

Commissioner Adrian Benepe
NYC Department of Parks & Recreation
The Arsenal, Central Park
New York, New York 10021

Dear Commissioner Benepe:

I am writing to you with respect to a proposal to locate an ice skating rink in Van Cortlandt Park.  Let me make it very clear at the onset: I like the idea of having an ice skating rink in the Bronx.  Serious questions, however, have arisen as to the process, or lack thereof, being used to make this proposal a reality.

The idea of an ice skating rink in Van Cortlandt Park was discussed at a meeting of the Van Cortlandt Park Conservancy as far back as June 2010—nine months ago.  Yet it did not become known to the public until the Mayor’s budget message last month.

Despite nine months of closed-door discussions, there has not even been one public hearing on this matter.  It is my understanding that there were public hearings before a similar ice skating rink was placed in Bryant Park.  Why are no similar hearings being held in the Bronx?  I am very concerned that meetings of the Van Cortlandt Park Conservancy are not open to the public and minutes are not made available to the public.

The Community Board 8 Parks Committee recently met with representatives of the Parks Department and the Chair of the Conservancy.  They were asked a number of questions regarding specific details of the rink, which they either declined to answer or were not capable of answering.  The Parks Committee was told that the details of the project wouldn’t be available to the public until after a successful bidder on the project is chosen, meaning that details would be available only after it’s too late to have any influence or even express an opinion.

At the moment, the public has not been informed of the size and footprint of the project.  This is still a public park, isn’t it?  Given the way in which the City treated Van Cortlandt Park in its dealings over the Croton Water Filtration Plant (a project which is in excess of $2 billion over budget and counting), I am naturally concerned about the future of this area of Van Cortlandt Park along Broadway.

What is the cost of this project?  Who will pay for it?  Will there be any ongoing cost to the City taxpayers?  Who will profit?  Who will be allowed to use the rink?  What efforts have been made to determine the impact of this project on the community, whether or not there is adequate parking, or if there are better alternative locations, either in Van Cortlandt Park or elsewhere in the Bronx?

There is much legitimate concern in New York by the public about reform, transparency, and openness in government.  This project is on track to become a prime example of the desperate need for reform, transparency and openness.  It was presented to the community as a fait accompli.  There has been no public input.  There has been no public review.  There was no opportunity for anyone to express their opinion.  It appears that the rink was conceived in the proverbial “smoke-filled room,” and any decisions made with respect to it were and continue to be done in secrecy.

While I think having a skating rink in the Bronx would be great, it was never on the priority list of Community Board 8, and other parks’ projects are languishing in delays.  This project seems poised to jump ahead of every one of the projects that the Community Board and the community have supported, in some cases for many years.

Given the incredibly poor way this issue has been handled and given the many unanswered questions, I ask that a detailed plan be presented to the public and a thorough review and public hearings be conducted before any further action is taken on this proposal.  Democracy, transparency, and good government demand nothing less.  Thank you.


Jeffrey Dinowitz 
Member of Assembly

cc:        Bronx Borough Commissioner Hector Aponte, Department of Parks & Recreation
Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.
Council Member Oliver Koppell
Comptroller John Liu
Mayor Michael Bloomberg