Friday, July 8, 2011


   Derek Jeter got one hit closer to 3,000 hits last night with a lead off double, for hit number 2,998. However that was the only hit that Jeter was able to get, as he went 1 - 5 ending the game against Tampa Bay with a ground out.

   There are still three games left on this final home stand before the All Star break, and hit number 3,000 could come tonight should Jeter be able to have another multi hit game. They are baking the cakes on 161st Street for the celebration either tonight or tomorrow when hit number 3,000 comes.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Unashamed To Be A Christian
by Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz

On June 24th I voted my conscience and opposed Governor Andrew Cuomo's key piece of social legislation in the New York State Senate that redefines our marriage laws away from the traditional definition of one man and one woman. I was the only Democrat in the Senate to vote against this legislation, and I wear my vote as a badge of honor.
I have been congratulated by religious leaders and constituents not only from my district, but from districts all over New York State. I have received messages of encouragement and gratitude from people throughout the United States. Alberto Martinez tweeted: "Jesus said: 'Whoever is ashamed of Him and His words, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of such person at His coming.' Bravo Senator Diaz." All of these supporters know that I am unashamed to be a Christian. If we talk the talk, we must walk the walk.
Although Republican Senate Leader Dean Skelos ushered the gay marriage vote to the floor in order to make the 11:00PM news, and even though the vote passed, the hatred that has spewed in my direction before June 24th continues.
Yesterday I received a series of five emails in my Senate account from one person that read like homicidal rantings: "You eat shit. You are shit." "There is no worse person on Earth than you. God has told me so." "You worthless pile of human excrement!!!" "I hope you die! I hope you die soon! I'm waiting for you to die!" "Satan would sooner nail a stake through your heart than admit to knowing you. Your very own lover!!!"
To err on the side of caution and especially since one of the messages awaits my demise, those emails were properly reported to the FBI.
Those messages suggest that even though the gay marriage vote passed, that author did not get what he wanted which suggests to me that for some reason, I am the embodiment of his disappointment.  He may also be upset because I am unashamed of my vote.
Last Tuesday, a website posted an article titled: "Sen. Ruben Douchebag: I Made History." The tag labels that follow that online piece are as vulgar as possible. I quote them here not to amplify their vulgarity, but to let people know the ever-growing hatred freely expressed by those who claim to promote tolerance: "assholery, batshittery, bigotry, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, douchenozzles, evil, and f***weasels".
I am amazed that the author of that site continues to fixate on me as he does. I was told that he even tweeted about me just one hour after the supposed May 21 rapture: "An hour past #Rapture in New York City and this town is still infested with Sen. Ruben Diaz and his filthy ilk. #Disappointed."
For all intents and purposes I am a stranger to this person, yet for some reason I have his full attention. As a religious leader I thank the Lord that he continues to pay attention to my efforts to spread the Word of God. I hope and pray that since he seems to be a grown man, he will try to no longer promote vulgarity, indecency and hatred online or elsewhere.
After the June 24 vote, so many people who disguise themselves as victims and decry bullies hide behind their computer screens and demonstrate what is called "keyboard courage" by posting hateful and vicious comments about me.
In the great spirit of interfaith unity I will continue to work to promote what the late Pope John Paul II called the Culture of Life and continue to highlight the actions of the opposition which is still not pleased even with their declared victory in New York against traditional marriage.
For my part, I will continue to be unashamed to be a Christian.

Jeter Meter Update

   With reports that he would not play last night, Derek Jeter was in his familiar lead off position. Jeter went 1 for 3 also getting a walk and is now only three hits away from the magic number of 3,000 hits. 

   Tonight the Yankees take on division rival Tampa Bay for the first game of a four game homestand, and then there will be the All Star Break. The question now is not if he can get hit #3,000 before the All Star Break, but in which game of the four against Tampa Bay will Derek Jeter get hit #3,000. Those wanting tickets for any of the four Tampa Bay games have seen prices skyrocket, as Jeter draws nearer to hit #3,000. Many people want to be at Yankee Stadium to see it in person when Jeter gets hit #3,000. 

   Also don't forget the celebration on 161st Street when Derek Jeter does get hit #3,000.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

(Bronx, NY) – When Derek Jeter reaches 3,000 hits, fans and neighbors will be celebrating the milestone with FREE CAKE.
The Jeter Meter will flash out the magic number, and the 161st Street BID will join local businesses in giving out FREE CAKE to those who gather to congratulate the Yankee Captain.
The Bronx is ready to celebrate,” said Dr. Cary Goodman, the BID’s executive director.
The 161st Street BID is sponsoring the Jeter Meter as a public service. and organizing the celebration among the businesses, the team, fans and residents.
Participating businesses include: Yankee Bar & Grill, Yankee Tavern, Billy’s and Stan’s. The first 100 fans at each location after the 3,000th hit will get a free piece of cake.
The cake is from Valencia Bakery, a Bronx institution since 1948. “I wish Derek would be able to come out and join in the party, “said Eddie Velazquez, the owner. “But, I’m willing to bake him a special cake and deliver it to the dugout if he can’t.”
The 161st Street BID is planning to make the Jeter Meter available for display at The Bronx Museum of the Arts, The Negro League Baseball Museum, The Yankee Museum and The Baseball Hall of Fame.
The 161st Street BID is one of 64 BIDs across New York City managed by the Department of Small Business Services, Commissioner Rob Walsh.

  Anya Katsevman, two-time world salsa champion (2009/2010) and award-winning dance instructor Elvis Collado will lead a dance demonstration and  free group dance lesson when Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and the Bronx Tourism Council kick-off Bronx SalsaFest  at Pregones Theater in the South Bronx on Thursday, July 7, 7 pm.
  Also that evening:  a screening of the critically-acclaimed documentary, "From Mambo To Hip Hop," followed by a Q&A with the film's producer, City Lore folklorist Elena Martinez and multi-Grammy nominated percussionist and salsa expert Bobby Sanabria.
  Bronx SalsaFest takes place July 7 - 11 and is the borough's tribute to the genre that gave it its nickname, "El Condado De La Salsa" (The Salsa Borough). 
  Other highlights during the week include a a musical tribute to Celia Cruz at her mausoleum at Woodlawn Cemetery, a concert by Jose Alberto "El Canario" celebrating his 35-year career; and the return of live music to the Orchard Beach stage with Nelson Gonzalez & The All-Star Band, hosted by Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and the Bronx Tourism Council at BOEDC; sponsored by Bronx Lebanon Hospital and Latino Sports.  Bronx SalsaFest is made possible  in part by a grant from the NYC & Company Foundation.

  "Warm Up Party" for first Bronx SalsaFest
   Thursday, July 7, 2011 --   7PM
   Pregones Theater, 571 Walton Avenue, 
   between 149 & 150 Streets.

  As part of GrowNYC’s hands-on urban agriculture and nutrition program “Learn It, Grow It, Eat it,” each summer teen interns run a farm stand in Morrisania stocked with fresh produce grown by regional farmers and some the teens grew themselves in the Bronx.  While the kids are helping increase access to fresh food in a neighborhood that is lacking it, they're also teaching their communities about nutrition and healthy eating through workshops, cooking demos, healthy food location hand-outs.  The weekly market accepts EBT, WIC, Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program (FMNP), and Health Bucks.  Press coverage welcome. 

Learn It Grow It Eat It Youthmarket Opening Day
Cooking demos, farmers market, nutrition programming
Wednesday, July 6 from 10:30 AM to 2:00 PM  
Boston Road and 169th St, Bronx.

GrowNYC’s Youthmarket program is a network of 13 urban farm stands staffed by teens and strategically located in “food deserts,” or areas lacking access to fresh fruits and vegetables. 

GrowNYC improves New York City’s quality of life through environmental programs that transform communities block by block and empower all New Yorkers to secure a clean and healthy environment for future generations.  GrowNYC achieves its mission through the following projects and programs: Greenmarket; Open Space Greening; Environmental Education; and the Office of Recycling Outreach and Education.  For more information, visit us at


1040 Grand Concourse at 165 St  Bronx, New York 10456  718.681.6000 | 

First Fridays!: FILM NIGHT
In collaboration with the African Film Festival
July 15, 2011, 7:00-10:00pm
Music 7:00-8:30pm, Iboru (Afro-Cuban, Yoruba, Rumba)
Screening: 8:30-9:15pm
Joyce Kilmer Park (outdoor event!)
Grand Concourse Bet E 161 St and E 164 St
Rain location: Bronx Museum
Free Admission

Charlie Ahearn, USA, 2005, 8mins
An East African MC, Balozi Dola, wanders into a Bronx barbershop on his pilgrimage to find “the real hip hop.” Stubeling upon the pioneers of the New York hip hop scene, including Grandmaster Flash’s original partner DJ Eazy Mike, Balozi enters the scene rhyming with Grandmaster Caz.

Michelle Medina, Morocco, 2010, 59mins
Forty-eight year-old Simohamed, who works as a parking guard, and his 17-year-old son Ayoub, get the opportunity to pursue their dreams of being hip hop artists.

Next First Fridays! FILM NIGHT
August 15, 2011, 7:00-10:00pm

For almost twenty years, AFF has bridged the divide between post-colonial Africa and the American public through the medium of film.

For more information: or visit
Museum of the Arts × 1040 Grand Concourse at 165th St × Bronx NY 10456

Jeter Meter Update

  In Cleveland last night Derek Jeter got a single and a double in six at bats. This brings his hit total to 2,996, and only four hits short of 3,000 hits with five games left before the all star break.

  The Yankees conclude a three game series in Cleveland tonight. The Tampa Bay Rays then come into Yankee Stadium for four games before the all star break.