Thursday, September 22, 2011

Liberty Democratic Association Awards Dinner


Dear Friends,

Liberty Democratic Association Annual Awards Dinner is coming this October 13, 2011. The event is on a Thursday night and it is gearing up to be a great event. We have a fabulous list of honorees.
We at Liberty Democratic Association use some of the proceeds to help needy citizens of the Bronx. Last year we provided 50 turkeys at Thanksgiving to St. Lucy’s church, money went to the food bank of The Jewish Community Council of The Bronx, a donation was made to the Einstein’s children program to provide a party to children, 78% who are on Medicare. We also helped the 49th Precinct Council with their fellowship breakfast.
The more you help us ; the more we can help our indigent Bronx residents.
Again, I would like to thanks all who have already responded.
To those who plan to attend, but who have not RSVP; we request you to respond before September 29, 2011. We need to set the room and the tables.
Joseph A. McManus
Democratic State Committee
80th Assembly District, Bronx NY