Friday, February 17, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012


City Comptroller John C. Liu today offered fresh ideas for cutting waste, spurring investment to ensure sustainable growth, and doing more to enhance the economic security of all New Yorkers – in a State of the City address delivered at the City College of New York.

In addition to highlighting the nearly $1 billion in savings his
  office has identified over the past two years, Comptroller Liu outlined proposals and put forth an ambitious plan to battle unemployment, increase oversight of City finances, assist small business, and create a more level playing field for all New Yorkers.

Among the proposals:

•       Taking advantage of low interest rates to accelerate capital
construction projects, helping stimulate the economy and create 15,000
•       Working with telecommunications companies to offer low-cost internet access to more New Yorkers.
•       Increasing the New York City Pension Funds’ economically-targeted investments by $1 billion, thereby putting money back into the local economy while at the same time generating solid returns.
•       Enhancing the retirement security of New Yorkers in the private sector by having the same staff that manages the City’s pension system oversee a fund for private workers, leveraging their investment expertise and economies of scale.
•       Slashing personal income taxes for 99 percent of New York City filers – joint filers with incomes below $500,000 – while nominally raising taxes on top earners.
•       Establishment of a new government subcontracting system to finally track and monitor the billions of dollars spent on subcontractors each year.
•       Introduction of Checkbook 2.0, the newest version of the Comptroller’s best-in-class website that gives the public the ability to see each agency’s budget, revenue, and contracts.
•       A new 212-NO-WASTE hotline for New Yorkers to report waste.



Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What You Should Know by Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz


Senator Dean Skelos should create a Senate Committee to investigate Senator Mark Grisanti.

There are too many versions of what happened the night of February 10, 2012 in the Seneca Niagara Casino. It is being reported that Senator Mark Grisanti was involved in an altercation that resulted in his wife being injured.

There is another story floating around where many people are claiming that Senator Grisanti threw the first punch and that he hit a woman. If this is so, these are very serious accusations.

I completely disagree with Senator Dean Skelos when he said “I believed Mark Grisanti when he said he was attacked.  His wife was attacked. She was knocked down on the floor. They beat her head against the floor. She has a concussion. She has bruises, and I think that was an indication that she was attacked.”

I wish that Senator Skelos and the members of the Senate would have taken Hiram Monserrate and his girl friend Carla at their word and believed them, the same way they are believing Mark Grisanti.

You should know that during the Hiram Monserrate incident there were no witnesses present except Monserrate and his girlfriend Carla. Both of them testified under oath that it was an accident, but Senator Skelos and the members of the Senate did not believe them. They formed their own opinion and decided that they knew better and expelled Senator Monserrate from the Senate.

Today, my dear reader, you should also know that contrary to Monserrate’s case, in Grisanti’s situation there are many other witnesses that testified against Grisanti’s version. Yet Senator Skelos does not believe those witnesses who were not only present, but saw and heard every detail of the incident. Senator Skelos already has decided to believe Senator Grisanti’s account.

You should know, and I want to make it very clear, that I am not saying that Senator Grisanti is wrong or that he is right. I was not there. I am merely stating that justice has to be equal. If the Senate created a special committee to investigate Senator Hiram Monserrate, even when the only two witnesses said that it was an accident, why not create a committee to investigate Senator Mark Grisanti, when there are many witnesses and many different stories?

Justice is supposed to be blind, colorless, racially-less, culturally-less, and conveniently-less.

You should also know that it was the Democratic controlled Senate that created a commission to investigate one of their own (Senator Monserrate), regardless of the consequences to their own majority and party affiliations.

I am Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.

The Bronx Youth Empowerment Program

Building Positive Relationships
Between our youth and NYPD
Richard R. Green Middle School
3710 Barnes Ave
Bronx NY 10467
Monday, February 27, 2012
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Bronx Youth Empowerment Program


The Bronx Youth Empowerment Program
Salutes Black History Month!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Accepts Invitation to Rally for Traditional Marriage in Trenton


Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Accepts Invitation to Rally for Traditional Marriage in Trenton
New York State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx) and fellow Ministers from the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization have accepted an invitation to travel to the New Jersey State Legislature in Trenton to join New Jersey ministers in support of Traditional Marriage.  The Pentecostal ministers will depart from the Bronx on Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 9AM from the Christian Community Neighborhood Church located at 1437 Longfellow Avenue (between Jennings and Freeman Avenues). 
Senator Rev. Diaz stated: “I am honored that Rev. Jose C. Lopez, the President of the Evangelical Pastors Association of Hudson County, has invited me and my ministers to join him along with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, to once again unite in prayer for the protection of the traditional family.”

 Also From Senator Diaz The Following-


Senator Reverend Diaz Urges Decision on Congressional Lines

New York State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx) has issued the following statement:

“They seem to be playing games about where New York’s Congressional lines should be drawn. When those lines are finally drawn, the opportunity will be open for many people to consider running for Congress. I wish they would hurry up and appoint a federal judge to draw New York’s Congressional lines because as soon as they do, many people like myself will make up their mind to run for Congress or not.” 

According to the census, the Bronx has gained population and I as well as many others are on the waiting list to decide what our options are.  A new congressional seat in the Bronx will give many of us an opportunity to consider moving up.