Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Borough President to Honor Bronx Centenarians

  As part of this year’s Bronx Week celebrations, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. will be honoring Bronxites that are 100 years of age or older.  If you or someone you know meet this criteria and would like to participate in this event, please contact Larcenia Walton at 718-590-6248 or for more information.

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   A dynamic exhibition of baseball photography, memorabilia and artifacts will be held at The Bronx Museum of the Arts beginning Opening Day, April 13. The show which will run for a month, includes uniforms, autographed baseballs, films and personal appearances by sportswriters from ESPN, Sports Illustrated, Latinosports and the Amsterdam News. Bronx historians will discuss the development of the borough as seen through the growth of the sport at the amateur, interscholastic, professional and community levels.

   Brian Richards, Museum Curator of the New York Yankees, is the show’s curator. Private collections from Fordham University, The Bronx Historical Society, NYU, The Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Mrs. Elston (Arlene) Howard and 78 A.D. State Committeeman Ricky Martinez will be on display.

   Baseball in the Bronx is generously supported by The NYC Department of Small Business Services’ Avenue NYC Program, the New York Yankees Foundation, The Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation, Bronx-Lebanon Hospital and Sparrow Construction.

  The exhibit is being produced by the 161st Street Business Improvement District and The Bronx Museum of the Arts. Dr. Cary Goodman, Executive Director of the BID and Holly Block, Executive Director of the museum will discuss the materials from private collectors and announce the program’s lineup of events and special guests.

Monday, March 12, 2012

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Baseball in the Bronx


1040 Grand Concourse at 165th St Bronx NY 10463  718-681-6000   |

St. Pius Catholic summer league player Gene Rosario, c. 1982  Credit: Photo submitted by Andrew Rosario

Baseball in the Bronx
Submit your photos
Do you know baseball in the Bronx?
Do you know someone who plays baseball in the park
or as part of a school team?
Do you have friends, relatives, or neighbors who played
baseball in the Bronx when they were growing up?

This is an OPEN CALL for historical and contemporary
photographs from students, area residents, baseball 
aficionados, and others, documenting sandlot, youth, 
adult, semi pro and high school baseball in the Bronx 
from the 1940's or earlier to the present day.

Up to five photographs from each submission will be 
exhibited at The Bronx Museum of the Arts in the exhibition 
Baseball in the Bronx, on view from April 13 through 
May 13, 2012.  
Submissions deadline is March 16, 2012.

How to submit
You can submit online by adding your photos to the Flickr 
group “Baseball in the Bronx”, at 
or you may mail or drop off prints (not originals) at the 
Bronx Museum. Prints should be sent together with the 
submission form in one envelope.
Click here 
to download the submission form, or write to  
Baseball in the Bronx has been generously supported by the New York Yankees 
Foundation and is co-produced by the 161 Street Business Improvement District.

1040 Grand Concourse at 165th St
Bronx, New York 10456
: Take the "D" or "B" to the 167 Street/Grand Concourse station. Exit at rear of station; walk south along Grand Concourse two blocks.

Or take the "4" to the 161St/Yankee Stadium station. Walk east three blocks to the Grand Concourse, and then walk north four blocks along Grand Concourse to 165th Street.

BY BUS: Take the Bx1, Bx2, or BxM4 Express to 165th St. and Grand Concourse.

Thursday  11 am - 6 pm
Friday  11 am - 8 pm
Saturday  11 am - 6 pm
Sunday  11 am - 6 pm
Mon-Wed  Closed

Fridays: Free Admission
The Bronx Museum of the Arts receives ongoing general operating support from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs with the cooperation of the Bronx Borough President and the Bronx Delegation of the New York City Council; Bloomberg Philanthropies; the Lambent Foundation; New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature; Bronx Delegation of the New York State Assembly; The Scherman Foundation, The May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc.; the Gilbert MacKay Foundation; The Liman Foundation; and individuals.


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What You Should Know by Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz

 By Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York 


  Americans have a special affection for people who “die with their boots on”.  We think of them as folks who never give up, never give in, and keep fighting until the very end.
With the new Congressional district lines yet to be decided, there may be many individuals who will never even get the opportunity to even put their boots on.
You should know, dear reader, that for months there have been negotiations between people of different communities and different ethnic groups horse-trading about elected offices and how the newly drawn district lines will impact their lives: “You go here and I’ll go there,” and “You can take this seat and I’ll take that seat.”  They’ve been trading and negotiating all kinds of positions, based upon the expectations, that the new congressional district lines will be suited to their personal interests, egos, whims and desires.
You should know that we in the Hispanic community have fought and will continue to fight to get a new Hispanic Congressional district in New York City. I hope that after all is said and done, that these horse-traders will live up to their duty to see that the electorate receives fair and proportional representation in the drafting of the electoral district lines so that New York does get a new Hispanic district.  In all fairness, no matter who occupies it - which nationality, color or creed – as long as he or she is a Hispanic.
The Afro-American community has been fighting and negotiating to maintain Congressman Charles Rangel’s district despite the loss of the African-American population in Harlem.   The Asian community in Queens is rightly demanding that they deserve a new seat to be occupied by an Asian person.
As you might see, every community is hoping to get something for their people.  The problem is that within those communities the expectation, the aspiration, the egos and the fight for individuals to be able to occupy the seats increase every day.
No doubt that there are even individuals who’ve actually begun to measure the windows for curtains for their new DC offices.
Now that Federal Magistrate Judge Roanne L. Mann has issued a Congressional District Proposal, every plan and aspiration are up in the air.
Negotiations for the Asian community to be able to get one seat, for the African American community to be able to maintain Congressman Charles Rangel’s seat in Harlem, and for the Hispanic community to be able to create a new Hispanic seat are up in the air.  As of right now, every option is on the table.
To those who have already measured the windows for curtains and who plan to go to DC and are busy trying to put their boots on, I’m afraid that they may not even be able to die with their boots on because the way things seem to be going, they might not even have the time to put them on.
Or as we say in Puerto Rico: “Se quedaran con la carabina al hombro.”

I am Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.


Saturday, March 10, 2012

BOEDC: Job Postings

 With the summer season rapidly approaching The Bronx Overall Economic Developement Corporation has been in contact with the New York Yankees and The Bronx Zoo both of which are looking to hire Bronxites for seasonal employment.


 Yankee Stadium Is Hiring 

 For the New Baseball Season!

  • Hostess Bartender
  • Pastry Chef
  • Runner
  • Premium Services Supervisor
  • Catering Coordinator
  • Catering Server
  • Concession Stand Cashier
  • Concessions Prep
  • Merchandise Warehouse Associate
  • Merchandise Sales room Personnel

Please apply on line at
Or call Dionne Binns at 718-590-7159


The Bronx Zoo is Hiring Once Again
  Temp positions Available (March – October) 
   Positions That are Available

  • Sales Associates
  • Membership Sales Associates
  • Office Associates
  • Monorail Tour Guide
  • Parking Associates
  • Ride Attendant
  • Shuttle Drivers
  • Warehouse Associates
  • Catering Associates
  • Maintenance Associates
  • Commissary Drivers
  • District Workers
  • Comfort Station Attendant
  • Park Service Associates

Interested Candidates please call
Dionne Binns at 718-590-7159 Logo

Statement from Borough President Diaz RE: Triple Shooting in Bronxdale


“I am deeply disappointed and saddened by last night’s triple shooting at the Astor Deli Grocery, where three innocent bystanders--including two young girls--fell victims to gun violence.
 It is unacceptable that, despite the efforts of my office, the police department, our district attorney and others to take as many illegal guns off our streets as possible, these senseless acts of gun violence continue to infest our borough.
 “Just last month, eight year old Armando Bigo was also shot in Soundview. I am saddened that our families cannot shop at their local grocery stores without looking over their shoulder in fear of gun violence. 
"These senseless acts of violence must stop. My office will continue to work with the police, our district attorney, elected officials, and other community organizations to take as many illegal guns off of our streets as we possibly can.
 “I urge all Bronxites with knowledge of illegal guns in their community to call 866-GUN-STOP to anonymously report those guns to the police, a program that my office continues to promote through our ‘Peace in our Streets’ campaign,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.
More information on the 866-GUN-STOP program can be found at the following link:

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Assembly Bill Provides New Protection for Victims of Price Gouging


  Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Consumer Affairs and Protection Committee Chair Jeffrey Dinowitz today announced passage of legislation to give citizens who fall victim to price gouging in times of emergency the ability to sue.


 This bill (A.8340) provides a crucial legal option for such victims.  Under current law, only the State Attorney General is empowered to bring legal action against violators of the price gouging statute.  This bill would leave those powers intact, but would also permit individual victims of price gouging to sue the price gougers directly. 

 “In times of emergency, predatory pricing for goods such as batteries, generators, and dry goods is deplorable,” said Speaker Silver (D-Manhattan).  “In passing this bill, the Assembly is standing up for a consumer's right to seek compensation from those who profit unjustly from others' misfortunes.”

 The bill sponsor, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz (D-Bronx), said of the measure, “While the Attorney General has been rigorous and successful in his investigation of these offenses, it is clear that the threat of enforcement by the Attorney General alone is not serving as an adequate deterrent in these instances.  Private citizens must be empowered to take further action.”

 In addition to the right of action granted to the Attorney General, this legislation gives victims of unlawful price gouging the right to sue for injunctive relief, and/or recovery of actual damages or $1000, whichever is greater.  It also permits the court to award an additional penalty of up to $5,000 for a willful or knowing violation and reasonable attorney's fees.

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DiNapoli: State DOT Holding Onto Surplus Property

Unused Properties Hold Potential to Generate Revenue


 The Department of Transportation (DOT) is holding onto unused property that could generate the state much needed revenue, according to an audit released today by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. 

 "The State Department of Transportation owns many properties across New York that are just sitting idle," DiNapoli said. "Many of these could be sold and put to good use generating revenues for the state and property taxes for localities. DOT needs to review its property holdings, identify those that could be sold, and set into action a plan for their disposition." 

 DiNapoli's auditors reviewed a sample of 110 potentially surplus properties from records in five of DOT's 11 regional offices. Auditors found that 18 properties, with an estimated value of $7.1 million, were unused and could potentially be sold to generate revenue for the state. DOT records show staff assessments of these properties have not been done since at least 2005. 

 DOT's real estate information systems do not allow regions to readily assess the potential cost benefit of selling specific parcels without manually researching property files. Auditors reviewed the property system listings for 817 of 1,096 excess properties. Of these, 494 (60 percent) did not show property values. As a result, regional offices and DOT management could not see which of the properties had the highest value to assist in prioritizing properties to target for review.

 In cases where DOT cannot sell a property, it can issue permits or leases that generate revenue. A review of the 100 properties for which DOT issued permits found that officials were not reviewing the permit fees on a regular basis, thereby missing opportunities to receive added revenue from the properties.
DiNapoli's auditors recommended DOT:
  • Evaluate and document whether the 18 properties should be marketed for sale;
  • Modify its new property database system to include value, usage, and restrictions on properties, and periodically review the information to prioritize those properties that potentially could be sold;
  • Require the regional offices to regularly review property holdings to determine whether they should be sold;
  • Develop methods to inform potential buyers about excess property available for sales inquiries; and
  • Review permits and leases and update them when appropriate.
 DOT generally agreed with the audit's findings and has begun implementing its recommendations.
To see a copy of the complete audit go to: