Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Post Hurricane UPDATE 5 PM

Its 5 PM and the #1,#2, #7, #10 and other buses are back on the road.
It is expected that subway service will not be restored for four days or until next week.
The water level in Lower Manhattan is slowly receding, but several areas are still flooded.
Power is still out to lower Manhattan below 40th Street, and may be out for several more days.
The Metropolitan area has been declared a disaster area.
Most bridges have reopened. The Battery Tunnel remains closed due to flooding.
4.5 million people are still without power in NYC, Long Island New Jersey and Connecticut.
18 people have been found dead in NYC with 3 more missing.
In the Far Rockaway several people have been arrested for looting.
Many trees are down and several bus routes will have to be detoured around them.

More later with photos.


Tuesday AM--


Lower Manhattan was under water.
The East Side was flooded to 1st Avenue.
The West side Highway was under Water.
Electricity below 40th Street in Manhattan was out Monday night continuing into today.
All roads on Long Island were closed.
All Subway and commuter railroads are still not running.
There are subway stations that are still flooded, and tunnels under the East River that are still under water.
A boat landed across Metro North Tracks on the Hudson line in Westchester County.
NYC schools will be closed on Wednesday.
Millions of people are still without power.
Fires ranged out of control in low lying areas that were flooded.
Downed power lines were everywhere.

More as details come in.

Monday, October 29, 2012


By Senator Rev. RubƩn Dƭaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York

A Word or Three about Yellow Journalism
You should know that the Saturday, October 27th New York Post column “State Dems shaking off scandals in polls” used the photos of three minority Senate Democrats: Pedro Espada, Jr., Hiram Monserrate, and Shirley Huntley to highlight corruption in the State Senate.

The New York Post, apparently disappointed with recent polls showing that New Yorkers want the Democrats to take back control of the State Senate, pointed out how Black and Hispanic Democrats have been indicted, belong in jail, or are accused of corruption.  This New York Post article includes Senators Malcolm Smith, John Sampson and Eric Adams in their story, despite the fact that none of these Senators has ever been indicted of nor found guilty of anything – except being Black.

New York Post readers need to be wary because the Post somehow continues to overlook the corruption that is, has been, and continues to exist in the Republican Party by those Senate colleagues.

Lawmakers facing corruption charges are not exclusive to Democrats, nor are they exclusive to Black and Hispanic Senators, but the New York Post seems to make believe or ignore these facts.  It may be the case that they are using their paper to slant their story or lie to their readers.

There are many ways of lying.  You can lie by purposely ignoring the truth or speaking in half-truths.  You can lie by only releasing the part of the story that you want to release.  You can lie by making people believe that “this” is the whole truth while you knowingly hide the rest. You can lie by slanting the truth.

In this case, the New York Post exposes and accuses only Democratic Senators - highlighting Black and Hispanic Senators – while hiding the truth that there are at least as many among the ranks of the Republicans in the New York State Senate who have been accused of corruption and have been or may belong in jail.

Let’s start at the top.
Republican Senate Leader Joseph Bruno’s corruption was so egregious that it resulted in the Public Corruption Prevention and Enforcement Act.  (I have no recollection of any stronger piece of legislation that resulted from the scandalous acts of any Black or Hispanic Senate Democrat.)  Judge Gary L. Sharpe chastised Republican Senator Joseph Bruno during sentencing by telling the Republican Senate Leader:  “You trampled on the integrity of the State Legislature.”

Disgraced Republican Senator Guy Velella ended his political career in the New York State Senate after he was convicted of bribery and went to prison.

Republican Senator Vincent Leibell is a convicted felon, guilty of taking kickbacks from a charity he founded which was funded with millions of taxpayer dollars.  He pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice and tax evasion.

Republican Senator Nick Spano pleaded guilty to tax evasion.  During his sentencing, Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara stated: “When Nicholas Spano took the oath of office, he swore to uphold the law, and yet he did exactly the opposite. There is absolutely no place in government for lawbreakers, and we will continue to do everything within our power to prosecute and punish them.”

There are calls to investigate Republican Senate Deputy Majority Leader Tom Libous about a downstate law firm hiring his son, which, according to a witness in a recent federal corruption trial, was in exchange for the promise of more business.

Let's not forget the story about Republican Senator Jim Alesi, who doesn't exactly make the Republican Party shine.  Senator Alesi trespassed on a homeowner's property, fell and broke his leg.  Although the owners declined to press charges against him, Senator Alesi proceeded to sue the building contractor, DiRisio Builders. The New York Daily News editorial “State Sen. James Alesi is suing constituents when he should be apologizing for acting like an idiot” began with the following: “Remember the old joke about the kid who murdered his parents, then pleaded for mercy on grounds of being an orphan?”

While there is so much more to share about the Republican Senate, I will stop here, for now.

I ask my readers to always keep in mind that just because something appears in a newspaper, in a tabloid, or on the internet doesn’t mean it’s true. I also ask my friends in the media to keep in mind that just because the majority of New Yorkers want to see Democrats control the New York State Senate doesn’t mean that the New York Post or anyone else should engage in the use ugly racial tactics to try to undercut these hopes.

This is State Senator Reverend RubĆ©n DĆ­az and this is what you should know. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ben Franklin Club Celebrates Obama Pre-Victory

   In a gathering of almost 100 people the Ben Franklin Club had an early celebration of President Obama's win on election day at the home of City Council Candidate Andrew Cohen. In what has become one of the worst kept secrets, Mr. Cohen has said that he will make a decision after election day about running for term limited City Councilman G. Oliver Koppell's seat. Cohen was elected as a Vice-Chair of the Bronx Democratic County Committee, and has filed with the city's campaign Finance Board as a candidate.

   In attendance were Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, (Mayoral/Comptroller candidate), Congressman Eliot Engel, State Senators Jeff Klein and Gustavo Rivera, 81st A.D. Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Councilman G. Oliver Koppell, Brooklyn Councilwoman Letitia James (candidate for Public Advocate in 2013).

   Councilman Koppell expressed his view that President Obama has a chance of loosing the popular vote, but winning the all important “Electoral College” that elects the president. Congressman Engel took a swipe at his Republican opponent on election day, by asking Assemblyman Dinowitz if it was the same person Dinowitz soundly defeated two years ago. Yes it is replied Dinowitz. Senator Gustavo Rivera standing near Councilman Koppell thanked him for his over 40 years of public service as an elected official. Senator Jeff Klein said that the election is important as it is between what is right and wrong. Klein added “we have to make sure programs continue, and are not cut or discontinued”. It was said that Councilman Koppell has been a member of the Ben Franklin Democratic Club since 1966. Back then the club was known as “The Ben Franklin Reform Democratic Club”. 
   Questions I asked – Manhattan BP Stringer – Is it true that you are going to run for Comptroller instead of mayor? Reply by Stringer, I have not made up my mind yet.
State Senator Jeff Klein – In 2016 if Gov. Cuomo runs for president and current Attorney General Eric Schniderman runs for governor, would you run for A.G. Reply by Klein – I don't know, it could be a possibility if what I said all happens, but that is to far away to think about now.
Councilwoman James – Are you afraid of facing Brooklyn Councilman Charles Barrons who has said he wants to run for Public Advocate also. Reply by James – Don't believe what Barrons is saying, he and his wife are going to try to swap positions in the council and assembly. An interesting note was that we both agreed that Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr. would not be running for citywide office next year. James said that Diaz Jr. is doing a fine job as Bronx BP, but still has to raise the image of the Bronx and himself more before considering citywide office. 

Left - Manhattan Borough President Stringer is flanked on his right by Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz and left by City Council candidate Andrew Cohen.
Right - State Senators Jeff Klein and Gustave Rivera with Assemblyman Dinowitz.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Riverdale Temple Holiday Gift and Craft Sale

        “EARLY BIRD” SPECIALS!  Beat the holiday rush!
When:  SUNDAY - NOVEMBER 18, 2012
Time:   9:00 AM until 3:00 PM
            4545 Independence Ave.,Bronx, NY 10471
Great refreshments!  Kids’ activities!
**VENDOR SPACES AVAILABLE FOR THE DAY - First come, first served!
$ 60.00  PER  6’  TABLE  or  $ 80.00  PER  8’  TABLE- with your own table
$ 10.00 extra if you do not have your own table!

Please contact:  
Rita:     Ritajoshed@aol.com or call (718) 614-4932       
Deb:      rivtemple@aol.com     (718) 548-3800 ext. 0 or 1

Wave Hill Events November 9–November 16

Print the Palisades/ImpreciĆ³nes de la naturaleza
Spot the glowing leaves across the river and sketch the shapes and sizes of leaves and trees outdoors. Using the eye-popping colors of fall foliage, make bright and vibrant collage prints.  Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.

Join an exhibition interpreter for one of our regularly scheduled tours of Wave Hill’s fall exhibition Foregrounding the Palisades, sculptural installations by artists Isidro Blasco, Blane de St. Croix and Paula Winokur that focus on the cliffs across the Hudson River, a quintessential feature of Wave Hill’s vista—and history.  In the Sunroom, Gail Biederman suspends a net-like map of commercial and handmade felt reflecting local topography. Tours take place Tuesdays and Saturdays at 2PM. Free with admission to the grounds.

Naturalist Gabriel Willow contributes his extensive knowledge of bird species and behaviors on these walks through the gardens and woodlands of Wave Hill. Ages 10 and older welcome with an adult. Severe weather cancels. For weather-related updates, call 718.549.3200 x245 by 8AM the
day of the walk. Free with admission to the grounds. (NYC Audubon Members enjoy two-for-one admission.) Registration required, online at www.wavehill.org, by calling 718.549.3200 x305 or at the Perkins Visitor Center.

Print the Palisades/ImpreciĆ³nes de la naturaleza
Spot the glowing leaves across the river and sketch the shapes and sizes of leaves and trees outdoors. Using the eye-popping colors of fall foliage, make bright and vibrant collage prints. Free with admission to the grounds.

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free with admission to the grounds.

Gail Biederman is interested in mapping, topography and patterns of growth, whether natural or artificial. For her Sunroom Project, Biederman creates a net-like map made of commercial and handmade felt that reflects the topography of the Bronx and is suspended from the ceiling. Referencing the local environment, the handmade felt incorporates natural elements, such as leaves, vines and sticks from Wave Hill’s gardens. The piece transforms the typical flatness of maps, altering the urban streets of the Bronx into a vibrant and evocative form. Free with admission to the grounds.

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.

Join an exhibition interpreter for one of our regularly scheduled tours of Wave Hill’s fall exhibition Foregrounding the Palisades, sculptural installations by artists Isidro Blasco, Blane de St. Croix and Paula Winokur that focus on the cliffs across the Hudson River, a quintessential feature of Wave Hill’s vista—and history.  In the Sunroom, Gail Biederman suspends a net-like map of commercial and handmade felt reflecting local topography. Tours take place Tuesdays and Saturdays at 2PM. Free, and admission to the grounds is free all day.
A 28-acre public garden and cultural center overlooking the Hudson River  and Palisades, Wave Hill’s mission is to celebrate the artistry and legacy of its gardens and landscape, to preserve its magnificent views, and to explore human connections to the natural world through programs in horticulture, education and the arts.

HOURS  Open all year, Tuesday through Sunday and many major holidays: 9AM—4:30PM. Closes 5:30PM, March 15—October 31.  
ADMISSION  $8 adults, $4 students and seniors 65+, $2 children 6—18. Free Saturday mornings until noon. Free until noon October Tuesdays, and all day Tuesdays in November. Free to Wave Hill Members and children under 6.

PROGRAM FEES  Program s are free with admission to the grounds unless otherwise noted.

Visitors to Wave Hill can take advantage of Metro-North’s one-day getaway offer. Purchase a discount round-trip rail far and discount admission to the gardens. More at http://mta.info/mnr/html/getaways/outbound_wavehill.htm

DIRECTIONS – Getting here is easy! Located only 3o minutes from midtown Manhattan, Wave Hill’s free shuttle van transports you to and from our front gate and Metro-North’s Riverdale station, as well as the 242nd Street stop on the #1 subway line. Limited onsite parking is available for $8 per vehicle. Free offsite parking is available nearby with continuous, complimentary shuttle service to and from the offsite lot and our front gate. Complete directions and shuttle bus schedule at www.wavehill.org/visit/.

Information at 718.549.3200. On the web at www.wavehill.org.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

More Affordable Housing in the Bronx with Intervale Senior Residences Ribbon Cutting on November 2nd

Affordable Housing in the Bronx
Intervale Senior Residences Ribbon Cutting Scheduled for November 2, 2012 11:00 A.M. 1115 Intervale Avenue Bronx, NY
The project is comprised of one eight-story mid-rise residential building containing approximatel42,470-square-feet of gross buildinarea, with the residentiaspace divided into 47 rental apartments plus one unit reserved fosuperintendent.  Apartments at Intervale Senior Residences will be reserved for low-income households 55 years of age and older. The unit distribution will include 13 studios, and 35 one-bedroom apartments.  

The development also includes a rear garden, six parking spaces, laundry facilities and an approximately 2,200-square-foot cellar-level community facility space that provides gathering space for tenants and may also be used to provide supportive services.

Funding provided by:
New York City Housing and Development Corporation
NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development

Capital funds provided by:
Bronx Borough Presidents Office
City Councilmember Maria Del Carmen Arroyo

Azimuth Development
SEBCO Development
Ron Shulman

Project Consulting:
Best Development 

General Contractor:
Joy Construction

Architecture and Planning:
Aufgang Subotovsky

Kathy Zamechansky, KZA Realty Group - Represented Azimuth Development
David Simone, Masey Knackel Broker – Seller

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


     City Comptroller John C. Liu released the following statement on the $1 billion lawsuit filed by the U.S. Attorney in Manhattan against Bank of America (NYSE:BAC) for fraudulent mortgage practices:
“We support the U.S. Attorney’s efforts to hold Bank of America accountable for its questionable mortgage practices.  It is truly unfortunate and damaging for homeowners, investors, and the general public that it has come to this,” Comptroller Liu said.  “Every foreclosure is not only a family losing a home, but also a dent in our City’s economy.  Moreover, as investors, my office and our City Pension Funds have repeatedly requested since 2010 that the bank correct systemic flaws in its mortgage and foreclosure procedures.  At each turn, the bank has rebuffed shareowners.  Bank of America and others are required to enact reforms under their settlement with the state Attorneys General, but as shareowners we remain concerned that Bank of America’s board has yet to correct the flaws in its mortgage pipeline.”

The City Comptroller serves as the investment advisor to, custodian, and trustee of the $122 billion New York City Pension Funds.  The NYC Pension Funds own 27,412,938 shares of Bank of America valued at $256,585,099.68.

Links to shareowner proposal efforts:

March 14, 2011, SEC ruling against bank’s attempt to block shareowners’ proposal: http://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/cf-noaction/14a-8/2011/aflcioreserve031411-14a8.pdf