Sunday, January 20, 2013

Forget Standardized Tests

According to One DOE High Ranking Employee

    This one comes from the New York Post, where they report on Lisa Nielsen, a high-ranking city Department of Education official recently promoted to the newly created, six-figure position of “director of digital literacy and citizenship.” The Post says that Ms. Nielsen is part of a Facebook group "Opt Out of State Standardized Tests". The Post continues to say that on Friday she recommended that teachers assign students who opt out of the testing to other activities, including reading, writing and drawing or taking a snooze. 

    The Post story continues with other suggestions from Ms. Nielsen that can be done in place of testing, and you can find the entire  Post article here. There have been instances of parents or other people being given high paying jobs at the DOE in order to silence them of their opposition to DOE policy. Usually once the publicity ends so does the position at the DOE.

Friday, January 18, 2013


BySenator Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District

Governor Cuomo is calling for the Democratic Party to be Unified, Tighter and Organized
Governor Cuomo is calling for the Democratic Party to be “unified” “tighter” and “ organized.”
You should know that during the past general election, Governor  Andrew Cuomo who is supposed to be the leader of the Democratic Party in the State, did everything possible to “divide”, “disorganize” and “weaken” the Democratic Party in the State of New York.
And you should remember that Governor Cuomo not only publicly supported Senator Stephen Saland, a Republican against Terry Gipson, the official Democratic candidate and ultimate winner  in the 41st Senate District, but worse than that, Governor Cuomo kept a distance from President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign especially during the time when it appeared that Obama’s chances were uncertain.
After the election you should also know that Governor Andrew Cuomo worked intensively behind closed doors with Senator Dean Skelos, Senator Jeff Klein and the other rebellious Democratic Senators to organize the coup that is keeping the Democrats from taking control of the Senate.
You dear readers, never heard the Governor during the election asking the Democrats to be “unified” and “organized” in order to have a tight party. Now, the Governor is trying to send a message to everyone that he is the best Democrat and the best candidate for President in 2016.
You should know, that with the certification of Senator-elect Cecilia Tkaczyk as the official winner in the 46th Senatorial District, it gives the Democrats in the New York State Senate the right to become the majority and the undisputed leaders of the Senate.  The people of the State of New York have spoken and have given the Democrats the right to claim the majority leadership in the Senate and the Republicans to become the minority.  There is no question about this.
If Governor Andrew Cuomo really wants to send a message that he wants the Democrats to be “unified”,  “tight” and “organized,” he should publically and privately demand that Jeff Klein and his group and all the Democrats to be “unified”, to be “tight” and to be “organized.”  That is the job of the Democratic leader of the State.  He is the leader.  Enough with saying “I don’t want to get involved.” Enough with using the Democratic Senators and their votes to keep the Republicans in control of the State Senate. By being the Democratic Governor of the State of New York he is involved. It is his duty and responsibility to “unify,” to “tighten” and to “organize” the Democrats in New York State and to bring them back to be in control of the State Senate.  Less than that is just pure talk.
I am State Senator Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.


A Response to the Newtown, CT School Shooting

From Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda 87th A.D.

     On Tuesday, Jan. 15th. I was proud to be a member of the New York State Assembly. We passed a piece of landmark legislation that will keep Bronxites and other residents of New York State safer. The legislation bans assault weapons, closes loopholes and cracks down on the horrific gun violence that’s ravaging our communities and our nation.
   The massacre of schoolchildren in Newtown, CT, and the recent killings in Webster, NY, of first responders were heinous tragedies, but, sadly, terrible gun violence incidents are all too common across our state. This legislation strengthens gun-control measures and safety by prohibiting assault weapons and banning all high-capacity ammunition clips with the capacity to hold more than 7 rounds. It creates a grandfather clause for owners of legal semi-automatic weapons provided they register them with the state police, recertify the registration every 5 years and undergo a background check. The measure also increases criminal penalties for the illegal use of guns. It toughens penalties for drug dealers and violent criminals involved in illegal gun use, and it increases the penalty for having a gun on school grounds and for injuring a child with a gun. Additionally, and in light of the recent shooting in Webster, NY, the legislation also adds first responders to the aggravated murder statute, ensuring that murderers of first responders face a life in prison without parole.
   Lastly, the gun violence that’s been ravaging communities simply cannot be solved without addressing mental-health issues. This measure ensures that those who might be a danger to themselves or others because of a mental illness simply do not have access to firearms. There’s no quick fix to end gun violence, nor is there any one approach, but this new legislation takes a comprehensive view and provides concrete measures to begin to tackle the problem.
  • Specifically, the bill:
  • revokes and/or suspends the gun license of an individual upon issuance of an order of protection by a court of law;
  • establishes a statewide database of handgun licenses to enable the state police to crosscheck the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) to determine if any current licensees have been legally disqualified from possessing firearms under federal law;
  • creates statewide standards for handgun-license applications;
  • requires mental-health professionals to report to law enforcement when they believe a person receiving mental-health services is a danger to themselves or others. Those who possess a firearm license would have their license revoked or suspended and be required to surrender their firearms;
  • allows schools to qualify for reimbursement building aid assistance if they choose to add electronic systems and hardened doors to increase safety;
  • updates the New York gun licensing statute to ensure those prohibited from possessing firearms on the federal level are not granted a gun license from the state;
  • requires re-certification of gun licenses on a 5-year cycle to include current name, date of birth, current address and the make, model, serial number and caliber of all firearms possessed;
  • allows counties to keep the names and address of gun licensees confidential under certain circumstances;
  • requires all private sales of firearms, shotguns and rifles to be made through a licensed gun dealer to ensure that a proper background check is performed, unless the sale is between immediate family members; and
  • requires owners of firearms to safely store such weapons if he/she resides with a person who is prohibited from possessing a firearm under certain provisions of federal law.
(Criminal penalties)
  • increases the existing penalty for possession of a loaded firearm from 3.5 years to 5 years imprisonment when the defendant is also convicted of a drug sale or violent felony offense as part of the same charge. Additionally, the penalty for possession of an unloaded firearm in this situation increases from a class A misdemeanor to a class D felony;
  • increases the penalty for possession of an unloaded firearm from a class A misdemeanor to a class E felony;
  • increases the penalty for unlicensed possession of a gun on school grounds from a class A misdemeanor to a class E felony;
  • clarifies that an individual can be prosecuted for criminal facilitation for making available, sharing, selling, exchanging, giving or disposing of a community gun which helps another person commit a crime;
  • creates a new elevated crime of Aggravated Enterprise Corruption for commission of multiple class B felonies and gun-related crimes, a class A-I felony punishable by a mandatory life sentence with a minimum term of between 15 and 25 years;
  • increases the penalty for straw purchases of firearms from a class A misdemeanor to a class D felony;
  • increases the penalty for recklessly causing physical injury to a child with a firearm from a class A misdemeanor to a class D violent felony; and
  • increases the penalty for failing to report a lost or stolen firearm and ammunition from a $100 fine to a class A misdemeanor.
(Mental health / Kendra’s Law)
  • requires the evaluation of the need for Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) prior to the expiration of the order;
  • requires the county director of community services to notify the director in another county when a person subject to an AOT order has moved to that county;
  • extends the maximum duration of an initial AOT order from 6 months to 1 year;
  • requires inmates being released to the community from a mental health hospital to undergo review for an AOT order; and
  • extends the sunset provision of Kendra’s Law from June 30, 2015 to June 30, 2017.
This was a horrific tragedy; I am pleased that our great state has taken the initiative to see that it doesn’t happen again.

Luis Sepulveda  Assemblyman 87th. A.D.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


City Comptroller John C. Liu stated the following today on efforts to reach an agreement on teacher evaluations:

“The DOE and UFT apparently came to an agreement, which the Mayor then scuttled ­– putting politics ahead of students and teachers. The Mayor's ‘my way or the highway’ edicts have hurt New Yorkers enough already.”

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JASA Announces Spring 2013 Semester of Institute for Senior Action


B&W Logo JPG     

learn – then Act! JASA’s Institute for senior action
 accepting appliCations for SPRING 2013 semester
(New York, NY) January 3, 2013- JASA, New York’s largest agency serving older adults in the New York Metropolitan area, is kicking off its Spring 2013 semester of the Institute for Senior Action (IFSA) on Wednesday, February 27th, 2013.
The ten-week leadership and advocacy training program was established in 1994 to sharpen the skills of longtime community activists and serve as a vehicle for recent retirees and others to learn about and become more involved in senior advocacy. The course combines the basics of social action with important information on senior issues. Students will learn how to get more involved in the legislative process and to become effective advocates. Classes focus on a wide variety of subjects including navigating the federal, state and local legislative processes, public speaking, understanding senior benefits and entitlements, techniques of social action, and much more.
For more information, or to request an application, please contact Jacob Stolar at 212-991-6572 or or visit All adults 55+ are invited to apply.
Since 1968, JASA and its affiliates with its 3,000 staff and volunteers, have provided social, recreational, health, housing, cultural and educational programs for 53,000 older adults per year -- regardless of their race, religion, or ethnicity -- to help sustain them in their homes and communities and to offer opportunities for a better quality of life.  Services are available in Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Nassau and Suffolk Counties.

Wave Hill Events February 1–February 8

The good news this week is that the woodworking workshop has one more available seat, and the Winter Workspace weekend workshops still have a few more openings. We design these as small workshops to maximize the experience and the learning, but that means they fill quickly. Register soon!

March out the Mardi Gras!/¡Viva el Carnaval!
Join visiting native New Orleans artist and instructor Paul Deo to make a colorful parasol, hat, nature mask or funky bead necklace. Then join an imaginative indoor parade as we create the sights, colors and sounds of the Mardi Gras. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.

Wave Hill’s inspirational landscape is complemented by the iconic Wave Hill chair. In this two-day workshop, construct your own Wave Hill Chair under the guidance of Facilities Manager and master carpenter Frank Perrone. Participants receive step-by-step instructions; no previous carpentry skills necessary. Must attend both sessions. Space is limited! $210 Member/$240 Non-member. Registration required, online at, by calling 718.549.3200 x305 or at the Perkins Visitor Center. Attendance required at both sessions.

Venture through closed doors for a behind-the-scenes garden tour of Wave Hill. Peek inside the Potting Shed, preview the South African bulbs getting ready for their dazzling Palm House debut and find out where all of those potted plants disappear to for the winter. Free with admission to the grounds.

March out the Mardi Gras!/¡Viva el Carnaval!
Join visiting native New Orleans artist and instructor Paul Deo to make a colorful parasol, hat, nature mask or funky bead necklace. Then join an imaginative indoor parade as we create the sights, colors and sounds of the Mardi Gras. Free with admission to the grounds.

Wave Hill’s inspirational landscape is complemented by the iconic Wave Hill chair. In this two-day workshop, construct your own Wave Hill Chair under the guidance of Facilities Manager and master carpenter Frank Perrone. Participants receive step-by-step instructions; no previous carpentry skills necessary. Must attend both sessions. Space is limited! $210 Member/$240 Non-member. Registration required, online at, by calling 718.549.3200 x305 or at the Perkins Visitor Center. Attendance required at both sessions.

Visitors gain insight into Winter Workspace artist Manuel Acevedo’s creative process and explore the winter landscape as a source of inspiration. Acevedo discusses his work and explains methods of animation, such as stop-motion, flipbooks and optical devices. Participants will then explore the transformation of Wave Hill’s winter landscape using basic animation techniques.
Art materials are provided unless otherwise noted. Workshops are open to all visitors ages 12 and over when accompanied by an adult. Space is limited, so registration is recommended, at, by calling 718.549.3200 x305 or at the Perkins Visitor Center. Free with admission to the grounds. Drop-ins will be accommodated as space permits.

Visitors gain insight into Winter Workspace artist Zachary Fabri’s creative process and explore the winter landscape as a source of inspiration. Fabri guides participants through exercises that utilize the body as a tool for creativity. Each participant will develop and present a movement to the group. Workshops are open to all visitors ages 12 and over when accompanied by an adult. Space is limited, so registration is recommended, at, by calling 718.549.3200 x305 or at the Perkins Visitor Center. Free with admission to the grounds. Drop-ins will be accommodated as space permits.

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free with admission to the grounds.

Closed to the public.

Visitors gain insight into Winter Workspace artist Linda Stillman’s creative process. Stillman introduces various methods for preserving the fleeting beauty of nature. Participants create their own collages and drawings using techniques such as rubbings, flower pressing and using petals as pigment. Art materials are provided unless otherwise noted. Workshops are open to all visitors ages 12 and over when accompanied by an adult. Space is limited, so registration is recommended, at, by calling 718.549.3200 x305 or at the Perkins Visitor Center. Free, and admission to the grounds is free all day. Drop-ins will be accommodated as space permits.

A 28-acre public garden and cultural center overlooking the Hudson River  and Palisades, Wave Hill’s mission is to celebrate the artistry and legacy of its gardens and landscape, to preserve its magnificent views, and to explore human connections to the natural world through programs in horticulture, education and the arts.

HOURS  Open all year, Tuesday through Sunday and many major holidays: 9AM—4:30PM. Closes 5:30PM, March 15—October 31.  
ADMISSION  $8 adults, $4 students and seniors 65+, $2 children 6—18. Free Saturday mornings until noon. Free all day Tuesdays in January and February. Free to Wave Hill Members and children under 6.

PROGRAM FEES  Program s are free with admission to the grounds unless otherwise noted.

Visitors to Wave Hill can take advantage of Metro-North’s one-day getaway offer. Purchase a discount round-trip rail far and discount admission to the gardens. More at

DIRECTIONS – Getting here is easy! Located only 3o minutes from midtown Manhattan, Wave Hill’s free shuttle van transports you to and from our front gate and Metro-North’s Riverdale station, as well as the 242nd Street stop on the #1 subway line. Limited onsite parking is available for $8 per vehicle. Free offsite parking is available nearby with continuous, complimentary shuttle service to and from the offsite lot and our front gate. Complete directions and shuttle bus schedule at

Information at 718.549.3200. On the web at

Ben Franklin Club Endorsements

   Last night the Ben Franklin Democratic Club of the 81st A.D. held a meeting to discuss endorsements in the upcoming Bronx Borough Presidents race and 11th city council race covered mostly by the 81st A.D. Also on the meeting agenda was the report of the club nominating committee as to the slate of officers and executive board members for the upcoming year 2013. 
   Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr. was on hand to talk about all that he has done, why he did not run for higher office, what he hopes to do in his upcoming term of office (if re-elected), and took questions from members of the club that has supported him in the past. Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz of the 81st A.D. gave his endorsement of Diaz for BP saying that Diaz has done an excellent job of bringing the people of the Bronx together, and that Diaz is a person who can work with others in government using himself as an example. 
   A question of why the club was to endorse so early for the 11th City Council district by longtime Ben Franklin member Alvin Gordon was answered by 81 A.D. district Leader Bruce Feld. Feld said that the endorsement process was being put forth, because of the uncertainly of just when the primary would occur in September or be moved up to June. He added that there is time to wait in citywide races as the club has a greater influence in local races that are in the Bronx. The club overwhelmingly voted to endorse in the 11th city council district.


Left- Andrew Cohen waits next to BP Diaz and Diaz's Communication Director John Desio.
Right - Cliff Stanton waits next to Assemblyman Dinowitz, Bruce Feld, and Mike Heller of the club.

   Andrew Cohen was the first of the three candidates to speak. Candidate Cohen mentioned that he is an man of integrity, is honest, and that the club has a long history of electing honest candidates. Cohen went through his qualifications for office, his community involvement, and some of his views on a few of the issues. Cohen added when questioned that the public school system is drowning in standardized testing, that the mayor should negotiate with the UFT on teacher evaluations, and better parent involvement is needed. 
   Shelly Keeling was next to address the club. Keeling is relatively unknown, as she went through her bio in which  she said that she has been a resident for more than 25 years, Sued coop management for overcharges claiming victory, was a businesswoman for 34 years, law clerk, a substitute teacher, and involved in local schools such as Fieldston and InTech. Candidate Keeling in answering a question about Broadway and 231st Street by saying that the area does not have the most attractive businesses, and it is hard to get rid of them with their sidewalk displays and peddlers in front of them.
   Cliff Stanton was the third and last candidate to address the club. Candidate Stanton opened up with "Now I know how Jonah must have felt in the belly of the whale". Stanton said to Assemblyman Dinowitz about the matter of Mr. Gordon's verbal attack on the assemblyman earlier that he (Stanton) would have the assemblyman's back. Stanton spoke of going to Bronx Science High School, and mentioned that is where his child currently attends. He gave a brief bio of himself, and said "I get things done". He mentioned the charter school that he said he helped open, because parents were moving away when their children reached age 10. When questioned about the Citizens United Super Pac pushing candidates who want more charter schools, Stanton ducked the question by saying that his charter school does not pick or choose its students. He defended his boycott of the Riverdale Review, and said "If the government was coming after Andy Wolf I would come to his defense". Stanton ended his speech by defending his part in the renmoval of the previous PS 24 principal, attacking MS 141 (to which his children are not zoned for) as being a poor choice for parents, and said that is why he started the charter school.  


Left- Current 11th Councilman G. Oliver Koppell pitches his choice to replace him Andrew Cohen.
Right - Assemblyman Dinowitz explaining why the club should overwhelmingly endorse BP Diaz. 

Current term limited 11th Councilman was one of the many speakers to endorse the candidacy of Andrew Cohen. Koppell said that Mr. Cohen is very concerned about the community that he lives in, is a member of Community Board # 8, a man of integrity (like himself), and that Mr. Cohen is not seeking the office for personal gain. During his endorsement of Mr. Cohen Assemblyman Dinowitz in naming the elected officials who have already supported Mr. Cohen's candidacy included Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., and then retracted BP Diaz's name. I spoke to BP Diaz over the weekend and asked why he has not already endorsed Mr. Cohen in the 11th council district. Diaz told me much like he must have told Assemblyman Dinowitz that he would be endorsing Mr. Cohen for the 11th council seat soon.
     The members of  the Ben Franklin club voted, and here is the results of the vote for the endorsement in the 11th city council district.
     Andrew Cohen-------84 votes       
     No Endorsement-------6 votes
     Shelly Keeling----------5 votes
     Cliff Stanton------------3 votes
     Write in Bob Press ------1 vote
     Total vote cast --------99 votes.

Right - The vote count in progress.

Traffic Agents at Bx. Schools During School Bus Strike

    New York City Traffic Enforcement Agents (TEA) have been posted at all Bronx schools to help with any traffic problems that may occur during the school bus strike by union school bus drivers. The TEA's are being posted to let drivers who are dropping children off that they must move on after the drop off. The TEA's are also on hand to prevent the double or triple parking of cars that blocks other cars from going through streets around schools. 

In both photos Traffic Enforcement Agents are being placed by public schools during the school bus strike at arrival and dismissal times to help keep traffic from coming to a stand still around schools.