Friday, March 29, 2013


Major Event Will Unite Thousands of Bronxites in Opposition to Violence

On Sunday, April 14, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. will join together with thousands of community and clergy members to join “Hands Across the Concourse” in opposition to gun violence and domestic violence.

The event, which is co-produced by the Bronx Reentry Task Force and the Bronx Clergy Criminal Justice Roundtable, will see Bronx residents and other concerned community leaders join hands in opposition to violence along the Grand Concourse, between West Kingsbridge Road and Mosholu Parkway.

“This is a perfect event for our brothers and sisters in the Bronx to show those who continue to plague our streets with violence that we are not afraid to stand together as one family, one Bronx to put a stop to these senseless acts of violence. The Bronx has had enough, and we will continue to work towards a safer borough for those who live, work and raise their family here,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Those participating in the event will begin to line up along the route at 3 p.m., and Borough President Diaz will officially join hands at 4 p.m. at the West Kingsbridge Road location.

To register for the event, visit

WHAT:          “Hands Across the Concourse”

WHEN:          Sunday, April 14, 2013
§  Line-up @ 3 p.m.
§  Event kick-off @ 4 p.m.

WHERE:       Corner of West Kingsbridge Road & Grand Concourse
                        Bronx, NY

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Thursday, March 28, 2013


 Recent Court Order on Discovery Narrows Window for Settlement

Comptroller John C. Liu is urging the Mayor to instruct the New York City Law Department to negotiate promptly an appropriate settlement to the “Central Park Five” lawsuit, after lawyers for the five unjustly imprisoned men clearly expressed a willingness to engage in meaningful settlement discussions and a federal court set a deadline on discovery for the case, a significant development on the part of the court.

“The Law Department’s stance of refusing to explore a fair and just settlement of this lawsuit is imprudent,” Comptroller Liu wrote in a March 25 letter to Mayor Bloomberg. “I urge you to exercise your executive authority to assist in closing this terrible chapter in our City’s history, so that New Yorkers can finally put an end to the painful ‘Central Park Five’ saga.”

Pointing to flaws in the prosecution of the Five identified in 2002 by then-District Attorney Robert Morgenthau, Liu threw the risks of the City’s refusal to negotiate into sharp relief.

“The disturbing facts associated with this case raise the risk that at a civil trial of the Central Park Five’s claims, a jury may be persuaded that the NYPD or DA violated standards in investigating and prosecuting the Central Park Five,” he wrote. “Such a jury outcome could be very costly to the City.”

Under the City Charter, the Comptroller’s office approves all settlements for the City. Liu earlier this year warned that prolonging the case risks exposing the City to mounting legal costs, and he has continued to urge both sides to come to the table as soon as possible, even offering his boardroom as a venue for the discussions. His renewed call comes in light of a recent court order directing that fact discovery in the case be completed by early June (see attachment) and a letter from lawyers for the Central Park Five accepting his offer (see attachment).

Text of Comptroller Liu’s Letter to Mayor Bloomberg, March 25, 2013:

Dear Mayor Bloomberg,

I urge you to direct the New York City Law Department to negotiate promptly an appropriate settlement of the federal lawsuit brought by the ‘Central Park Five.’ 

More than ten years have passed since the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office (DA) advised New York State Supreme Court Justice Charles J. Tejada, in great detail and under penalty of perjury, that had newly available evidence “been received at trial, the verdict would have been more favorable to defendant[s].”  The DA also informed the Court that the many gaps and flaws in the defendants’ confessions “should have been apparent at time of trial” and that the career rapist and robber who later confessed to the attack had also admitted attacking many young women in and near Central Park in the months before the attack, including a rape and robbery in the Park just two days beforehand. 

The Court, perhaps in response to the growing outcry from countless New Yorkers outraged that this case remains unresolved after so many years, has now ordered the parties to complete all discovery in the case, which has dragged on for a decade, by the beginning of June. We believe this is a very significant development.

As the trial of this case inevitably draws closer, litigation experience clearly demonstrates that now is an appropriate time for both parties to negotiate in earnest. Prolonging the discovery process further only serves to increase the risk that City taxpayers will ultimately bear responsibility for significant attorneys’ fees incurred by plaintiffs. 

Moreover, the disturbing facts associated with this case raise the risk that at a civil trial of the Central Park Five’s claims, a jury may be persuaded that the NYPD or DA violated standards in investigating and prosecuting the Central Park Five. Such a jury outcome could be very costly to the City.

The Law Department’s stance of refusing to explore a fair and just settlement of this lawsuit is imprudent.  As indicated in the attached letter from plaintiffs’ counsel, plaintiffs have been and remain ready to engage in meaningful settlement discussions.  It is in the City’s best interest to engage in these discussions.

My office has the legal expertise and for decades has worked with the Law Department to negotiate fair settlements in many complex and high profile litigations, and I am confident that we can do so here.  A news report in the New York Times last month about the Law Department’s initiative to decide which police and federal civil rights cases should be “no pay” also points to the risk of that strategy ultimately costing the City more money.  In this case, that risk is significant. 

As I have said before, the young men who were wrongly imprisoned for this crime may not have been angels.  However, basic fairness in light of the facts of this case, and the need to protect the City against a possibly costly trial outcome, all support a serious effort to settle this matter. 
This troubling case has spanned the administrations of three of your predecessors. In the last year of your third term as Mayor, I urge you to exercise your executive authority to assist in closing this terrible chapter in our City’s history, so that New Yorkers can finally put an end to the painful ‘Central Park Five’ saga.


John C. Liu


Liu: Time to Bring Closure to Tragic and Costly ‘Central Park Five’ Case, Jan. 4, 2013:


Comptroller Liu’s letter to Mayor Bloomberg:

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CRESPO: Budget Good but Not Good Enough!

Assemblyman Marcos A. Crespo’s votes no on budget bill that fails to provide an indexed minimum wage increase and establishes the NYS Dream Act

ALBANY, NEW YORK – (03/28/2013)  ---  Assemblyman Marcos A. Crespo, today, voted no on part of the $136 billion 2013-2014 State Budget because major issues impacting his community where omitted and in other cases are inadequate to addressing the growing rates of poverty in the Bronx and New York State.

According to Assemblyman Marcos A. Crespo, member of the Assembly Standing Committee on Cities, “I want to make it clear that the Assembly, under the leadership of Speaker Sheldon Silver, has managed to turn back attempts to reduce State funding for our hospitals, schools, colleges and vital community services.  Yet Assembly efforts to shape a budget that meets the needs of all New Yorkers was derailed by the Senate Republicans and the Governor.”

“Specifically I am referring to the failure to immediately raise the minimum wage and index it to inflation and the failure to embrace the intellectual capital of undocumented immigrant children by enacting the Dream Act,” declared Crespo.

Crespo added, “I can not vote yes on a budget that places public relations gimmicks over the basic needs of my constituents and their families and children.  Passing an on-time budget with tax refunds for those making up to $300,000 per year while making a single mother wait three years for a $1.75 increase in her hourly wage is unacceptable.”

“There are defining moments in our lives that measure our values. If we can find millions to subsidize the business operations of multi-millionaires, then we can find the courage to secure State support for children and communities that have long been marginalized,” stated Crespo. “This is such a defining moment for me and my vote will reflect my convictions.”

Social Security Information Fair

  On Wednesday March 27th Congressman Charles Rangel held a Social Security Information Fair at Lehman College. Over 200 people participated in the event which had welcoming remarks from Congressman Rangel. The Regional Commissioner of the Social Security New York Region Ms. Beatrice Disman gave a presentation on the Social Security program. Topics included the cutback of 9,000 SSA workers nationwide due to attrition, and the recent budget cutting by congress. There will be longer waits and shorter hours at SSA offices. Ms. Disman emphasized that there are more online services, and that over 1/3 of new applicants now enroll online.
  There was a discussion of direct deposit, and that new applicants must either have their funds direct deposited or on a Visa debit card. Questions were taken from the audience, and there were SSA specialists on hand to handle the many individual problems that came up.

Left - Congressman Rangel and Ms. Disman of the SSA.
Right - There was also sign language provided.

Left - A view of the crowd.
Right - Community Board 8 Aging Committee Chairman & City Council candidate Andrew Cohen is introduced by Congressman Rangel.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Bronx Academy for Software Engineering

   The Department of Education is looking to open a Career and Technical Education high school in the Bronx in the fall, called the “Bronx Academy for Software Engineering. This school’s curriculum will focus on preparing students to enter the field of software engineering. In order to spread the word and garner attention for this school there will be two open houses held for interested parents family, and students.

Thursday April 4th, from 5pm to 8pm, at Sunshine Bronx (in the Banknote Building in Hunts Point, 890 Garrison Avenue)

Wednesday April 10th, from 5pm to 8pm, at Facebook’s midtown east office (335 Madison Ave, between 43rd and 44th Streets)

Each open house has three sessions which last one hour each. Student and families should RSVP by going through the website at

Bronx Academy for Software Engineering (BASE)
Opening fall 2013

Quick facts about BASE
•             Opening with 115 ninth graders in fall of 2013 in the Grace Dodge campus near Fordham University
•             Unscreened intake: any eight grader can apply and get in
•             Students take four years of computer science, including programming, application design and software development
•             Four-year CTE program – graduates will be ready for college or entry into the industry
•             Students build portfolios to show mastery of key skills and content
•             Advisory class lets students get to know each other, teachers and themselves
•             Clubs include 3D printing, art, sports, and manga.

Gun Violence Presentation at CAB Meeting - April 3rd

The Joint Community Advisory Board of Jacobi Medical Center and North Central Bronx Hospital Present

"Gun Violence: An Ongoing crisis"

Wednesday, April 3rd, 5:30 p.m. Refreshments - 6 p.m. Presentation
Jacobi Corporate Conference Center (Building 4, 2nd Floor) Jacobi Medical Center

Featuring Two Presentations:

Gun Violence: A Trauma Surgeon’s Perspective
Sheldon Teperman, M.D.
Associate Professor of Surgery, Director of Trauma and Critical Care Services, Jacobi Medical Center
Board Member of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence.

“Guns Down, Life Up” Including a compelling video
Erik Cliette, Director of Injury Prevention, Harlem Hospital Center

Over 1,057,000 people have been
killed by guns in the U.S.A. since
John Lennon was shot and killed
on December 8, 1980.

John C. Doyle
Associate Director, Department of Marketing, Public and Community Relations
North Bronx Healthcare Network
1400 Pelham Parkway South, Building 4 - Room 7N21, Bronx, NY, 10461
Visit us on the web-

Free Mammography Screenings--this Friday, March 29th

 Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda of the 87th A.D. sent this to us.

In Celebration of Women's Health Month, my office has partnered with St. Barnabas Hospital to conduct FREE mammography screenings (first come, first served).

The event will be held in front of my office (1973 Westchester Ave.) This coming Friday March 29th from 9AM to 1:30PM. 
We're targeting women over 40 whom are either uninsured or under insured.
Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda-87th District
1973 Westchester Ave
Phone: (718) 931-2620
Bronx, NY 10462

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Save the Putnam Trail Song

  The Save the Putnam Trail campaign, based in the Bronx, now has an anthem written for them by the amazingly talented musician/songwriter Patryk Larney and posted on YouTube.  The original lyrics go like this:

Hail, Hail The Putnam Trail!
Don't cover up what's left of the old railroad.
Let her people carry through.
Save the pavement for Madison Avenue.

The musician, Patryk Larney, originally hails from New Jersey and is widely appreciated for his lyrical content and congenial storytelling in the tradition of James Taylor, Paul Simon, and Tom Petty.
His discography includes soul-infused rock with his band Naked Underneath and with his younger brother in The Larney Brothers.  "Fifty Miles from Hope," 2004; "Larney Brothers," 2009; "Hello to Farewell," 2010. 
Save the Putnam Trail Campaign