Friday, April 12, 2013

Upcoming April/May Cultural Events and Rec Activities at JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center

JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center

JASA Cultural Arts Event: Sunday, April 28th.

Join us for an afternoon of fine dining and cultural enrichment:

Learn about Mexica culture through dance.  Members of the Kalpulli Huethuetlahtolli, an indigenous group dedicated to preserving and educating others about their ancient heritage, will present authentic Mexica (pronounced me-shee-ka) danzas as well as share their unique teachings, traditions and ceremonies which can be traced back to the Aztecs.

A festive lunch of turkey leg, yams, green beans, roll and dessert will be served at 12:15 PM followed by the dance presentation.
Recommended senior donation is $3.00 for the meal and $2.00 for the event. Non-senior fee is $5.00 for the meal and $3.00 for the event.

Please call the center office 718-549-4700 to reserve for the meal and event by Tues. April 23rd

Cultural Events, Classes and Trips in May

  • Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with Libby Richman’s Latin Jazz Quartet at JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center on Sunday, May 5th at 1:00 PM. Libby Richman, alto sax; Michael Gaskin, piano; Jerome Morris, drums with special guests Phyllis Schapiro and Rosie Steinberg, vocals and John Philpott, tenor sax will present a varied program of classic and popular selections.
A festive lunch: Spanish roast chicken, rice and beans, kale, roll and dessert will be served at 12:15 PM. Recommended senior donation is $3.00 for the meal and $2.00 for the event. Non-senior fee is $5.00 for the meal and $3.00 for the event. RSVP to the center office 718-549-4700 by Tues. April 30th.

  • Trips: Tour the Noguchi Museum on Fri. May 3rd and Gracie Mansion on Wed. May 8th.  For reservations and information, call Maritza at the center: 718-549-4700.

  • Join us for a lively Mother’s Day celebration on Fri. May 10th with Igor Shebakov, keyboard/vocals and a singer at 1:00 PM. Roast chicken and broccoli soufflΓ© will be served at 12:15 PM. Senior meal contribution is $2.50 and $1.00 for the event. Please reserve by Tues. May 7th.

  • Irish Step Dancers from the McGough Academy will perform on Sun. May 19th at 1:00 PM. A festive meal of poached salmon and toasted orzo will be served at 12:15 PM. Recommended senior donation is $3.00 for the meal and $2.00 for the event. Non-senior fee is $5.00 for the meal and $3.00 for the event. RSVP to the center office 718-549-4700 by Tues. May 14th.
All meals at JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center are catered by Mauzone (kosher) Meal Service. We offer a daily alternate choice of main dish.
We are located in the Van Cortlandt Jewish Center at 3880 Sedgwick Ave. off of Van Cortlandt Ave. West on the Bronx #1 or #10 bus routes. For more information, please call the center office at 718-549-4700.

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Speculates That Actions Initiated By His Office Pressured Landlord to Initiate Sale 

Council Member Oliver Koppell was pleased to learn that Morris Rubin, the owner of 3660 Waldo Avenue, (the “Majestic”) has put the building up for sale.  Because of numerous tenant complaints about lack of heat and hot water, mold, water leaks, elevator problems and other issues, he has been bringing pressure on HPD to enforce the law by requiring that these serious violations be corrected.   

Towards this end, Koppell’s office helped originate a tenant petition requesting a 7A procedure to remove Mr. Rubin and put an administrator in place to manage the building.   Although Mr. Rubin was not removed, HPD brought him to court where the judge ordered him “to abate the conditions  existing on the premises that are dangerous to the occupants’ life, health and safety” in a reasonable period of time.  He was required to repair the elevators, correct lead paint violations, make apartment repairs, replace old wooden stairs and remediate violations pertaining to the building’s facade.   

Koppell speculated that the requirements to make costly repairs no longer enabled Mr. Rubin to “milk” the building and contributed to his decision to sell it.  “I am hopeful that the tenants will see a new day when the building is sold and that the new owner will be more  responsive to the tenants’ right to live in a safe and habitable building,” he said.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Mayoral Forum at Monroe College

 On Wednesday afternoon the City Action Coalition comprised of citywide clergy members held a mayoral forum in Monroe College King Hall located on Jerome Avenue. Local City Councilman Pastor Fernando Cabrera opened the forum speaking about what this forum was about. Councilman Cabrera then introduced Steven Jerome President of Monroe College who gave a fine description of the 80 year old institute which offers a wide variety of courses.

  City Comptroller John Liu, Public Advocate Bill DeBlasio, former City Comptroller Bill Thompson, Former Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion, Reverend Erick Salgado, Former city councilman Sal Albanese, and Randy Credico. were on stage seated to be questioned by Bishops Hudson and Rodrigues who were moderating the forum. The crowd of a little more than 100 people at the start turned into over 200 by the time the forum was over. 

  Public Advocate Bill Deblasio was first to speak talking of how the city has become a tale of 2 cities, some what similar to what was said in 2005 by then mayoral candidate Freddy Ferrer. Lawyer Randy Credico was next who said that he would fight for the people, as he did in the Occupy Wall Street movement that he was a part of. Bill Thompson said that he would end the "Stop & Frisk" police policy, fight for better schools, and keep the city affordable.Reverend Erick Salgado said the city needs a leader who will represent all the people, that he was stopped but never frisked, and he will work with all the Bishops and Pastors. Adolfo Carrion said that it is good to be back in the city council district he once represented, and little more. Sal Albanese spoke about the political system ,and how he wants to change the education system saying that poverty is the real problem for poor schools. City Comptroller John Liu was last saying that for the past three years as comptroller he has cut waste and returned millions of dollars back to the city coffers. Liu added that the tone of the city must change to help all the people of the city. 

   Questions ranged from Mayor Bloomberg banning faith based organizations using schools to who each would appoint chancellor and police commissioner. All seven candidates agrees that faith based organizations should be allowed to use schools when school in not in session. DeBlasio said that he was appalled that Mayor Bloomberg gave two months notice. John Liu said that these faith based organizations have used schools for 20 years, and that these organizations are the first place people go in emergencies. 
   None of the candidates would name who they would choose as Chancellor or police commissioner, all agreed that the chancellor should be an educator and the police commissioner would not be the current one Ray Kelly. 

  Highlights of the forum - John Liu- "Get rid of some corporate subsidiaries that are producing nothing, and put the money into new educational needs from pre-k to college advisors". Bill DeBlasio- "Tax the rich".  Adolfo Carrion - "schools need to teach the basics of sex education".  Bill Thompson - "Joel Klein, Cathy Black, and Dennis Walcott were not educators as chancellors". Sal Albanese - "Legalize Marijuana and tax it". The best line came from Randy Credico when he said about legalizing marijuana "I'm the only one up here who will admit they smoked pot". 

Left - Councilman Pastor Cabrera opens the forum.
Right - Mayoral candidate Bill Thompson at the microphone.

Left - Candidate Randy Credico explains his position.
Right - While he waits to speak Bill Deblasio stretches his legs, a little to far perhaps as they stick out from under the table.

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  New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli will be leading the cadre of elected officials that will be attending the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization’s Annual Banquet.

During this annual event, attended by more than 700 people, the honorees; Rev. Robert “Bob” Rodriguez, Rev. Rafael Reyes, Rev. Maritza Nelson, Rev. Erick Salgado, Rev. Joel Bauza and Rev. Mario Olivero will be receiving Proclamations from State Senator Ruben Diaz and Assemblyman Marcos Crespo.

The banquet will take place on Saturday, April 13th from 1:00PM – 4:00PM at Maestro’s Caterers located at 1703 Bronxdale Avenue in the borough of the Bronx.

More information can be obtained by calling Rev. Samaris Gross at (347) 613-1491.

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Assemblyman Luis Sepulved District Office Opening

   The Grand Opening of the 87th A.D. office of Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda will be this Saturday April 13th at 1 PM. The office is located at 1973 Westchester Ave off Metropolitan Avenue. The phone number for Assemblyman Sepulveda's office is (718) 931-2620.

    "It's been longer than I, or my staff, anticipated, but we are finally ready to offically unveil our newly renovated office". "I would love to everyone join me in celebrating; refreshments will be served" said Assemblyman Sepulveda.


CityParks PuppetMobile Brings Free Traveling Entertainment to NYC Parks

   City Parks Foundation is happy to announce the launch of the newest show for the PuppetMobile, NYC's only traveling puppet show. This year’s production will be Little Red’s Hood, a modern, fresh retelling of the storied fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood.” Children in all 5 boroughs will get the opportunity to see this one-of a-kind show provided to the public, at no cost at all!

More information on dates and locations for each show can be found online at: Right now there are 11 shows scheduled to be performed in the Bronx.  Our website is constantly being updated with new shows, so be sure to check back regularly.

Little Red’s Hood
April 22, 2013
Based on the Celebrated “Little Red Riding Hood” fairy tale 
City Parks Foundation is proud to announce the beginning of its newest PuppetMobile production, Little Red’s Hood debuting April 22, 2013 at the Brownsville Recreation Center in Brooklyn, NY. Little Red’s Hood is a fresh retelling of the classic “Little Red Riding Hood” tale updated with a modern sensibility that will appeal to kids. The production features a dozen, hand-made marionettes crafted by the expert puppeteers from the Swedish Cottage Marionette Theater.
Like many of today’s children, Little Red is a smart, young city slicker who is to focused on her smartphone to notice her surroundings. Wulfric is a misunderstood wolf with a sweet tooth. When Little Red travels from New York City to the country to deliver some cupcakes to her Grandma, she encounters a colorful cast of characters as Wulfric the Wolf tries to head her off at the pass.
Little Red’s Hood is directed by Swedish Cottage Marionette Theatre's Artistic Director Bruce Cannon and written by Liam Hurley.
Showtimes & Reservations All of the PuppetMobile shows are free of charge to the general public. No reservations are necessary.
To find out more information on the date, time and locations of all performances visit the City Parks Foundation website at
About PuppetMobile City Parks Foundation’s PuppetMobile brings free traveling entertainment to over 50,000 New York City children. One of the only puppet theaters in the country and the oldest continually operating company of its kind, the CityParks PuppetMobile travels to parks, playgrounds and recreation centers citywide equipped with a stage and staff of professional puppeteers. The PuppetMobile is part of City Parks Foundation’s arts programming which engages children and their families in the world of arts and culture.
About City Parks Foundation City Parks Foundation (CPF) is the only independent, nonprofit organization to offer park programs throughout the five boroughs of New York City. We work in over 750 parks citywide, presenting a broad range of free arts, sports, and education programs, and empowering citizens to support their parks on a local level. Our programs and community building initiatives reach more than 600,000 people each year, contributing to the revitalization of neighborhoods throughout New York City. For more information, please visit:

Follow us at:
Facebook: Twitter: @CPFNYC

Funding for City Parks Foundation's PuppetMobile is provided by: The Weininger Foundation, Inc., Prescott Fund for Children & Youth, Inc., and Sulzberger Foundation, Inc.



Are NYC Parks Employee Spending Work Time Lobbying Bike Groups!

  This came in from a reliable source.

Below is an email sent from Van Cortlandt Park Administrator Margot Perron to independent Bicycle Organizations and other NYC Parks employees asking them to lobby at a Community Board meeting for a proposed Parks project which will pave the Putnam Nature Trail and remove 400 trees.
Margot Perron sent this email during work hours and it is a clear conflict of interest that a Parks employee is lobbying with outside organizations to promote the Parks Dept.’s political agenda.

Margot Perron who is the Administrator of Van Cortlandt Park and who also acts as the President of Van Cortlandt Park Conservancy should legally be spending their taxpayer funded work time managing the affairs of Van Cortlandt Park not lobbying for a future capital project.

Bike New York who NYC Parks is now proven to be collaborating with is an entity which based on their non-profit IRS status is specifically prohibited from lobbying yet Bike New York blatantly continues to lobby for paving the Putnam Nature Trail. Bike New York also just last week sued the City of New York for $900,000 because NYC wants Bike New York to pay for NYPD fees associated with Bike New York’s 5 Boro Bike Tour. Bike New York wants taxpayers to pay for $900,000 in fees for its own private event!

NYC Parks and Bike New York continue to collude, take part in prohibited lobbying and are using taxpayer dollars to do so!

Demand an investigation by NYC Public Advocate Bill de Blasio.  This is clearly a conflict of interest and a case of illegal lobbying. Contact Bill de Blasio’s Chief of Staff, Dominick Williams at
Save taxpayer money, Save the environment, Save the Putnam Trail!

Save the Putnam Trail Campaign

Below is the email sent by Van Cortlandt Parks Administrator Margot Perron to Bike New York and other Parks employees asking them to lobby at a community board meeting for Parks proposed paving of the Putnam Nature Trail in Van Cortlandt Park. If the community supported Park’s project there would be no need for the Parks Dept. to lobby! Why can’t the Park’s Dept. simply do what the community wants and keep the Putnam Trail natural? There is a great new story here if you would like to dig a little deeper!

From: Perron, Margot []
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 1:04 PM
To:; Rich Conroy;; Sherida Paulsen; Mattera, John
Cc: Cassino, Anthony P.; Nina Spencer
Subject: Connect/Save the Putnam Trail
My staff found flyers on the Putnam Trail this weekend encouraging folks to attend the CB7 full board meeting tomorrow night to complain about the “highway” that Parks is putting in. It’d be nice to have the other side of the argument also represented. Come if you can and arrive at least a half hour early to sign up or call CB8 during the day to sign up to speak.  The April 9th     CB8 Board Meeting is at 7:30 PM at Ft. Independence Comm. Ctr. 3350 Bailey Avenue (between West 233rd & 234th Streets)  (parking is difficult). The CB8 office phone is 718-884-3959.
Please let anyone you think is interested in this issue to please attend.
Thank you for your support.
Margot Perron
Van Cortlandt Park Conservancy
1 Bronx River Parkway
Bronx, NY 10462
Chesapeake Bay 120x120 Banner

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Essen Medical Associates Opens New Offices

   On Sunday April 7th the newest Essen Medical Center opened up at 1550 University Avenue. This is the sixth center that Essen operates under the care of Dr. Sumir Sahgal. Dr. Sahgal started his first Clinic in 1999 which was designed to help the the growing Hiv-Aids problem at 2015 Grand Concourse. Since 1999 Dr. Sahgal has opened several other medical centers that are now offer a full variety of services from pre-natal to senior services. This new medical center has created 40 new jobs, and in all Dr. Sahgal said that over 120 people in all are employed at all his medical centers. The one goal of Dr. Sahgal is to open an Urgent Care facility as is opening up in other parts of the Bronx and city. These urgent care centers can do much more than a regular center can Dr. Sahgal said, because they can give the very same treatment that an emergency room visit can in many cases. 
Left - you can see the festive opening of the new Essen Medical Center located at 1550 University Avenue.
Right - State Senator Gustavo Rivera stopped by to welcome Dr. Sahgal, and pose for this photo.

Left - Distinguished Diagnostic Imaging Executive Director Joel Reisman (left) and two of his employees were on hand to talk about their services.
Right - Saint Barnabas Hospital was represented at the opening.

Left - representatives from the American Diabetes Association were on hand to give out information for better health.
Right - Cafe Bustello was one of the many offerings to visitors who came in to see the newest Essen Medical Center.

US Medical Supplies