Monday, April 22, 2013

Committee For Effective Leadership Luncheon

   The Committee for Effective Leadership lead by Honorary Chair people Assemblyman Michael Benedetto, Assemblyman & Bronx Democratic County Leader Carl Heastie, Councilwoman Annabel Palma, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., and Councilman James Vacca held a luncheon Sunday afternoon to honor people for their exemplary leadership and service to their respective communities and to New York City. The honorees were 80th A.D. Male District Leader Kenneth Agosto, Executive Director of the Center for Community Change Deepak Bhargava, Director, & Senior Adviser on Disability and Access to the Democratic National Committee Becky Ogle. and 82nd A.D. State Committee person Naita Semaj. 
   The event was opened by Bronx Democratic County Adviser Patrick Jenkins who introduced 82nd A.D. State Committeeman Lewis Goldstein. Mr. Goldstein gave a brief speech about the honorees and brought up Congressman Eliot Engel. Congressman Engel said that he had to catch a plane to head back to Washington, spoke of the good work of the honorees, and did not miss any chance of slamming his Republican counterparts in Congress. Mr. Goldstein also introduced the Keynote speaker President of the NYS AFL/CIO  Mario Cilento. Mr. Cilento spoke of the gains and struggles of the labor movement in the past and now. He mentioned that some members of the legislature want to cut back on some of the gains that workers have made. He also wished the honorees all the best for the causes that they promote. 

Left - Mayoral candidates Bill Thompson and John Liu were in attendance.
Right - Congressman Engel thanks Mr. Lewis Goldstein for his hard work as BDCC advisor Patrick Jenkins looks on.

A group photo of the elected officials and honorees. 

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda Endorses Bill DeBlasio for Mayor

   Parkchester Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda and about 100 of the assemblyman's supporters came out today at the Metropolitan Oval to watch and cheer on Sepulveda's endorsement of current Public Advocate Bill BeBlasio for mayor in the upcoming Democratic primary. Assemblyman Sepulveda welcomed everyone by saying this year a new mayor will be elected. Parkchester is a microcosm of New York City made up of a lot of different people. Like New York City Parkchester has similar problems that have not been paid attention to. After careful talks with the candidates, community leaders, and his advisers he has chosen to endorse Bill DeBlasio for mayor in the Democratic primary. 
   Deblasio thanked Assemblyman Sepulveda for his choice of who to support in the mayors race, and Luis has done a great job for the community as an assemblyman and even before he was elected. Deblasio said that there needs to be a lot changed in the city starting off with a new Police commissioner, and that policing can be done that is more community friendly than it is now. Deblasio said that there are two New York City's. One where the rich get richer, and one where the poor get poorer. He added that the income disparity is now as great as it was in 1929 the year of the great depression. 
   DeBlasio went on to blast City Council Speaker (and opponent for mayor) Christine Quinn for holding up legislation in the council, sometimes for three years that was favorable to poor working New Yorkers. DeBlasio wants to tax the wealthiest New Yorkers to pay for full day Pre-K, and after school programs for middle school students. He said that Mayor Bloomberg is trying to close to many schools without helping said schools when they get into academic trouble. He added that he is in favor of an Inspector General to oversee the Police Department, and said "Yes you can have safety and respect also". 
   Deblasio closed by saying that Speaker Quinn wants to continue the Bloomberg Administration's policies that he wants to change. 

Left - Before the endorsement Public Advocate Bill DeBlasio, poses with Assemblyman Sepulveda. Deblasio's wife Charlene is between the two men.
Right - Deblasio shakes hands with some Parkchester residents.

Left - Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda tells why he is endorsing Bill DeBlasio for mayor in the upcoming Democratic primary. Sepulveda's wife Elizabeth stands to his right.
Right - Bill DeBlasio thanks Assemblyman Sepulveda for his endorsement, with DeBlasio's wife Charline on his left.


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Cohen Picks up Endorsement of Padernacht in 11th Council District

      In front of the Shalom Aleichem Houses in the Van Cortlandt Village section of the Bronx, where Mr. Dan Padernacht both works and lives, he brought out several of his supporters to endorse the candidacy of Andrew Cohen for the 11th City Council seat. Mr. Padernacht is best known from 2010 when he entered the race for the 33rd State Senate that was occupied then by State Senator Pedro Espada Jr. Mr. Padernacht a member of Community Board 8 and has been the Chairman of the boards Traffic & Transportation Committee the past few years. It was rumored that Mr. Padernacht would be running for the 11th council seat currently occupied by term limited Councilman G. Oliver Koppel, but after speculation that Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz would run it held back Mr. Padernachts council campaign. While Padernacht felt he could easily beat the only announced candidate at the time Mr. Cliff Stanton, he had to contemplate the candidacy of Assemblyman Dinowitz.  Mr. Andrew Cohen later decided to go ahead with his campaign for city council, and started to rack up the endorsements of the local elected officials as well as many others including numerous unions. With petition gathering for the September Primary only a few weeks away it was time to decide to continue a candidacy for city council or endorse one of the announced candidates. Mr. Padernacht chose to endorse the candidacy of fellow Community Board 8 member and friend, Andrew Cohen for the 11th City Council seat citing Mr. Cohen's record of achievement and commitment to the community. 

       Candidate Andrew Cohen said  “Dan Padernacht's credentials as an activist committed to the community and city are familiar to all of us who care for the Bronx". “As the Chair of the Traffic and Transportation Committee for Community Board 8, Dan has stood up to irresponsible developers, always putting the will of the people and the betterment of our neighborhoods first. His endorsement is an important validation for my campaign and I welcome his support with enthusiasm as we work together to make the 11th Council District even better.”

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Friday, April 19, 2013

5TH ANNUAL “FAIR @ THE SQUARE”! May 11th at 11am

  The Westchester Square Merchants Association, in partnership with the Bronx Council on the Arts and NYC Dept. of Parks & Recreation, invite you to the 5th Annual “Fair @ The Square”, taking place Saturday, May 11th from 11am to 6pm along the streets of Westchester Square between St. Raymond and Westchester Avenues.      We hope you will join us at this FREE, fantastic, fun-filled, community event, which is held as part of Bronx Week 2013.          
The main sponsor of this year’s “Fair @ The Square” is the Westchester Square Business Improvement District, recently formed and whose immediate goal is to promote the diversity in the commerce, culture, and community of Westchester Square, one of the busiest areas in the Bronx, traveled through by over 80,000 commuters daily.
Major sponsors include the Hutchinson Metro Center, Healthfirst, New York Daily News, United Healthcare, Visiting Nurse Services of New York, and WellCare.
This FREE multi-cultural event attracts thousands of fair-goers throughout the day, will feature an all day concert series hosted by Rhina Valentin "La Reina del Barrio" of BronxNet's OPEN Show and Dennis "Dion" Nardone of WVOX 1460AM Radio, as popular NY artists take the stage, including Alive N Kickin' ("Tighter, Tighter"), one of the premier event bands in the Tri-State area, Freestyle sensations Soave ("Cryin' Over You") and Fascination ("Why You Wanna Go"), Top 10 Billboard Songwriter Ron Rogers performing his worldwide #1 hit song "Deputy of Love" and giving us a sneak peak at his upcoming show production "Cowboys & Gangsters", returning artists -- Gene DiNapoli with his new Bronx Bombers Show featuring songs by Bobby Darin, Tony Orlando and many others, the Bronx Reign Dancers, Italian Hip Hop Movement artist SALESE, recording artist J Universal, freestyle artist Donna Williams, W.R.A.T.H., the new voice of Hip Hop, Bronx Undergound bands Scoutmaster Jack and If But When, Sierra Nelson of Mind Builders, students from the Just Nuts Music School, and many more performers and dancers... a show not to be missed!
This year’s fair will feature a new and expanded Kid’s Fair & Activities Area with games, rides, and performances, merchant displays, Artisans and art exhibits by the Bronx Council on the Arts, vendors, arts & crafts, face painting, an FDNY Smoke House and & Antique Fire Engine, a dunk tank, an MTA Antique Bus, the Bronx Children’s Mobile Museum, Skate, Play & Fitness mobile units, food from local restaurants, contests, prizes, raffles, and much more!
Name: 5th Annual “Fair @ The Square”
Date: Saturday, May 11, 2013
Time: 11am-6pm
Place: Westchester Square between St. Raymond and Westchester Avenues.

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Senator Rivera Urges Passage of Tough Ethics Reform Package

Senator Gustavo Rivera joined his colleagues in the Senate Democratic Conference on Monday in unveiling a tough legislative ethics package that will serve as a step forward in enacting true ethics reform and restoring the public's trust. 
Senator Rivera urges immediate passage of the Senate Democrats' new ethics package. He also supports the Governor's ethics package, the New York Trust Act, which would increase penalties for bribery and public corruption.
"Recent events have made it obvious that we need stronger anti-corruption legislation. Every time that an elected official betrays the public's trust, it makes it less likely that members of our community will get involved or participate in their government," said Senator Gustavo Rivera. "While it is unfortunate that corruption is a problem that continues to plague our community, we must continue to fight to ensure that all New Yorkers are represented by elected officials that will serve in the best interest of their constituents. Passing the Senate Democratic Conference's ethics package will be an important first step in combating corruption"
As an elected official whose three predecessors violated the public's trust, Senator Rivera has experienced firsthand the consequences that develop in a community which has lost faith in the system.
The Senate Democrats' ethics package will:
  • Retroactively strip pension benefits from any state or local official convicted of a felony involving a breach of public trust.
  • Outlaw the use of campaign money for criminal defense.
  • Strengthen the regulations regarding the use of campaign money.
  • Require elected officials to post campaign donation information on their websites\
  • Establish a public financing system for state campaigns.          

Thursday, April 18, 2013

An Op-Ed From Bill Thompson

Here is an Op Ed piece from Mayoral candidate Bill Thompson on why he is running for Mayor.

April 18, 2013

Bill Thompson

I'm running for Mayor because I want to make sure that this city's economic future and promise of opportunity is bright for every New Yorker.

To ensure that, businesses need safe streets so they can grow and create jobs. Parents need safe streets so they don't have to worry about their kids getting safely home from school. And kids need safe schools so they can grow into young adults with skills to succeed.

This city has made great strides in reducing crime over the last decade, and we should praise Mayor Bloomberg and Commissioner Kelly for their leadership.

We also need to praise the police officers and commanders that walk our streets everyday and keep us safe.

The act of terrorism in Boston - and acts of senseless violence everywhere - further my belief that we need the best, most experienced police officers on our streets. Have no doubt - the beat cop is the first, and best way to stop terrorism and fight crime.

The NYPD has fallen below 35,000 police officers, down from 41,000 in 2001. That’s too low, and it stretches the force to the limit. That's why I have called for placing an additional 2,000 police officers on city streets and a new strategy of deploying our most experienced officers. These steps will give us the expert boots on the ground we need to respond to any and all crisis moments, and help develop stronger bonds with community leaders and stop crime before it happens.

CompStat can tell us what neighborhoods are violent. But we need the people who live there to tell us which corners and which alleys are the criminals’ hang outs. We need to build stronger partnership between communities and the police.

But our police force won’t be able to create the relationships they need unless the communities they patrol trust them.

Stop and frisk can be an important tool for police officers but it has been abused by this Administration. In some cases, witnesses have said the Police Department has assigned stop and frisk quotas to officers. Far too many people are being stopped for what appears to be no other reason than their age and the color of their skin. That's wrong - and it will end the moment I take the oath of office. My administration will use meaningful data to understand why crime is low in certain neighborhoods, and make targeted stops on streets with high crime so that we are stopping criminals, not innocent people. We shouldn’t care how many stops are made – we should care how many crimes are stopped. As Mayor, that will be my focus.
We also need more openness and transparency inside the Police Department, which is why I support the appointment of an Inspector General inside the Police Department.
But what we really need is a Mayor who understands that protecting people’s safety and protecting people’s rights are both the Mayor’s job. I’m not going to outsource that responsibility to anyone.
I have a 15-year-old stepson. Like me, he’s black. There’s nothing more important to me than his safety, and the safety of everyone in my family. I worry about him being mugged. I worry about him being shot by a gang member.

But right now, I also have to worry about him being stopped by the police for no other reason than his age and the color of his skin. He loves this city, and he should never feel like this city doesn’t love him back. And I should not have to sacrifice my son’s constitutional rights for his safety. Not in America. Not in New York.

But New Yorkers deserve to know that every square inch of this city is open for them to safely live, work, and raise their kids, and that it is the Mayor’s job to keep them safe. 

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Reaction to Alleged Hate Crime at Gateway Center

  Concerning the reports of racial slurs yelled at him, and then an attack by three or four men who injured Abdullah Faruque dislocating his shoulder and leaving him semi-unconscious Elected officials are weighing in on the reported hate crime attack the day after the Boston Marathon bombings.

RE: Alleged Hate Crime at Gateway Center

“The Bronx stands together, as ‘One Bronx,’ united against hate of all kinds. Monday’s attack on Abdullah Faruque, motivated by race and in apparent misguided retaliation for the bombings at the Boston Marathon, is reprehensible. All efforts must be made to prosecute this crime to the fullest extent of the law. The people of the Bronx do not and will not tolerate such hateful acts,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.


City Comptroller John C. Liu stated the following in response to the apparent hate attack in The Bronx:

“New Yorkers will not tolerate hate crimes like the beating of a Bangladeshi man in The Bronx, who was attacked apparently in ‘revenge’ for the Boston Marathon bombing. This incident must be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest. Anyone who has any information about the assailants should contact the police immediately at 1-800-577-TIPS.”


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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bronx Israel Independence Day Festival 2013

   The Bronx Isreali Independence Day Festival 2013 went off without any problems, even with the bombings that went off the day before in Boston. Rabbi Avi Weiss a controversial Jewish leader and past target of many threats enjoyed the festival with hundreds of Bronx residents and Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. who co-sponsored the event. The event took place inside the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, and out on the street next to the institute. Inside was food and information while out side were inflatable rides & games for the kids, and the stage where performances went on. The two leading city council candidates for Councilman G. Oliver Koppells term limited seat were in attendance as you will see in the photos below including Community Board # 8 members Martin Wolpolf, William Stone, and Robert Press.
 Rabbi Weiss, BP Diaz, and city council candidate Andrew Cohen talk about several matters of importance.
 City council candidate Cliff Stanton at the festival. Stanton is holding the latest copy of the Bronx News.
