Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bronx Elected Officials to Host an Affordable Care Act and State Health Exchange Forum

  Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr, Congressman Jose Serrano, and State Senator Gustavo Rivera will host an Affordable Care Act (ACA) and State Health Exchange Forum on Friday, September 27, 2013 to help inform and prepare Bronx residents, health providers, employers and employees of the changes underway to New York's health care system .

With the enrollment of New York State Health Exchange officially opening on October 1, 2013 - and the final elements of the ACA going into effect on January 1, 2014 - it is imperative for Bronxities to be well informed of the importance of enrolling in the New York State Health Exchange, the benefits of the program and the resources available to them in the Bronx.

The forum will offer attendees access to government agencies, community based organizations and local healthcare providers who will showcase how the program works for individuals and businesses and will highlight the many local resources available to help inform and guide the enrollment process.

WHAT:           Affordable Care Act & State Health Exchange Forum   

WHO:           Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.
                         Congressman Jose Serrano
                         State Senator Gustavo Rivera

WHEN:          Friday, September 27, 2013
                           10:00 am - 12:00 pm  

WHERE:        St. Barnabas Hospital Auditorium, 1st Floor
                            4422 Third Ave. (Enter at 182nd Street)
                            Bronx, NY 10457

Affordable Care Act Forum Saturday Sept. 28

Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)Forum

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2013, 1:00pm
Tibbett Towers Community Room- 1st Floor
3130 Irwin Avenue (Bet W. 231st & W. 232nd Street)

Do You Have Healthcare Coverage?

If You Don’t, This Meeting Could
  1. Protect Your Health
  2. Save You Money
  3. Maybe Even Save Your Life

Find Out How The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)   Can Help You, Your Friends and Family Members
And How You Can Apply For Coverage (Starting 10/1/13)

Special Guest Speaker: Timothy Foley-Greater NYC For Change

Paid Internships for High School Students

 Held in partnership with the Riverdale Neighborhood House, our High School Environmental Internship exposes teens to different areas of environmental studies. Our mission for this program is to give the youth from the Bronx and surrounding communities an opportunity to learn about their local environment, as well as the chance to gain valuable job skills. Teens will learn about improving and conserving their environment, specifically Van Cortlandt Park. This includes learning about forest ecology, trail maintenance, and tree identification. The teens will learn about different careers and basic job skills while gaining writing and speaking skills that will help them become strong leaders.

FVCP’s Environmental Internship Program will run from November to June. Teens accepted in the program are required to work every Friday from 4:30 to 6:00 and alternating Saturdays from 9:30 to 2:30. Please contact Tina at tina@vancortlandt.org for an application or download one from our website at www.vancortlandt.org. Applications are due October 9th.  RNH also offers an Educational and Health Internship along with several semester long internship.  More information is available about all of these internships on the application- http://vancortlandt.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/YIP-2013-2014-Application-new-applicants.pdf 

Senator Klein Hosts First Annual Clam Chowder Festival on City Island

  Senator Jeff Klein hosted the first annual City Island Clam Chowder Festival during the annual City Island Chamber of Commerce Arts & Crafts Fall Fair this Sunday by Hawkins Park. Fair goers had an opportunity to try samples of sixteen different chowders from fourteen participating restaurants, having the opportunity to vote for their favorite.
Three awards were given. The Lobster House won the People’s Choice Chowder, Sammy’s won for the best Manhattan Clam Chowder and the Sea Shore won for the best New England Clam Chowder. Senator Klein, Assemblyman Benedetto, Food Network Star and City Island Native Michael Proietti and City Island Current Fleet Captain Chris Cullen judged the competition.
 Senator Klein and Assemblyman Benedetto sampling some of the chowder.

DDC Hearing on Putnam Trail

  Administrative Law Judge Richard Sherman of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation was the host of a public hearing at Lehman College yesterday to listen to all sides on the  NYC Parks Department proposal for the Putnam Trail. Below are a few photos of the hearing.  

Left - Judge Sherman reads from the proposal by the Parks Department for the Putnam Trail.
Right - Photos of the current condition of the Putnam Trail.


Left - Ms. Jennifer Greenfield of the Parks Department goes over the proposal for the Putnam Trail.
Right - Mr. Andrew Sandler of Councilman Oliver Koppells office reads from a statement of support for the Parks Department proposal by Councilman Koppell.

Monday, September 23, 2013

NYS DEC Putnam Trail Hearing Tonight

Public Notice

Notice of Legislative Public Hearing
Location: New York City Department of Parks and Recreation
Lehman College's Lovinger Theater (In The Music Building)
250 Bedford Park Boulevard West, Bronx, New York 10468
Applicant: New York City Department of Parks and Recreation
Olmstead Center
Flushing Meadows Corona Park
Flushing, New York 11368
Application Number: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) Application ID # 2-6001-00014/00008
Project Description and Location: Applicant New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (NYS DPR) has applied to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) for a Freshwater Wetlands Permit to change the surface and width of the Putnam Rail Trail, which runs for approximately 1.5 miles on the Old Putnam Railroad track in Van Cortlandt Park from Van Cortlandt Park South to the New York City's boundary line with Westchester County in the north. The proposed project would remove creosote treated rail ties; add approximately 4 ½ inches of pavement on top of the existing rail ballast to create a ten foot (10') wide asphalt path with an adjacent three foot (3') wide earthen-jogging path on one side and an adjacent two foot (2') wide seeded buffer on the other side of the asphalt path; improve drainage on and beneath the trail by filling existing depressions and cleaning or, where necessary, replacing culverts; remove portions of a chain link fence; install a wooden split rail fence in some areas; install benches and path markers; clean and adapt historic artifacts; restore a train platform; remove trees under six inch caliper within the fence line of the corridor and eight to twenty trees larger than six inch caliper; remove invasive plant species; and install landscape plantings. Sections of the proposed work will take place in areas that are subject to the jurisdiction of the NYS DEC under the Freshwater Wetlands Act. Specifically, some of the modifications will take place in the area adjacent to freshwater wetland YO-1 and in two areas, where the trail traverses Van Cortlandt Lake, the project will take place above that wetland.
SEQRA Status: The project is an "unlisted action" as defined in 6 NYCRR 617.2(ak) that was subject to a coordinated review. NYS DPR served as lead agency and issued a negative declaration on June 8, 2011, based upon its determination that the project will cause no significant adverse environmental impacts. 6 NYCRR 617.2(y), 617.7.
Notice of Complete Application: NYS DEC Staff issued a notice of complete application on April 26, 2013.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Weekend Street Festivals

  There were many competing street festivals around the Bronx today, and I visited two of them in the Northwest Bronx. The Kingsbridge Heights Neighborhood Association had a Health Fair on Reservoir Avenue, while the Jerome Gun Hill BID had Jerome Avenue closed from Gun Hill Road to East 208th Street. Below are a few photos of each event.

Left - Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz and soon to be Councilman Andrew Cohen stopped by the Kingsbridge Heights Health Fair being held on Reservoir.
Right - Cohen, Dinowitz, and KHNIA members pose for this photo in front of the giant inflatable exercise ball used at the Health Fair. 

It was a different story on Jerome Avenue as you see in both photos. Vendors lined both sides of Jerome Avenue with almost anything you wanted.



Left - There was a roving clown who made animals out of balloons for the kids.
Right - Roberto Garcia (far left) of Montefiore Hospital stands next to outgoing 15th Councilman Joel Rivera, 80th Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj, 81st Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, soon to be 11th City Councilman Andrew Cohen, 14th Councilman Fernando Cabrera as they pose in front of a Montefiore Hospital ambulance. Montefiore Hospital was a main sponsor of the event.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Ice Palace at Kingsbridge Armory Skates Through First Two Parts of the Land Use Process

  Tuesday night there was a public hearing, and then a vote by the members of Community Board 7 which approved the proposal to build 9 separate ice skating rinks on two levels inside the Kingsbridge Armory. Kingsbridge National Ice Center (KNIC) is the name of the corporation that will run the largest Ice sports Arena with 9 ice skating rinks and a seating area of 5,000 seats. New York Ranger great Mark Messier has been named CEO of KNIC and was at the presentation to CB 7 that took place at the Lovinger Theater inside Lehman Collage. 
  All the local elected officials or their representatives were in attendance, that was except for Councilman Fernando Cabrera. The Northwest Bronx Church and Clergy coalition and several other neighborhood groups from CB 7 that helped grind out a Community Benefits Agreement worth 1.7 Billion dollars all gleefully asked the CB 7 members to approve this first step of the ULURP process. The vote of CB 7 was overwhelmingly in favor of the KNIC proposal with only 5 members voting against the proposal. 
  The next step was on Friday where Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. (a proponent of this proposal) held a public hearing in the Bronx County Courthouse. From here the proposal goes to the City Planning Commission which has up to 60 days to decide on the proposal, then if approved it would be off to a City Council vote within 45 days of the CPC approval. It is hoped that this process can be finished this year under the current City Council and current Mayor, and not have to continue into the next administration and new City Council.

Left - you can see New York ranger great Mark Messier sitting and waiting for his turn to speak in favor of the KNIC proposal for the Kingsbridge Armory.
Right - Messier address the crowd inside the Bronx Courthouse Rotunda as to why the KNIC proposal should be accepted.

Left - Members of Community Board 7 during the public hearing at  Lehman College.
Right - CB 7 Chair Adaline Walker-Santiago reports on the overwhelming vote of approval from CB 7 for the KNIC proposal.


 The agreement between the Kingsbridge National Ice Center with the Kingsbridge Armory Redevelopment Alliance better know as the Community Benefits Agreement.