Monday, December 16, 2013

Velocity Track Club

  Can you say NATIONAL MEDALS!!!!  On Saturday, December 7th, Velocity Track Club New York took 5 athletes to the AAU XC National Championship in Fort Gordon, GA and 3 athletes finish in the top 25, Jacqueline Kendall (18th), Giovanna Tolbert (21st) and Dontea Lindo (10th).  Adrian Swift-Henry injured his knee and this was Jaysiah Moore’s 1st National meet, which made him nervous. If not, I believe they would have been in the top 25 also.  AAU t-shirts and bags were giving to all athletes.  Medals were awarded to the top 25 athletes and participation medals were given to the rest.  To finish in the top 25 among the best in the country is an outstanding accomplishment, which they will cherish for the rest of the lives.  Go VTC!!!!
On Sunday, December 15th, we traveled to New Jersey City to compete in the NJ AAU Youth Indoor Track & Field Meet. Over 600 athletes from New York and New Jersey were registered.  This is officially our 1st In-door meet.  Most coaches will use meet to evaluate athletes.  VTC athletes’ performance showed why we are among the best in the tri-state area.  Awards were giving to the top 3 athletes.  The following VTC athletes received awards.  Julian Caldwell, Jordan Ingram, Jaysiah Moore and Dontea Lindo took 1st Place in the 1600 meter sprint medley relay.  Joseph Webster-Rutledge took 3rd in the 200 meter race.  Jordan Samuels took 3rd in the 55 meter race. Dominique Jackson was the top award winner; she won the 200 meter race and took 3rd in the 400 meter race.  Plus, we had several athletes that finish in 4th and 5th place, which is a great accomplishment considering the level of competition at this meet.  Great Job 
Anyone interested in joining Velocity Track Club New York, please Contact Coach Dinkins at 914-441-6196 or you email me at WATCLT@AOL.COM.   
Displaying AAU_XC_2013_4117AAU_National_.JPG

Saturday, December 14, 2013

E. 233rd St. & White Plains Rd Merch. Assoc. Announces the 1st Ann. Meet Santa Holiday Event

  The East 233rd Street & White Plains Road Merchants Association invites you to their 1st Annual Meet Santa Holiday event on Thursday, December 19th from 5 to 7pm at Bronx Community Board 12 Town Hall located at 4101 White Plains Road, Bronx, NY.

The purpose of this FREE community event is to promote the East 233rd Street and White Plains Road commercial corridor and to help make this Holiday Season a special one for children and families by bringing them toys and a chance to meet Santa Claus.

This event is presented by the East 233rd Street and White Plains Road Merchants Association and made possible through the support of the New York City Department of Small Business Services and Mosholu Preservation Corporation, a support corporation of Montefiore Medical Center.

The East 233rd Street and White Plains Road Merchants Association looks forward to welcoming you to the 1st Annual Meet Santa Holiday Event and to the community's continued support for the improvement of this Bronx business corridor.

Friday, December 13, 2013


  In his annual report on the State of the City’s Economy and Finances, City Comptroller John C. Liu warns that the unresolved contracts with every one of the City’s municipal unions pose a great financial risk to the City in the coming years.
Currently all of the City’s municipal unions are working under expired contracts. If the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) and Council of School Supervisors and Administrators (CSA) alone are awarded retroactive pay raises, it could cost the City $3.495 billion in FY 2014.
“The City’s budget is not truly balanced until this issue is resolved,” said Comptroller Liu. “This is a problem that will not go away simply by ignoring it, as the outgoing administration has done.”
On the positive side, the comptroller anticipates robust growth with tax revenues in the current fiscal year, exceeding the mayor’s forecast by $724 million.  The estimate for personal income tax (PIT) receipts exceeds the mayor’s forecast by $528 million.
The report shows that more than 300,000 jobs have been added in New York City since the worst of the recession, with strong growth in the health, technology, and education sectors. The City’s total private-sector employment now stands above its pre-recession peak.  At the same time, even with record levels of employment, the City’s unemployment rate remains unacceptably high at a seasonally adjusted 8.7 percent and wages have not kept up with inflation. Many fully-employed families are less well off than they were five years ago.
This annual report on the State of the City’s Economy and Finances is due from the comptroller each Dec. 15, as mandated by the City Charter. Comptroller Liu will publicly present his State of the City address on Tuesday, Dec. 17 at 10 a.m. at the Emigrant Bank Building, 49-51 Chambers Street.

Christmas Tree Lightings With Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj

Please Join Us!

Tuesday, December 17  
Christmas Tree Lighting on Allerton Ave

Bronxwood Ave, Boston Road & Allerton Ave

Warm Refreshments, caroling & small gifts

Christmas Tree Lighting 

with Senator Jeff Klein

Wednesday, December 18,    

Peace Memorial Plaza

Warm refreshments, caroling



Pelham Parkway South & White Plains Rd

Warm refreshments, caroling & small gifts

Special Appearance by Santa Clause

Horse & Carriage Rides

Thursday December 19,  5:00 PM

Warm Refreshments, small gifts, caroling by the students of the New York Institute of

Christmas Tree Lighting by the Christmas House

Westervelt Ave & Pelham Parkway North

Special Education and a special appearance by Santa Clause

For more information: (718) 409-0109

District office of Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj

1126 Pelham Parkway South

Bronx, New York 10461


By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York


You should know that I applaud Mayor-elect Bill DeBlasio's selection of Lilliam Barrios-Paoli as his Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services. I especially applaud him for taking time during that announcement to talk about the 11-year old girl, Dasani, who has been highlighted in recent New York Times series about homeless families in New York City's shelters. These families include more than 20,000 children.

The New York Times' December 2013 series of articles, Invisible Child, Dasani's Homeless Life, written by Andrea Elliot, focus on many aspects of the incredibly disturbing legacy left by outgoing Mayor Michael Bloomberg. The series details the shameful lack of compassion that Mayor Bloomberg had for desperate families in New York's shelter system. At Brooklyn's Auburn Family Residence, where Dasani lives, these injustices include: "[i]nadequate food, inadequate medical attention, a leaky roof, moldy rooms and bathrooms with broken sinks and doors ... insufficient security and fire safety protections, fetid odors, and leaks from waste containers."

While there is nothing in these articles that can be ignored, I cannot help but ask myself how, under Mayor Bloomberg's fiscal stewardship, millions of New York City taxpayer dollars were allegedly being spent annually to operate just one family shelter building - where Dasani and so many other children languish in filth and trauma.

I have to ask how, in 2009-2010, New York City's Department of Homeless Services spent $8 million dollars in a capitol renovation project to replace all exterior windows in this one homeless shelter with new energy efficient windows.

Yes, my dear reader: as part of Mayor Bloomberg's legacy, $8 million dollars was spent to replace windows in the Auburn Family Residence’s 10-story building. These were not stained glass windows, and the families who live in that building after the repairs still sleep in layers of clothing and prop mattresses against the new windows to keep out the cold. Another example of Bloomberg’s fiscal irresponsibility.

You should know that during the very same time that $8 million dollars of our public resources were spent to replace 10 stories of windows, the Empire State Building spent about half of that - $4.6 million dollars - to refurbish its 6,514 windows.

With this in mind, it is even sadder to re-read the part of the Times article that describes how Dasani would sit at her window and "see all the way across Brooklyn to the Empire State Building, the first New York skyscraper to reach 100 floors. Her gaze always stops at that iconic temple of stone, its tip pointed celestially, its facade lit with promise."
Is there anyone who thinks that if I had allocated $8 million dollars to replace the windows in any single building that there would not be a full blown investigation about what was really going on with that money? Is there anyone who thinks this isn't the tip of the iceberg of how the Bloomberg Administration grossly mismanaged New York's tax dollars on the backs of the poor and needy?

As the Bloomberg era finally comes to an end, I am hopeful that there will be an outcry for justice for all involved in this $8 million dollar window debacle, and the millions allegedly spent by the Department of Health and Human Services on improving a deteriorated system. I hope this outcry will take place not only in the court of public opinion, but in the courts of law as well. I am hopeful that reporters and editors will investigate this incident and many more that remain ignored or have fallen through the cracks.

As the Christmas Season draws closer, I ask for everyone to keep Dasani and her family and all homeless New Yorkers in their prayers.

And ladies and gentlemen, I also ask you to keep Deputy Mayor Lilliam Barrios-Paoli and Mayor-elect Bill DeBlasio in your prayers because they have a very big mess to clean up.

This is Senator Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.


Bronx Democrat Board of Elections Commissioner Naomi Barrera Stepping Down

  In what has been a turbulent year at the New York City Board of Elections Bronx Democratic Commissioner Naomi Barrera will be stepping down as of December 17th. Barrera is only one of the BOE Commissioners that has left this year. JC Polonco the colorful Republican Bronx Commissioner was replaced early in the year with Mike Rendino after Bronx Republican Leader Jay Savino was replaced by John Greaney after a scandal. Also Staten Island Republican Commissioner JP Sipp left the BOE also earlier this year.

  Barrera had been mentioned as a candidate to fill the vacant executive director's seat of the BOE, but that went to Staten Island Democratic Commissioner Mike Ryan. Naomi Barrera was the choice of newly elected Bronx Democratic County Leader Carl Heasie five years ago, and while Heastie praised Barrera for her stint as Bronx Democratic Commissioner he said that the selection of her replacement has not begun.

  There should be a lot of potential candidates to replace Naomi Barrera as Bronx Democratic Elections Commissioner including a few term limited council members. The job however will go to a county loyalist such as Barrera had been, and will be up to Bronx Democratic County Leader Carl Heastie to choose her replacement.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Audit Finds Questionable Budgeting Badly Underestimated Incoming Revenues Even As Rates Surged

   An audit by City Comptroller John C. Liu of the New York City water and sewer system found doubtful accounting and chronically low forecasts of annual revenue, that may have led to increasingly high water rates for New Yorkers.  Comptroller Liu’s audit also found that the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) failed to collect $27 million in delinquent water and sewer bills.

Every year the NYC Water Board and the NYC Municipal Finance Authority (collectively NYW) forecast the amount of surplus revenue that the DEP will collect from water bills, which will go to pay for its debt obligations.  Over the last four fiscal years, NYW issued extremely conservative forecasts for their surpluses, which may have caused rates to be set increasingly higher.   When revenues came in, however, the actual surpluses exceeded NYW’s estimates by 24 to 41 percent, in amounts that ranged from $71 million to $120 million each year. 

“The results of this audit indicate that rising water rates may have soaked New Yorkers more than necessary,” Comptroller Liu said. “DEP and the Water Board need stronger accounting of their revenues so that they can keep any rate increases to a minimum.”

Even as NYW publicly underestimated its revenue from water bills, it put the increasingly higher surpluses toward its projected debt obligations.  For example, in FY 2010 NYW allocated a surplus of $241.6 million toward debt and in 2013, the allocated surplus increased to $451.8 million.  NYW seems to have never considered whether the higher than budgeted surplus revenue could have been used to limit water rate increases. 

The audit also found the NYW failed to conduct proper oversight of DEP’s billing and accounting and may have underestimated DEP’s ability to collect past-due accounts—a factor that can affect the rate-setting process. 

DEP Failed to Collect Millions
DEP, which processes and collects bills for NYW, failed to collect $15 million owed during Fiscal Year 2012.  In addition, DEP failed to collect an additional $27 million from private entities located on City-owned and State-owned properties, and from Housing Development Fund Corporation cooperatives as of June 30, 2012.

The New York City water and sewer system network includes more than 7,000 miles of pipes running from upstate New York to every building in New York City. Until the mid-1980s, the City funded operating expenses through its general fund and financed necessary capital investments by issuing the City’s general obligation bonds.  In 1984, the City obtained state approval to change the way its water and sewer infrastructure was operated and funded and created the New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority and the New York City Water Board. The Authority issues bonds to finance capital construction and infrastructure improvements.  The Board leases the system from the City and sets rates to ensure the system is self-sustaining.  The DEP operates the System and handles billing and collection of water and sewer charges for NYW. 


  Barrios-Paoli will spearhead de Blasio Administration efforts to expand community health care, reduce homelessness and protect the social safety net for vulnerable New Yorkers

  Mayor-Elect Bill de Blasio today announced his appointment of Lilliam Barrios-Paoli as Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services. Barrios-Paoli will oversee City agencies that the Mayor-Elect has charged with moving New Yorkers from homelessness to stable housing, expanding community health clinics and cutting red tape in social services.
  Barrios-Paoli is an experienced leader known for innovating big ideas. She has managed five City agencies under three mayors, where she spearheaded major reforms like the opening of 10 innovative senior centers – including those servicing the visually-impaired and LGBT populations. She also brings a deep background in working with New York’s nonprofit community, which will play a critical role in delivering on the incoming administration’s agenda.
  “Lilliam has dedicated her career to protecting the most vulnerable New Yorkers. No one understands better than she the consequences of this Tale of Two Cities we are living. To lift families out of poverty and to sustain vital services, we need real leaders who can put bold ideas into practice. That’s what Lilliam is going to deliver,” said Mayor-Elect Bill de Blasio.
  “We’re facing a crisis of inequality in this city. Working families live in ever-deeper insecurity. The old safety net, from community hospitals to housing aid, is coming apart. It’s time for big ideas and bold policies that pull together City government, our charities and our vital community nonprofits into a new effort that lifts families up and sustains our communities in every borough,” said incoming Deputy Mayor Lilliam Barrios-Paoli.