Saturday, January 11, 2014


  New York State Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz joined with Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver in co-sponsoring legislation that would prohibit the use of state aid to fund academic entities that engage in discrimination.

The legislation follows a decision by the American Studies Association (ASA), a conglomerate of individuals, universities, libraries and other academic institutions, to boycott Israeli universities in protest of Israel’s policy towards Palestinians. Their stance has created a firestorm of controversy that is generating substantial public backlash. The newly proposed legislation would prohibit organizations that pass resolutions or undertake official actions boycotting certain countries or their higher education institutions, like the ASA, from receiving tax dollars.

“This legislation is an appropriate response to the outrageous decision by the ASA to boycott Israeli universities and cultural institutions,” Dinowitz said. “Their boycott is out-and-out discrimination based on national origin and, yes, religion. New York State taxpayers should not have to fund discrimination and anti-Semitism.”

The law would only apply to schools in countries that host a higher education institution chartered by the Board of Regents, which as of 2005 included six institutions located in Lebanon, Israel, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Colleges violating this ban would not be eligible for state aid during the academic year in which the violation occurs.

An employee of a college may still attend any event of an academic entity engaging in a boycott, and attendance at any such event shall not be used by the college with regard to employment decisions. However, colleges would be prohibited from using state aid to pay membership dues to a boycotting academic entity, or reimburse travel or lodging for an employee attending any meeting of such academic entity.


  NYC Council Member Andy King’s inauguration celebration to kick-off his first four-year term as representative of the 12th District is scheduled for Sunday, January 12, at Evander Childs High School, 800 East Gun Hill Rd., Bronx. Doors open at 3 p.m. and the program will begin at 4 p.m. sharp. Originally, the celebration was scheduled for Friday, January 3rd. However, due to severe weather conditions, the celebration was postponed and rescheduled for this coming Sunday.

The ceremony will include music performances by PS 76 School Band, Gospel Singer Pauline Green of Crawford Methodist Church and modern dance by I Raise. New York City Mayor William DeBlasio has been invited to administer the Oath of Office to Council Member King. A number of elected officials, labor leaders and members of the clergy community will be in attendance, including U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer, Congress Members Eliot Engel and Charles Rangel, Bronx Democratic County Chairman and Assembly Member Carl Heastie, Public Advocate Letitia James, City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, the City Council's Bronx Delegation, George Gresham, president of 1199 SEIU, and Anthony Wells of DC37, Local 371.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Mayor Bill de Blasio and Chancellor Carmen Farina come to MS 306

  Late Thursday afternoon as the school day had ended Mayor Bill de Blasio and Schools Chancellor Carmen Farina visited MS 306 located on Tremont Avenue in School District 10. They came to see the successful after school programs at MS 306, to talk about the mayors Pre-K proposal, and more after school programs in NYC public schools. They first met with MS 306 Principal Serapra Cruz, and then visited one room in which a vibrant after school program was going on.
  When de Blasio and Farina came into the room where a press conference was going on Mayor de Blasio opened with being able to have the programs that are in this school help children progress into adulthood, bond them together, and keeps them off the streets and out of trouble. De Blasio then said that in MS 306 all the students receive free lunch due to the high poverty rate of the area. He went on to say that he was a school board member of District 15 where he met Ms. Farina, and helped to bring her to become the Superintendent of that school district. He added that Chancellor Farina will have as a goal to improve the middle schools in NYC. 
  Next in the speech by the mayor was on after school programs. The mayor said that in the past 6 years 30,000 after school seats have been lost under Mayor Bloomberg. He wants to have principals be able to choose which after school programs that will fit into their schools best. Chancellor Farina then said that she wants to replicate those good schools and programs citywide. The mayor added that public libraries and community based organizations will be asked to help. 
  Mayor de Blasio then took questions. One question was that in MS 306 only 25% of the students participate in after school programs. The mayor said that he wants all students to have after school programs as well as Pre-K, and that is why he is pushing for his 5 year tax on those who earn more than $500,000.00.
He cautioned however that NYC will have to wait until the state budget is done in April to find out what the state is giving NYC in aid, but he wants these programs not to be tied into any politics.
  To the questions of some of the reporters on hand the answer by Mayor de Blasio was " you have to give me some time I was just elected". On a personal note I was a parent leader and member of the Chancellor's Parent Advisory Council when former schools chancellor Joel Klein was appointed, and I heard the very same answers that Mayor de Blasio gave. "I'm new here, Give me some time, and finally it was give me the question ahead of time so I can have the answer for you". 
  I then asked a question of Chancellor Farina what she was going to do about parent involvement that was at its high before Joel Klein was schools chancellor, and is now at its lowest point. Chancellor Farina had some green index cards saying that she meet with the current Chancellor's Parent Advisory Council the day before, and she took note on the green cards that she said was for parents. Chancellor Farina then said that she was meeting with the Community (District) Education Councils next week, and would have a set of orange index cards for their comments. She went on to say that she will have a different color of index card for each different situation. Below are some photos of the Mayor and Chancellor's visit to MS 306.
Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Farina chat with MS 306 principal Serapra Cruz in a crowded school hallway.

Mayor de Blasio at the podium as he outlines his education goals. 
Not being as tall as Mayor de Blasio Schools Chancellor had to hop onto the pull out step from the podium to speak.

JASA CEO Kathryn Haslanger Elected to Commonwealth Fund Board of Directors

JASA Congratulates our CEO, Kathryn Haslanger, who was Elected to the Commonwealth Fund Board of Directors
The Commonwealth Fund is a private foundation that aims to promote a high performing health care system that achieves better access, improved quality, and greater efficiency, particularly for society's most vulnerable, including low-income people, the uninsured, minority Americans, young children, and elderly adults.
The Fund carries out this mandate by supporting independent research on health care issues and making grants to improve health care practice and policy. An international program in health policy is designed to stimulate innovative policies and practices in the United States and other industrialized countries.
Below is the press release from the Commonwealth Fund:
New York, NY, January 7, 2014-  Kathryn D. Haslanger, chief executive officer of JASA (Jewish Association Serving the Aging), has been elected to the Commonwealth Fund Board of Directors, effective immediately. Haslanger has spent more than 30 years in health care policy, research, and delivery, holding leadership roles in organizations dedicated to ensuring access to health care for New Yorkers. JASA, a New York-based nonprofit, serves more than 53,000 older adults each year through its housing and home health divisions. Prior to her appointment as CEO of JASA, Haslanger served as a senior vice president for Community Benefit and External Affairs at the Visiting Nurse Service of New York, from 2006 to 2012. In that role, she led the development of the organization's community benefit strategy and new community initiatives, including a Caregiver Support demonstration project.
Earlier in her career, Haslanger was vice president for health practice and policy at Maimonides Medical Center, a 705-bed nonprofit teaching hospital in Brooklyn, where she developed programs to help ensure safe transitions across care settings for geriatric patients and advanced adoption of health information technology, and designed care coordination models that colocated primary care physicians with behavioral health clinicians.
Haslanger was at the United Hospital Fund of New York from 1990 to 2005. While serving as vice president for public policy, among other roles, she shaped the organization's policy agenda and identified, developed, and managed programs in the areas of health insurance coverage, managed care, health care finance, and Medicaid. She also led a coalition to support Disaster Relief Medicaid in New York City after September 11, enabling 340,000 people to obtain Medicaid coverage during a four-month period of simplified eligibility.
"Kathryn Haslanger brings to The Commonwealth Fund Board a wealth of experience in turning health policy into real improvements in the health and lives of people, especially the most vulnerable," said Board chairman James R. Tallon, Jr., who is president of the United Hospital Fund of New York. "Her knowledge of health systems and health care delivery will be an invaluable asset as The Commonwealth Fund continues to monitor and inform the implementation of the Affordable Care Act."
"We are very fortunate to be able to benefit from Kathryn Haslanger's practical knowledge and forward thinking as The Commonwealth Fund continues its work toward a high performance health system, and as we face the challenges of rising health care spending and growing needs of our aging population," said Commonwealth Fund President David Blumenthal, M.D.
Haslanger earned a J.D. from Boston College Law School and an M.C.R.P. from Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government. She is a member of the New York State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Panel, appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly, as well as the National Academy of Social Insurance and the United Hospital Fund Health Policy Forum.

Wave Hill Events January 24–January 31

  Think polar vortex—think hibernate! We certainly are, with the Hibernators’ Pajama Pop-in Weekend (an admission-free Target weekend, by the way) coming up. This is a cozy way for kids and grownups to key in on the lively presence of hibernators all around us. But a serene session of wellness, followed by a quiet spell in The Café, may be the way you’d most like to hibernate this winter. I’m hard pressed to choose, myself.
Hibernators’ Pajama Pop-In Weekend is a highlight for families this winter. Check the calendar pages, and, for a complete listing of Hibernators’ Pajama Pop-In Weekend events, all free—and admission to the grounds is free all weekend, thanks to the generous support of Target..

Get to know your local hibernators through sleepy tales of the season. Then make your own furry bear, bat, toad or hedgehog mask, or fashion a dreamy, woodsy home. Free, and admission to the grounds is free all weekend, thanks to the generous support of Target. Hibernators’ Pajama Pop-in Weekend event.

Quiet like a mountain, moving like a river, Tai Chi is a sequence of gentle movements based on images found in nature. In this beginner-level class, Irving Yee, a member of the William CC Chen Tai Chi School, introduces students to the internal martial arts and promotes an awareness of its benefits. Winter sessions are held indoors. Session fee: $25/Wave Hill Member $15. Registration opens online and onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center. (Reservations may not be made by telephone.) Online registration closes at 8AM on the day of this session. Cancellations must be made by 3PM the Friday before; after that, refunds will not be made.  Drops-ins will be accommodated as the limited space permits. Participants must present a Member’s ID card or a printed program registration form at the front gate.

Not everyone’s napping! Take a break from the indoor Hibernator festivities and join naturalists Gabriel Willow or Paul Keim on a quest to find active birds, scurrying squirrels and even winter-blooming plants on the grounds. Ages five and older welcome with an adult. Dress warmly! Free, and admission to the grounds is free all weekend, thanks to the generous support of Target. Hibernators’ Pajama Pop-in Weekend event.

Enjoy as actress, singer, storyteller, and songwriter Flor Bromley entertains us with the story of Bear Wants More by Karma Wilson and other fun tales of hibernation in her musical, interactive performance featuring original songs and friendly puppets. Free, and admission to the grounds is free all weekend, thanks to the generous support of Target. Hibernators’ Pajama Pop-in Weekend event.

Get to know your local hibernators through sleepy tales of the season. Then make your own furry bear, bat, toad or hedgehog mask, or fashion a dreamy, woodsy home. Free, and admission to the grounds is free all weekend, thanks to the generous support of Target. Hibernators’ Pajama Pop-in Weekend event.

Reduce stress, increase your energy and bring strength and flexibility to mind, body and spirit with a yoga practice. Classes are led by Yoga for Bliss director Neem Dewji and other certified instructors. Ms. Dewji is certified in Hatha and Therapeutic Yoga from The Yoga for Health Foundation, England, and The Integral Yoga Institute, NYC. All levels welcome. Winter sessions are held indoors. Session fee: $25/Wave Hill Member $15. Registration opens online and onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center. (Reservations may not be made by telephone.) Online registration closes at 8AM on the day of this session. Cancellations must be made by 3PM the Friday before; after that, refunds will not be made.  Drops-ins will be accommodated as the limited space permits. Participants must present a Member’s ID card or a printed program registration form at the front gate.

This fall, take a moment to release stress and reconnect with your inner self while practicing meditation. Each session includes instruction in simple techniques followed by 20 to 30 minutes of meditation. Classes are led by Yoga for Bliss director Neem Dewji and other certified instructors. All levels welcome. Winter sessions are held indoors. Session fee: $25/Wave Hill Member $15. Registration opens online and onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center. (Reservations may not be made by telephone.) Online registration closes at 8AM on the day of this session. Cancellations must be made by 3PM the Friday before; after that, refunds will not be made.  Drops-ins will be accommodated as the limited space permits. Participants must present a Member’s ID card or a printed program registration form at the front gate.

Not everyone’s napping! Take a break from the indoor Hibernator festivities and join naturalists Gabriel Willow or Paul Keim on a quest to find active birds, scurrying squirrels and even winter-blooming plants on the grounds. Ages five and older welcome with an adult. Dress warmly! Free, and admission to the grounds is free all weekend, thanks to the generous support of Target. Hibernators’ Pajama Pop-in Weekend event.

Gain insight into Winter Workspace artist Dana Levy’s creative process and explore the winter landscape as a source of inspiration. The artist presents a short lesson on video editing and how moving images can be used to visually represent text. Then, you shoot images of Wave Hill’s grounds and learn how to edit them to create a short video-poem based on a piece of writing that inspires you. Each participant must bring their own camera or camera phone and a piece of text for inspiration; all other materials are provided. Workshops are open to all visitors ages 12 and over when accompanied by an adult. Registration required, online at, onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center or by calling 718.549.3200 x251. Free with admission to the grounds.

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free, and admission to the grounds is free all weekend, thanks to the generous support of Target..

Enjoy as actress, singer, storyteller, and songwriter Flor Bromley entertains us with the story of Bear Wants More by Karma Wilson and other fun tales of hibernation in her musical, interactive performance featuring original songs and friendly puppets. Free, and admission to the grounds is free all weekend, thanks to the generous support of Target. Hibernators’ Pajama Pop-in Weekend event.

Closed to the public.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A 28-acre public garden and cultural center overlooking the Hudson River  and Palisades, Wave Hill’s mission is to celebrate the artistry and legacy of its gardens and landscape, to preserve its magnificent views, and to explore human connections to the natural world through programs in horticulture, education and the arts.

HOURS  Open all year, Tuesday through Sunday and many major holidays: 9AM—4:30PM. Closes 5:30PM, March 15—October 31.  
ADMISSION  $8 adults, $4 students and seniors 65+, $2 children 6—18. Free Saturday mornings until noon. Free all day on Tuesdays in January. Free to Wave Hill Members and children under 6.

PROGRAM FEES  Programs are free with admission to the grounds unless otherwise noted.

Visitors to Wave Hill can take advantage of Metro-North’s one-day getaway offer. Purchase a discount round-trip rail far and discount admission to the gardens. More at

DIRECTIONS – Getting here is easy! Located only 3o minutes from midtown Manhattan, Wave Hill’s free shuttle van transports you to and from our front gate and Metro-North’s Riverdale station, as well as the 242nd Street stop on the #1 subway line. Limited onsite parking is available for $8 per vehicle. Free offsite parking is available nearby with continuous, complimentary shuttle service to and from the offsite lot and our front gate. Complete directions and shuttle bus schedule at

Information at 718.549.3200. On the web at

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Melissa Mark-Viverito Elected Speaker Unanimously

  The new Speaker of the City Council is Melissa Mark-Viverito. I have been saying that would happen in my column "100 PERCENT" that appears in the Bronx News and Parkchester News for the past month. This unanimous victory was not an easy one for Speaker Mark-Viverito however, and winners and losers will come out of this council selection for their new speaker.
  It was a fight to the end almost with not only with the new speaker, but new Mayor Bill de Blasio calling in all the favors and making promises if council members voted for Mark-Viverito. It is not known yet if there was any deal between the two candidates for speaker, but Councilman Dan Garodnick was very humble when it came for him to speak after Councilwoman Mark-Viverito was nominated by Councilman Ritchie Torres (15th District, Bronx), and seconded by several other council members. 
  Garodnick said that he had started his campaign to be the new speaker a year ago, believing that he could offer the Progressive and Independent leadership in the council. He went on to say in the spirit of strengthening the council to bring it together that he would be withdrawing his candidacy for speaker, and then congratulated the new speaker Councilwoman Melissa Mark-Viverito. A role call vote of the council was then taken where one could hear in the different tones of the council members how they cast their vote for the new speaker which side they had been on. After the last council member was polled the vote was unanimous 51 - 0 for Melissa Mark-Viverito as the new Speaker of the City Council. 
  As for the winners and losers both new Speaker Mark-Viverito and Mayor de Blasio have to head the list. From the Bronx Councilman Ritchie Torres comes next. It could be that Bronx council members Andrew Cohen and Andy King have become winners since there was only one candidate to vote for, as both had loyalties to the Bronx Democratic County organization and to Mayor de Blasio. The losers have to start with both the Bronx and Queens Democratic County leaders who were against Melissa Mark-Viverito to the end. Bronx Councilwoman Carmen Maria Arroyo, and several other Dan Garodnick supporters have to be included. As for how the council moves forward, only time will tell.
  Below are just  some of the comments coming in about the new speaker.

“I offer my congratulations today on this historic occasion to my colleague in government, City Council Member Melissa Mark-Viverito, on her election to the position of City Council Speaker. Speaker Mark-Viverito has been a strong advocate for the people of the entire City, and has a well-deserved reputation as a tireless fighter for causes that are important to The Bronx.
 “I know that Speaker Mark-Viverito will make our City proud, and I look forward to working closely with her, and our borough’s City Council delegation, on moving forward our shared vision for the ‘New Bronx,’” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Statement From Councilman Ritchie Torres 
Ritchie Torres, the Bronx Council Member from District 15 who first nominated Melissa Mark-Viverito earlier today for Speaker and was an early and strong supporter of her Speaker candidacy as a leader in the progressive bloc, released the following statement this afternoon:
 “As a Puerto Rican, as a gay man, as a Bronx resident, and as a New Yorker who grew up poor and in public housing, I could not be more proud of the path-breaking step our City Council has taken by electing Melissa-Mark Viverito the first Latina Speaker in our city's history. What happened today in the City Council is simply overwhelming on every level and inspiring in every way.
 “I am humbled that I had the privilege of nominating Melissa for Speaker today, and I am thrilled to have been a vocal and visible supporter of her Speaker candidacy. Melissa has been an extraordinary mentor and friend to me.
 “We will move forward now as one City Council, united in the belief and in the conviction that equality and justice are not abstract ideals but the priorities and principles that will govern everything we do—every decision we make, and every piece of legislation we introduce and pass to make this city a better place to live, work, raise a family, and pursue the biggest dreams for the future.
 “In this new City Council, we will work together to improve our city and recreate it as a more equal and more just place. The most vulnerable in the five boroughs, all those who have been overlooked and forgotten in the past, will now have a voice, a champion, and a leader in Melissa and in the City Council.
 “At a time of rising poverty and inequality, we will stand up for the rights and needs of low-income New Yorkers who are struggling to survive. We will fight hard to create more living wage jobs, to expand paid sick leave, to build truly affordable housing, to fix NYCHA, and to ensure that our global city of immigrants never turns its back on our undocumented brothers and sisters.”

“Congratulations to Melissa Mark-Viverito for being elected our City Council Speaker.
I'm looking forward to working with our new Speaker and our new Mayor in moving
New York City forward,” said Council Member Andy King, 12th District, Bronx.

Statement From Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez
"We have made history today. We elected the first Latina speaker in the history of the City Council, but we also elected someone who has strong progressive values, cares for social justice and is unafraid to fight on behalf of all New Yorkers. Melissa Mark-Viverito has demonstrated exemplary character, leadership and drive during her time as an elected official and will use these traits to take the council to new heights in developing a more inclusive city for our most vulnerable citizens. I am overjoyed at her election to this position and am confident NYC will see expansions in our middle class, strong oversight of city agencies and balanced and on time budgets that put the neediest first."

 "I am immensely pleased to congratulate Melissa Mark-Viverito on being elected Speaker of the New York City Council.  Her election as the first Latina to hold a city-wide office is historic and inspiring for all New Yorkers," said  State Senator Gustavo Rivera. "I am confident that her intelligence, strong personality, ability to lead and her passion to make our City a better place for all New Yorkers will drive her to do a great job as Speaker of the City Council." 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January 16th Meeting: Planning the HIGH BRIDGE's Reopening and the Harlem River Waterfront

High Bridge and the Harlem River Water Front - next steps with city, state and federal agencies
Date:  Thursday, January 16th, 2014
Time:  6:00 pm
Location: Public School 11 The Highbridge School
Address: 1257 Ogden Avenue

via car, best parking on Sedgwick Ave. via bus: BX11 or BX13 to 169th Street/Ogden Avenue, walk west on 168th.
  1. We will have a tour of the High Bridge construction site and the Sedgwick Steps prior to the meetings beginning at 5pm.
  2. Updates from meetings with the Parks Department and Department of Transportation
  3. Planning for the High Bridge Celebration for Summer/Fall 2014.
  4. Next steps for Greenway Projects as a result of these presentations.
Upcoming Harlem River Meetings
Date:  Saturday, February 22nd
Time:  11:00 am to 5:00 pm

Lehman College, as Part of 20th Annual Bronx Parks Speak Up, details to follow

Date:  Thursday, March 13th, 2014 
Time:  6:00 pm
Location: Highbridge Recreation Center - Tentative

Date:  Wednesday, April 9th, 2014 
Time:  4:00 pm
Location: TBA
Date:  Thursday, May 15th, 2014 
Time:  6:00 pm
Location: TBA

Date:  Thursday, June 19th, 2014 
Time:  6:00 pm
Location: TBA


RSVP or for Questions: call Chauncy, 646-719-0034 


Upcoming Bronx Chamber of Commerce Events

  Bronx Chamber Logo
Please mark your calendars for our upcoming events!
Workshop with the Better Business Bureau 
When: Wednesday, January 15th
12:30 - 2:00 pm
Where: Hutch Metro Center Conference Center
1200 Waters Place, Bronx, NY 10461
* Complimentary Admission - Lunch will be Provided *

Inauguration of the
Executive Board and Board of Directors
When: Thursday, January 23rd
Cocktail Reception Begins at 6PM
Where: The Schiff Family Great Hall at the Bronx Zoo
*Complimentary Admission to All Current Members*
at your earliest convenience !

We look forward to having you attend!