Tuesday, January 14, 2014

State Senate Democrats May Have Ended Their Debt, But Who is in the Money

   State Senate Democrats may have ended their debt, but according to the latest campaign filing to the State Campaign Finance Board State Senate Co-Leader Republican State Senator Dean Skelos has $2.3 million cash on hand.
   Things are a lot better for the other Co-Leader State Senator Jeff Klein and his IDC.
Klein has $1.6 million while the four members of the IDC has $3.6 million in total.
  “From Buffalo to the Bronx, our members continue to receive overwhelming support from New Yorkers,” Klein, said in a statement. “Entering an important election cycle, we know our candidates will have the resources they need to get their message out to the voters. All of us look forward to not only maintaining, but to building upon our electoral successes in the State Senate.” 
   There has been talk of Senate Democrats putting up challengers to Klein and the IDC members, most notably former Councilman Oliver Koppell to Klein himself.

Monday, January 13, 2014

STATEMENT FROM BOROUGH PRESIDENT DIAZ RE: Conviction of Assembly Member Eric Stevenson

“Today’s conviction of Assembly Member Eric Stevenson closes an unfortunate chapter in our borough’s history.
“As I have made crystal clear in the past, our borough and our city require and deserve honest, corruption free government. The public must have faith in its elected leaders, and the deplorable actions of Assembly Member Stevenson should not cast a bad light on all elected officials, most of whom work hard to deliver for their communities and solve the issues that face our neighborhoods. I will continue to work with my colleagues, the people of the 79th Assembly District and the people of the Bronx to restore the public’s faith in government,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Assemblyman Eric Stevenson Found Guilty

  79th Assemblyman Eric Stevenson has been found guilty of taking $22,000.00 from Senior Center Developers in cash bribes. The U.S. Attorney's office acted swiftly on this case, since it was the culmination of over 4 years of using former assemblyman Nelson Castro to try to root out corruption in the Bronx Democratic County organization. Nelson Castro was snared by the Bronx District Attorney on a charge of election fraud back in 2008, and agreed to wear a wire for the U.S. Attorney to catch Bronx elected or party officials in the act of corruption.
  Meanwhile Assemblyman Castro was allowed to run for re-election against a Bronx Democratic County backed opponent, winning re-election in 2010. This continued for the next election in 2012 as Assemblyman Castro again won re-election while wearing a wire for the U.S. Attorney. It was actually one of Assemblyman Castro's associates Sigfredo Gonzalez who actually gave the testimony that convicted Assemblyman Eric Stevenson. Stevenson never took the stand as it was reported that his attorney could never believe that the jury would find Gonzalez's testimony credible let alone believe it and convict Stevenson of corruption.
  Stevenson's former New York State Assembly page was taken down right after the conviction and replaced with a blank page for the 79th A.D. Stevenson now faces up to 50+ years in jail following the conviction.

Council Member Andy King to Host Open House For 12th District Constituents

  City Council Member Andy King will hold an open house and community  “meet and greet” at his 12th District offices at 940 East Gun Hill Road and 135 Einstein Loop, Room 44, in Co-Op City on Wednesday,  Jan. 15, from  11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Joining Council Member King will be his staff and representatives from city agencies, who will be available to answer community questions.

The open house also celebrates the observance of the birthday of the slain civil rights leader Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“It’s only fitting that on the day of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s actual birthday that we open up our house as Dr. King had opened up his heart and gave his life to improve the lives of others. That true commitment to service is what we strive for in the 12th District,” said Council Member King.

Council Member King, who was celebrated on Sunday with an inauguration and swearing-in ceremony at Evander Childs High School, Bronx, was re-elected in November 2013 to his first four-year term as the representative of the 12th District. In November 2012, he was elected in a landslide vote to fill the vacant seat.

So far, in his short time in office, he has spearheaded a number of community activities, including the 12th District Cleanup, weekly Bronx Youth Empowerment Program, Tax Lien and Foreclosure workshops, CUNY Now, weekly immigration assistance and Caribbean heritage celebrations.

In just one year after he was elected in office, Council Member King made his first contribution to the New York City Charter. Last month, then Mayor Michael Bloomberg signed into law a bill Council Member King’s bill to have public schools develop and distribute information on college saving programs to all students.

Andy King Inauguration

  It was postponed due to the big snow storm, It started late, but when it was all over Andy King's inauguration received a grade of "A+" from the filled auditorium at Evander Child High School. This was a well mixed event that was hosted by Mr. Michael Harmon of the United Federation of Teachers. Yes there were a few boring speeches by one or two elected officials, but there were performances in between the speeches that made you want to sing or dance along. 
  U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, Public Advocate Letitia James, new City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, City Comptroller Scott Stringer, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., State Senator Gustavo Rivera, several Bronx assembly members, several fellow city council members, and others who are important to the King family as you will see in the photos below.
  As they came up to speak every elected official who spoke praised Andy King for the hard work he had done on his way to becoming the councilman from the 12th council district. Many knew Andy from before he was elected, and were glad to see that the 12th council district is finally getting the representation that did not come from Andy's predecessor.
  The performances between speeches all received standing ovations from the audience, but the best was yet to come. After the swearing in ceremony Councilman King said that he had two surprises that he was going to announce. First Andy had two young boys bring out a mural that turned out to be a flag that he said was going to be the flag of the 12th Council District. The councilman described what each and every detail on the flag stood for, and the reason for the flag.
  Councilman King's second surprise involved his father Andy King Sr. Andy Jr. said that he was thrilled that his mother and father could be on stage to share this enjoyment with him, and he added that the day was his father's 77th birthday. If I left out the swearing in part just see the photos below.

Left - U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer is between new City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and Mr. Lenny Caro of the Bronx Chamber of Commerce.
Right - Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda, District Leader Lou Goldstein, Speaker Melissia Mark-Viverito, Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr.

Front row- U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, Bronx BP Ruben DiazJr., Congressman Charles Rangel, City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito. Second row Councilman Andrew Choen, Councilwoman Maria Del Carmen Arroyo, Mr. Lenny Caro, Ms. Slyvia Laisk (hidden), Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz.

Left - Former City Comptroller John Liu is seated in front of Councilman Ritchie Torres and Rayblin Vargas of TWU Local 100.
Right - Councilman Andy King stood up to join in with the dancing.
Three generations of the King family  pose with Judge Armando Montano before the ceremony.

 Left - With his daughter Katie holding the bible Councilman Andy King is sworn into office by Judge Montano. 
Right - Andy hugs his wife Neva right after being sworn in.

Left - Councilman King displays the new 12th council district flag.
Right - Councilman King announces that the day of his inauguration is also his father Andy King Sr.'s 77th birthday.

Senator Klein, Assemblyman Sepulveda Host First Annual Three Kings Event

   State Senate Co-Leader Jeff  Klein and Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda hosted their first annual Three Kings event celebration at Melcher Hall at the Church of Holy Family on Saturday. For many who celebrate Christmas, Three Kings Day marks the official end of the Christmas season. The event featured a musical performance, nativity scene, sweet treats and gift giving. Over 70 children were on hand to help celebrate.
From left to right, District Leader Julia Rodriguez, two of the Three Kings, Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda, one of the Three Kings and State Senator Jeff Klein, pictured with children after the gift-giving portion of the event.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Alex Rodriguez Suspended for 162 Games

  Alex Rodriguez the New York Yankee third baseman has been slapped with a 162 game suspension in connection with the Biogenesis doping scandal by baseball's chief arbitrator. In addition A-Rod will be fined $25 million dollars and any incentives that he may have received from the Yankees this year.
  The decision comes close to a month after A-rod contested his original suspension of 211 games by Major League Baseball. A-Rod has vowed to continue to fight the suspension, this time in federal court. A-Rod will reportedly be in the Yankee spring training camp, and await a decision if he can be with the team as the season begins.

  Other Major League Baseball players have received a 50 game suspension when caught using performance enhancing drugs for the first time. The suspension for being caught a second time is 100 games, and a third banishment from baseball.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Con Edison What is Taking so Long?

  Imagine driving down a street on a bright reflective winter day and coming upon this scene right in front of you. The street is West 239th Street between Blackstone And Independence Avenues. This is no side street, but one of the three main roads that lead across the Henry Hudson Parkway. 

  Con Edison dug up this street as part of its "oil to gas conversion" two weeks before Thanksgiving. Chanukah, Christmas, and the New Year have all passed with the third week of January upon us. Con Edison has said that the work would be done all before the new year, and a few other things such as "we don't have to tell you anything where or when we dig, and for how long". Street work like this should last no more than two to four weeks at a location. However since Con Edison has an outside contractor doing the work, and only doing spot check ups on their contractors - This is exactly what happens.
With the onset of snow and snowplows going up and down streets to clear the snow two things happen when they come upon the many, many, many, metal plates Con Edison has left on the streets. One is that snow plows hit these metal plates and move them (as in the photos to the left), or two the plows just don't plow over them leaving the metal plates an accident waiting to happen when either a person or car slides on them.
Below are photos after workers came back to this street not to finish the work, but just move the metal plates back over the opening.
  My guess is that in the past when Con Edison did this work and quickly fixed the street that problems occurred such as leaking gas vapors at PS 81 and other sites shortly afterwards. Con Edison must not want to fix the street completely if they are going to have to dig it up again due to the shoddy work of their contractors. Below are photos after the metal plates were moved back in place here.


As you see in the photo on the right - these metal plates are in the middle of the street.