Monday, February 17, 2014

Klein Hosts 19th Annual Black History Month Breakfast

  State Senator Jeff Klein hosted his annual Black History Month Breakfast at Villa Barone Manor this past Saturday, honoring local black leaders and featuring a keynote address from Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams. Nearly 300 constituents attended the breakfast. 

  Senator Klein said "Black History Month provides an opportunity to not just reflect and recognize the achievements of civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela, but also the contributions made by black leaders in their local communities. At my annual Black History Month breakfast, we do just that - honor the invaluable work of African-Americans here in the Bronx and across New York, while celebrating the rich diversity of our local community."

  However during his keynote speech Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams mentioned that he would be looking to run for mayor after his 8 years in office are up due to term limits. This could pur the Brooklyn Borough President and our Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. on a collision course if both decide to run for mayor in 8 years. Bronx BP Diaz Jr. has 8 more years to serve as Bronx Borough President, and has expressed desires to be the first Latino mayor of New York City.  below are some photos of Senator Klein's Black History Month Breakfast, and the choir singers children and adult.

  Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams announcing that he wants to run for mayor in 8 years.

 Tiana Von Johnson, President/CEO Gold Star Properties, Barbara Moye, President Harbour Pointe at Shorehaven Condos III, Senator Klein and Cheray E. Diggs, granddaughter of Estella Diggs, the first female African American NYS Assembly Member from the Bronx, who received her award posthumously.

 Senator Klein with former Brooklyn State Senator now Brooklyn BP Eric Adams.  


Sunday, February 16, 2014

Council Member King and Bronx YEP Honor Former Mayor David Dinkins

  It’s not often a person gets to meet a living legend. So, when former NYC Mayor David Dinkins walked into a Bronx high school library Wednesday morning the students marveled at the fact that in their presence was a black man who had made history when he was elected the Mayor of the City of New York.

Many of the students were unaware that at one time the people of New York City had elected a mayor of African-American heritage.

“These children were not born around the time Mr. Dinkins was mayor and brought about a lot of positive changes during his administration. It is a blessing and an honor to have Mayor Dinkins, a living legend, come out and share his story with us,  said Council Member Andy King who co-hosted the second annual “Celebrating Our History” event with the Bronx Youth Empowerment Program (YEP) at Evander Childs High School.

The event brought together more than 300 students from nearby elementary schools and the high school itself, and also members of R.A.I.N Seniors Centers, in a spirit of celebration, awareness and appreciation of the black community’s diversity.

Council Member King and YEP presented Mayor Dinkins with a City Council Proclamation and a specially designed print of African-American heroes in history, with Mayor Dinkins' portrait featured in the print. The print was designed by Cee Lewis, Council Member's Deputy Chief of Staff.

When Mayor Dinkins walked to the podium he decided not to give his prepared speech and, instead, talked to the youngsters about his life growing up, lessons he learned as a child and he encouraged them to stay in school, work hard and “don’t bully others. It’s not cool to be a bully. I was bullied in school when I was a kid because I was small. It wasn’t fun.”

The event included Dr. Hazel N. Dukes, President of the NAACP New York State Conference who also addressed the audience. There were performances by the Williamsbridge NAACP Early Childhood Education Center students, Bronx YEP, International Hip-Hop Opera Singer Marie Claire and Spoken Word Poet NeNe Ali. In addition, there were tables containing information regarding black history and historic black colleges.

Black History Month is a celebration of the contributions of African Americans to American history and culture. The celebration came about when the former son of slaves and University of Chicago and Harvard-trained historian and author, Carter G. Woodson, sponsored a national Negro History week in 1926, choosing the second week of February to coincide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. President Gerald R. Ford expanded the celebration in 1976 to include the entire month of February. Since 1976, every U.S. president has officially designated the month of February as Black History Month. Other countries around the world, including Canada and the United Kingdom, also devote a month to celebrating black history.

“Ultimately, celebrating the black community needs to be a part of all of our daily routines and not reserved just for the month of February,” Council Member King said. He noted that plans are under way to host three more “Celebrating Our History” programs later this year.

To see more pictures, visit Council Member King's Facebook fan page or Bronx YEP Facebook Fan page.
Council Member Andy King, his wife Neva Shillingford-King, and members of Bronx YEP, present former Mayor David Dinkins with a special print of African-American legends, which features Mayor Dinkins portrait, during a “Celebrating Our History” program held at Evander Childs High School Library.
PHOTO CREDIT: Office of Council Member Andy King

Friday, February 14, 2014

Don't Videotape Your Neighbor Getting Out of The Shower

  Every now and then I come across a story like this which appeared in the Daily News Thursday. 
The story is about a man from Rochester who while on a balcony with a camera began video taping his female neighbor as she was coming out of the shower.

  Even if you’re standing in plain sight, you don’t have the right to videotape your neighbor in the shower, the state’s highest court ruled Thursday was the first sentence of the Daily News story. The News story goes on to tell how the event unfolded, and possibly why the man knew the woman was showering so that he could video tape her as she exited from the shower. The defense of being in plain sight was struck down for the argument of the right's of ones privacy. 

  The entire Daily News article has more details.

20th Annual Bronx Parks Speak-Up:

  The 20th Annual Bronx Parks Speak-Up:

  Bronx Parks: A 20/20 Vision

  Will take place on -

  Saturday February 22nd, 2014 

  From - 11am-5pm  

  At - Lehman College,   

  Faculty Dining Room of the Music Building 

  For more information, visit 
   or like them Facebook:


Thursday, February 13, 2014

BCC African American Heritage Celebration

  On Wednesday afternoon the Bronx Chamber of Commerce held its African American Heritage Celebration. Among the Honorees were NYC council members Vanessa Gibson and Andy King, Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson, business leaders Clarence Stanley of the Small Business Development Center at Lehman College, Arlington Leon Eastmond Jr. owner of the largest black owned boiler manufacturing business in New York City, Ms. April Horton of Verizon, Public Advocate Letitia James (who was unable to attend), and State Senator Ruth Hassel-Thompson who was at work in Albany. 
  Also in attendance was New York State Comptroller Tom Dinapoli, several local Bronx community board members, and various business owners and leaders from the Bronx. As usual at a Bronx Chamber of Commerce event the chamber's "Silver Eagles" were presented to the honorees. Below are a few photos of the event that will speak for themselves.


Left - Councilwoman Vanessa Gibson and New York State Comptroller Tom Dinapoli greet each other. 
Right - Dinapoli is in the center as BCC President Lenny Caro is at the mike, and Honoree Bronx DA Robert Johnson is on the other side of the comptroller.


Left - BCC President Lenny Caro opens the African American Heritage Celebration.
Right - Councilman Andy King said a few words to the crowd.


Left - BCC Chief of Staff Michelle Dolgow Cristofaro says a few words before presenting one of the BCC Silver Eagles
Right - To the left of Michelle is Ismael of Public Advocate Letitia James office, to his left is Donna the Chief of staff for State Senator Ruth Hassel-Thompson, and standing is Alexandra from the BCC.
Above - is a group photo of BCC staff, elected officials, and BCC members.

A group photo of the Honorees - with BCC President Lenny Caro and BCC Chairman Joseph Kelleher at both sides of the back row.

Two Questions for Attorney General Eric Schneiderman

 Senator Rev Ruben Diaz Has Two Questions for Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and the Elected Officials that are meeting with him

   Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Has Two Questions for those elected officials who will be meeting today with New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to ask the Attorney General about the National Puerto Rican Day Parade:

(1) Since Mr. Carlos Velasquez has served not only as the Marketing Agent for the National Puerto Rican Day Parade, but for many other parades in New York City too, what is going to happen to those other parades? Will there also be investigations to see if Carols Velasquez mismanaged their money, too?

(2) In comparison with the scandal surrounding CEO William Rapfogel's scheme to defraud the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty, were the Board Members forced to resign by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman for mismanaging their not-for-profit - or is it only National Puerto Rican Day Parade's Board that the Attorney General will forced to resign?

 Editor's note:  The Senator does have a valid point here.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Assemblyman Sepulveda Birthday Date Change

  Due to inclement weather, I have re-scheduled my birthday celebration to Thursday, February 20, 2014.  Please review updated invitation below.

I apologize for any inconvenience.  I hope to see you at the party!

You are Cordially Invited to a Birthday Celebration for:
The Honorable Luis R. Sepulveda
Due to the inclement weather the new date is:
Thursday, February 20th
F&J Pine Restuarant
1973 Bronxdale Ave, Bronx NY
6:30 PM

Suggested Contribution: $100
Payable to Sepulveda for Assembly
Oshrie Zak, Treasurer
Sepulveda for Assembly
881 Gerard Ave, Bronx, NY 10452

To contribute online please Click Here.

Please RSVP to Thomas Musich at (201)-315-2295 or

Derek Jeter to Hang up the Spikes After the 2014 Season
  In an announcement on his Facebook page New York Yankee shortstop Derek Jeter has said that he will retire from baseball after the 2014 season is over. Jeter came up to the Yankees in 1995, and will be entering his 20th season as a major league player, and New York Yankee. 1995 was the same year that ace Yankee reliever/closer Mariano Rivera also started with the New York Yankees. Rivera retired after the 2013 season. It is interesting that Rivera sat out the previous year to his retirement due to an injury, as Jeter has sat out the previous season to his announcement due to an injury. Jeter will be 40 on June 26th.

  The baseball career of Derek Jeter spans 19 seasons with the Yankees, with 2014 being season #20. Jeter has a career batting average of .312, on base percentage of .381, and 3316 base hits currently which places him #9 on the all time hits list. Jeter is just 3 hits behind #8 Paul Molitor, 99 hits behind #7 Honus Wagner, and 103 hits behind #6 Carl Yastrzemski all of which can be reached if Jeter plays a full season. Next on the all time hit list is # 5 Tris Speaker 198 hits away, which Jeter should not be able to catch in his last season. Derek Jeter has had over 200 hits in only 2 of his last 6 seasons.