Monday, February 24, 2014

Thousands of Schools in New York Without Carbon Monoxide Detectors, Potential Tragedy Looms for Millions of k-12 Students

  Assemblyman Marcos Crespo Calls on Governor to Amend School Technology Bonding Proposal and Fund Monoxide Detector Installations in over 6,500 Schools Statewide

  Today, Assemblyman Marcos A. Crespo called on Governor Cuomo to take affirmative action and provide school districts across New York State with the funding needed to retrofit schools with carbon monoxide (CO) detectors.  "Last December, Governor Cuomo signed into law legislation I authored which called on the State Education Department to study how to fund the retrofitting of our schools with carbon monoxide (CO) detectors. That study is due by the end of July of this year. However, it is my strong belief that we can not wait for a report and then wait longer to take action on this real and deadly threat to our children and school staff," stated Crespo.

According to Crespo, "Two weeks ago 30 children in Springfield, Minnesota had to be taken to a hospital emergency room because of a carbon monoxide leak in their school. This weekend the same poison gas killed a restaurant manager and injured 27 others.  On June 18, 2013, the same day the Legislature passed my legislation (A.7433-A), an elementary school in Yonkers was evacuated due to a carbon monoxide leak. This past October, a Long Island elementary school needed to be evacuated as well due to the release of this poison."

The leak was discovered by accident when the local fire department responded to a natural gas leak in the school.  "A potential horrible tragedy was prevented. However, almost 3.3 million k-12 students in New York attend school buildings without a monoxide detector.  This should shock every parent into pushing school officials and the State Education Department in immediate action," stated Crespo.

"Just a few weeks before Governor Cuomo signed Assembly Bill 7433-A into law, another school in New York had to be evacuated due to a carbon monoxide leak. It is clear to me that our children are in imminent danger and a tragedy is on the horizon. That is why I introduced three separate bills in 2013 on this issue.  

One bill required immediate funding for school districts for the installation of carbon monoxide (CO) detectors (A3572). The other required school districts to include the cost of such installation when they bond for athletic field and building improvements (A7247).  "Each year dozens of school districts borrow money for such improvements. Adding the relatively small cost for retrofitting their schools with carbon monoxide detectors is a practical and common sense approach at a time when school officials are concerned with 'unfunded mandates,'" stated Crespo.

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas which can cause nausea, headaches and dizziness. If it is allowed to build up in enclosed spaces, it can be deadly. Carbon monoxide (CO) detectors represent an inexpensive and effective way to protect against carbon monoxide poisoning, especially in children, who unlike adults, have higher respiratory rates until they reach adulthood.

Crespo stated, "We have over 4,200 public schools and another 2,500 private school buildings in New York State that were built prior to a 2007 law that required all new schools to have carbon monoxide detectors installed. We have been fortunate that a tragedy has not occurred sooner." He added, "This winter's severe cold weather has required our schools heating systems to be on overdrive and the potential for a carbon monoxide leak has increased. It is clear we can no longer wait for the report on funding options required by my legislation."

"I urge the Governor to take advantage of the current budget negotiations to address this critically important and life-impacting problem for our children and families," Crespo asserted.

These schools buildings house over 3 million school-age children daily during every academic school year. All these schools operate on fossil fuels which produce carbon monoxide (CO) as a byproduct of combustion.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), every year, some 500 Americans die from carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning and over 20,000 have to be treated for carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning.  "Immediate action is needed to protect our children from such exposure while in school," declared Crespo. "Everyone recognizes that carbon monoxide kills if not responded to immediately. The most serious characteristic of carbon monoxide (CO) is that, unlike smoke or natural gas, it is virtually undetectable, even when someone is awake and alert."

Sunday, February 23, 2014

20th Annual Bronx Parks Speak Out - A 20/20 Vision

  There were hundreds of people who came from all over the Bronx to be a part of the 20th Annual Bronx Parks Speak out. You were first treated to a roomful of tables by local Bronx organizations who wanted you to know just who they were and about their group. Lunch was then served to you, and you were able to sit down with many of the exhibitors for more details on them and their cause.
   After lunch Mr. Dart Westphal (of the Bronx Council for Environmental Quality) welcomed you, and gave a brief history of how the Bronx Parks Speak Out came about. He mentioned the different hosts of the event over the years including himself who hosted the first Bronx Parks Speak Out. He then introduced the first panel for a discussion about Pelham Bay Park.
   Ms. Karen Argenti also a host of previous events took over for Mr. Westphal as she introduced Mr. Angel Hernandez of the Bronx Historical Society. Mr. Hernandez spoke about the "Greening of the Bronx" about how many of the parks came about to be. After this presentation Ms. Joyce Hogie another past host of this event introduced the second panel discussion on "Waterfront Access". 
  After the second of three panel discussion was over the audience broke out into three workshops. 
When the workshops were over the third panel discussion which included Councilman Andrew Cohen and Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz spoke about the Northwest Bronx.
  I must say that in the second panel discussion there seemed to be a theme of "Anti Fresh Direct" who has been given government subsidiaries to relocate in the Community Board 1 area along the waterfront. 

Left - As mentioned above this was the Boycott fresh Direct table.
Right - The BCEQ table with I.C. Levenberg (left) & Evan Camp.

Left - Community Board 11 member Bob Bieder is at the table for the Friends of Pelham Bay Park maned by Al Perez & Dan Clay.
Right - Community Board 8 member Laura Spalter is by the "Save The Putnam Trail" table maned by Matt Turov & Debbi Dolan.

Left - Natalie, Griseldai, Raimnunde, and Chris of the Friends of Van Cortklandt Park.
Right - A photo of the crowd. Click on any photo to make it larger.

Left - A map of the parks in the Bronx.
Right - Mr. Dart Westphal welcoming everyone to the 20th Annual Bronx Parks Speak Out.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda 50th Birthday Celebration

   It was scheduled for last week, but had to be postponed because of all the snow. However the celebration  still went on a week later. Family and friends gathered at the Pines on Bronxdale Avenue to help Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda celebrate his 50th birthday. This however was also a fundraising Birthday party for Assemblyman Sepulveda since in a few short months he and all the other members of state government will be up for re-election.
 Assemblyman Sepulveda is a charter member of "TEAM DIAZ" made up of State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr., Assemblyman Marcos Crespo, and Assemblyman Louis Sepulveda. TEAM DIAZ includes the District Leaders from the 85th and 87th Assembly Districts.
   Assemblyman Sepulveda recently announced that he is sponsoring legislation in the assembly called "Luisito's Law" which State Senate Co-Leader Jeff Klein will introduce in the state senate. So you can see that Assemblyman Sepulveda has become one of the rising stars in Bronx politics.
  Assemblyman Sepulveda has also earned the watchful eye of Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Carl Heastie who also attended the event. In an election year like two years ago it is expected that the words "The Bronx Democratic County Organization endorses all our incumbent elected state officials" will come from the mouth of Chairman Heastie. It may be that the big birthday surprise may have been one of the guests at Assemblyman Sepulveda's party as you will see in the photo below.
Here are 77th A.D. Male District Leader Benny Cataia (who should become the next assemblyman from the now vacant 77th A. D.), 80th A.D. Male District Leader Kenny Agosto, !5th City Councilwoman Vanessa Gibson (the former 77th Assemblywoman from the 77th A.D.), and 85th A.D. Assemblyman Marcos Crespo enjoying Assemblyman Sepulveda's Birthday Party. 
Here is Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda with what appears to be his choice to run against the current incumbent 33rd State Senator - Bronx Councilman Fernando Cabrera helps Assemblyman Sepulveda celebrate his Birthday. Could it be that the two will be celebrating Cabrera's victory in the 33rd State Senate race soon? 

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Highlights ‘New Bronx,’ Over $5.7 Billion in Total Development Since 2009

  Today, before a packed house at Hostos Community College, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. delivered his fifth annual “State of the Borough” address, highlighting his continued agenda for a “New Bronx” as well as the growth of the borough since he was first elected in 2009.

   As in the past Deputy Bronx Borough president Aurelia Greene opened the program. Ms. Maria Vassallo (of host Hostos College) sang the National Anthem, Rabba Sara Hurwitz (of the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale) gave the invocaton, and Felix Matos President of Hostos College welcomed those in the audience to his institute. 

    After the honored guests were introduced Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. came out to give his 5th State of the Borough Address. In previous State of the Borough addresses Diaz spoke of "One Bronx", but today the theme of the speech was the "New Bronx". 

    As BP Diaz went through the accomplishments on the big screen next to him people saw photos of what he was talking about. The Kingsbridge Armory project brought up former New York Ranger Mark Messier who is a big part of transforming the armory into the Kingsbridge National Ice Center. As Diaz spoke of the new golf course in Ferry Point a photo of Diaz and Donald Trump (who will oversee the golf course) came up. this continued as Diaz mentioned item after item. 

    When it came to education Diaz said that changes are coming, and that it is a new day after 12 years of an education system that dictated from the penthouse. he said that it is time for Mayor de Blasio and Governor Cuomo to come together on the issue of Pre-K.

  Other key statements were "Planning with a Purpose", the 'Diaz Doctrine", and "Think different...Think the Bronx", referring to the new ideas he has. 

   Next was the changing image of the Bronx, as Diaz showed how even foreign countries are no longer looking at the Bronx as it was, but as it now is while articles and various different countries were shown, past and now present. He mentioned the history of the Bronx, and how different peoples came to form the "Great Bronx Melting Pot".

  Diaz finished his State of the Borough with these words. “They will look back and see a time when the people of this borough—regardless of race, gender, creed, sexual orientation—came together with a common cause, a common dream, and worked as ‘One Bronx’ to develop the ‘New Bronx.’ Our Bronx.    
 The National Anthem sung by Ms. Maria Vassallo (of host Hostos College)
 The invocation by Rabba Sara Hurwitz (of the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale)
BP Diaz during the State of the Bronx address.

Left - After the speech BP Diaz spoke to some of the attendees, like Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer.
Right - Diaz talks to former Bronx Assemblyman Steve Kaufman.



  On Wednesday, the office of New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer settled a pre-litigation claim for $6.4 million with David Ranta.  Ranta filed a claim against New York City in May 2013 for damages related to his wrongful conviction and imprisonment of over 22 years for the 1990 murder of Rabbi Chaskel Werzberger. 

“After a review process and negotiations, my office was able to reach a settlement with Mr. Ranta that is in the best interests of all parties and closes the door on a truly regrettable episode in our City’s history.  I am pleased that my office was able to move quickly to resolve this claim.”

Under Chapter 5, Section 93 of the New York City Charter, the Comptroller has the authority to settle any claims against the City.

Wave Hill Events March 7–March 14

  Wave Hill is as much a place for absorbing—the world of nature, the world within oneself—as it is for self-expression. For most of us, the time for both comes on weekends, when there is time and space, we hope, for a deep inhale and exhale. See what I mean this weekend, with a birding walk, a magnificent piano duo in performance in Armor Hall, a family-focused Family Art Project suited to all generations or a quiet spell of tai chi, yoga or meditation. Can you afford not to come?

Make a family album featuring your family’s global roots and the branches of your lineage. See and sketch trees from around the world and make a collaged, hand-made book of your sketches, bound with a found twig. Bring family photos, if you like, to adorn your album. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.

Quiet like a mountain, moving like a river, Tai Chi is a sequence of gentle movements based on images found in nature. In this beginner-level class, Irving Yee, a member of the William CC Chen Tai Chi School, introduces students to the internal martial arts and promotes an awareness of its benefits. March sessions are held indoors. Session fee: $25/$15 Wave Hill Member. Register online and, day of, onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center. (Reservations may not be made by telephone.) Online registration closes at 8AM on the day of the session. Cancellations must be made by 3PM the Friday before; after that, refunds will not be made.  Drops-ins will be accommodated as the limited space permits. Participants must present a Member’s ID card or a printed program registration form at the front gate.

Trellises perform double-duty by supporting rambling vines and serving as ornamental garden features. With master carpenter and Wave Hill Director of Facilities Frank Perrone as your guide, construct your own vertical trellis to spruce up a wall indoors or out (vines optional). No previous carpentry skills required. Space is limited. $60/$50 Wave Hill Member. Registration required, online at, onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center or by calling 718.549.3200 x251.

Gain insight into Winter Workspace artist Whitney Artell’s creative process and explore the winter landscape as a source of inspiration.  The artist will show examples of natural imagery in textiles. Participants will then use recycled materials to create compositions that examine the relationship between pattern, texture and materiality.  The greenhouse and grounds of Wave Hill will serve as direct inspiration for these pieces. Art materials are provided unless otherwise noted. Workshops are open to all visitors ages 12 and over when accompanied by an adult. Registration required, online at, onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center or by calling 718.549.3200 x251. Free with admission to the grounds.

Naturalist Gabriel Willow contributes his extensive knowledge of diverse bird species and their behavior on these captivating walks through the gardens and woodlands. Observe the plants, insects and habitats at Wave Hill that make it an appealing destination for a wide variety of birds. Ages 10 and older welcome with an adult. Birders of all levels welcome! Severe weather cancels. Free with admission to the grounds. (NYC Audubon Members enjoy two-for-one admission.) Registration recommended, online at, onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center or by calling 718.549,3200 x251.

Make a family album featuring your family’s global roots and the branches of your lineage. See and sketch trees from around the world and make a collaged, hand-made book of your sketches, bound with a found twig. Bring family photos, if you like, to adorn your album. Free with admission to the grounds.

Reduce stress, increase your energy and bring strength and flexibility to mind, body and spirit with a yoga practice. Classes are led by Yoga for Bliss director Neem Dewji and other certified instructors. Ms. Dewji is certified in Hatha and Therapeutic Yoga from The Yoga for Health Foundation, England, and The Integral Yoga Institute, NYC. All levels welcome. Sessions are held indoors until May. Session fee: $25/$15 Wave Hill Member. Register online and, day of, onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center. (Reservations may not be made by telephone.) Online registration closes at 8AM on the day of the session. Cancellations must be made by 3PM the Friday before; after that, refunds will not be made.  Drops-ins will be accommodated as the limited space permits. Participants must present a Member’s ID card or a printed program registration form at the front gate.

This spring, take a moment to release stress and reconnect with your inner self while practicing meditation. Each session includes instruction in simple techniques followed by 20 to 30 minutes of meditation. Classes are led by Yoga for Bliss director Neem Dewji and other certified instructors. All levels welcome. Sessions are held indoors. Session fee: $25/$15 Wave Hill Member. Register online and, day of, onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center. (Reservations may not be made by telephone.) Online registration closes at 8AM on the day of the session. Cancellations must be made by 3PM the Friday before; after that, refunds will not be made. Drops-ins will be accommodated as the limited space permits. Participants must present a Member’s ID card or a printed program registration form at the front gate.

Stellar pianists Soyeon Kate Lee and Ran Dank offer a concert of solo and duo works that includes a four-hand arrangement of Stravinsky’s landmark Rite of Spring. Reviewing the duo’s recent performance of this work at Le Poisson Rouge, The New York Times declared it was “a tour-de-force account of the stunning piano piece.” One hour, no intermission. General Admission Tickets $32, $28 Senior, $18 child (ages 7 to 18); Wave Hill Members $22; child $12. Order online, onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center or by calling 718.549.3200 x251.

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free with admission to the grounds.

Closed to the public.

A 28-acre public garden and cultural center overlooking the Hudson River  and Palisades, Wave Hill’s mission is to celebrate the artistry and legacy of its gardens and landscape, to preserve its magnificent views, and to explore human connections to the natural world through programs in horticulture, education and the arts.

HOURS  Open all year, Tuesday through Sunday and many major holidays: 9AM—4:30PM. Closes 5:30PM, March 15October 31.  
ADMISSION  $8 adults, $4 students and seniors 65+, $2 children 6—18. Free Saturday mornings until noon. Free all day on Tuesdays in March. Free to Wave Hill Members and children under 6.

PROGRAM FEES  Programs are free with admission to the grounds unless otherwise noted.

Visitors to Wave Hill can take advantage of Metro-North’s one-day getaway offer. Purchase a discount round-trip rail far and discount admission to the gardens. More at

DIRECTIONS – Getting here is easy! Located only 3o minutes from midtown Manhattan, Wave Hill’s free shuttle van transports you to and from our front gate and Metro-North’s Riverdale station, as well as the 242nd Street stop on the #1 subway line. Limited onsite parking is available for $8 per vehicle. Free offsite parking is available nearby with continuous, complimentary shuttle service to and from the offsite lot and our front gate. Complete directions and shuttle bus schedule at

Information at 718.549.3200. On the web at

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sen. Jeff Klein and Luis Sepulveda Announce Anti-Gun Legislation

  In the pouring rain State Senator Jeff Klein and Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda announced new legislation they will propose in the state senate and state assembly that would stiffen jail sentences for gunmen who injure a child or discharge a firearm near playgrounds and schools called "Luisito's Law".
  This legislation has come about after 3 year old Luis Oyola Jr was shot by a stray bullet while playing in Vidalia Park. Luckily, the brave toddler survived the August 30, 2013 shooting after being rushed from the park to St. Barnabas Hospital.
   Klein and Assemblyman Sepulveda, who are proposing legislation that would toughen minimum sentencing requirements for anyone who discharges a weapon near a playground, children’s park or school and/or injures a child under 10-years-old. Under “Luisito’s Law,” named for Oyola, Jr., who was struck by a stray bullet in the arm, a class E felony assault charge would become a higher class D felony. The little boy's shooter would have faced a minimum 5-to-25 years behind bars if this law existed instead of 1 ½-to-4 years on an assault charge.
  Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda lives two blocks away from where the shooting took place. He said that he and his wife often bring their two year old son to this park where the shooting occurred.  Senator Klein said that he was not going to allow our playgrounds to become shooting galleries. 
  On hand was Councilwoman Maria Del Carmen Arroyo who said that she had just picked up this area in the latest redistricting, and agrees 100 percent with Senator Klein and Assemblyman Sepulveda on this legislation. Also speaking was Councilman Fernando Cabrera who chairs the City Council Juvenile Justice Committee, and Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. Senator Diaz said that he will co-sponser this legislation in the State Senate. Diaz made it a point to add that more people like Senator Jeff Klein are needed in the State Senate.

 Left - Senator Klein opens the discussion as to why "Luisito's Law" was being proposed.
Right - Assemblyman Sepulveda is saying how he lives only two blocks from the park where the shooting took place, and that he and his wife bring their two year old son to this same park to enjoy. 


Left - As he stands on the side, the grandmother of Luis Oyola Jr. tells of the nightmare that she went through. She hopes that this legislation will prevent others from going through the same horror.
Right - Councilman Cabrera speaks about the importance of the law, and that the parks and playgrounds need to be safe for our children. 



  New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer presented his office’s analysis of New York City’s Preliminary Fiscal Year 2015 budget in the context of the local and national economies at the Municipal Building in Lower Manhattan. 

“We are at a moment of great transition in our City,” Stringer said.  “Mayor de Blasio’s Preliminary Fiscal Year 2015 Budget strikes a prudent balance between funding vital programs while putting aside money for future needs. However, we still face some big unknowns that must be resolved between now and the end of the fiscal year on June 30th.”
As the City’s Chief Fiscal Officer, the Comptroller has a charter-mandated duty to comment on the financial condition of New York.  Today’s analysis focused on the economic and fiscal trends affecting the City such as weak wage growth, bright spots in the local economy – including the city’s burgeoning tech sector – and the importance of resolving more than 150 expired labor contracts.
“Negotiating contracts with the City’s workforce is a complex and daunting task, but it is critical that we resolve these contracts if we are going to achieve real balance,” Stringer said. “We have always faced budget challenges in this city and we have overcome those challenges by working together.  I am confident that we will find ways to keep the City growing, ensure workers are compensated fairly and maintain New York’s status as the greatest city in the world.”
Stringer noted that unlike most years, the budget was balanced for FY 2015 prior to the release of the Preliminary Budget, which allowed Mayor de Blasio to prudently set aside new revenue – $1 billion into the Retiree Health Benefits Trust Fund, and $300 million to the general reserve.  The budget also provides for important new policy initiatives, including a municipal ID system, relieving NYCHA of the burden of paying for its own police protection and capping rental costs for those with HIV/AIDS who live in city-supported housing.
Stringer presented ten strategies for discussion that could potentially generate revenue or create the savings needed to support our budgetary needs:
1.    Restoring revenue sharing to New York City
2.    Collecting education funds due to the City under the Campaign for Fiscal Equity
3.    Drawing down federal Medicaid funds for special education services
4.    Claiming New York City’s share of the $8 billion federal Medicaid waiver
5.    Producing agency savings from efficiencies that don’t reduce services or hurt vulnerable populations
6.    Achieving savings through productivity and benefit reforms including health care costs
7.    Reforming tax expenditures
8.    Generating additional savings in FY15 debt service through aggressive refinancing
9.    Recognizing FY14 resources from prior year payables that are not needed
10.  Realizing savings from ending the budget dance and member item reform.